
Faerie Tale Quotes

Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist

"The best thing Andersen could do would be to invest in one of those new Toro grass cutters, with all the fancy bells and whistles, and put this old machine out to rust."
"Barney absently took a sharpener to the blades while he pondered."
"Just deciding where each item should go seemed a Sisyphean task."
"The old stories of twins and their empathic link had seemed folktales to her before giving birth, but now she conceded that there was something there out of the ordinary, a closeness beyond what was expected of siblings."
"He hadn't thought of Meggie McCorly since he'd immigrated to America, back in '38."
"Without moving his head, without taking his gaze from the door, Barney lifted the bottle to the side of his mouth and began to drink."
"Phil said, 'Look, honey, it will only take a week or two more, then the barn will be fixed and we can see about leasing some horses. Then you and the boys can go riding whenever you want.'"
"'It's all pretty technical and probably pretty boring.' He looked embarrassed."
"The woods have a fair reputation for odd goings-on."
"The fullness of Gabbie's beauty could be realized only by a slow journey through pain and anguish, torment and hopelessness, ending with blood and death."
"I can hardly remember what she looks like, except for pictures of her, and that's not the same."
"He brews magic in a cave and woe unto him who breaks the spell before it's done."
"No, I did see the play and remember your performance quite well."
"You've a lot of property. It could take some time. Besides, it's only a story."
"For some reason the talk of buried treasure and haunted woods had made her uncomfortable."
"True to Jack's promise, Agatha Grant was an exceptional cook."
"Barney fits my longing for simpler times, when all you had was the local fix-it shop."
"Irish lore, like most in Europe, has been 'frozen' by the printing press."
"There are three days supposedly special to fairies: May first, June twenty-fourth, and November first."
"In the Irish tradition, the fairies move from place to place on those two days."
"I try to hide it sometimes. You. ... I guess I trust you."
"You could transfer to Fredonia. I might still be able to get accepted into the program at UC San Diego."
"This is a night of power and celebration according to legend."
"I could develop a serious case of like for you, Jack Cole."
"Fireflies, boys. You think this is something? One good rain and there'll be thousands of them out there."
"I've never seen her like this with a boy before."
"Times change and one must go where there's work. That's truth."
"Pumping iron was nothing next to forging iron."
"In less than three months I'll be back in California."
"Damn, I'm no child to be afraid because a guy turns me on."
"The strongest, most robust man she had known—her father—had died of cancer."
"Being at the studios fifteen hours a day makes for strangers, not families."
"The truth was that Sean was just average in many of the areas Patrick was outstanding."
"The human sight could not apprehend its passage, despite its speed."
"The coming night would be colder for that knowledge."
"Don't let this thing scare you. Once you get used to it, you'll throw rocks at your old typewriter."
"Of course you can, you silly man. I'm going to die one of these years and I'd rather you had it than the state of New York."
"If the bloom is to be lost, then it shall not wither, it shall be plucked."
"Love was a giving thing and this was a taking, a ripping away of something precious."
"Desire fled as, in that instant, pleasure turned to pain."
"I swear if I get my hands on that animal, I'll kill him."
"Something happened, but... it wasn't what they think."
"Most people don't. I don't practice, but I have my Ph.D. in abnormal psychology and a license from the state of New York which says I'm a shrink."
"Smells are pretty basic, stronger than you'd imagine."
"Sex is a pretty heavy experience in any case."
"Every once in a while we'll meet someone who just makes us go batty without our knowing the first thing about him or her."
"It's overwhelming and it doesn't make sense."
"It's not uncommon for victims to get confused and lose sight of what's reasonable and what isn't."
"There is no 'right' way to feel about this sort of thing."
"Just make sure you're straight with yourself about how you do feel at the moment."
"If someone was after Gabbie's money, there'd be a thousand more likely ploys."
"Curiosity." Then he grinned. "And maybe I'll drop Ellen and give Jack a run for his money — make that her money."
"But I'll bet you a dinner in town that you'll find no Wayland Smith in White Horse, New York."
"Rape is not a sex thing, it's assault. It's a power trip; a rapist wants total domination over women."
"All he succeeded in doing was turning himself in circles and bouncing off rocks."
"He felt himself being lifted up, and his nose was filled with the stink of rotting meat."
"The boy vomited, his stomach constricting in terror."
"Patrick felt the water hit him, tugging him free of the Bad Thing's grasp."
"He felt consciousness slipping away as fatigue, pain, and terror took their toll."
"The water pulled him under again and sharp claws tore at the child's flesh."
"Trying to keep his head, he struggled against the stream, but in vain."
"He was seized and lifted, and for a moment lightning illuminated the area."
"Pain revisited him as claws once more seized his arms, cutting him cruelly."
"A lot of things look worse than they are until you clean them up."
"As the little boy climbed into the backseat of his mother's station wagon, he considered this."
"Despite the terror he felt in contemplating the Bad Thing under the bridge, he felt a strange sense of fate."
"All is not revealed to you, Mark Blackman. Know that what was done was done by another's hand."
"I serve another, one who would prevent such harm to the girl and others like her and so becomes your benefactor."
"Now you are in my debt, lore keeper. Forget."
"For the first time in his life, Mark was truly terrified."
"You don't really know how scary those woods can be until you get turned around in the dark out there."
"The other night, when we were all out running around, Jack was elf-shot."
"We've got to dig out some things from a lot of garbage."
"Well, you were pretty good company for a lot of years, Hemingway."
"And if he finds anything else, anywhere on your property, tell him. . . . It's very important that he doesn't touch anything."
"I wonder what that's supposed to mean. Germany? I thought he was in New York all this time."
"We met him at a reception in New York, in '66, I think. It was some charity thing."
"With five people living in this house, why isn't it humanly possible to get messages...?"
"Because if I'd stayed at Aggie's, Gabbie'd have waited until the last minute to collect me, and I know how she drives, too."
"But this is where they wash out the students they don't think can cut it, the final culling of the herd."
"I think tomorrow I buy an answering machine."
"I'll call Darren in the morning and have him start looking up laws on property rights or mineral rights or salvage rights or whatever the hell else it is that applies here."
"I don't know what half these coins are, but I recognize a few."
"It was a mean and stinging wind, sucking warmth from the body when it struck."
"Putting aside his disquiet, he softly called his brother's name."
"You weren't asleep," replied his brother, refusing to allow Patrick the opportunity to cast blame.
"Sean didn't answer. He had lain awake while his brother had the dozing dream."
"There's nothing worse than being called 'wimp,' 'spaz,' or 'nerd' by your classmates."
"The wind outside heralded something approaching, getting closer by the minute."
"Sean's eyes snapped open and his little heart pounded as he sensed the impending arrival of something terrible."
"Softly, with a voice like a thousand whispers, the man spoke. 'Two.' It was a hot summer night's breeze giving voice to a word and that word was despair."
"The dark man moved to stand in the middle of the room, his face almost but, maddeningly, not quite seen."
"Sean screamed. Beyond anything he would have dreamed possible, he screamed, a sound to pierce the soul."
"Gloria kept her eyes upon the emergency room, where strangers worked quickly to save her children, but her mind's eye kept seeing a remembered image."
"Phil leaned against the railing of the bed. He looked down at his little boy's face, and in Sean's face he saw Patrick's."
"I didn't become a doctor so I could watch my patients die."
"I know he's just a kid, but... it's like he was ready to... It's impossible. But... something's not right."
"I want to call in a specialist. Who's the best?... Michael Bergman, down at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. He's done more work in odd brain dysfunction than anyone."
"Don't fuck with me, Helen. My little brother is very sick and I want John on this line in sixty seconds, or you can start looking for a new job in sixty-one. Clear?"
"According to my brain response imager... your son doesn't have a brain."