
311 Pelican Court Quotes

311 Pelican Court by Debbie Macomber

"Why should she go easy on Zach or walk away from their marriage without one hell of a fight?"
"Now that the divorce was final, Rosie and Zach would have to figure out some kind of living arrangements."
"If you were sincere, you would’ve had second thoughts about sleeping with that slut."
"I thought we were here to discuss this divorce decree?"
"I don’t want you bringing that woman into the family home."
"Sweat dripped down Grace Sherman’s face, and the intense heat of the mid-July afternoon plastered her T-shirt to her skin."
"Despite all the books she’d taken out on home maintenance, she wasn’t much good at renovations and repairs."
"Given the least bit of encouragement, Cliff would ask me to marry him."
"Her sister had warned her there’d be days she’d feel as big as the Goodyear blimp."
"This pregnancy hadn’t been planned, and she’d tried to hide the fact that she was pregnant from the father—not a smart move on her part but a desperate one."
"Nothing in the world could compare to this feeling. This wonderful sense of triumph, of joy, of love."
"They’d have to learn to share their daughter. To work together. To put their own wants and needs aside—to put Katie’s first."
"A mother’s love and care, especially in the early stages of child development, was vital."
"Life is never the same, but gradually we adjust. Every year’s a little easier."
"You’re the one who wanted it like this. I’m only going along with your wishes."
"She wasn’t upset as much as she was worried. "Jon’s never had Katie before…. I’m afraid she’ll miss me. It wasn’t supposed to be like this."
"She could see Vashon Island in the distance, and the view of Mount Rainier, majestic and serene beyond the island, was stunning enough to make her heart skip."
"I must’ve been in the shower," he explained, "or on the balcony."
"Maryellen’s anxiety had been for nothing. She felt embarrassed about rushing out to rescue her daughter."
"There didn’t seem to be anything Jon Bowman couldn’t master."
"Jon had painted a zoo scene on one wall. Giraffes and elephants, zebras and monkeys appeared in a variety of realistic poses."
"Her husband was dead and she’d lived without him for a long while and yet she couldn’t get used to his absence."
"Once a week, she’d go off to aerobics class with Olivia. Dan hadn’t liked having her gone, but he’d never asked her to stay home."
"I’ll think about it," was in every mother’s repertoire."
"Grace Sherman is here for her twelve-thirty appointment."
"Before he—before he killed himself, he wrote me a letter."
"How do you do it?" she asked softly. "How do you know the precise moment to catch a woman’s heart?"
"Why do you have to be so wonderful?" she sobbed.
"I won’t keep you, then," Janice said with obvious reluctance.
"I mean, I did, after my divorce. It was such a hard time emotionally and I wanted you to know that I understand those feelings."
"Allison knew the rules, and Rule Number One was no boys in my daughter’s bedroom."
"It's the truth." Charlotte nodded stubbornly.
"What brings you to a movie all alone in the middle of a Saturday afternoon?" he asked—as if he didn't already know.
"Yes, and if you haven't figured that out by now, you haven't been paying attention."
"This looks so good." Olivia pulled out the chair across from her and surveyed the feast.
"You're not a bad mother, you're just a new mother," Jon told her confidently.
"I'll change churches. It looks like Eddie's already got a friend here."
"My most important job now is to be a good father to my children," Zach said.
"Are you going to argue with me, or are you going to accept some heartfelt advice and do what I suggest?"
"No good could come of disrupting lives now. His secret was safe with her."
"She knew it was absurd to think their daily communications meant anything."
"Most nights she rushed home from work and hurried to log on to the computer because she knew he’d be waiting for her."
"Grace enjoyed talking to Will so much that she didn’t want to feel guilty about this one small pleasure."
"Maybe, if she took this trip, her daughters would finally stop worrying and begin to acknowledge her independence."
"Their daughter was awake and happy, waving her arms and making delighted sounds, obviously enjoying the out-of-doors."
"She barely recognized herself in the mirror, but she liked the change."
"As far as Kelly was concerned, Dan was about as perfect as a father could be."
"If she’d needed anything to prove how strongly she felt about him, these last two days had done exactly that."
"Accepting Cliff’s invitation had encouraged the relationship, and that had been wrong for both of them."
"Dad’s been so busy lately, he’s worried that you’ve given up on him,"
"He admired the fact that you refused until your divorce was final."
"Her self-esteem had been in tatters, and then along came this handsome rancher who courted her with gentleness and humor."
"Cliff was like Buttercup. He was big and warm and friendly and there when she needed him."
"Grace shouldn’t be this happy, but joy filled her. She felt like a teenager all over again—a teenager head over heels in love."
"Snow in December was perfect. It made her want to rush home and bake gingerbread cookies and string popcorn."
"If he drove drunk, she phoned the police; if he fell down on the floor too drunk to get up, she left him there."
"By the grace of God, hadn’t touched a drop since."
"I rely on you, too," her fingers raced to tell him."
"Olivia was disappointed; they’d hardly seen each other in weeks."
"I’d hate to slap a fine on you for denying the truth."
"My grandchildren are the most perfect, beautiful grandchildren in the entire universe."
"It felt good to get out, to be part of the annual Christmas-shopping experience."
"I like the Beldons," she said in a firm voice. "I think all four of us could become friends."
"Promise for next year?" she asked, when he’d kissed her farewell.
"It dawned on her then that she hadn’t heard from him all day."
"Christmas had been a miserable affair for Rosie."
"Allison gave me a list I’m supposed to share with you."
"I liked your gift, too. No one’s ever knit me socks before."
"I’m sorry, Stan, but you’re sixteen years too late."
"She’d wanted to make sure he wasn’t marrying her just because of the baby."
"The judge told them they needed to think it through before they rushed into a divorce."
"I wish you’d invited Dad," Justine told Olivia privately in the kitchen while scraping the dinner dishes.
"I guess earning the money to buy her own computer is exactly what Allison needed."
"She’s a very nice girl," Cecilia assured him. "I’m not having any trouble with her."
"Because of her baby," Allison said. "Her baby’s name was Allison, too."
"Damn it all, this was exactly the atmosphere Roy loved. He wanted to close his eyes, breathe in the scent of stale coffee, the sounds of cops at work."
"Roy was walking a tightrope, though. Officially he’d been employed by Grace Sherman and more recently Bob Beldon. His first priority was to look after his clients’ interests."
""I could do that, but I’d hate to see you miss out on the fun of the chase. You might want to start with Russell, though.""
""Four men, four lives, each marked by that afternoon. Roy had located Samuels, who’d remained in the military and had a distinguished record of service. Of the four, he seemed the least affected by the events in Nam."
"Roy walked out of the office and through the department. He’d thought hard about this visit. He wouldn’t betray Beldon’s trust, but there was certain information he could no longer withhold."
""New Orleans was one of the most romantic cities in the world, and the thought of being there with Will sent her heart spinning."
""It’s hard for me to get time away from the library without several weeks’ notice," she typed."
""My mother and this newfound friend of hers have decided to stage a demonstration." Olivia frowned. "I don’t know much about this Ben character, do you?""
""You know my mother! Personally I think it’s Ben Rhodes who put the idea in her head. In any event, Mom’s convinced this is what our community needs."
""I was sure I was going to love you the first time we met," Cliff said. "My admiration for you grew every time we talked. You handled the situation with your missing husband honorably, refusing to get involved with me until the divorce was final."
""Go to bed," Jon told her. "There’s no reason for us both to be up."
""We talk, you know?" She looked up, as if she expected Rosie to object."
""The other staff members didn’t like her, either.""
""So how’s everything at the office?" Rosie asked as nonchalantly as she could."
"I just came to introduce myself and to thank you for being Allison’s friend."
"Indulging in regrets left her feeling depressed, and she was working hard to get past those negative emotions."
"Words like wicked and righteous and mad don’t seem to mean what I thought they did."
"We were in the army together—that was years ago."
"No matter how many times you ask the question, I can only answer it one way."
"That’s what I wanted to know?" she repeated. Then she realized her ex-husband was worried that she’d find out what great pains he’d taken to hide the truth from her all these weeks."
"The last time she spoke to her father, he told her he was leaving town."
"No wonder the nightmare had come that night. His subconscious had made some connection, and he’d been swept into the churning memories the nightmare induced."
"I can always tell when something’s troubling you by looking at your fingernails."
"I’d love to have a baby. I’m telling you, Maryellen, that biological clock of mine is getting louder than Big Ben."
"You know," Rachel said suddenly. "Here’s a thought. You could always ask him if there’s someone else."