
Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is The Key To Unlocking Your Greatness Quotes

Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is The Key To Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King

"Stop trying to impress people. Impress yourself. Stretch yourself. Test yourself. Be the best version of you that you can be."
"Greatness isn’t a one-dimensional term. It cannot exist without purpose, love, selflessness, humility, appreciation, kindness and, of course – our highest priority as human beings – happiness."
"The Universe responds to your vibration. It will return whatever energy you put out."
"Change the way you think, feel, speak, and act, and you begin to change your world."
"Drama is for TV, not for real life. Don’t play a part in someone else’s episode in which they are the only star."
"What you consume, consumes you; what consumes you, controls your life."
"Before you complain about all these things on social media using your smartphone, without any consideration of how blessed you are, just be thankful for a minute."
"The more you count your blessings, the more blessings you’ll have to count."
"Ignoring negative emotions is like keeping poison in your system. Learn to understand everything that you feel."
"Every second you spend thinking about the next moment you avoid embracing the present."
"It’s not selfish or a sign of weakness to distance yourself or walk away from those who constantly bring down your vibe."
"Walking away from something unhealthy shows great bravery, even if you stumble a little on your way out of the door."
"Simplify your circle of friends. Keep those who add value to your life; remove those who don’t. Less is always more when your less means more."
"You can outgrow clothes, hobbies, jobs, friends – and even family members. We evolve past things that don’t contribute to our joy and wellbeing."
"Before you try to fix someone else’s vibe, make sure you’re not killing your own in the process. Protect your own energy first."
"If my emotional state isn’t high enough to start with, I know that by trying to help someone who is feeling low, I may suffer a profound emotional impact."
"Not everyone is going to get you, accept you or even try to understand you. Some people will just not receive your energy well. Make peace with that and keep on moving towards your joy."
"‘Nobody can hurt me without my permission.’ - MAHATMA GANDHI"
"Don’t let socially constructed ideas about beauty lower your self-esteem. There are no rules to beauty. Accept and love yourself as you are. Embrace your flaws and get comfortable in your own skin. Wear your imperfections like they don’t need a season to be fashionable."
"Ignore what everyone else is doing. Your life is not about everyone else; it’s about you. Instead of focusing on their path, pay attention to your own. That’s where your journey is taking place."
"Your individuality is a blessing, not a burden. If you try to be like everyone else, your life will be no greater than theirs. By following the crowd, you’ll become a part of it and fail to stand out. By travelling the same road as them, you won’t get the chance to see anything different from what they see."
"Forgive yourself for the bad decisions you’ve made, for the times you lacked belief, for the times you hurt others and yourself. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you’ve made. What matters most is that you’re willing to move forward with a better mindset."
"Positive thinking is the act of choosing ideas that empower you over those that limit you."
"If you can’t change a situation, change your perception of it. That’s where your personal power is. Either be controlled – or be in control."
"This is the practice of living consciously: unlearning and reconditioning the mind so you can have more freedom to be who you really are."
"Rather than trying to control external events, concentrate on controlling how your mind responds to them."
"Your goal isn’t to get rid of negative thoughts; it’s to change your response to them."
"Escape your mental limitations. Don’t spend your life being imprisoned by a belief system that limits your potential and prevents your dreams from coming true."
"Our beliefs are like a lens we use to view life; we see what we convince ourselves is true."
"What you verbalize will eventually materialize. You have the power to talk aspects of your reality into existence."
"If you keep on being told you can’t do something, you’ll believe you can’t."
"You are the author of your future. Write about what you desire and live your story."
"What becomes real in your mind will become real in your life."
"Procrastination is a habit. If the task ahead of you seems so insurmountable that you don’t know where to start, you’ll put it off – again and again."
"You’re not missing out on anything great if you’re using that time to make your life greater."
"Life doesn’t battle you because you’re weak, it battles you because you’re strong. It knows that if it gives you pain, you’ll realize your power."
"You came here loaded with potential, ability, gifts, wisdom, love, and intelligence to share with the world."
"Money is merely energy – neither good nor bad, and unlimited in our infinitely abundant Universe."
"Happiness doesn’t come from other people, from places or things. It comes from within."
"The things that you’re naturally drawn towards aren’t random; they’re picking you out in the same way that you’re pursuing them."