
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery Quotes

The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest

"Much like nature, life is very often working in our favor, even when it seems like we are only being faced with adversity, discomfort, and change."
"The breakdown is often just the tipping point that precedes the breakthrough, the moment a star implodes before it becomes a supernova."
"The objective of being human is to grow. We see this reflected back to us in every part of life."
"To have a mountain in front of you does not mean you are fundamentally broken in some way."
"Your mountain is the block between you and the life you want to live."
"Your old self can no longer sustain the life you are trying to lead; it is time for reinvention and rebirth."
"The mountain that stands in front of you is the calling of your life, your purpose for being here, and your path finally made clear."
"In the end, it is not the mountain that you must master, but yourself."
"There is nothing holding you back in life more than yourself."
"When we self-sabotage, it is often because we have a negative association between achieving the goal we aspire to and being the kind of person who has or does that thing."
"The greatest act of self-love is to no longer accept a life you are unhappy with."
"Rock bottom becomes a turning point because it is only at that point that most people think: I never want to feel this way again."
"Human beings are guided by comfort. They stay close to what feels familiar and reject what doesn’t, even if it’s objectively better for them."
"Your new life is going to cost you your old one."
"All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are."
"When you find yourself struggling with something, you have to ask yourself: Do I actually want to do this?"
"When we let go of what isn’t right for us, we create space to discover what is."
"What you have to realize is that money and success are tools. They buy you back time and offer you the opportunity to help, employ, influence, and change the lives of others."
"Instead of trying to force yourself to take an hour at the gym at 6 AM, try instead to do 15 minutes, or perhaps swap out with a class you really enjoy, or go at a time that works better for your schedule."
"Being 'busy' is not a virtue; it only signals to others that you do not know how to manage your time or your tasks."
"The fear of failing is often something that holds people back from putting in the work they would need to become truly great at something."
"You are not the person you were five years ago. You evolve as your self-image does, so make sure that it’s an accurate one."
"We can all acknowledge and appreciate other people’s diverse accomplishments and talents while still being happy about our own."
"Instead of wasting all of your energy trying to control some worst-case scenario, consider what the message of the fear may be and what it is telling you that you need in your life."
"When we fail out of negligence, we take a step back. When we fail because we are attempting new feats, we take one step closer to what will work."
"Your need to feel validated is valid. Your need to feel the presence of another person is valid. Your need to feel wanted is valid. Your need to feel secure is valid."
"If you continue to not take action, the siren will only get louder, and if you never learn to listen to it, you will probably just dissociate from it and then be a victim to it."
"Home is where you make it, not where you find it."
"If you don’t put the phone down feeling inspired or relaxed, you’re probably trying to avoid some kind of discomfort within yourself."
"You are in the situation you are in now because you did not know how to understand or meet your needs in the moment."
"Deep down, you know the truth about everything in your life and, by extension, your future."
"Feelings do not inform you of the right decision to make. Right decisions create the right feelings."
"Your brain was built for nature. Your body was designed to survive in the wild."
"Your gut is always subtle and gentle, even if it’s telling you that something isn’t for you."
"Your feelings, while valid, are not often real."
"The little voice within does not scream. It does not panic. It is the wave of clarity that overcomes you in the middle of your darkest moments."
"You don’t need to wait until you feel like changing to start changing."
"Correcting faulty inferencing begins with first being aware that you’re doing it."
"What you consistently do is what you adapt to."
"Worrying excessively is not a malfunction. It’s what we do when we care about something so much we are equally terrified that it could hurt us."
"The reality is that worrying does not protect us in the way that we think it might."
"You start to let go on the day you take one step toward building a new life."
"The truth is that our bodies are speaking to us in voiceless symbols."
"Healing yourself is returning to your most natural state."
"Healing is not about going back to exactly who you were before, because that person wasn’t yet capable of seeing the storm before it hit."
"Moving forward isn’t about getting revenge; it's about being content and hopeful about your future."
"When we release, we are wiping the slate clean to create something better."
"The work now is to envision who you want to be, connect with the most powerful version of yourself, design your life through your daily routine, and uncover your true purpose for being."
"You can use a visualization technique to connect to your highest potential future self."
"Trauma is the experience of disconnecting with a fundamental source of safety."
"Trauma is not in your head. It is in your body."
"Powerful people are very aware of their varying strengths and weaknesses."
"To be a truly powerful person, you must be willing to be disliked."
"Your most powerful self needs to be the CEO of your life."
"Validating someone's feelings doesn't mean you agree with them. It means you remind someone that it is human to feel things they don't always understand."
"The most important thing you can do to live meaningfully is to work on yourself. To consciously become the happiest, kindest, and most gracious version of yourself."
"Your purpose is, first and foremost, just to be here. Your existence has shifted the world in a way that it is invisible to you."
"The path to enlightenment is about letting go."
"Inner peace is the state of being connected to the deep internal knowing that everything is okay and always will be."
"Your inner peace is the true happiness, and everything else is just a false means of trying to convince yourself that you are 'okay.'"
"When you are clear on what your principles are, you can build your life from a genuine, healthy place."
"The inner war is perpetuated by resistance—that is, not wanting to feel the way we feel, not wanting people to do what they are doing, not wanting events to occur as they are occurring."
"Inner peace is the only kind that exists because nothing else is in our control."
"Your happiness has never come from things being perfect on the outside, but from you being present and open and connected to yourself and to the moment."
"Finding your inner peace is just connecting to your deepest wisdom."
"Your feelings aren’t here to tell you what’s going to happen. They’re only here to inform you of where you are energetically and mentally and how you should respond to what happens around you."
"Mental strength is not a fixed trait. It’s a process and a practice."
"Nobody is thinking about you in the way that you think they are thinking about you."
"Stop trying to predict what you can’t know, and start putting your energy toward building what you can."
"The feeling of peace is the one telling you the truth."
"The greatest gift that life will hand you is discomfort."
"The true nature of life is constant movement and constant evolution."
"The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life experiences."
"To become a master of oneself is first to take radical and complete responsibility for your life."