
Private L.A. Quotes

Private L.A. by James Patterson

"With that hit I most assuredly have achieved total clarity of mind. I can see it all, dog. The whole cosmic thing."
"Those days are frickin’ long gone, like ancient history, bro."
"A stoned Congress just might get the country going again."
"People who get power have to be worms in order to get power."
"Nothing symbolic, if you will. No statements. Nothing to suggest this is anything other than a single maniac at work."
"It’s just like being on the job. No routine routes. Change it up, all the time."
"The penis attachment not only goes up and down, it can be set to rotate or corkscrew."
"Something did happen," Del Rio agreed. "At seven twenty-seven p.m. two nights ago, the entire system went down, the backups failed, and no alerts were issued."
"Tommy's a wack job, but his specialty is security systems."
"The logs say the computers ran diagnostic software upon rebooting at nine twenty-seven p.m. two nights ago. It detected a failure in the trip connection to the backup generators four seconds before the ranch’s main power line died."
"The dog was frantic, howling and ripping at the screen door as if she’d seen something worse than a ghost."
"Going mundane," Hernandez said, feeling a familiar thrilling sense of descent, of regressing to the primitive, of tasting bloodlust.
"No," Sheila Vicente sobbed. "Please, I’m just here for the Xanax."
"I just got home," she said. "Join the club," I said, and yawned.
"Trying to keep up with you yesterday put me in a coma at work."
"Demanding and maniacal at times. But magical more often than not. And fulfilling. And lucrative."
"Follow the money. It's always about the money, isn't it?"
"Place makes me want to take a shower. Make that several showers."
"You must have had a tough childhood, but that's no excuse for bad behavior."
"I've been called a fool and worse many times before."
"By our shared DNA we were committed to each other for life."
"I don't have immunity from the fact that I lost a man and may have seen the crippling of another."
"You're safe, Malia. You're going to be okay."
"It's the story of the year! It's the story of the century!"
"Part of me wanted to lunge for the cameras and hurl them over the railing, but a crowd was gathering, and I have always hated seeing other people grabbing cameras and destroying them. It smacks of thugs and book burning, and I despise both."
"You can't fire me," the Harlows' personal assistant shot back. "I work for Thom and Jen."
"In my defense, I spent last night chasing a mass murderer and praying until dawn while my best friend underwent spinal surgery after he was injured in the pier bombing."
"No one has died, to my knowledge, Cynthia," he snarled. "But Thom and Jennifer have stipulated in writing that in the event of death or incapacitation I will serve as the children's trustee and guardian."
"Private's value is ten times your quote at minimum, but it doesn't matter because, as I said, the company is not for sale."
"That laugh gave me hope that no matter what Tommy or Carmine or the team at Harlow-Quinn or No Prisoners might be plotting, an important part of my life was going to be all right."
"It will take nerves of steel to take full advantage of the situation."
"Don’t let yourself start dreaming of how you’ll spend it all, gentlemen. We have to be totally focused until the deed is done. Then you may dream as big as you want."
"Nothing unnerves people more than silence, especially people whose mundane lives are threatened."
"Now all she felt was confusion. Who was this person growing inside her whom she simply did not recognize?"
"For much of her life, Justine had felt in control of her emotions and actions, now she felt weirdly unanchored, beyond adrift."
"But then she did, and saw a number, she did not recognize. She cleared her throat, answered, 'Hello.'"
"We’re assuming some of the drives had all the footage from the location shoot. Is that a problem?"
"Helpless is a horrible place to be. Being blamed for things beyond your control is worse."
"We believe No Prisoners is several people acting in concert. The dead guy’s just one of them."
"In my car on the way there, she’d roused from her stupor. 'Love you, Jack,' she mumbled. 'Thanks.'"
"She was confronting what she’d done, and what it meant, and she was doing it now, not later."
"Know what I like about you, Justine? What’s that? she croaked."
"You don’t give up... I like someone who finishes what they start, no matter what."
"The truth was, Justine had been the aggressor."
"You either have the capacity for it or you don’t, I suppose."
"I’m not used to drinking that much on an empty stomach."
"We also have a deep aversion for jobs left unfinished."
"But you should know that people who work at Private are suckers for lost causes."
"Isn't it strange the way life unfolds? The unexpected turns and twists?"
"They didn’t exist. So they were never extracted. Left out there, in the country."
"No one ever said you were a dummy, Jack. But from me or whoever, take it as fair warning."
"There’s only one reason they aren’t a meal for pigs."
"What will people think of us now, when they see what’s been done to us?"
"We are the sum of our thoughts. What you choose to dwell on will dictate your emotions."
"You could say he found his own way to the heart of darkness."
"Is playing shortstop for the New York Yankees cool? For a cop, NYPD Red is a dream job."
"Running a city is like running a business—you cater to your best customers."
"If any of them are the victims of a crime, they get our full attention."
"It’s even more annoying when you get closer."
"They obviously didn’t want anybody to wander in and mess with their little tableau."
"I doubt if we’ll find anything, but I don’t want it contaminated by some cowboy with an angle grinder."
"There’s nobody I’d rather have a bad week with than you."
"He’s not big on small talk, but he’s the most meticulous, painstaking, anal-retentive CSI guy I know."
"This is nasty. She was alive when they did this."
"So maybe he’s just saying, ‘Screw you and the horse you rode in on.’"