
What Have We Done Quotes

What Have We Done by Alex Finlay

What Have We Done Quotes
"It’s not the boys we need to be afraid of."
"You got something to say, come down here and say it."
"I’m checking out of the hospital today, so I won’t be—"
"They got this hotshot writer. All you gotta do is meet with the guy—tell him about your life, feed him some war stories from back in the day—he’ll get it all down, lickety-split."
"You’re always one foot out the door so you can beat the other person at leaving."
"I’ve gotta go." Tom turns. Donnie grabs his arm roughly and Tom twists around, his face dark now. "I suggest you let go of my arm."
"Artemis doesn’t react to things like other people."
"We need to do it soon, before another one of us disappears."
"What it’s like to be a joke, Reeves mercifully doesn’t say."
"Her eyes are fixed on the 1980s-era Chevy Camaro with tinted windows."
"That lady, she—" Willow’s voice quavers."
"Jenna looks at her stepdaughter, who averts her eyes."
"Jenna thinks of those rats with their red eyes."
"Breathing into the tube, he becomes strangely at ease, like he’s in a morphine fog."
"There’s a calm, a peace, and he waits for his body to float away."
"He approaches the water, incoming waves lapping at his feet."
"Don’t worry." Benny lifts his shirt, revealing the gun tucked in the waistband."
"I promise, your dad and I will sit down and tell you—"
"I’ve got a nasty bump on the head, but otherwise, good as new."
"You sure we can trust Flanders?" Benny asks.
"He’s not friends. Mr. Jones says that the state should shut down Savior House."
"Donnie smiles at that, puffs out his chest, then sits on the other side of the table next to Annie."
"Sorry," Benny says, looking down at Derek. "I tripped."
"Hot damn. For once, Mickey came through for me. A new phone."
"Are you okay?" Reeves asks, a concerned look on his face.
"Is that what your dad, my brother, said?" O’Leary flicks a glance to an older guy perched on a stool."
"We might as well start now," she said in that French-Russian accent.
"I don’t want anything from you," Jenna told her.
""I don’t want to talk about my childhood. Next question."
"Thanks for buyin’ the tickets," Donnie says to Reeves.
"What if she—what if she doesn’t wanna see me?"
"I’m in a good place now, Nico. I’m glad you’re okay and survived, but I can’t do this again."
"What? Give you a chance? That ought to be the tag line for your stupid TV show. For your life."
"You’re going to have to give me more than that, love."
"The FBI was just here asking about you. But you’ve changed?"
"I’ve been doing this since you took me when I was fifteen."
"This is not how to respect your friend’s memory."
"I’ve been a little preoccupied—running for my life. Protecting my family."
"You think anyone’s gonna miss a junkie whore’s kid?"
"But here he is with a wife and two kids."
"I’m no fan of that bald savant, but I had no reason to kill him."
"I’m sorry about what happened at the service."
"He said to tell you that you all had it wrong. The proof is with Boo Radley."
"They’re not going to get away with this."
"If we can get her in one of the trials, they have this new technology where they inject viruses that attack and kill the bad DNA that causes the disease. If she was rich, she could go to another country where they’re way ahead with DNA splicing."
"These rich dudes who have more money than they’ll ever need, but waste it on flying into space or buying more companies or mansions. They could be Batman, like a real-life superhero, going around finding people in need and changing people’s lives. I don’t get it."
"I imagine the same thing you’re both doing. Trying to figure out who’s trying to kill us."
"If I had the cash, man, I’d give it to your friend."
"We need to take care of him. I’m not seeing much of a choice. He followed me into the restaurant. He knows."
"You should’ve filled in those holes. No one will ever find what was left of the others."
"We need to talk to Donnie and Nico. Find out if they slipped… Donnie and Nico adored you. They’ll trust you."
"You don’t want to come over here, boss. I’ve got a gun."
"I’m going to set up a meeting. You’d be surprised how quickly people drop everything when I call."