
Biology Quotes

There are 9512 quotes

"We're talking about the human as a single species, but we're also thinking of the human as this complex, integrated ecosystem of hundreds to thousands of species, interacting in concert to do all the fantastic things that we know happen in the human body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm always astonished at how incredibly well orchestrated this whole process is. It's just such an incredible feat of biology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of what's in the book contrasts with many of the common myths about emotions and biology."
"It's a truly masterful exploration of the biology and psychology behind what we call emotions and states of mind and body."
"While there is structure to your brain, it is dynamic, flexible biology."
Don Vaughn
"Our blood serves as a life-giving river, constantly in motion, nourishing every cell, every organ, and every limb."
"This century will be the coming together of psychology and biology." - EO Wilson
"Consciousness isn't just a human idea; it's much wider. It may be spread across all of biology."
"There's an underlying biological reality, and in almost all cases, there is."
"There is no shame in pornography addiction, especially considering that what it is, is quite literally a hijacking of your biological wiring as a man."
"At the end of the day, your body's just trying to help you out a little bit."
"The Coolidge effect is present in all mammals and it's also present in females."
"Our bodies are losing essential information as we get older that drives many, if not all, of those hallmarks that we know exist."
"Your balls produce testosterone, they also produce progesterone, and they also aromatize the testosterone."
"The only reason we age is that our repair systems become complacent."
"Our body is actually hardwired with all the processes we need to maintain our health from the day we're born until our very last breath."
"The mitochondria are the power plants of your cells. They're in charge of producing all the energy your body needs to survive."
"It turns out ketones aren't doing this through some crazy magic; they're actually the world's most powerful signaling molecule for activating caloric bypass."
"Caloric bypass is quite possibly the single most important biological process we can activate in our bodies to help us improve our health as we age."
"If we could build a virtual simulation of a cell, that would be incredible for biology and disease discovery."
"Sleep is an incredibly important part of our biology."
"Biology, not eating habits, is the main cause of fat."
"Human touch is not a sentimental human indulgence; it is a biological necessity."
"They are evolution on steroids, billions of years of evolutionary advantages distilled into one species."
"Consciousness is as much a part of our biology as growth, digestion, mitosis, meiosis, you name it; any biological process."
"Handedness is not entirely but strongly genetic."
"There is an inevitable logic about how organisms function, how organisms are built, how organisms have evolved solving this problem of optimizing the solution."
"The biology of most of these molecules is not well understood, but certainly in like cerebral spinal fluid that's been analyzed, you can perceive these microbial metabolites, so they are there."
"Circadian rhythm...is one of the most important facets of health."
"If you think about it, that's incredibly powerful because that's the whole process of rejuvenation."
"What makes the glass frog truly the number one weirdest frog here in our zoo is their bellies, which are clear."
"Because of their clear belly skin, you can view their intestines, you can see their lungs and their beating heart, you can see everything through their belly, it's so weird."
"So Gatorade solves the mystery of our complex biology."
"The origin of cellular energy in the cell...these little bean-shaped organelles are the mitochondria."
"Your skin is a living organ in and of itself. It has a bunch of different layers of cells from the outside to the inside. At the surface of the skin, on top of those cells, and made by those cells are different types of chemicals that actually serve as antibacterial and antiviral agents."
"The immune system has a physical barrier component, and it's not just skin, some other things as well."
"Your immune system has an absolutely exquisitely sophisticated way of knowing you versus other."
"As soon as the virus gets into your body, it's going to start replicating as quickly as it can."
"Your body's making white blood cells, things like neutrophils, natural killer cells, macrophages."
"The complement system exists in the plasma within your blood, marking infected cells or viruses with a signal that looks like an 'eat me' signal to your immune system."
"Anytime you think about biology, think mechanical features and chemical features of a response."
"Your adaptive immune system is amazing in that it creates antibodies specific to the very intruder that made it into you."
"I've spent a lifetime working on the biology of the visual system."
"I made this discovery based on the biology of human decision making that every single one of us knows what we do... but very few of us can clearly articulate why we do what we do."
"Like many crustaceans, stone crabs have a remarkable ability to regenerate their claws."
"We're at the cusp of the beginnings of really understanding what is the most complex system that we've encountered, which is that of a biological system."
"What is optimal and how does it work? One of the things we helped contribute to is that these longevity genes we work on are turned on by fasting."
"Women in different cultures tend to wear different clothing, but it's not as though the biology of an English woman is different from the biology of an Indian woman."
"The reason we age is that it's the analog information in the body that's lost over time, not the digital."
"The best explanation that we could come up with is that the Pokemon is adapting to dangerous situations and therefore powering up the moves that it knows the most about since it's part of its biology."
"The seeds [of sunflowers] spiral out in two directions so that they can pack in tightly without overlapping."
"I can't think of a more interesting question than understanding the biological mechanisms that regulate aging and how to slow it."
"Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed but rather evolved."
"Biology is a study of complicated things that have the appearance of having been designed with a purpose."
"There is no biological reason for us to age."
"Epigenetics is what gives cells their identity; it's what makes a skin cell different from a brain cell and a young cell different from an old cell."
"Muscle is an endocrine organ, secreting proteins that have wide-ranging effects on the body."
"The religious instinct is real and it's biologically grounded."
"Biology is a collection of processes, or processes depending on who you are and where you live and who you trained with."
"We have access to a lot more things that biologists don't. And sure we can use information theory and complexity theory to try and analyze the critters' behaviors and their brains."
"The nine-banded armadillo is born as identical quadruplets, a great model system that biologists can use to study stochastic differences in development."
"According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Deinococcus radiodurans, nicknamed 'Conan the Bacterium,' is the toughest life form on Earth."
"The ribosome... can make an elephant one molecule at a time."
"Each human cell has 1.8 meters of DNA in it, yet it fits into a cell that's 10 to 100 microns in diameter."
"You may say, well, I'm in this discipline or other. I don't think biology is going to have anything to do with my future career or career opportunities. But it has a lot to do with your life."
"The Information Revolution is coming to biology."
"Your body cannot always be in one mode, anabolic; you'll never get a chance to be catabolic."
"Oxygen was one of the key factors in the gigantism found in insects at that time."
"The tissues do not age in the way that a normal mammal's tissues age; they remain young."
"Across our biological heritage, our brain and biology have been sculpted to incline us to certain ways of feeling, thinking, and behaving."
"There is millions of years of evolutionary engineering behind creating these molecules so that they help us with host defense, they fight bacteria, they mop up bacterial products, they modulate inflammation."
"CoQ10 is the spark plug of an engine; if the engine doesn't have a spark plug, it cannot burn fuel."
"The structure here works because it's pulling together what we know from the biology to the psychology of how to understand ourselves."
"DNA is like a software program, only much more complex than any we've ever created."
"We have been programmed to believe that genes control our lives. The new biology says wait, you control your genetics by the way you respond to the world."
"Our perceptions of our reality control our biology."
"You probably already know that all of the atoms in your body are constantly being replaced by other atoms, such that every seven years or so, every single atom in your body will have been replaced."
"Men and women are wired very differently by biology."
"There's a biology to personal change and transformation."
"Jellyfish have mechanisms of self-repair... They've come up with some remarkable ways of living."
"The concept of race is essentially meaningless in biology."
"Race is biologically not a definable construct."
"Not all mutations are deleterious... some mutations are beneficial, some are silent and have no observable effect at all."
"Sexual reproduction is a great step in the evolution of the living."
"DHT is something that pushes you through puberty and actually gives you maturation, sexual differentiation... Estrogen, this is something that is required all through your life for neural protection, cardio protection, libido, quality of life."
"Did you know sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can, upwards of 40 minutes?"
"We definitely now know that melatonin, beyond a doubt, is actually being produced in the mitochondria."
"Natural immunity is a very basic fundamental of evolutionary biology. Literally, no animal species would exist if there was no such thing as natural immunity."
"If you're deprived of water, what is your body going to do to create water? It's gonna literally create its own water from oxygen that you breathe and fat cells that have hydrogen."
"Iodine is an essential trace element that combines with the amino acid tyrosine to form thyroid hormones."
"Your thyroid gland absorbs iodine from your blood supply to make and release thyroid hormones."
"Even without a single fossil, the evidence for evolution would be totally secure because it comes from other sources, comparing modern animals and plants, comparing their anatomy, their biochemistry."
"Inside every one of us, there's an immensely complex system of tubes that transports blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the cells in our body. This system is 60,000 miles long."
"Surfactant decreases the surface tension and allows for the alveoli to expand."
"The presence of surfactant decreases the cohesiveness of water molecules, reducing surface tension and preventing alveoli collapse."
"Men who sleep 5 hours a night, have significantly smaller testicles than those who sleep 7 or more."
"Viruses aren't alive; they are well-organized molecular parasites."
"The male Argonaut octopus uses a specialized arm known as a hectocotylus, which is filled with sperm, to mate in an incredible example of the sacrifices some species make for reproduction."
"Our biological systems predispose us to act in ways that are commensurate with [not wanting to suffer and die]."
"At the end of the day, biology and science are the driving factors of life on Earth."
"Short chain fatty acids are little signaling molecules that tell your immune cells in your gut to become a certain type of immune cell."
"The immune system is sensing; it's a real kind of it's like a mobile brain. It's very dynamic and it's listening, integrating all these signals."
"One common mistake that people make in thinking about biology generally is that they think in terms of nouns and adjectives and not verbs."
"Androgen and glucocorticoid receptor concentrations were reduced."
"Those who can actually build learning machines will solve some of the most important biological problems."
"Mast cells being 500 million years old, that is quite something."
"A fetus, when it's in the womb, that's actually a sterile environment."
"If it's secreting too many hormones, metabolism can go up as high as 60 to 100 percent above normal."
"Thyroid hormones increase the size and number of mitochondria, often nicknamed the powerhouse of the cell."
"Ultimately, what is more laudable than studying the most important organism that we know, called humans?"
"I don't think it has to be 100% biological. There's probably some environmental influence there, but whatever it is, it turns on at really really early ages."
"Every 10 seconds we make a million new white cells, 20 million new platelets, and 30 million new red blood cells."
"A vast communication network of cells and chemical signals distributed in blood and tissue throughout the human body which regulates normal growth and development of the organism while protecting against disease."
"Your body keeps you alive without a thought."
"Sex is not a social construct. That is fact. That is biological. Gender is a social construct."
"Sex is not a binary, but a bimodal distribution."
"Oxygen oxidizes stuff in your cells, or in other words, it's not toxic, just setting you on fire very, very slowly."
"The power of biology to change at any age is really remarkable; you can reverse aging."
"DNA is a particular machine that encodes an unlimited amount of information in chemical form and has figured out a way to replicate itself."
"Darwin was convinced that plants had an intelligence."
"Intersex people are individuals born with physical sex markers that are neither clearly male nor female."
"This phenomenon, later named Batesian mimicry because of his discovery, was quickly realized to be another prime example of the power of natural selection."
"Vitamin D regulates about between two and three thousand of our genes... a tenth of our genome is regulated by Vitamin D."
"But a majority of us can fight because our body knows how to chase down bacteria and microbes just like that white blood cell is."
"Our sense of smell may be much more like our sense of hearing."
"The living cells of all animals depend, vanish, and reappear like ghosts, speeding up the vital processes of life."
"One of the most extraordinary discoveries of twentieth-century biology is that at the foundation of life is information in a digital form."
"Through the understanding offered by the biology, I learned a new understanding about life, one so profound that it led me into a relationship and my experience of feeling and living heaven on earth."
"Many creatures...can sense the Earth's magnetic field, from sea turtles to whales and dolphins to even ants."
"Quantum hanky-panky occurs when things are using quantum mechanics to get an edge up on their fellow living things."
"Real scientific experiments leave no doubt: the strange hand of quantum mechanics has shaped the entire living world."
"You are made up more of bacteria than you are of human cells."
"Men and women are different, that is the fact; it's in our biology, it's in our very makeup."
"Fear is a biological response with a purpose. And its purpose is to keep us safe and healthy."
"The left recurrent laryngeal nerve... results in a 15-foot detour [in the giraffe], which... can easily explain why this absurd design exists if mammals evolved from fish-like ancestors."
"Inside the cell is the little powerhouse of the cell called the mitochondria."
"Some jellyfish... have the ability to revert back to its juvenile stage."
"Lobsters... their lifespan is technically indefinite because if nothing eats them, they can just keep going."
"Things that are not crabs keep turning into things that look like crabs."
"Chinese giant salamanders are notably larger than other amphibians, earning them the title of the world's largest."
"Another intriguing amphibian quality is their remarkable ability to regenerate even large tissue fragments when wounded."
"What exactly is a gene? A gene is a DNA segment that determines your individual traits, characteristics, or susceptibility to disease."
"Our body is a perfect balancer of pH in your blood at all times."
"We all are biologically hardwired to connect and to feel close to people."
"Geckos devote about four percent of their total body surface area to those sticky sticky toe pads."
"After decapitation, other studies show that small mammals remained aware for up to 29 seconds."
"What is life is, of course, a homage to Schrodinger; it is really, in my view, the most fundamental question in biology."
"Living things have properties which allow them to undergo natural selection and therefore to evolve."
"Living organisms only really make sense when often when they're described in terms of information and the management of information."
"If we look at the realities of our biology, understand the drivers that we have, then we have a chance to use cultural architecture to build something new."
"Your body's conductive, your body's electrical first, chemical second. So, everything in the body is electrical."
"Every living thing that has ever lived is a transitional form."
"An octopus has one large brain, but each of its eight tentacles have their own kind of mini brains. This allows the tentacles to operate independently of each other, and yet always in service to the whole."
"It always comes back to the biological flavor of the important words."
"The DNA molecule contains our genetic code; its double helix structure holds all the information that makes living things grow and develop."
"Sexual orientation is biological, it's genetic, and it can't be changed."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution."
"Humans are neotenous... we are mutant apes that retain the juvenile traits of our ancestors."
"Sometimes, growing up doesn't always benefit the biological population."
"Evolution is an amazing thing that gives all organisms a wide diversity and uniqueness."
"This retention of immature traits into sexual maturity has actually benefited many organisms, sometimes heavily affecting the evolution of an animal population."
"Morality is biological and it's inherent to human nature."
"The differences are the consequence of both biology and circumstances."
"We live in a biological world, but our social constructs and emotions play a significant role in shaping our reality."
"The circadian clock is an internal regulator of your wake and sleep cycle."
"The discovery of melanopsin, of the blue light receptor was considered to be one of the top 10 breakthroughs of the year in 2001."
"We humans are not strictly diurnal. We are crepuscular."
"The microbiome includes the microbiota plus their secretions, their local environment, and their genetics."
"We are, in fact, super organisms. We're a conglomerate of microbial and mammalian cells that have co-evolved over time."
"Sleeping is completely involuntary. It's something every animal must do, or you die."
"I think my employees took some lessons from action potential mechanisms."
"During that, she is refractory to everyone in the world."
"Nature has only put from this area to that area is only one to two millimeters, a very small area actually."
"What really happens when you stimulate one area, depolarizing current of sodium moves within the axon and next node of Ranvier, it takes the restriction potential up to threshold and this area depolarizes."
"The wave of depolarization followed by wave of repolarization, which is called action potential, is jumping from one node of Ranvier to the next."
"Nature is very clever, not only by myelinating system has achieved fast conduction, which has made economy also."
"It's not faith. The idea that dogs come from wolves... this is demonstrable not only through DNA but actually through records."
"It’s hard to find anything on Earth that could live without our Sun."
"Fat is an organ, and not just any organ, it's an endocrine organ which means that it's an organ that secretes hormones."
"The more wrinkles you have, the more neural tissue you're fitting within your skull."
"Our body knows how to grow blood vessels from the get-go. Among the first organs to form are blood vessels because, before you can get any organs to survive, you need blood vessels in place, ready to make sure that those lifelines are actually there."
"Our bodies aren't built for sleeping in eight-hour blocks."
"Iron plays a most important role in our physiology, in the way we live and breathe."
"When we study biology, we're studying living things that exist in the real world. When we study physics, we're studying real-world phenomena which we can verify by our experiment. But math...was it the study of real-world objects or abstract entities?"
"Every biological process in your body requires sunlight."
"Every time we think we got those bugs figured out, they do something crazy and we're like, 'Wait, what do you mean you can live on a nuclear reactor? Wait, what do you mean you can live two kilometers down in a subsurface?'"
"Wherever there's water on Earth, there's a pretty good chance that you'll find life."
"Organic molecules are not life. They are the bricks of life, just like Legos."
"Because all life, all biology is chemistry manifested at some complex level."
"Human biology is really complicated, and I think that gender identity is real and intrinsic."
"The stomach lining gets replaced every 3 to 4 days to prevent the organ from eating itself."
"The human liver is the busiest organ of the body, with over 500 functions."
"Taste buds are given to us so that we can stay alive; for instance, sour and bitter flavors can be a sign that you may be eating rotten food or poisonous plants."
"Salty and sweet tastes tell us if foods are rich in nutrients."
"Each of us has a different and unique tongue print."
"Scientists now believe fingerprints allow skin to stretch more easily, preventing blisters and improving our sense of touch."
"Your pinky holds 50% of the total strength in your hand."
"Your liver is responsible for 500 individual functions."
"On average, the heart beats 115,000 times and pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood a day."