
Mood Improvement Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Just 10 minutes of walking outside can shift your mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There was a very significant improvement in mood and affect and relief from depressive symptoms in anywhere from 50 to 70% of the people that were subjects in the study who received the psilocybin treatment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're somebody who's interested in changing your default state of mood or of thinking, or enhancing your ability to focus, or improving your sleep or improving performance in some cognitive or physical endeavor, meditation is powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nicotine increases motivation, it decreases negative feelings of mood, it increases positive feelings of mood and motivation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate heat exposure can leverage the dynorphine system in a short term and an acute way that allows mood to improve after the sauna exposure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more time you spend outdoors, the better is your mood, the better is your sleep, the better is the rhythmicity of your sleep-wake cycles."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ketamine blocks the NMDA receptor and yet, almost paradoxically, it increases neuroplasticity in brain circuits involved in mood and reward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The net consequence of ketamine's action is strengthening those connections in neural circuits, making them more likely to generate positive mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Morning sunlight and afternoon sunlight can significantly improve mood and mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The big six for improving mood and mental health... are the cornerstone for mood and mental health regardless of who you are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Even short daily meditations can greatly improve our mood, reduce anxiety, improve our ability to focus, and can improve our memory."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The foundational practice that I truly believe every person should do every day is to view bright light, ideally sunlight, within 30 minutes to an hour of waking."
"Taking a walk, viewing things at a distance, and especially getting that sunlight outside during the day through mechanisms separate from the clock mechanisms, is known to improve mood and improve metabolic function."
"Start small... there are tried and true scientifically based ways to decrease your anxiety and improve your mood state."
"I think they go because of the experience but also of the health benefits and of the way they feel afterwards because afterwards you get this mental balance and better mood."
"Proper sleep can also increase focus, boost energy, and improve your mood."
"The habit of group singing... improves your mood, builds your confidence, relieves loneliness."
"Do tiny things every day that boost your mood."
"Does doing yoga fix any bad moodlets? That's what happens in real life, right?"
"So it did seem like bowel habits improved, which a lot of times can lead to better moods, but that we weren't able to measure."
"Pick one wall in your home that you see on a daily basis and take everything off of it...see if it changes your mood throughout the week."
"Just the thought of you can brighten up my day."
"Intermittent fasting... is a must. And what's really cool about doing intermittent fasting is... your mood automatically increases."
"Mood improvement... My mood's just better, life doesn't seem as bad lately."
"I do feel like there's like a lot of happiness here... pretty much every single reading that I've done this week has had, you know, just like an improvement, like a mood improvement."
"Always have a smile on your face; fake laugh if you need to. That fake laugh will turn into a real laugh."
"Coffee does reliably improve alertness, vigilance, memory recall, and even mood, provided you don't have too much of it."
"We're doing good things. Everything's going well. Everyone's actually in a good mood again, by the way. You're welcome."
"I feel like we all kind of know those people who just instantly put you in a better mood when you're around them, just because of how genuinely nice they are."
"Eating a whole food vegan diet makes your skin a lot clearer, improves your digestive system, and enhances your mood."
"I feel so much better than yesterday I feel like I was just in such a stressed out mood yesterday but honestly I did this like whole rant to myself where I literally just ranted out loud to myself and I felt a lot better so yeah."
"Every time you pop up I just know like whatever mood I'm in I'm going to feel better after watching."
"I noticed that when I first went carnivore, mental clarity was better, my mood was better, everything was better."
"Clearly, trees are very important; if forests vanish because of logging or other activities, the impacts on the environment will be great."
"Serotonin is the happy hormone, lifts our mood, makes us feel energized."
"We can talk ourselves into a better mood using the Word of God."
"Good morning. I think it could change someone's day."
"Sometimes you just need a dose of wholesomeness to brighten up your day."
"I play with my dogs, I find it impossible to be angry when these fluffy cute animals are jumping on me."
"Let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver, and then we'll see what happens. He'll probably feel a lot better and be a little less cranky."
"Exercise gives you endorphins, and when people are sad, sometimes they can go work out and feel a little bit better."
"Petting and playing with a dog can improve patients' moods by decreasing their distress and pain."
"I'm not gonna be a bummer like I usually am, not gonna ruin your day."
"Listening to music can put you in a better mood."
"Even if I was just feeling really, really, really sad, if I put Home Alone on I can almost guarantee that it would just lift me up and make me laugh."
"If you say hello to me, you'd probably make my day."
"Smile more... even when you don't want to, try to smile."
"Austin initially woke up and he was in such a good mood, he felt really good about himself."
"Dark chocolate, rich in polyphenol antioxidants, boosts brain function and mood."
"It's incredible how a little bit of sun and vitamin D can just change your day around."
"When I wear color it makes me feel a bit better and I also think it makes me come across as a bit more of a happy positive person."
"You can wake up in the worst mood, but if you just write down the things that you were grateful for, you'll see how your mindset will change."
"Exercise can also help make you feel really good."
"Thank you for always improving my mood, you never cease to make my week better."
"Food and nutrition can change the way that you feel."
"I was having such a bad day but I'm feeling better now."
"He really helped me cheer the [expletive] up."
"Being in the sun generally tends to be helpful and it's like a nice way to help reset the nervous system and potentially your mood if you need it."
"Psychologically I feel better if I see a full moon, my mood goes up about 35%."
"I've never felt better. Cutting sugar changed my mood, confidence, outlook, and health."
"I get less of a bad mood every year I used to be grumpy I used my grumpy person but I'm not grumpy anymore."
"A Nebs Gaming coffee a day keeps my depresso away."
"Vision boards are the biggest mood shifter for me."
"Music is probably one of the best tools that I use to shift my mood."
"Working out first thing in the morning...physiologically you have increased endorphins, those are those happy hormones, you can't help but feel better after you workout."
"Moving your body just puts you in a good mood."
"It completely changed my mood and I am so happy."
"Exercising itself releases endorphins that just improve your overall mood."
"If you're ever feeling sad, just do a little yeah."
"Smile for no reason, look at yourself in the mirror and smile for no reason. It'll change your mood."
"And hopefully that will lift your spirits, that will make you feel better both on the inside and the outside."
"If a paleo diet doesn't help or doesn't help enough with your mood or concentration issues, a ketogenic diet is also usually the next logical step."
"Fermented foods pull out toxins from the body and make you feel happier."
"So dopamine has the capacity to take us from down in the dumps or in max effort with thinking that there's no way we can continue and in a heartbeat reshape our whole perception of everything and restore our energy levels."
"When I focus on things that I'm grateful for, it really brings my mood up."
"A fresh perspective can help you feel better."
"It just makes the house so much cozier and, you know, just puts me in a really bloody good mood."
"The leaves had begun to fall and a cheery mood swept in with the autumn breeze."
"I was in a bad mood all night, and now I'm starting to feel good."
"The lack of news is not necessarily a sign that few things are happening."
"That news has put me in an even better mood than I was in before, and I was already in a pretty good mood."
"Exercise releases endorphins; it can make you feel better."
"Focus on positive thinking, positive thoughts, positive bias. Put yourself in a good mood."
"I hope that this video or you know working out or doing something great for yourself will help to lift up your mood and make you feel better and motivate you."
"There is nothing in this world that a little bit of sugar doesn't make a little bit better."
"I initially felt really drained but after getting ready and taking a nice warm shower I lifted my mood."
"I went to YouTube, I watched some content, and I was just a lot happier."
"When somebody's having a bad day, one of the best things they can do is just go do something for somebody else."
"Meeting new people obviously, and everybody else's impact... maybe I'm having a bad day but then I'm like damn, like I made their day so much better."
"Wearing happy colors can make you feel better."
"For the last four days, I've been in the best mood I have ever been."
"Positive attitude changes your mood and improves your health."
"My comedy was something that I nurtured because I loved making people laugh. I loved being able to change the vibe, to take something that was like sour and then give it a boost where everybody lets off a little steam."
"Playing Dragon Quest XI S made me actively happier and improved my mood even if I was having a bad day."
"I highly recommend this if you're in need of a mood boost because it will boost your mood right up."
"I'm fortunate to have these people here, you know my brother, friends to kind of lighten up the mood."
"Give yourself a gift that will raise your spirits."
"Hopefully I made your day just a little better."
"Every day this week that I put on a cute little outfit, it helped my mood!"
"I feel like I'm getting three times the amount of work done I was before, but I'm also enjoying it too. My mood is great."
"Waking up to a clean kitchen will really boost your mood."
"Maybe a silly joke can help maybe something a little funny can help."
"Plant-based diets improve mood within just two weeks."
"I had a rough childhood. It's gonna give you a better mood, better focus, more energy."
"That just made my day so nice I was so irritated now."
"For some people, they do worse... when people's diets are plant-based, they get away from the meat, the dairy, the greasy stuff, their moods seem to improve."
"Vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, getting away from the animal products can indeed help the mood."
"Adding a little color is always needed especially when you're feeling so dull."
"Therapy's not an end-all fix all by any means, but it changes my whole mood."
"You couldn't be sad around her, you couldn't be depressed around her, she'd just walk into the room and be a ray of sunshine."
"Even if you're feeling gloomy, try breaking out into a big smile. The people around you will feel good."
"Money management relates to self-control and self-discipline, it will elevate your mood."
"I'm a much nicer person when I get my sleep."
"When I'm in a bad mood, all I have to do is watch your videos."
"This has actually made my mood so much better today."
"Eat well, sleep well, and drink enough water. This means that you'll be able to study for longer periods or good and you also just have a better mood overall."
"Interacting with animals can lower your stress levels, it can help you improve your mood."
"Optimism has been shown to improve mood, go figure."
"Spending time in nature reduces stress, improves your mood, and might even add years to your life."
"Right before the stream because I wasn't feeling too good but I got I mean it's funny I get on stream and I feel so much better."
"As long as I'm still safe, if I go for a flight in my airplane, maybe I go walk around and put my toes in the sand at the beach or something, it really tends to drastically improve my mood not even just for that day but for a while because I created a solid memory."
"During in the research studies that you and I have talked about, when people transition to a vegan diet, their moods often improve."
"Every time I go and buy like self-care products I immediately feel better. I don't know what type of placebo that is but it works."
"Filming this video came at the exact right time for me. I woke up feeling a little bit off, not my normal self. I felt a little bit anxious, and now I feel like a different person."
"I kind of woke up today on the wrong side of the bed so I worked out and that kind of like helped me get pumped again and get my blood going now I feel a lot better."
"People reported greater improvements in mood with the early time restricted eating."
"Just getting into conversation and agreement and interrupting that is the pattern and improving somebody's mood, improving their day."
"I don't work out to punish myself anymore because it's the best way to start my day, increase my energy, and improve my mood and overall productivity."
"It's moving towards my goal, it's a general energy booster. If I feel down, if I go for a walk or hit a gym session, I always end up in a better mood after the session."
"If I'm not in the right mood, I can go out to the bees and give myself a few stings. The mood really does improve."
"Warmer weather is coming, it usually improves everyone's mood."
"BA helps people with depressive symptoms to improve their mood by engaging in a variety of rewarding and meaningful activities."
"Gosh it feels so good reach up and down and remember any movement you can do goes far in improving your mood and improving your mood can help you recover faster from an injury because when you think positive your body follows suit."
"I wasn't trying to treat a mental health condition... But I noticed when I changed my diet in this way that my mood was better, my energy was better, my concentration was better—everything was better."
"Did you know that smelling a lemon will make you put you in a better mood?"
"I have noticed such a difference in my mood and my energy."
"Bright light therapy showed significant improvement in mood for individuals with seasonal affective disorder."
"After we had the priest bless our house, it felt lighter and just in a better mood."
"Just put on meditation music for 10 to 20 minutes, and you will see that your mood is absolutely uplifted."
"I'm gonna go with alcohol. Alcohol makes, just like dogs, it makes my life infinitely better. It improves my mood. I can't live without it. If I'm sober in a sea of people like I am right now, I'm miserable."
"Going vegan and quitting caffeine improved my mood."
"I am absolutely fantastic, Connie. I'll be honest, I did not have the best day, but before we clicked record, I'm just tickled. I'm in a great mood now, cheered you up."
"Exercise for my mental health is... can't beat it. If I'm in a bad mood and I go and have a workout, it just... it helps so much."
"...cleaning is something that you never regret after if anything it improves your mood after because you're like oh wow like it's really clean and everything and I know where everything is."
"Gratitude is very, very effective. It changes people's mood, attitude, outlook, and makes them happier."
"That's why you seemed a lot happier today."
"Go get you some vitamin D, it will help with your mood."
"It's amazing what a little laughter can do for you."
"Cold therapy can drastically improve your mood and your mental health."
"Having a clean room will improve your mood."
"Increased aerobic exercise increases a range of different neurotransmitters that we know are associated with higher mood states."
"It felt like I had access to my brain again and my mood lifted."
"I simply polished and shined my work boots, and you were right, I started to feel a little better."
"I think there's actually like a psychological thing behind having indoor plants just in terms of helping to improve your mood."
"My hormones kind of evened out... my moods evened down, I wasn't so impatient anymore."
"Note that you will get a great workout that's going to help lower the blood pressure, lubricate the joint, and basically set you up for a better mood."
"It makes such a difference; it's been grey skies for what feels like forever."
"Man, they can save a poor day and they can make a good day phenomenal."
"Hope all of you having a great fantastic day, if not hope this video can make it a little bit better."
"Your mood would be better, and your work performance would be better, and your relationships would be better, and your health would be better, and you'll live longer."
"After just sitting down and just drawing and hanging with you guys, I already feel like I'm in a better mood. So thank you for being here, it makes all the difference."
"I always end up leaving in a much better mood than I was when I started."
"Getting enough sunlight and fresh air improves your mood so much and leads to better decision making."
"Practical, science-based advice can help improve your mood."
"You always just make me feel so much better, and you always get me out of a bad mood, you get me out of feeling sad."
"Any time you're in the worst mood ever, that precious little kitty would come crawl on you and it would always put me in a good mood."
"If you're having a bad day and you own one of these Konas, the 2022 or the 2023, definitely handle extremely well."
"A vigorous five-mile walk will do more for your mood than any other thing that we could do."
"Low moods can make our attention worse, but improving our attention can help us with depression and anxiety."
"If you're not having a good day, hopefully this made your day better."
"It's really been putting me in a better mood since I've been so down lately."
"I'm in a better mood, I'm in a sillier mood, I like to think a lighter mood."
"You can actually alter your mood, how you show up in the world, by actually changing your inputs."
"You sound more cheerful, that's because I'm more cheerful."
"I am feeling in a much better mood now, I am loving this now."
"This morning is a much better vibe than yesterday morning."
"Just getting more fit and in the process of exercising improves markers of things like depression, anxiety, gives you a better mood."
"Spending just one hour of hanging out with your friends can improve your vibes by 200 percent."
"You go out there and watch critters, deer, whatever you enjoy, and try to go back in a worse mood than you left. You can't do it, it's impossible."
"I think everyone should own a ski in this category because you're going to make your bad days good days."
"Palm trees just make me happy, they immediately put me in a good mood."
"Going for a walk every morning has improved my mood dramatically."
"If I can make your day just a tiny little bit better, let's go."
"I'm so glad the weather's turned; it just makes such a difference."
"Honestly ever since daylight savings, I've been in such a better mood."
"Turn a bad day into a good day; if you're in a mood, it'll sort you out."
"Doesn't the sunshine make you feel so much better?"
"It's crazy how the weather and the sunlight and the blue sky just makes you feel so much better."
"You need at least eight to ten hours of sleep per night; it decreases the risk of obesity and helps with mood."
"This gives me an antidote to the winter blues."
"And if we fix it through nutrition and lifestyle, we can not only improve depression and improve mood, but we can increase their self-control."
"I always feel better, my mood always improves when I journal."
"How good do you feel now? Feel your energy picking up, your mood starts to feel different, you start to feel happier, more alert."
"Exercise is medicine. Exercise improves our brain blood flow, improves the balance of our autonomic nervous system, reduces inflammation, boosts mood."
"Bright light therapy can actually improve the mood."
"Fill yourself up with bright colors and paint yourself right out of that gloom."
"If your clothes are fitting better and your mood is improved, you're going in the right direction."
"Improved posture improves our mood; it has a direct effect with our mental health, our brain health."
"The Emperor roared with laughter; his good humor was not quite restored, yet he felt much better."
"When the sun is out, it's insane how much of a better mood I'm in."