
Neurochemistry Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"It's like giving your brain this wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gradual progression as the kind of weak version of a protocol is a misconception. In fact, extending the duration of time that people were in cold water, they experienced enormous increases in neurochemicals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music can evoke the release of certain neurochemicals, these include dopamine but also norepinephrine and epinephrine, from centers in the brain and body glands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's like giving your brain a wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
"Oxytocin, known by many names: the love hormone, the cuddle chemical, the hug hormone, even the moral molecule."
"The heart problem of consciousness is simply stated in one sentence: How do chemicals and atoms and neurochemistry or neuroelectricity produce this experience?"
"Every single time you move your body, you are releasing a whole bunch of neurochemicals."
"Everything from the neurochemistry of the runner's high, which makes us enjoy cooperating with other people more and gives us hope and optimism, all the way to how if you are regularly active, you have a different brain and nervous system than people who don't exercise."
"Understanding that while you might feel back on your heels during that process...all of those things are actually creating the specific neurochemical and neural circuit conditions to invoke learning."
"We're all basically working with the same building blocks of neurons and neurochemistry."
"Caffeine has the property of not just causing the release of dopamine but increasing the amount of dopamine receptors over time."
"By moving your body, it's like giving your brain this wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
"Values are where you ultimately hardwire yourself to get a neurochemical response from pursuing the things because pursuit is all you have."
"Dopamine is the reward system within our body; when dopamine binds to a dopamine receptor, we get a big sense of reward and an energy burst."
"The symbols in dreams arise from the unconscious mind assigning narrative meaning to a neurochemical waste filtration process."
"You can't just will yourself into neurochemical stasis when you literally have a physiological deficit that makes that impossible."
"This led to the development of the monoamine hypothesis, which states that depression results from a deficiency in one or more of the three key monoamines: namely serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine."
"Be the best person you possibly can be and if there's a compliment, good for you. If not, don't live your life based on likes."
"It's not a coincidence that you feel so relaxed and so lethargic after like your body has literally accomplished its goal and is now in a mindset like literally neurochemically to just like relax and like do [__] nothing."
"There's actually a neurochemical basis for controlling stress."
"Our understanding of the neurochemistry and neural circuitry of mental illness...allows us to leverage this knowledge to develop new and more active treatments."
"It's really a complex issue that your metabolism, your hormones, your neurochemistry has all been hijacked by the food industry."
"Nature is squeezing this neurochemistry that constantly bonds you, brings you back together."
"We have hunted for big simple neurochemical explanations for psychiatric disorders and we have not found them."
"Ketamine certainly can have quick restorative, balancing effects of brain neurochemistry."
"...alcohol simply monopolizes neurochemicals that are already in our brains..."
"When we enter the attachment stage of infatuation... Our brains produce changes in neurochemicals that alter our perception of reality."
"We receive multiple shots of dopamine throughout the day and we love it."
"Oxytocin nasal spray is very neuroprotective and can help with stress management, stress resilience so a better response to stress and anxiety and depression."
"Trazodone actually works on the three neurochemical systems that we've mentioned before, which are the wake-promoting systems within the brain."
"I think if I had to explain it, and maybe I can't explain it, maybe it just happened because one day I woke up and my neurochemistry was different because I had four nights of good sleep."
"Dopamine is a very, very powerful inhibitor of prolactin production."
"I have dopamine, I have serotonin, I have all the good things running through my bloodstream."
"You get the dopamine yeah you miss the oxytocin you don't get the oxytocin yeah which which is this the love hormone right it that's the that's how you develop uh connection and love bonding right."
"They're running on chemicals to the brain. Love has nothing to do with it."
"Flow is the only time you get this cocktail of feel-good drugs."
"All that dopamine and endorphins are popping out and making you feel a little happy."
"We can change our neurochemistry by taking a pill that will alter our neurochemistry, or maybe we can change our neurochemistry strategically by engaging in smart behaviors that will change it in more healthy ways."
"Dopamine is a quick jolt... that says 'Oh my God, that feels so good, do more of this'."
"Gratitude is one of those things that actually does start neurochemically changing the chemicals in your brain."
"The balance of glutamine and glutamate is critical for optimal brain function."
"Sooner or later you'll actually be happy. It is neurochemically proven."
"...the neurochemistry of human beings and the neurochemistry of animals is absolutely staggering."
"We're being hijacked in ways that are changing us neurochemically."
"We may not be aware of the effect that media has on our neurochemistry now."
"The biological approach looks at genes, genotype, phenotype, evolution, neurochemistry, and biological structures."
"The biological approach you need to know about the influence of genes, biological structures, and neurochemistry on behavior."
"Curiosity neurochemically is a little bit of the neurochemical norepinephrine, a little of it is excitement, a little that primes your brain for learning."
"When people engage in physical activity, the neuro chemicals that increase are bonding neuro chemicals."
"Your mood changes, your behavior changes, your neurotransmitter balance changes, which again affects the functions of your brain and your behavior."
"It's the power of what happens when your brain floods with norepinephrine, and you do get the clarity of the world has a little more brightness."
"Dopamine is a happy hormone; it makes you feel better."
"Get appropriate production of your normal neurochemicals by getting adequate sun exposure."
"The neurochemistry of movement helps us bond and connect with others."