
Exercise Benefits Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"It's like giving your brain this wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What it does is it goes directly to your hippocampus and it helps brand new brain cells grow in your hippocampus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What you get is that mood boost, very, very consistent."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The other thing about resistance training that I think has a certain allure for some people, men and women, is that it's one of the few forms of exercise that because of the enhanced blood flow to the muscle that occurs during the training, the so-called 'pump,' it gives you a transient but somewhat real window into what your results will be."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is useful for aesthetic changes, functionality, and for longevity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is no supplement or drug for increasing longevity that even comes close to the known improvements in health metrics that relate to longevity that come from getting quality sleep and especially from getting sufficient amounts of quality exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We want to exercise at least five days per week... it's immensely beneficial for the production of things like brain-derived neurotrophic factor, for limiting inflammatory cytokines like IL-6, for promoting anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"High-intensity interval training, sprinting et cetera, which somewhat mimics the neural activity that occurs while moving heavy weight loads, is going to increase testosterone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise lowers your risk quite substantially for diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's dementia."
"You know, it's almost embarrassing to talk about how good exercise is for you."
"Everything from the neurochemistry of the runner's high, which makes us enjoy cooperating with other people more and gives us hope and optimism, all the way to how if you are regularly active, you have a different brain and nervous system than people who don't exercise."
"People who exercise can have something along the size of a 30% reduction in all-cause mortality if they have cancer."
"Exercise not only helps with blood flow, heart and lung health, mental health, it can also preserve telomeres."
"Exercise isn't just beneficial for your fitness and vitality... it can stop diseases in their tracks."
"Exercise increases the sensitivity of your brain to satiety hormones."
"Everything, brain health, cardiovascular health, it's the most powerful, I would say, longevity drug you're going to get, in my opinion."
"The miracles of exercise are profound on the length of your life and the quality of your life."
"Regular exercise can improve your self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety."
"A good workout can help you sleep better, but it's about timing and intensity."
"Exercise releases endorphins and is good for both physical and mental health."
"You're never too old to benefit from exercise."
"For the very first time, exercise is associated with a reduced likelihood of being infected."
"The good news is you can stave off this deterioration, this shrinking of your lungs, by doing all the stuff we're talking about: breath work, exercise."
"It's a progression. So yeah, the leg exercises are gonna be harder. Hard things generally give you better results."
"Exercise...stimulates brain cell production...helps adults think more clearly and effectively."
"Always think about the benefits you are going to get from this workout. You know, think about how great you are going to feel afterwards."
"Exercise is so beneficial for the health of your skin. It has actually been shown that people who exercise regularly have fewer signs of skin aging."
"Exercise benefits your body by keeping it looking good, relieving minor anxiety and depression, and it even lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure."
"A good chest press machine creates a better mind-muscle connection with the pecs than almost any other movement because you don't have to worry about stabilizing."
"Just getting off the couch and being active at all...is actually going to improve things. But if you want to optimize it, that's when we're talking about doing 300 minutes and mixing in some high intensity exercise."
"Exercise, specifically resistance exercise, has been shown to boost testosterone."
"Regular aerobic exercise has a slew of benefits, including lowering our cholesterol level."
"I think exercise was way cheaper than therapy."
"To be honest, exercise has become such a big part of me, my routine. It's almost like my daily dose of therapy."
"Super squats takes a single exercise not for causing an immense amount of growth over your entire body with just simple practice which is the squat."
"Walking's been going great Brahman is you know loving learning about his new surroundings I think the exercise is you know making him a lot less anxious it's been a real good experience."
"Exercise helps to maintain your cardiovascular health. It helps you to maintain a good blood pressure. It helps you to maintain a healthy body weight."
"L-sits to handstand combine the benefits of both exercises, offering a challenging hybrid movement."
"Exercise is the only thing that reverses all components of aging."
"If trained properly in a structured program, the deadlift will be the most powerful exercise in your arsenal."
"Clearly, trees are very important; if forests vanish because of logging or other activities, the impacts on the environment will be great."
"Exercise drives 90 percent of the signals that make the brain grow."
"Exercise is fasting and fast forward particularly when it comes to autophagy."
"Pregnant women cannot exercise, that's a myth."
"Regular exercise is crucial; muscles use up your glucose."
"Exercise is probably positive for angry people generally, isn't it? Just kind of relaxes people for the most part, I'd say."
"Movement is medication, exercise is a beautiful thing for the mind."
"Exercise massively boosts attention and focus."
"Leg training burns more calories than any other body part."
"Exercise is like miracle growth for your brain."
"That's a good workout... a really good workout."
"Cardio actually makes you stronger if you don't exercise you're not going to be fit it helps you burn calories makes you a better butter burner"
"If you had a pill that could reduce your body fat percentage and could increase your glucose control and your insulin sensitivity and could reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease... the reality is that exercise does all of those things."
"Exercise is the best pill, the best drug I could prescribe."
"Almost invariably, not only do you feel better after having done the former, but with each subsequent workout it gets easier and easier."
"Exercise gives you endorphins, and when people are sad, sometimes they can go work out and feel a little bit better."
"Jumping rope can actually burn up to like 1,300 calories an hour."
"I feel so much better when I burn that extra energy."
"Exercise is great for boosting memory and focus."
"If you can get outside that position and strengthen your body, it's gonna help you."
"Exercise is a disease modifying treatment for people with pre-dementia."
"Just a little bit of exercise a few days a week will help you stay fit and healthy."
"I'm a fan of exercise and particularly how exercise is linked with increased resilience when it comes to this particular pathogen and other pathogens."
"We need to understand that people under any circumstance if they have the ability to get fresh air and exercise, it is quite important to their health."
"It's not about how I look, it's about how I feel while I'm working out."
"Exercise can reduce the odds of developing those underlying health conditions that also claim lives."
"Moving your body is a great way to naturally get things moving in your gut."
"Working out in the morning always just feels so good."
"Exercise may help prevent and treat depression."
"Endocannabinoids produced upon exercise may contribute to feelings of well-being."
"Doctors can't give us good posture, doctors can't give us energy and control our weight, doctors can't prevent atrophy. Exercise alone can do that."
"Just because you don't understand how to manage volume doesn't mean full-body training is bad for you."
"It's thought that physical exercise can improve cerebral vascular function."
"It's like what a beautiful blessing to have being a place in your career where you feel seasoned, you're well accomplished, you're beyond competent."
"Our skin health is a direct reflection of our internal organs too."
"I really wanted to set realistic fitness goals for myself and use exercise as a form of self-care."
"Regular exercise has been proven to increase self-confidence, improve mood, and lower symptoms of depression and anxiety."
"Exercise can help increase hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, boosting mood and overall sense of well-being."
"I work out for like mentally; it's nice. If I don't work out in the morning, I just have a really shitty day."
"Fasted cardio is when you're in fasting forced ketosis - swim a mile, burn a pound of pure body fat."
"Regular exercise stimulates BDNF, crucial for dopamine sensitivity."
"I feel like I'm exhausted but I also have got so much energy because I love this stuff workout."
"Taking care of the body through an exercise like yoga or even cardiovascular activity tends to see a better experience with psychological health."
"Exercise brings me back into my ideal state of mind."
"Regular exercise has been proven to help weight loss, regulate appetite, and improve metabolic profile."
"When you exercise... you purge those senescent cells from your immune system which is phenomenal."
"Get after it friends, eat real food, start exercising more, walk, you know, keep those glucose levels and fluctuations down."
"Exercise...helps control blood pressure, weight management, reduces the risk of diseases..."
"If you change your diet and you commit to 150 minutes of getting your heart rate up, you will feel something."
"Exercise can reduce stress, help with mindfulness, and improve cognitive ability."
"Even 30 minutes of activity can help you be generally healthier mentally and physically."
"Exercise is incredible at releasing endorphins and dopamine."
"Weight-bearing like running, walking, even jogging for a limited distance can make your bones stronger, lifting weights of any kind, any kind of resistance activity tells your body build stronger bones."
"Exercise can also help make you feel really good."
"I guarantee you will feel better if you do like 30 minutes of cardio every single day."
"Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don't shoot their husbands."
"Exercise literally slashes the relative risk in half."
"Interval training: better for longevity than just intense exercise."
"There are other ways besides activating autophagy that exercise can help you to keep your body young."
"Exercise is a form of self-care... mentally, exercise is a really good form of self-care."
"Exercise can have drug-sized effects in reducing blood pressure."
"Resistance training or heavy weightlifting also will increase your growth hormone which is a fat-burning hormone."
"Exercise is a protective factor for pretty much every disease that we know of."
"Moving stimulates the production of more mitochondria."
"How much does exercising improve your mental health? Oh my gosh, it truly is the best antidepressant out there."
"So staying active and practicing various exercises that specifically help with posture and alignment, like Pilates, are really great places to start."
"Exercise is so much more than losing weight."
"For me, the real functional benefit, what really makes the squat interesting, is the way it improves jump height and running speeds."
"Understanding the 'why' behind every exercise is key to maximizing gains."
"Cardio is great for recovery throughout the week."
"Working out with symptoms from the head up usually makes you feel better."
"When Indy has the appropriate amount of exercise and stimulation, he becomes a different dog."
"The runner's high makes you feel powerfully optimistic."
"Exercise is truly a celebration of all your body can do, so celebrate yourself."
"Exercise is truly a celebration of all your body can do."
"Run like Forrest Gump. Not only will you lose weight, but you'll gain clarity. That's a win-win for you."
"One of the most dangerous exercises you can never get, one of the most beneficial exercises you're ever going to get for the joints."
"Exercise, it is the greatest thing in the world."
"The brain thrives at the top of a body that's moving and exercising."
"Unilateral work like Bulgarian split squats can be phenomenal."
"Building a stronger grip will make you stronger in nearly everything you do."
"The secret is exercise, man. To everything. So wake up, exercise, do the show again. That's what keeps your body revved up."
"Exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy, and happy people don't kill people."
"You can smell amazing when you finish this workout, promise you that."
"Glute activation laid the foundation for better glute training."
"Remember every time you work out, you're investing in your future health."
"Giant sets exist for isolation movements. Treat your accessories as priorities."
"Isometrics have fallen out of favor yeah nobody talks about them and there's tremendous benefits all the studies around are incredible."
"Working out first thing in the morning...physiologically you have increased endorphins, those are those happy hormones, you can't help but feel better after you workout."
"Working out releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine and that helps yourself feel good about yourself mentally."
"Healthy fascia could result in greater physical strength, more explosiveness, greater flexibility, and even improved balance and agility."
"My career -- I have many more years in front of me and I'm really going to make the best out of it."
"Stair exercises retrain your brain and alleviate pain."
"Working out is so good for me. You get those endorphins and you feel good."
"If you don't have the motivation hit a hard workout I'm telling you you'll feel better after and that is the motivation to continue."
"You exercise for the joy of feeling good and getting stronger."
"Exercise is bi-directional... People that exercise regularly they get a lot more benefits when it comes to enhancing Netaji etaf adji."
"No one comes back from a walk saying, 'I wish I hadn't done that.' You just feel better."
"Halfway through it might feel like a bit of a chore, but a good one, it's worth it."
"Exercising itself releases endorphins that just improve your overall mood."
"Daily aerobic exercise can decrease depression and anxiety symptoms for over 75% of people."
"Even though it hurts, booty work is awesome."
"Exercise is physically challenging and mentally sounds but when you come out of it, you always feel so good for it."
"It's more of a subtle thing and this is one of those things that also takes quite a while to start showing but over the past few months by being more consistent with my exercising I've really started to notice a difference."
"If we can just get you to walk a little bit more through your day and I can get you to pick up the barbell every once in a while and do a few movements like we are winning."
"Exercising is just good, getting up and about, getting the endorphins pumping."
"The intensity, the cardio you put yourself through just from working out on a bag, it's unlike anything else."
"Exercise dramatically changes your brain chemistry."
"You're never going to regret a workout, unless you've got a barbell dropped on your head."
"Adding just nine weekly sets of direct neck extension work led to a 13% increase in total neck cross sectional area."
"Proper form and focus on the negative and the stretch are key to lifting correctly."
"Exercise: It's a double win, it's a two in one."
"Consistent exercise has genuinely changed my life in so many positive ways."
"Exercise literally changes all your hormones and adrenaline."
"Exercise, the right kind of exercise, strength training and your cardiovascular fitness are medicines just like food is medicine."
"Pushing to the top of Zone 2 stimulates mitochondrial function more efficiently, enhancing endurance."
"The leg isn't hurting as much after warming up which is really great."
"Regular exercise is known to reduce stress levels and anxiety."
"Working out is the cheapest happy pill you will ever get."
"Cadence... slow down the reps... after a set close to failure like, 'Oh my god, my triceps and my elbows feel great!'"
"Not only does exercise distract you from your negative thoughts, but it's actually been proven to physiologically increase your sense of well-being."
"Who says exercise doesn't have any benefit in war?"
"Improving your range of motion is not only gonna lead to heavier lifts and more control of your body, but it's also gonna reduce the risk of injury."
"High intensity intervals are the only form of cardio that does not drop metabolic rate."
"The L-sit hold is actually a stepping stone to improving all other exercises..."
"If you don't have as much visceral fat, you get much more benefit from exercise."
"Exercising regularly can improve your memory, concentration skills, and creativity levels."
"Strengthening muscles through our entire ranges of motion can only be a good thing."
"One of the biggest benefits to doing these movements is going to be making you more resilient to the demands of the high-intensity fitness method that is crossfit."
"It's in every one of your best interests for hypertrophy to continue to use the same exercise as long as the fatigue per unit is low and the stimulus is really high."
"Handstands are great for building your balance, core strength, and shoulder strength."
"Having some sort of movement constraint in there can actually be quite useful."
"High-intensity interval training can improve growth hormone by as much as 700%."
"Exercise, especially when we're young, isn't just about burning calories or building muscles, it's actually about learning."
"This is building coordination, strength, endurance, and requires no equipment."
"If I run correctly with the correct technique...I will actually have a stronger and healthier foot."
"Exercise as a way to nourish ourselves and set awesome fitness goals that have nothing to do with weight loss or size or numbers."
"Anything that a patient is willing to do...exercise is also an important tool for psychiatric help."
"Mentally working out helps a lot... I feel like it just helps you kind of reconnect and anchor yourself to the present moment."
"Exercise gets your body working and your heart pumping, boom boom boom!"
"Exercise: There is probably nothing better you can do for staying young and maintaining health."
"Something is a lot better than nothing when it comes to exercise."
"A sweaty session, but a bit of exercise always makes you feel better. It feels like you've done something, all those good endorphins!"
"When you work out, that's the stuff that makes you happy."
"Exercise is the thing that keeps you healthy. It's the one thing that keeps your heart healthy." - "Every day 6 to 8,000 people are dying, and people are ignoring that. Media is not picking up on that."
"Antagonist training is completely underrated."
"It's worth investing in one because the exercises I'm going to demonstrate to you have proven to be 90 percent effective in 90 of patients after six weeks."
"Exercise doesn't just boost bone density, it also reduces the number of falls over time."
"Vigorous intensity exercise is one of the most important types of exercise for longevity."
"Exercise-induced lactate increases mitochondrial biogenesis in neurons."
"Regular exercise May improve the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines."
"Exercise is one of the best things. I had tremendous anxiety, nervous breakdowns, all of that stuff, and I've always exercised, so I'm able to pull myself out of it."
"There's just something about getting in the gym... stress worries they just fly out with every kettlebell swing."
"One of the beautiful things about exercise is that it can be done in so many different ways and molded to fit your goals and interests."
"Exercise can improve mitochondrial quantity and the quality of the mitochondria."
"Some medications and exercise can increase bone score in weeks."
"These are amazing adaptations the heart can do when we consistently challenge it and exercise it through consistent activity."
"Debbie is a True Believer, she can finally do the exercises she likes - planks, push-ups, or stationary bike - all thanks to relief factor. It's been a real game changer for her and for so many other people."
"Exercise showers the brain with growth factors."
"Squeeze your core...keeping that core and that booty tight, you'll have much more power and control."