
Carbohydrates Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"We probably all would be better off with less of the carbs that we're typically served, but most of us, and probably the vast majority of us would be better off by consuming a lot more carbs that were complex, that were microbiota-accessible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who have a simple carbohydrate-based diet have a 400 percent increased risk of getting Alzheimer's disease."
"Carbohydrates have by far the greatest impact on blood sugar."
"Avoiding refined carbohydrates is an easy no-brainer; there's nothing in there anyways."
"The carbohydrates are largely crap. They're processed."
"Carbohydrates do not cause insulin resistance; it's the type and quantity that matter."
"Carbohydrates are not bad; it's really the effect of the refining that's the major problem."
"People in our world today are so afraid of eating complex carbohydrates like rice and beans and potatoes, and yet the Asians, they do very well with rice."
"Predominantly it's a low carbohydrate type that is the key."
"There is scientific evidence to suggest that a large proportion of the population with obesity or diabetes would benefit from restricting carbohydrates."
"Instead of using the word sugar, what I like to tell people is no fruit contains whole sugar or whole carbohydrates."
"The classic teaching is that rice is a complex carbohydrate."
"Our minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates is zero."
"Further insulin from carbs does not have any greater effect on muscle protein synthesis."
"Carbs are one of the best ways to build muscle."
"Carbs are just as valuable for building muscle as the protein."
"No one's denying you can lose weight on any kind of diet."
"I've done days where I just don't eat carbs and I play basketball and I feel great."
"Carbohydrates will cause your blood sugar to rise. And as I always like to say, the last time I checked the problem with type-2 diabetes is that your blood sugar is too high."
"Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, unprocessed beans, and lentils are considered good carbs because they take much longer to break down in your gut."
"Humans are by design low carbohydrate animals."
"Every individual is different but my goal is always to prioritize carbohydrates."
"Try to keep your glycemic index below 60 in most of the carbohydrates you eat."
"It is okay to count net carbs, so if you're having 45 grams of carbs but there's 10 grams of fiber in that, it is okay to count as 35."
"Eating so frequently and eating a lot of carbohydrates is keeping your insulin levels higher than they should be."
"Carbohydrates themselves are not the cause of obesity."
"Net carbs shouldn't exceed 5% of your total calorie load."
"It's good carbs, it's good sugar, and it's good calories."
"The first thing you do is you absolutely, positively stay away from simple carbohydrates."
"I love carbs, if I could, I'd wear a t-shirt that says 'I love carbs.'"
"Refined carbohydrates can increase your risk for a number of diseases, but whole carbohydrates reduce your risk for chronic disease. Period."
"Protein is not what damages kidneys. It's too many carbohydrates."
"My body is at its best when I don't eat a ton of carbs."
"I've noticed with these celebrities, usually they'll have their carbs for breakfast."
"You eat a lot of bread, you eat pasta, that's still sugar."
"Whole grain carbohydrates keep us full for a long time like protein does."
"Let's try and balance that out a little bit, get some whole grain carbohydrates in there."
"Don't be afraid of taking simple carbohydrates post-workout; it's crucial for muscle recovery and growth."
"You can have simple carbohydrates sugars immediately after the workout."
"If you have 100 grams of carbs, you can afford anything."
"First thing in the morning, starchy complex carbohydrates."
"Carbs, whatever time of day, are wonderful, and carbs do just make me happy."
"Adding a protein and fat to any carbohydrate-rich meal is going to have a number of favorable effects."
"The problem is not the meat; it's clearly the processed carbohydrates that taste way too good and we eat way too much of it."
"Carbohydrates make up the bulk of the food you're gonna eat."
"When we're told carbohydrate is the foundation of energy, we start believing other myths."
"The number one benefit from all of this is getting control of hunger, appetite, and cravings."
"Three hours before bed... should be the last time you have carbohydrates."
"Cut carbs low enough and you'll reverse pre-diabetes."
"Eating high-quality carbohydrates is essential."
"Good quality carbohydrates help to reduce inflammation and give not only you energy but feed your gut microbiome."
"Carbohydrates are going to have the biggest effect on glucose because they are glucose."
"Reduce your refined carbohydrates... eat whole, unprocessed foods."
"Your body doesn't need carbs to function... I tend I do much better keeping them out completely."
"Control carbohydrates. If you're opening up a bag or a box to get your carbs, that's going to be a bad source of carbohydrate."
"I think the fiber narrative has been increasingly pushed because it's the last thing left to justify carbohydrate consumption."
"80% of the carbohydrates we're now eating are unhealthy."
"The main way that we as humans give this glucose to our body is through eating carbohydrates—starchy foods like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, or sweet foods like chocolate cake, ice cream, fruit."
"Reducing these fermentable carbohydrates can be incredibly helpful."
"Not all fruit is bad, and eating carbohydrate is not evil, but it's toxic levels of processed carbohydrates that are most people's problem."
"The brain develops during human evolution because of carbohydrate sugar."
"Any time anybody says to you 'but we need carbs for'... there, that is a correct statement, but it doesn't impact the requirement for exogenous carbohydrate in the diet."
"Fruit is literally Nature's Way of providing fiber, good carbohydrates, and deliciousness."
"There is no physical or biological need for us to consume any carbohydrates at all."
"Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, but fat doesn't."
"What raises insulin? Carbohydrates."
"When we restrict carbohydrates, the locks come off, and all of a sudden we have access to all of our fat stores for energy."
"...no one's blaming the babies they're just saying hey we're going to make sure that you have a very low carbohydrate..."
"You can reverse insulin resistance and restore a normal ability to deal with carbohydrates."
"Different carbohydrates vary in how sugary they are according to the glycemic index which Compares each carbohydrate against pure glucose."
"Instead of focusing on what you shouldn't be having, focus on how to use carbs in a smarter way."
"Carbs are things that turn to glucose when we digest them, and those are starches and sugars."
"By restricting carbohydrates, you are also limiting fiber nutrients, phytochemicals, and you're not setting your body up in the best way possible."
"Consuming a lot of carbohydrates attenuates or impairs the health response to exercise."
"The good thing about sports drinks, gels, chews, they contain virtually nothing except simple carbohydrates."
"Processed carbohydrates are addictive."
"Your body needs carbs and this is a good carb."
"When people go towards carbs, it just brings on the sugar cravings, and they start not sleeping well again and all of that. Yeah, the whole hormonal side of cravings and everything that comes. Fat is my energy source for sure, and it can be for you too."
"I think if people don't believe that carbohydrates, well, they are, I mean chemically carbohydrates are sugar."
"I believe the carbohydrates, the specific right kinds of foods can actually enhance your health tremendously."
"I eat a lot of berries so one of my biggest carb sources is berries so eat a ton of those."
"Insulin is necessary to utilize the energy we obtain from carbohydrates."
"Carbs have gotten a really bad reputation in the last ten years."
"Eating carbohydrates, especially processed, causes deposition of visceral fat."
"Eating fat does not make you fat, eating too many carbohydrates, that's what makes you fat."
"Carbohydrates are not the problem it's our relationship with them."
"...this is where I bust myths and some of them are gonna blow your mind. Carbs are nothing magical, they're also not demonic, so include them as part of a normal diet."
"When you restrict carbohydrates the kidneys excrete more sodium."
"90% of the pastas at your local grocery store I would avoid... the traditional pastas are refined simple carbohydrates."
"You reduce the inflammation by taking away the carbs."
"No, I wasn't lacking in self-control, I wasn't a failure. I was addicted to carbohydrates and actually, it really was beyond my control."
"Human physiology works well when we have carbohydrates."
"If we need low insulin and elevated glucagon, it makes sense to look at the foods that have the biggest impact on insulin—carbohydrates."
"Carbohydrates do not cause diabetes."
"The best time to eat carbohydrates like fruit and chocolate is early in the day before three o'clock."
"Try to get your sugars from full complex carbohydrates including food sources and avoid sources of sugar such as refined sugar."
"Carbs are underrated... you have carbs in the evening it might actually make you fall asleep much easier and you have better sleep."
"Carbohydrates are used for energy, particularly during intense exercise."
"But that gradual drop in carbohydrates is going to help mitigate a lot of those keto flu symptoms."
"Carbs are excellent. They should be about 60% of your calories in your diet."
"You 100% do not need to give up carbs to lose weight."
"You cannot have a complete or healthful diet without carbs."
"I discovered that I had to change. I was eating way too many carbohydrates and I got an air quote coming at you heart healthy whole grains which on the glycemic scale are higher than table white sugar."
"Carbohydrates are our most readily available source of energy."
"So again rice is one of the more starchy carbohydrates."
"Whole carbohydrate-rich foods are the center of the Mastering Diabetes method."
"The last cool little tricky thing that you can do: if you consume your carbohydrates within two hours of exercise, your muscle cells will use more of that blood sugar."
"Carbs are demonized for some reason, and they shouldn't be demonized if you're active, if you're using those carbs for energy, then you're good to go."
"Carbohydrate comes in lots of different forms and it's been given a really bad press but actually there's a place for all of it."
"Carbs are not bad. Carbs are not bad."
"No white at night. No bread, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes. Things that are white, don't eat them."
"Dogs don't have a biological requirement for carbohydrates in their diet."
"Bread is everything, pasta, bread, the way specifically."
"Now all things considered, you can't go wrong eating foods high in complex carbohydrates."
"When you eat complex carbohydrates, it doesn't spike your blood sugar as much as eating simple carbohydrates."
"Carbohydrates are good or bad depending on what is added to them and what is taken away from them."
"The carbs that are coming from Mother Nature, from Mother Earth, from the ground, those are healthy carbs."
"Carbohydrates are used for cell structure and as a primary energy source."
"Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of fuel."
"Carbohydrates are not the devil; they should be a fundamental part of your diet."
"When you replace meat with refined carbohydrates, you experience no health benefits whatsoever."
"The starch solution changed my life because it blew my mind that I can eat starch, I can eat carbs and still get healthy and still lose weight."
"People fear carbs, but carbs don't increase weight."
"All carbohydrate is not created equally."
"It's a miracle. Gotta love carbs, right?"
"For the most people, you want to have some carbohydrates."
"Please, no, bread's not the enemy, carbs are not the enemy, you need carbs."
"Carbs are my favorite, and it's really important for your training as well; you need energy, guys, it's important."
"You gotta pick the complex carbs."
"Carbohydrates are not food; they belong in the food category as much as alcohol belongs in the hydration category."
"Beans are particularly superior source of carbohydrate and they're rich in protein."
"Carbohydrates are a preferred energy source for your body, a preferred fuel for your brain."
"I've dieted on very, very low carbohydrate diets, ketogenic diets, and I have to tell you, it rearranged my thinking in terms of how necessary carbohydrates are for optimal functioning."
"Carbs are a rapid source for explosive athletic activity."
"It's entirely possible to eat carbohydrates and lose weight, lose body fat."
"If you're really concerned about it, staying in a lower carb protocol might be the better route for you."
"Carbohydrates are the brain's primary source of fuel."
"Protein is important post-workout but carbs are also essential for replenishing glycogen stores."
"Carbs are the energy for our brains."
"Dates are an excellent source of natural carbohydrates and nutrients that improve brain function."
"Carbohydrates are a quickly mobilized source of energy."
"Carbohydrates are used to store energy and are very important biomolecules."
"Carbohydrates are quite flexible, some people do much better on higher carbohydrates within their calorie goals."
"If you do feel like you need food before a workout, definitely getting some carbohydrates is super important."
"Using carbohydrates as a drug of choice to deal with emotions prevents us from learning healthy responses and impairs our personal growth."
"Carbs clearly don't always make diabetes worse, and we have to question whether they cause it at all."
"You don't have to cut carbs out of your life... I'm talking about whole carbs like whole wheat pasta and sweet potato and whole fruits."
"I love carbs, everybody, you guys know I love my carbs."
"Carbohydrates serve as the fuel and building material of our cells."
"Monosaccharides are simple sugars, the monomers for the carbohydrate macromolecule."
"The healthiest carbohydrates are whole ripe fruits."
"The body needs carbohydrates, does best with carbohydrates."
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with consuming carbs."
"Protein has no carbohydrates at all, so it does not raise your blood sugar."
"Maltodextrin has a very different story according to PubMed research."
"By not consuming carbohydrates, your body starts to burn fat."
"If you're consuming too many refined carbs or sugar... that alone can keep you from sleeping at night."
"A diet rich in complex carbohydrates seems to be an important facet of maintaining a healthy microbiome."
"The most abundant carbohydrate in the biosphere is cellulose."
"Consume more carbs during your training."
"You still need carbs, okay? You still need fiber."
"Carbs plus aminos enhance muscle growth to a greater extent than either carbs or aminos consumed independently."
"Carbohydrates are digested more quickly; lipids are digested more slowly."
"We need a little of everything, including some fat; the only thing it's all right to skip is starchy food because there's a healthy amount of carbohydrate in fruits and vegetables."
"Nothing beats a hot, fresh, and savory soup with all the carbs you can ask for."
"Eat high-quality carbs before practices; never skip this."
"Carbohydrates are the optimal fuel source for performance."
"Gallstones do not come from saturated fat; they come from chronic excessive carbohydrate consumption."
"When plants cross the threshold of 60% photosynthetic efficiency... they now have an abundance of sugar, a bunch of carbohydrates more than they need for themselves."
"Carbo load is carbohydrates that provide a food source for your plants."
"Rival Nutrition Clean Gainer uses a blend of carbohydrates including maltodextrin, organic quinoa, organic blueberry powder, organic rice bran, and oat flour."
"Your body's favorite source of energy will always be carbohydrates."
"For the average amateur triathlete, taking in between 60-90 grams of carbohydrate an hour is compatible with a really high level of performance."
"It's popular because it's a comfort carb meal and everyone loves a comfort carb meal."
"This has been the best carb supplement that I've found out there, and I'm sticking to it."
"Sugar in fruit is just a carbohydrate, and it's a simple carbohydrate which means it requires no insulin to be processed for energy."
"If you consume a lot of carbohydrates within two hours after exercise, more of it is going to be able to be stored as glycogen."
"It's sugar, starch, and carbs that are driving most of the bad cholesterol in this country."
"Carbohydrates are more commonly known as your sugars."
"Carbohydrates provide our energy in the form of glucose."
"I think people actually do better with 50-90 grams of carbohydrates rather than zero grams of carbohydrates per day if they want to get low carb or moderate carb."
"The quickest way to change your insulin levels is based on the amount and type of carbohydrate you consume."
"I love refreshments. I can't help it. I love carbohydrates."
"Beer has carbohydrate; carbohydrate can facilitate recovery."
"High-quality carbs are high-quality fuel for your body."
"Do not shy away from carbs; they are absolutely not the enemy."
"Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and fats are the same thing; they're also made of those three atoms but they have a very different structure."
"Carbohydrate consumption decreases stress levels and improves mood."
"Carbohydrates can improve hormonal markers, namely thyroid function and testosterone levels."
"Carbohydrates also appear to fairly potently improve physical performance."
"If you have a high amount of like bread carbs at a meal and less protein, you're probably gonna get hungrier sooner."
"If you don't get enough carbs, you get hypoglycemia; you don't get enough sugar, which means that you're not providing enough of this raw material to make ATP."
"Understanding the impact of different carbs is crucial for making informed choices."
"These carbs are going to get me through a 15 mile and a Fred again concert."
"Carbohydrates are always going to be your most optimal source... for carbon dioxide production and for energy production."
"How is it that vegans who consume more carbohydrates on average have a 78% lower total risk of diabetes?"
"Whole grains versus white grains or complex versus simple carbs, the complex, the starches like brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, farro, all of those kinds of whole grains are gonna have that fiber still included."
"All health authorities agree that carbohydrates are a key component in the modern diet."
"The carbohydrates are also good too because they promote the precursor to serotonin that'll help you sleep."
"Eating protein before the workout doesn't really do much for you during the workout; you only need the carbohydrates to fuel your workouts."