
Health Benefits Quotes

There are 3794 quotes

"I think the vast majority of people, particularly given the statistics of what we know people eat in the United States and in industrialized countries, most people would reap tremendous health benefits from eating more whole, plant-based dietary fiber."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more you exercise, the more motivated you are to exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate respiration that involves controlled holds and exhales really has a dramatic and very immediate impact on reducing our levels of stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is about as good an antidepressant as SSRIs are, and the side effects are only good side effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Intermittent fasting... is not just about when you eat, but also about allowing your body to enter a fasted state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"An eight-hour feeding window seems to be very beneficial across almost all parameters."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is why I'm a big fan of things like, cold showers and cold water exposure, which has been shown to lead to long-lasting 2.5 X increases in dopamine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every hour of sleep before midnight was of more value or potency than the hours after midnight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more often that people do sauna, the better their health is and the lower the likelihood they will die from some sort of cardiovascular event."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Heat shock proteins are deployed to go and rescue and prevent the changes in proteins that would be detrimental to your health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is one of the only things that will actually improve your biomarkers of health without even losing weight." - LAYNE NORTON
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A growing amount of data that being a nasal breather is better than being a mouth breather."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Beautiful things happen when hormones and systems of the body are well aligned with the 24-hour schedule."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is excellent, meaning dozens, if not hundreds, of quality peer-reviewed studies which support the value of getting sunlight in one's eyes, in particular early in the day to set your circadian rhythm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Viewing morning sunlight also has profoundly positive effects on metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You don't have to expose yourself very much to the heat or very much actually to the cold to get healthy benefits...you don't have to go extreme."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Winter swimmers have a really good sleep, and in general, they also say, 'We sleep very well. I sleep very well.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we can take in cold and heat, along with exercise and a bit of fasting, it all increases the hormetic stress in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine does have a lot of-- well, it's anti-neurodegenerative. As long as you're not getting anxiety, it's pro-performance, both mental and physical performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure can be achieved by getting into a cold shower for one to five minutes... greatly increases epinephrine levels and dopamine levels in the brain and blood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's the one that you select and the one that you make space for, and it's the one that you hopefully enjoy that's going to work best in terms of physiology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It has been shown again and again and again, to have positive effects on brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nose-breathing in wakefulness and in sleep promotes all sorts of positive things related to not just cosmetics, but also the improvement of gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Watermelon isn't just about spitting seeds and Instagrammable moments; it's packed with citrulline, a magical amino acid that gets converted into arginine, which then becomes nitric oxide. Let's just call it the VIP guest at the blood flow party."
"Anthocyanins are the powerful antioxidants that give berries their vibrant colors, and these bad boys are serious about improving your blood flow."
"Pomegranates are like the Swiss guards of cardiovascular health, defending your body against invaders that can mess up your circulatory flow."
"Imagine a world where saunas can treat depression with side effects like reduced death from cardiovascular disease and reduced Alzheimer's disease risk."
"It's a shame that people say that about plant-based diets because the way I see it based on the research is that the plant-based diet is abundant in nutrients."
"Let's make it loud and clear that sauna is medicine."
"If you fast at least 14 hours, you'll have a lot of health benefits."
"Sleep is almost like the tide that raises all of the health boats."
"Sleep and the electrical quality of that sleep, when you get it, actually provides essentially an anxiolytic. It de-escalates anxiety."
"Consuming two eggs a day can truly provide a panoply of health benefits that go far beyond what you might have thought possible."
"Garlic...not only adds a flavor punch to our dishes but also packs a serious health punch."
"Dark chocolate is proof that foods that are good for us can also be a delight for our taste buds."
"Spinach...whether you prefer it wilted, raw, or in a smoothie, spinach is an excellent green to add to your plate for better circulation in your legs and feet."
"Pomegranates truly are the crown jewels of the fruit world."
"Unlock the true potential of these natural healers and learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine."
"Turmeric isn't just a key ingredient in your favorite curry. This vibrant yellow spice also has a golden touch when it comes to health benefits."
"By the end of this video, you'll be able to turn your everyday meals into powerful potions of health and well-being, defending your nerves against damage and aiding their recovery."
"The temperature of your hands is just the tip of the iceberg because the true benefits lie in the fact that once you work on this... it starts affecting all kinds of things."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"A little bit of stress on the body like exercise... because our body tries to maintain homeostasis, a little bit of stress will cause our body to respond to that stress with a lot of anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, growing new brain cells."
"Pomegranates have a variety of antioxidants that lower blood pressure and fight plaque buildup in arteries."
"The most dangerous misunderstanding is how much exercise it takes to get benefits. There are minimal amounts of activity that provide big benefits. More is generally better, but you can get huge benefits just by moving your body a little bit every day."
"LDL promotes longevity and reduces the risk of certain blood-based cancers and infections."
"There's evidence that supports the fact that you'll be less likely to get sick if you take cold showers, as consistent cold water exposure leads to a stress response that boosts your immune system function."
"Cold exposure contributes to numerous additional long-term benefits."
"Up to 600 to 800 milligrams of caffeine a day is associated with better health, both cardiovascular health and mental health."
"Getting a person to lose weight might also get them to stop drinking, now they've gotten rid of multiple risk factors for heart disease."
"Delayed gratification is activities like...exercising...It doesn't feel good right now, it feels bad right now, and yet we do it because we know that it makes our life better in the long term."
"Every time you go, even just for 30 seconds, a cold dip or going into the cold shower, you will have benefits already from the beginning."
"I think they go because of the experience but also of the health benefits and of the way they feel afterwards because afterwards you get this mental balance and better mood."
"It's the world's most popular psychoactive drug, but you look at the science, coffee seems to be healthy and have a really positive impact wherever it's been measured."
"Exercise has more profound and sustained positive effects on mood, anxiety, cognition, energy, and sleep than any pill I can prescribe."
"One to three minutes in a cold shower... it's not that it's hard, it's fun, and you benefit."
"One of the huge benefits you get from being cold is the production of brown fat."
"If we restrict our calories, wonderful things happen to our health defense systems."
"Exercise increases antioxidant defenses in muscle cells. It enhances the ability of the muscle cells to clear out damaged proteins, dysfunctional organelles, such as mitochondria, which are the energy-producing organelle in the cell."
"Intermittent fasting will have very clear, measurable, highly significant benefits for overweight people."
"Creatine monohydrate...it's actually one of the most researched supplement ever and the benefits are very clear and very very consistent."
"Omega-3 has the pharmacological profile of a drug, but the risk profile of a nutrient."
"The consumption of non-starchy green leafy vegetables led to a direct increase in the production of our body's major satiety hormones like GLP-1, leptin."
"Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods, which contain an extremely large amount of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients."
"Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins like EGCG, which combat harmful free radicals in your body, helping to preserve the collagen in your skin."
"Omega-3s have been implicated in reducing the inflammation response, cardiovascular health, et cetera."
"The biggest reduction in risk bar none is always going from nothing to doing something."
"Stress is stress. You have to overcome it. But the benefits are massive."
"A little bit of stress on the body... causes our body to respond to that stress with a lot of anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant [responses], growing new brain cells, and all these beneficial things."
"Spending time in or living close to natural green spaces is associated with a diverse and significant health benefits."
"Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of oatmeal and its extraordinary health benefits?"
"We're both really passionate about the healing power of food and what it can do for a whole variety of different conditions."
"You will be even better when you take a break from alcohol. Fact."
"Exercise and fasting are both reversing the consequences of dietary excess."
"Fasting is a great way of breaking that cycle. It can be a very effective way of getting the person to the point where good foods taste good."
"It's just the ultimate honey. Indulge and try some honey with superpowers from Manuka."
"Exercise improves sleep, memory, anxiety, depression, and reduces chances of all-cause mortality."
"Singing with other people is good for your health."
"There are people who claim that their complexion improves, and that their allergies... And there's probably all sorts of ripple effects."
"Mental clarity...is the biggest benefit [of fasting]."
"Exercise really helps us to reverse those negative physiologic effects of stress."
"The argument that I'm making is that working longer tends to be good for you."
"Vegetarians are 25% less likely to die of heart disease."
"There is no single disease in the world where having muscle mass is a disadvantage."
"Time-restricted feeding can benefit us by aligning with the social rhythms in most cultures."
"Having meaning and purpose in your life is a benefit as great as eliminating heart disease and cancer from the face of the earth."
"Intermittent fasting can help lower blood pressure, reduce body fat, and decrease weight."
"Forgiveness improves your biology; it makes you stronger."
"Cultivating an attitude of gratitude physically, physiologically lowered their body's response to stress."
"Imagine losing 20 pounds and eating more at the end of it. That's what can happen with the proper application of resistance training."
"Extra virgin olive oil is cardio protective, neuroprotective, and supportive of metabolic health."
"Greens have almost no calories yet tons of nutrition."
"Exercise increases total sleep time, especially non-REM, and increases the overall quality of sleep."
"Getting sunlight during the day has huge health benefits."
"A satisfying relationship life can extend longevity by up to 22 percent."
"People that have an omega-3 index of 8% have a five-year increased life expectancy compared to those that have an omega-3 index of 4%."
"Using saunas has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and also improve overall longevity."
"Get some fresh air and some sunshine every day...there are amazing health and mental benefits to the outdoors."
"I've been exercising... what a difference it makes."
"Physical exercise has so many benefits that can help you in your life, in your daily affairs, and even in things that pertain to the hereafter."
"IL6 plays a key role in exercise's ability to induce insulin sensitivity."
"Four seconds of all-out anaerobic activity is just as effective as some huge workouts in prompting the kind of changes in muscle fiber development and other health benefits."
"When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins, your stress hormones are reduced, and the oxygen supply to your blood is increased."
"Taking a few minutes out of your day to stretch is really going to benefit you."
"Once you start gaining flexibility, you're going to feel a lot better, and those exercises and those stretches are going to be a lot easier."
"Where nuclear plants displace coal-fired power plants, they actually save lives."
"Vitamin D is impactful on your ability to regulate steroidogenesis, which leads to testosterone and AR expressed functions in the body."
"Mushrooms could also play a factor in mitigating stress and various factors that contribute to a bunch of different health ailments."
"Fasting is about more energy and it's about more clarity and less time wasted and less pain in your life."
"It's actually one of the healthiest things you can do."
"Fasting protects against diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and neural regeneration."
"We are designed to have periods of time where we're not consuming foods... a period of fasting is going to have profound benefits on our body."
"The interesting part is that everybody thinks that fasting is like the worst thing you could do when, in actuality, looking at the science of what happens during fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself."
"When you take up regular intermittent fasting... you will have a quantum jump in the amount of energy available to you for your brain."
"Of all the types of alcohol, red wine, because of resveratrol, is actually good for the microbiome."
"People who eat legumes live longer with less heart disease and less cancer."
"Not only will you prolong your life... your life will be better. You'll enjoy things more, you'll feel better, you'll have more energy."
"Anti-aging is so important in today's world, and intermittent fasting is powerful for it."
"Intermittent fasting isn't just about losing weight; it's about tuning up your body and achieving sustainable energy."
"High quality and quantity of sleep does seem to be beneficial for muscle growth, whether that is direct or indirect."
"Exercise is really important; it also helps with sleep as well."
"Just breathe. If people understood what breathing actually does on a physiological level, we would all be practicing every day."
"Naps can improve your life. It helps with alertness, boosts creativity, reduces stress, helps with your motor skills, stamina, mood, and even weight loss."
"You will get energy without the anxiety, jitters, or the crash that comes with coffee."
"Assuming you're not malnourished... fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself from both a mental standpoint and a physiologic standpoint."
"Exposure to sunlight boosts your serotonin immediately and helps to set your cortisol rhythm."
"Being included and connected is also crucial for your physical health, for your brain health. It wards off dementia."
"Incorporating time outside in nature, and ideally getting a little dirty, exposure to soil microbes."
"Healthy heart, healthy circulation, good mind - I love boxing for those reasons."
"Getting out into nature and being exposed to phytocytes from trees can boost the innate immune system."
"Spirituality and being part of a community or belief structure can have significant benefits for health."
"I feel better. I seem to think more clearly, sleep better, mood, et cetera."
"The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories your body will burn naturally."
"Exercise should be something that you enjoy... it's going to benefit your health and your body."
"Physical activity, including both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises, led to substantial reductions in the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2, risk of poor outcomes, and death related to COVID-19."
"Exercise is linked with a reduced likelihood of having severe disease and death."
"The only side effect is you're inclined to lose weight, your skin clears up, your hair looks better, your diabetes goes away, your cardiovascular disease begins to regress."
"Watermelon has 90 percentage water. So it's good for diet, good for skin."
"Chocolate is a wonderful source of flavonoids which are protective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant."
"When we feed [the microbiome] fiber, soluble fiber...they create little fragments...that are anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting."
"Coffee... can not just prevent our telomeres from turning down like a fuse, it actually can lengthen the telomeres as well."
"These plant foods are also filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components."
"Barefoot walking can actually have many positive effects on your immune system. It can help reduce white blood cells and help fight off sicknesses while building a stronger immunity."
"Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity for its potential benefits on heart health."
"The ketogenic diet helps people lose weight, get rid of their diabetes or improve their insulin sensitivity, lower their risk for cardiovascular disease, helps them get off of medications, helps them start functioning in life again."
"The profound, rejuvenative rest of TM and the dissolving of stress through that technique results in a slowing of the aging process."
"That's what intermittent fasting does to you. People didn't believe me at first."
"If we do get the sleep that we need, then we're going to be more alert, we're going to perform better, our athletic performance, our cognitive performance will be improved."
"What I know about adopting healthy breathing habits: you will only benefit."
"Weight lifting is hugely beneficial to metabolism; it drives the metabolism, burns calories, and is very important for overall health."
"It helps with osteoarthritis, joint pain. There's huge benefits to taking it."
"Intermittent fasting... is a must. And what's really cool about doing intermittent fasting is... your mood automatically increases."
"Foods that... ignite your brown fat... it's sort of like putting Nitro into your body; it actually helps your body burn extra fuel."
"Ventilation not only helps in terms of infectious disease, this virus and others, but also it has many benefits, and one is better cognitive function performance."
"Your bones actually need some deadlifts. Lifting is really good for your bones."
"Within about seven to ten days, you'll start to notice improvements in sleep."
"Better sleep means more energy, better mood, better skin, all the things."
"Vitamin D supplementation is exquisitely effective in boosting immunity and reducing the incidence of various health conditions."
"Broccoli sprouts contain up to a hundred times more glucoraphanin than their mature counterpart, broccoli."
"When you ground the body, if you have any pain or inflammation in your body, then the pain goes away."
"An appropriately planned vegan diet is suitable for all stages of life and provides certain benefits for disease reduction."
"When you're grounded, your body is full of free electrons, full of this earth energy, so now you can't have inflammation."
"Possibly the emma cocktail in history that was actually ever really a curative for anything."
"Crafted from Acticoa dark chocolate, Fortnum's dark chocolate caviar is high in naturally-occurring cocoa flavanols."
"Getting social security earlier literally saves and extends the lives of poorer Americans."
"By doing a little bit more, you can get tremendous health benefits. If you understand the principles, you understand the steps, you can make it easy and seamless."
"Following OMAD or AKA eating one meal a day can be beneficial for multiple reasons, number one if you want to lose weight, it can be a helpful way to keep your insulin levels down."
"Physical endurance, physical strength, prowess, and cognitive function, so focus, thinking, and memory improve with intermittent fasting."
"Intermittent fasting can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the body. This should have benefits against aging and development of numerous diseases."
"The benefits of intermittent fasting are not simply the result of reduced free radical production or weight loss but instead it's adaptive cellular responses."
"Not only does it help you lose weight and build muscle, not only does it help balance your hormones, increase your antioxidant systems, increase your stem cell production, increase your brain chemistry, focus, but it also can actually reverse aging."
"Some other benefits include improving insulin resistance, reducing risk for type 2 diabetes, potentially being beneficial with heart health, reducing risk of cancer and developing Alzheimer's, and also reducing inflammation in the body."
"Red cabbage contains a lot more vitamins and antioxidants - up to 4.5 times more antioxidants than green cabbage varieties."
"Plant-based diets work because they address the root cause of disease."
"Turmeric is powerful to protect the body cells and the heart."
"Coffee is full of antioxidants and is actually the biggest source of antioxidants in the American diet."
"Once you are fasting for 16-18 hours, hormone shifts in your body occur that change everything."
"The benefit comes from the hormone shift that occurs as and how... your body is sensitive now, your body is able to take in what you're consuming and truly utilize it to the best of its abilities."
"Fasting gives us an opportunity to actually give that cell a break and regenerate."
"Fasting elicits a 180 percent increase in your available testosterone... and a sixty-seven percent increase in luteinizing hormone."
"Plant-based foods, on average, have 64 times more antioxidant power than meat, poultry and dairy."
"Coffee is full of antioxidants so it is a good drink, it is a healthy drink, and it is a drink that is anti-aging."
"Regular exposure to sun is extremely beneficial to looking younger."
"Hyaluronic acid is great for dry dehydrated and sensitive skin types. They can provide a plumping effect on the skin and also reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and redness."
"Eating in the morning rather than eating in the evening can be far more beneficial for health."
"Herbs and spices... boost the flavor and all of the wonderful powerful protective components in foods."
"Ginger can help with weight loss and may drastically lower blood sugars, and improve heart disease risk factors."
"Turmeric is another one with high anti-inflammatory properties. It can prevent cancer, improves digestion, boosts your immune system, promotes weight loss, detoxifies the liver, helps control diabetes, improves skin health and so much more."
"Apple cider vinegar has so many health benefits. For starters, it improves digestion, has anti-aging properties, makes you feel fuller, lowers cholesterol and so much more."
"It's blatantly obvious now that we do not need to consume animals to be healthy. We will be far healthier without them."
"Veganism... was the best decision I made because it taught me how to get to where I am."
"A plant-based diet has also been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and prostate cancer."
"I feel so good, I have energy, I'm not bloated, I'm sleeping really well, I have clarity of mind."
"Veganism has pretty much ended my eating disorder, which is amazing."
"I want to remind everybody why we really exercise: it's for brain activation, hormone balance, improved circulation, anti-aging benefits, better balance, physical fitness, coordination, better quality of life overall, and of course, fat burning."
"The most important thing we can do is to go vegan. For the planet, for the animals, for our health."
"A plant-based diet is far and away the best for every blood type."
"Strength training has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to stop or halt the progression of the beta amyloid plaques that are so associated with Alzheimer's."
"Short-chain fatty acids lower inflammation, help to lower blood cholesterol, and improve our use of blood sugar."
"If you had a drug that improved your metrics the way that exercise improves your metrics, it would be like a blockbuster trillion-dollar thing."
"When you take a look at the foods that actually are also useful for freaking body fat and improving your metabolism, exactly the same foods that have anti-angiogenic, tumor starving, and now fat starving properties as well."