
Plant-based Diet Quotes

There are 495 quotes

"I think the vast majority of people, particularly given the statistics of what we know people eat in the United States and in industrialized countries, most people would reap tremendous health benefits from eating more whole, plant-based dietary fiber."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's a shame that people say that about plant-based diets because the way I see it based on the research is that the plant-based diet is abundant in nutrients."
"Life is really about optimizing chances, and various plant-dominant diets and various behaviors can do it."
"Eating more plants is really like finding a fountain of youth."
"If we want to prevent obesity and disease, if we want to attain and maintain ideal weight management, and if we want to ultimately achieve true optimal health and long-term wellness, we're going to need to embrace our inner herbivore."
"If you're a mother feeding this to your child and thinking, 'Well, I'm doing a plant-based thing,' and you're feeding them a totally deficient diet."
"Consuming a broad variety of plants, and all the diverse fiber that comes with that is probably better in fostering diversity in your microbiota than purified fibers."
"Eating a plant-based mostly plant-based diet is good for you."
"It's possible for somebody to do well on a plant-based diet, it just has to be well calculated and well planned."
"I just want to say how much I stand for the plant-based diet and for veganism."
"Every plant has unique fiber that feeds unique microbes."
"This electric connection between the plants and our gut microbes is one of the important keys to human health."
"I am just so excited to be here and talk to you today about gut health but specifically plant-based gut health."
"I don't count grams of fiber. I count diversity of plants."
"People who eat legumes live longer with less heart disease and less cancer."
"The plant-based diet is the healthiest diet for virtually every single disease and also happens to be the most ethically sound and great for our environment."
"The only side effect is you're inclined to lose weight, your skin clears up, your hair looks better, your diabetes goes away, your cardiovascular disease begins to regress."
"Eat food, not edible food-like products; not too much, and mostly plants."
"These plant foods are also filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components."
"The best diet is a plant-based, whole food, unrefined, unprocessed diet that's lower in fat, very low in saturated fat, very low in cholesterol, very high in fiber, and very nutrient-dense."
"Plant-based diets work because they address the root cause of disease."
"A global shift towards a plant-based diet... could effectively wipe out hunger."
"I am stage 3b male 54 and I've seen my first improvement in creatinine levels in years after starting to move more and switching to a plant-based diet."
"Plant-based foods, on average, have 64 times more antioxidant power than meat, poultry and dairy."
"How do we improve gut microbiota? By eating a plant-based diet that's high in prebiotics from beans, whole grains, things like asparagus, artichokes, bananas, onions, garlic."
"The healthiest diet for the vast majority of people is an exclusively plant food diet that eliminates sugar, oil, and salt."
"It's blatantly obvious now that we do not need to consume animals to be healthy. We will be far healthier without them."
"A plant-based diet is often the healthiest diet you can adopt and one that's associated with the least amount of chronic illness."
"The only diet shown to reverse heart disease is a plant-based diet."
"A plant-based diet has also been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and prostate cancer."
"A plant-based diet is far and away the best for every blood type."
"By eating plant-based foods that are high in fiber, we're actually feeding our gut bacteria, and they reward us by creating metabolites called short-chain fatty acids."
"There is another way you can eat a nourishing plant-based diet that gives you the nutrients you need while also enjoying yourself and never feeling deprived."
"There's only one diet ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients: a plant-based one."
"And the intake of fiber, only found in plant foods, was associated with living a longer life."
"When I first adopted a whole food plant-based diet, my body loved it. Within 12 weeks, that 20-pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist, my high blood pressure normalized, my cholesterol normalized, and I felt great."
"Eating plant-strong is King, exercise is Queen. Combine the two and you have a health kingdom."
"The plant-based diet is optimal for health because it is the only diet that has ever been demonstrated to both prevent and reverse chronic diseases."
"The biggest animals on the planet, like elephants and buffalos, made thousands of pounds of muscle on plant-based materials."
"We should be eating a plant-based diet with B12 supplementation and go for a walk every day, drink water, laugh a lot, and stay out of the clutches of people like me."
"The reality is if you take a step back, there's very little difference in what is currently being advocated by pretty much everybody... Our diet should be the vast majority of what goes down our gullet should have grown out of the ground."
"If that's all a plant-based diet could do, reverse our number 1 killer, shouldn't that kind of be the default diet until proven otherwise?"
"My goal today is to give you an introduction to a whole food plant-based diet and specifically what is a whole food plant-based diet, why should I adopt this way of eating, and how can I get started."
"Switching to a plant-based food system in the US would not only reduce emissions by somewhere between 6.4 to 7.7 percent but also creates the opportunity to sequester a further 15 percent of the emissions."
"You can be vegan, eating a plant-based diet, and also reduce food waste."
"If we adopted a fully plant-based diet, we could free up to 75% of current agricultural land."
"After going plant-based, I felt better, like I had more energy."
"You humans will love eating cauliflower steak; it's a plant-based protein and better for the environment."
"Cholesterol is found in all animal-based foods...whereas plants are naturally cholesterol-free."
"Start eating more whole plant foods and start moving towards a whole food, plant-based diet."
"The preponderance of evidence published in the world's most respected peer-reviewed medical journals clearly shows that a low-fat, plant-based, whole food diet is the most effective way to prevent and reverse chronic disease."
"This is your chance to open your mind to the power of high carb foods from whole sources and experience the true power of a low-fat, plant-based, whole food diet."
"Hemp seeds are a protein-rich food; they can help to replace animal products and dairy for those interested in following a more plant-centered diet."
"Join me in the plant-based universe, extend your life by a little bit longer."
"Does avoiding these plant-based lectins actually help autoimmune conditions? Yes."
"There are some really good plant-based now the thing is look at the wall here 99% of the plant-based proteins on the market have the dreaded natural flavors."
"Start simply, find seven maybe ten foods in the plant-based world that you really enjoy eating."
"A plant-based diet really does help weight loss, cholesterol gets better, blood pressure gets better, diabetes gets better—all of these things."
"A plant-based diet is a great thing on every level, there is no disadvantage to it."
"It's a satisfying and substantial plant-based eat, you're after head over to the refreshment Outpost."
"I think that's absolutely what's happening here yeah but i think this sort of like superiority that people who eat these plant-based nuggets and burgers is misplaced um and not all vegetarians are like that."
"There is nothing that is more anti-inflammatory on the planet than whole food plant-based nutrition."
"The film was recommending a whole food, plant based diet."
"Your patients are not going to become protein deficient, it just doesn't happen."
"When you're avoiding all the animal products and following a really healthy diet, your LDL bad cholesterol will fall."
"I would encourage you not to do that because the weight loss is as good or better with a healthy low-fat plant-based diet."
"Every nutrient that you need to be healthy can be found in an adequately planned plant-based diet."
"A whole food plant-based diet is the answer that is most consistent across the board."
"As a firm believer in the scientific method, I feel like it's time for me just to really buckle down and get to the bottom of this plant-based meat thing."
"Pick any combination of plant foods adding up to 2,000 calories a day and try to develop a protein deficiency. You can't do it. It's mathematically impossible."
"It's quite possible to be a stellar athlete and eat a plant-based or even completely plant-based diet without worrying about protein."
"The chip program is a complete health improvement program... there's overwhelming evidence that the whole food plant-based diet gives us the best option for beating these diseases."
"The data suggests that a plant-based diet is better for you."
"The only way to feed 9 billion people sustainably is with plant-based foods."
"The seismic revolution in health can come from plant-based nutrition."
"Why be plant-based? The possibility of death has been holding steady at a 100 percent for quite some time."
"A plant-based diet can not only prevent the progression of heart disease but can also reverse its effects."
"The only solution is a whole food plant-based diet, is that clear?"
"Each food individually in the G-BOMBS list, the greens, the beans, lower cancer rates by tremendous amount."
"The biggest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is move more towards a plant-based diet."
"I think more people should learn about the power of beans and just like rediscovering different ways to have them."
"Eating more plant-based protein can actually help speed up your recovery time from an injury."
"Supermarkets encouraging people to buy more plant-based alternatives is such a good thing."
"Eat less meat; it's statistically more expensive than plant proteins."
"But hallelujah, we do have a solid source of quality plant-based protein... So I love tofu, I love tahini..."
"Plant-based meat is a joke, devoid of nutrients."
"You're not going to find saturated fat in any plants."
"Plants provide the cleanest burning fuel and enhance recovery."
"Whether you are living a plant-based lifestyle or you just want to give yourself a little bit of a break and reduce your carbon footprint on your own body, there still is a practical application for a plant-based keto diet."
"Plant-based meat alternatives are having a big moment."
"A completely plant-based diet is actually a great way not just to lose weight but to keep it off."
"When you get your protein from plants you get nothing but benefits along with it."
"You can be full of energy and you can get full on a plant-based diet."
"The truth is that Bonnie feels much better now eating mostly plants."
"Just Egg is a great way to start eating more plant-based for your health without sacrificing taste."
"When one adopts a whole food plant-based diet, the changes in your health are spectacular."
"For optimal health, most people will not thrive on a diet which is made entirely of plant foods."
"From the consumption of plant-based foods, that's where health is."
"Eating a plant-based diet not only helps control your blood glucose and diabetes but also reduces your chronic disease risk overall."
"Plant-based nutrition in my mind is truly the gift that keeps on giving and it never ever ever stops giving you good results."
"You can get these nutrients from other plant-based sources."
"Vitamin K2, controversial, some say you need that on a whole food plant-based diet."
"To keep the pounds off adopt a low calorie density way of eating filled with fruits vegetables and other whole plant foods."
"The diet that we appear to function the best on in my opinion is a whole plant food diet."
"I think if you're getting death threats for coming up with plant-based alternatives, I think you're doing something right."
"Culinary literacy is essential for a plant-based lifestyle."
"Getting protein from plants is better than filtering it through animals."
"If we can reduce suffering by feeding our pets a plant-based diet, shouldn't we at least try?"
"A plant-based diet, I mean that is the healthiest patient that they have, so they've seen the results."
"Plant-based diet adds to that because it helps trim off excess weight which will help bring your blood pressure down."
"I lost about 230 pounds on a plant-based diet. I have become an ultra marathoner since then."
"The fact that you just introduced this plant source of protein to them is fantastic." - Nutritionist Carrie Glassman
"The plant-based foods association says sales went up 27% in 2020."
"Finally, it comes from green plants... if a woman wants calcium then she should have big plates of broccoli and kale."
"It's not a diet of deprivation by a long shot... it tastes very good."
"An optimized microbiome can be achieved by a large diversity of plant-based foods."
"The next time someone tells you that Okinawans eat a plant-based diet show them this study because they are speaking incorrect things they're not speaking the truth."
"Eat more plants... that to me is the starting point."
"A plant-based diet still shines out very, very convincingly." - Dr. Neil Barnard
"Just think of the average American what they eat on a daily basis, they're already eating a plant-based diet eighty percent of their food energy is coming from Plants already."
"If you think protein, you're brainwashed into believing that you need to kill animals in order to have protein."
"We have an unprecedented opportunity in human history today to eat a huge variety of different types of plants."
"So many ways of making plant food taste great."
"There's a tangible difference when I interact with plant-based doctors."
"The benefits of a plant-based diet is less about what you're cutting out and more about just including the healthiest of healthy foods out there."
"Plant proteins alone provide enough of the essential amino and non-essential amino acids."
"What if we just equalized it and instead of eating the animals we produced plants as our source of nutrients?"
"Going plant-based is a very simple, highly proven, well-supported way to lower your cholesterol."
"Beans are protein powerhouses, packed with it minus all the saturated fat and cholesterol that you get in animal products."
"Whole food, plant-based diet blocks the formation of disease at the first place."
"Avoid added salt, oil, sugar, and processed animal products."
"Plants have all the protein we need, so if you're giving up that animal protein, you don't need to think about how can I substitute that with some other special kind of protein, don't even think about it."
"Women who have been on a plant-based diet prior to menopause have fewer problems during menopause."
"Just eat more plants, focus on putting more plants on your plate."
"95% of the diet in all of these blue zones they found to be was a plant-based diet."
"Whole plant foods, specifically nitrate-rich plant foods like chard and beets, can dilate your arteries."
"A vegan diet will naturally push you to eat more plant foods, more anti-angiogenic foods."
"A healthy plant-based diet isn't just great for your heart, it's also good for cancer prevention and survival."
"Antioxidants in plants are amazing. We have such a massive body of literature on this."
"A healthy Whole Food plant-based diet is a great way to eat."
"We are plant-eating organisms, not Homo carnivorous."
"If I had not been plant-based, I don't think I would have been able to make it through undergraduate school and possibly even med school." - Dr. Milton Mills
"Just because it doesn't have an animal that again that's the base level then from there you have to you have to be that's why if it's living it's much harder to eat bad food."
"The foundation of what you should be eating is fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds."
"I just want to lead by an example and also demystify that you can live a healthy strong life eating plants."
"The plant-based diet can actually be really interesting and you can make really tasty food."
"Changing your lifestyle, going plant-based, eating the right fruits and vegetables really works."
"Men and women who don't eat meat, egg white, or dairy proteins have significantly lower levels circulated within their bodies...this is one way to explain the low rates of cancer among plant-based populations."
"Plants can provide us really excessive amounts of protein, and this is something a lot of people don't realize."
"Anyone and everyone can thrive on a plant-based diet."
"The greatest gift you can give to children is to give them a healthy diet, and a plant-based diet is the way to do it."
"A whole food plant-based diet is recommended by leading health organizations."
"Eat a variety of plants, it's essential for gut health."
"The sweet spot for creating gut diversity is when people consume 30 different types of plants on a regular basis."
"Research is now clearly showing that a plant-based diet beats every other diet."
"Eat the rainbow in terms of whole plant foods and yes those pigments themselves have unique and awesome health benefits."
"There's probably benefits to eating plants, let's not throw them out."
"We can prevent, arrest, and reverse type 2 diabetes with a plant-based diet."
"82% of the people who've gone on a plant-based, no dairy, no meat of any kind have begun to heal themselves."
"We can all benefit from incorporating more plants into our diet."
"It's just a really positive story... plant-based food is the future."
"The healthiest diet is one centered around whole plant foods."
"Luckily, people are understanding plant-based science, they're moving in this direction."
"A plant-based diet is the only way to sustain our current population."
"No wonder why those eating more plant-based tend to be slimmer, start packing your diet with real food, that grows out of the ground and the pounds should come off naturally taking you down towards your ideal weight."
"And the fact that can also be so effective in preventing, arresting, reversing other leading killers like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure would seem to make the case for plant-based eating simply overwhelming."
"Plants have the highest capacity for antioxidants in the body."
"How many varieties of plants can you get into your diet?"
"You must get this honestly by stopping the problem, which is the animal foods."
"What people who make it to 100 on average are eating about 90% whole food plant-based."
"There's no like huge secret to it, we just eat a lot of plants for real."
"Eat more plants because plants have the fiber inside them that feed the microbes."
"When I made the switch to a plant-based diet, I broke two American Records."
"The vast majority of premature death and disability is preventable with a healthy enough plant-based diet and lifestyle."
"Eating more plants is going to give you so many extra benefits."
"Eating predominantly plant-based or preferably exclusively plant-based is definitely the way to go."
"If you're worried about collagen production, you know, protein, vitamin C, and copper, which you already get easily on a plant-based diet."
"I do think if someone is eating plants there's certain plants that you can process like a potato for example if you're going to eat a potato skin it cook the heck out of it because you can reduce the plant toxin load."
"Vitamin B12, however, is non-negotiable for anyone eating plant-based. Critically important."
"All you need to know is if you were just to reduce your animal produce intake you would be making a huge difference to your health and the planet."
"There's been a huge upsurge in the availability of vegan food."
"Nutrition is so different when you look at it from a plant-based view."
"...animal protein is a problem for virtually all diseases so-called chronic degenerative diseases and the plant proteins in turn prevent."
"In an effort to reverse a fatty liver patient’s inflammatory bowel disease with a plant-based diet, liver inflammation was dramatically improved."
"Not only can you be a competitive athlete as a plant-based person, but the longevity piece also I think is really important."
"Her book, which has just hit stores in the U.S., 'The Plant Power Doctor: A Simple Prescription for a Healthier You,' is a complete how-to go-to that is the necessary science for people to feel confident and empowered to thrive on their plant-based diet."
"One of the main reasons why people often stop eating plant-based is they're not eating enough calories."
"If you're concerned about getting enough protein when going more plant-based."
"There is something to this whole food plant-based lifestyle and he's a primary example of what what it can do for you."
"The bottom line is that plant proteins give you the amino acids you need, and any normal combination of plant foods gives you all of the amino acids in exactly the proportion your body can use."
"You not only get a blood pressure lowering effect, your cholesterol comes down, your waistline gets snugger. Everything gets better. I mean, you're going to lose weight in an easy way, and you get all the health benefits of plant-based eating."
"What we've developed is a coaching program that is designed to hold your hand and take you from the starting point where you are right now and get you to do a full transition over to a plant-based ecosystem."
"It never ceases to amaze me how fun eating a plant-based diet can be and how creative you can get in the kitchen to replicate all of your old favorites"
"The closer we get to a plant-based diet, Whole Foods plant-based diet, not the nutrient supplements, whole food plant-based diet is closer we get to that the greater is going to be the health outcome and the less is going to become the disease."
"Virtually all of the observed associations favor the Nutri composition of a Whole Foods plant-based diet."
"Plant-based diets enhance health and cure a broad range of diseases. It works throughout the disease process."
"A whole food plant-based diet works better than anything else has been studied to date."
"Vegan burgers are just as good in taste, texture, and smell as a meat-based burger."
"Optimal nutrition is the key. Optimal nutrition as many of you know, we prescribe a plant-based nutrition for our patients to reverse diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and wellness."
"They're simple meals, that's why I made this book, so I wanted to show people that plants-only cooking can be really simple too."