
Ecosystem Quotes

There are 1279 quotes

"We're talking about the human as a single species, but we're also thinking of the human as this complex, integrated ecosystem of hundreds to thousands of species, interacting in concert to do all the fantastic things that we know happen in the human body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A sense of humility... I'm part of this bigger ecosystem. If we feel that humility, then we approach the world through the lens of gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Making Google the best place for billions of people to shop, we've also been aggressively investing in building an open ecosystem where all merchants can flourish."
"Our well-being depends on the well-being of the whole system and all the creatures in it."
"It's an ecosystem filled with throbbing 100 billion microscopic jellyfish sparking electricity at each other, trying to approach each other, shaving down, pruning, branching, arborizing."
"To be human or to be alive is a story of a complex ecosystem within us, made of something much greater than a single species."
"Bees carry pollen for themselves, but it helps the flowers bloom."
"From the beginning of Android, we believed that an open OS would enable a whole ecosystem and bring smartphones to everyone."
"I think ShapeShift is another one of those companies that's really good for the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole."
"It’s an ecosystem that absolutely demolishes consumer protections and makes the re-implementation of them extremely difficult."
"The garden takes time; you have to plow the soil, you have to be tedious, it's going to rain, you have to take care of the plants, but if you can create an ecosystem that attracts butterflies, it's going to be a lot more fruitful."
"Fungi appear to share resources and information through a 'wood wide web'."
"We live in a very unique ecosystem where we are surrounded by lush forests directly across the street from the Pacific Ocean."
"Innovation...this country creates the ecosystem that allows for innovation."
"Welcome to Pantdora, my 1000 gallon cloud rainforest vivarium, a personal biological of mine where I’ve created an entire tropical ecosystem within glass."
"It’s undoubtedly been the most mind-boggling experience watching the vivarium and all its living creatures live out their lives as they would in the wild."
"What a world hidden 1600 feet below the surface, deep below the icy sheet of Antarctica, is an extraordinary ecosystem."
"This unique ecosystem emerged as a result of a tragic natural disaster in 1792."
"The microbiome is very much an ecosystem and like an ecosystem on Earth, diversity is the buffer against ruin."
"Everything in nature works together perfectly, showing that everything has its own place and role."
"By protecting these gentle giants, we help maintain the ecological balance and diversity of the South American ecosystems they inhabit."
"It's sad to see them go, but it's for the best. Out in the wild, they can contribute to the population and the ecosystem."
"Earth is basically self-sufficient, except for the light we receive from the sun, which keeps our planet comfortably warm and powers our entire ecosystem."
"Frost flowers aren't just made of water; they have a variety of microorganisms within, making them a small temporary ecosystem."
"Reptiles are awesome creatures who play an important role in the planet's ecosystem."
"All the creatures that come to die in Pantdora, never actually leave our rainforest. They become the soil, the plants and the vines, they become the creatures that eat them, the creatures that eat those creatures, they become the minerals in the ground water, the gases in the air, and even live on in their offspring."
"This is Pantdora, my 1000 gallon cloud rainforest vivarium complete with lush tropical plants, fungi, and an established menagerie of creatures that live in a harmonious food web, a thriving tropical ecosystem within glass."
"Phantom is undervalued relative to certain metrics. It is fast, it is cheap, and there is a whole developer ecosystem building on it."
"Pollution plays a huge role in destabilizing the ecosystem balance, affecting everything from bugs to fisheries."
"The anomaly is capable of hosting a microcosm of floral and faunal life, sustained indefinitely through unknown means."
"Wildlife in the exclusion zone seems to be thriving, forming its own ecosystem."
"That's 100 million users, I mean if that's not a huge reason to get bullish on on you know the ecosystem."
"You might possibly have a single overmind, the Space Turtle, but more likely some equivalent to an ecosystem rather than a single organism."
"Preserving biodiversity and ecosystem Integrity isn't arbitrary; it's practical pragmatic necessity."
"You define a platform as an ecosystem in which the most of the content is not created by the company that operates it."
"We have to build our own Independent Media ecosystem outside of the mainstream media."
"The human race was artificially created and with it the vegetative ecosystem capable of sustaining us."
"I would buy one because if Microsoft controlled the hardware, the software, and that entire experience, I absolutely buy one."
"Perhaps for the first time in human history, we will harmonize not just with each other but with life inside of us, the microbiome around us, and we will become part of this whole life system."
"Mutually beneficial relationships exist, like the ecosystem of editors I have currently."
"Create an environment like a rain forest where things can thrive and grow."
"We could have a healthier, diverse ecosystem of the game."
"We're creating these collaborations, generating this massive, massive ecosystem is what's going to sustain longevity for us as a company and for everybody else involved."
"Deer, bison and pronghorn traverse the plains in large herds, scavengers sniff out carrion, salmon leap upstream, wolves in packs surrounding their prey to attack, and so on."
"Ethereum does not have a killer app; it has a killer ecosystem."
"Modular is better because we believe in that community and that ecosystem being able to work together."
"That's right. But the one thing I think is amazing though is just the, it's almost breathtaking, you know, the amount of innovation, how people are thinking about this and the people that are committed to creating this new ecosystem."
"The Shiba Inu token and ShibaSwap, along with other tokens in the Shiba ecosystem like the Leash token and the Bone token, have absolutely exploded."
"They have an incredible ecosystem considering it was built in such a short window of time."
"AC Family, something has happened to their refugium, their hidden water reservoir housing an extra team of cleaning plants."
"If you're not tied into the iPhone ecosystem, then I think the note 10 plus really has a lot of advantages."
"We're talking about an ecosystem event in which we stay in balance with ecosystems and therefore we have human life."
"The Titans are no longer alone. There's an active Black Crazy Ant colony that have setup camp inside the Garden of Eden, and there is also now a persistent and scary Pharaoh Ant colony that enter and exit the Garden of Eden freely."
"Lost Ark is a successful and growing game because it creates an ecosystem, not a class system."
"Crocodiles have got to be there if it's going to be a healthy ecosystem."
"I love the fact that we've got an entire ecosystem depicted or at least sort of plants and animals alongside one another."
"We changed the planet so significantly and so fundamentally that we dominate every ecosystem on earth."
"This ecosystem doesn't work when money doesn't come in and when advertisers aren't a part of the ecosystem."
"We're really trying to create this rich interconnected Cardano ecosystem that benefits everyone."
"Nature didn't make a flower on this planet and a bee on the moon."
"Solana has a very fast blockchain, a big and growing ecosystem, and heavy investment from Alameda Research."
"If you like art, you want to enjoy the ecosystem."
"Ethereum has by far and away the most robust ecosystem of dapps... Just wait until these other projects have this many dapps and users."
"We're looking for alternatives to the Google ecosystem."
"We have to all realize that the cybercrime ecosystem is a business."
"I see this as part of a really well-rounded payments ecosystem."
"The iPhone 12 is an excellent phone, reasonably priced and backed up by a rich ecosystem of apps, services, and other devices all designed to work together seamlessly."
"Think about the potential damage they can create for the existing ecosystem."
"Deeper? Yeah, it's one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world."
"Whales maintain a crucial position in the aquatic food chain and yet have been hunted close to extinction."
"Samsung has an advantage because they're in just about every store they're a trusted brand a lot of people use samsung phone so they've got strong ecosystem they're trying to become the sony of the world."
"What a 10-minute win does is it's a 10-minute or less activity that makes you immediately feel good, feel capable, or feel excited."
"Whether we like it or not, we are part of a much larger cosmic ecosystem."
"Without insects, but especially bees, our food system wouldn’t necessarily collapse, but many more people would go hungry."
"In an android world huawei is in a different league in terms of building an ecosystem of devices, apps, and services that work together."
"Remove one piece of the food web and you might knock down the whole thing."
"The big strength of the EOS R system is the Canon ecosystem of lenses."
"Aquaponics simulates a natural ecosystem, creating a self-contained, sustainable system."
"Our blockchain deeply links into our ecosystem plans just like orbital Shield does and so the blockchain continually evolves as we research and develop our next Generation approaches."
"I'm way more on the bull case than the bear case when you look at the entire ecosystem."
"There's more bullish stuff going on within the ethereum style ecosystems than there is with BTC."
"The abundance of wildlife living in these mountains, woods, and bayous means there is a lot of prey available and confirms this is a likely home for the Swamp Stalker."
"Apple is the only tech company that has a proper ecosystem with everything from laptops to desktops to smartphones... all of them working seamlessly together."
"This rain and the plant life that came with it created feedback loops that altered the climate throughout the entire world."
"Top of the food chain, you're right about that."
"If it makes people need to use a computer in any way, it's serving the ecosystem."
"Why did Jehovah create a global ecosystem of fear, pain, and death? Excuse me, He didn't."
"This is a very good news very bullish news especially for for the whole ecosystem."
"We've grown into a really robust resilient ecosystem."
"It's gonna be a huge Hollow Earth focus, right? After like, a native species, they're clearly high up on the food chain."
"The pondo colony of trees found in the Fish Lake National Forest of Utah in the United States is the largest living organism on Earth."
"Trees keep the air clean and breathable for all living beings on earth, they help absorb the heat, give us shade, and provide nutrients to the soil."
"We're moving forward and we're moving faster than frankly any other ecosystem."
"Instead of just owning one condo, what if you own a portfolio of the best assets that supports the entire ecosystem? See, we need to build ecosystems."
"Protocols like phantom taking off... the phantom ecosystem is absolutely explosive."
"A move to stakeholder capitalism: answering to everyone in the ecosystem."
"In planting a variety of things, you can create a prime ecosystem for beneficial insects."
"This is the chain, this is the food chain here in Africa."
"I think people are going to be very happy about this ecosystem."
"The ecosystem, all of these Apple products together, is just hard to compete with."
"Windows PCs and the ecosystem has a much higher level of innovation."
"V chain is creating an ecosystem of data using their proprietary IOT technology to allow all different parts to communicate together."
"The world's largest permission DLT ecosystem."
"It's not just Bitcoin; overall, the whole ecosystem is just growing by leaps and bounds."
"The thing that's going to really carry these forward long term is if they can build an ecosystem like Ethereum has."
"Rick had the full entire breakdown of what he should do and how he should operate in the ecosystem."
"There's a whole ocean with no snakes in it. But also there's an entire ocean of snake food and living space out there."
"Playing a very important role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients."
"Crypto is an ecosystem, and we have a very easy ability to do these kinds of things."
"Windows has proven to be the most flexible general-purpose software ever created, spurring on an ecosystem of unrivaled success."
"Staying in touch with the roll-up ecosystem and supporting scaling solutions."
"Found a frog - another addition to our little ecosystem."
"Rust is practical, with a large ecosystem and a focus on safety, making it suitable for real-world projects."
"Security is embedded in everything that we do in this ecosystem."
"It feels like a real step in the right direction to getting to that seamless ecosystem."
"We just want to let the ecosystem grow and that's the amazing thing here."
"It's quite amazing really, the whole thing is one giant organism."
"...we do live in this ecosystem...we live in a much larger, more dynamic reality than we can sense...we definitely can't ignore it and I think we're to ignore it at our own peril and our own limitation."
"This is the richest marine ecosystem on Earth."
"I think of them as a well of diversity above ground and below ground that can then seep out into the fields."
"The Tesla ecosystem is more than just vehicles... it's all the things that Tesla's doing."
"Salmon are the backbone of vibrant forest and river communities basically across the entire Northern Hemisphere."
"It was a monster residing in a valley; it killed all who dare to harm the balance of the ecosystem."
"Polkadot should be an integrated system, a single computer on which many applications run."
"This wetland... acts as a massive magnification source for life."
"It's really all about creating this ecosystem... maybe you're growing your plums, this is a beautiful American plum tree."
"Forests aren't loud, but they usually have some noise: birds, squirrels, the joints of insects, anything to remind you that you are in an active ecosystem."
"Whale falls provide a sudden and concentrated source of nutrition to the deep-sea ecosystem."
"The Riverwalk is a San Antonio treasure and the largest urban ecosystem in the nation."
"It holds a third of all known terrestrial animal and plant species and about 20% of the planet's flowing fresh water."
"We have to continuously think about our ecosystem."
"The functions of a healthy ecosystem are to create and support life."
"Apple TV has gone from being an apple hobby project to a fully fledged part of the Apple ecosystem."
"Nature never has just a bare patch of soil; when one thing dies or one thing finishes growing, there's always another thing to take its place."
"Our bodies are ecosystems unto themselves."
"There is such an important need to help restore and preserve damaged ecosystems."
"Nature's been sustainable for millions billions of years all on its own."
"To live in a more enchanted ecosystem."
"But this is what we want to recreate in Houston's pond, is a living ecosystem."
"We don't have to just kill all these insects, we can do other stuff to have balance in this world."
"Dinosaurs were competing with one another and with a diverse and very capable array of non-dinosaurs."
"This is a giant ecosystem for many different kinds of fish."
"To be bioactive, you need two micros: you need your microflora and your microfauna."
"Figuring out how to help these tiny creatures would be a huge step forward in managing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."
"This video is going to help you go from a brand new tank that's shiny and it's plastic all the way to an established ecosystem."
"Although these are the smallest creatures that I'll be adding they're arguably the most important these tiny hardwork bugs will keep the terrarium ecosystem clean by eating things like mold and Decay and matter"
"You are part of a biotic community."
"Deradicalization is not working because the ecosystem that created the crime still thrives."
"We need to leave it a month to allow for a bacterial bloom, where the animal's not in there. Bacterial bloom happens with every brand new bioactive enclosure."
"The Bitcoin ecosystem deserves a bank, and we are happy to serve that capacity and help institutions participate in the landscape."
"Perennials have time to form strong connections with their microbiology in the soil."
"This is a product that even today, even if it never got better, I think is just fundamentally addictive and locks people into the Tesla ecosystem."
"There are many sections of live coral that have turned bright white, this is caused by the crown of thorn starfish feeding on the corals."
"Linux Mint is amazing for new users. It's hard to break, uses the cinnamon desktop environment, and has a very good ecosystem with a great toolset out of the box. For a newcomer, you really can't beat Linux Mint."
"Biodiversity is important for its own sake but more than that our whole food and planetary system depends on it."
"It's not an either or it's creating a more cohesive ecosystem."
"Why choose to do the even harder thing of doing two hard things at once just focus on doing one thing well and rely on the ecosystem."
"There's demand, there's a buyer, and now the system and the network of the ecosystem can get going beneath it."
"Animals make a kill, a harvest, they eat what they eat from it, they leave it while they're gone, other species feed off of it, it saturates the ground, fertilizes the area."
"...I feel a little more familiar with the Cisco Eco system which is kind of cool."
"We have to balance the deer herd with the habitat. If the forest ecosystem becomes unhealthy, it can't raise deer anymore."
"If you don't take care of that forest ecosystem, you can't raise deer."
"They intended to build this big system... but they really didn't intend to wipe out the natural landscape."
"Ironically, for all its majesty, the white pine itself was only a minor part of the forest."
"Apple's tightly integrated ecosystem fosters Customer Loyalty."
"Argan oil brings profit to the region and revitalizes an entire ecosystem."
"The second advantage Vision Pro has over the Quest 3 is the Apple ecosystem and the Vision OS operating system."
"A healthy soil food web can prevent disease, attract beneficial insects, feed the plants, extend water to plants, break down organic matter, strengthen plant growth, and provide resilience."
"Once you get this kind of diversity into the system there's little need for any intervention."
"Choosing a diverse mix of plants also adds to the stability of this backyard ecosystem."
"You can start with a free trial but again this is one of those things about being a part of the Apple ecosystem that it's just worth it."
"And after going through every single device and dividing up points, the grand total of who has a better ecosystem is a tie."
"With no prey, even she could not survive."
"In any ecosystem, the organisms that have all the tough jobs are microorganisms."
"Bees are absolutely necessary for our planet."
"Flies pollinate plants around them just like bees. They are crucial for Nature's life cycle."
"Bees are absolutely necessary for our planet. About a third of the world's food production requires bee pollination."
"Without fungi, there would be no forest."
"If it wasn't for saprophytic fungi, this whole forest would be piled deep in wood that never rots away."
"A wide variety of wildlife enjoys this healthy caldera lake."
"Every living plant that is a root exuding liquid Sun into the soil, they will leak 40 to 70% of their energy to feed microbes."
"Keep your animals out of your waterways on your property if you can."
"Everything starts as an ecosystem. It starts in the soil, it starts in the water here on the Stoney Ridge Farm."
"It's everything. Soil health is everything."
"...our gut bacteria actually helps to contribute to how smooth that process is when our gut bacteria is unhealthy the ecosystem is disturbed."
"Honeybees have been hiding the true problem in the ecosystem."
"The food web is sort of like the game of Jenga. You can take out a piece here, a piece there... but take out too many, and the whole thing collapses."
"The ecosystem that you built, that we are together, we're building together and staying ahead of the curve, is just inspiring."
"Where there's water, there's animals. Where there's animals, there's humans."
"The great Banyan tree is an ecosystem in itself, a testament to Nature's grandeur and resilience."
"So a guild is basically that in a nutshell. We are trying to replicate a dense polyculture, polyculture means multiple plants, so a dense, diverse, lots of variety, host of plants all kind of working together."
"The iPhone is really the keystone of the entire ecosystem."
"But there are a lot of cool ecosystem-specific features that many people might not even know about."
"For a lot of people, it does offer a lot of advantages."
"The Ediacaran ecosystem witnessed the emergence of a variety of specimens with highly diversified diets and lifestyles."
"You're never ever going to have an ecosystem that has so many sharks and no fish to eat."
"deadly was once like social Supply with a river dancing into it to nourish desert life and even trees but no longer"
"Where there's mangroves there's life where there's life there's food to eat."
"everybody seems happy so yeah everybody like there's just a but you start getting momentum when you get around this ecosystem"
"Trees talk through an underground network of fungi."