
Self-improvement Quotes

There are 73497 quotes

"This is an incredible system. Everyone has one. Everyone should know how it works, and everyone should know how to optimize it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more you exercise, the more motivated you are to exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can become role models for ourselves; we can learn from what brings the good to how to raise up the things that about us in our lives that aren't there yet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Aligning your compulsion with some greater good is where the really good stuff emerges."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can't create a new version of yourself while dragging your old habits and behaviors behind you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In today's episode, we took a full journey into the brain-body relationship and discussed a lot of the mechanisms and the actionable items that you can approach if you want to explore this aspect of your biology and psychology further."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We should think a lot more about thinking. We should talk more about it. We should model it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Growth Mindset, which is this striving to be better to be in this mindset of I'm not there yet, but striving itself is the end goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone can get better at it, and that's a beautiful thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The ingredients for success already exist within us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learn as much as you can about as many things as you possibly can."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Develop and embrace curiosity about yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Curiosity about self, curiosity about life, leads to all the good things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is this incredible feature of our nervous system that allows it to change itself, even in ways that we consciously decide."
"The real question is what are you trying to change? And specifically, what end goal are you trying to achieve?"
"Your entire life is a storm, so chase it out of town and fix it."
"Happiness and meaning often people say that meaning comes from service...but then the happiness component tends to be when we have filled our own buckets first."
"It really made me want to be a much better person."
"The better we can be, the more fortified we are should someone who has these qualities come into our life."
"Find your goals, smash them things out, just keep trucking on...you have it in yourself to never have to go back to that situation again."
"I'm reprogramming myself and it takes a minute. I have a pretty clear knowledge of what right and wrong now."
"This desire to up level yourself and to rise higher, I really see you doing that."
"You don't have to put pressure on yourself to be your best self every day. Just try and do it today."
"The world is not going to magically right itself without you doing something."
"It's the ability of the brain to change itself - to rewire."
Don Vaughn
"Improving yourself and then helping others improve, it's like climbing a mountain but carving out a trail along the way that other people can follow."
"Let yourself be vulnerable... Stop with the negativity, start looking at the positives, start looking at how good you are."
"Part of self-improvement is actually having a social life; it's improving your social skills."
"If you cross that chasm, you start to make beautiful friendships with people who have been on self-improvement for years."
"When you're a young man and you're on self-improvement and you're delaying gratification, there's not that many people like you just in the world."
"There's no magic pill, there's just magic processes."
"There is always room for improvement, always, for everyone."
"Mindset, motivation, and methods are the keys to becoming limitless."
"Have no fear of perfection—you will never reach it."
"You just need to have the strength to let go of toxic draining people who do not share your drive, purpose, or can help you in some way in being in alignment with your highest path."
"Maybe we're here to encourage each other to share our dreams and to become the best version of ourselves we can possibly be."
"I've changed my brain, and that's actually what I wanted."
"It's always a great time to work on yourself."
"Self-knowledge is a powerful tool; understanding our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors can lead us towards a path of self-improvement and happiness."
"We can orchestrate things, so to speak, so that our better selves win out."
"I'm just trying to be a better version of myself every day."
"I'm a believer that self-doubt is the killer of dreams... if we don't believe in ourselves, it's not gonna happen."
"This is an invitation to take more responsibility to intentionally cultivate our brains in ways that can promote well-being."
"The process of change is unlearning and relearning. It is breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self."
"The precondition for forgiving yourself is to sort out whether or not you're accusing yourself too viciously."
"The best possible thing that you can do for yourself... is to work as hard as you can on behalf of what's best in other people."
"We all have emotional fitness; we can all work proactively on that to increase that."
"What facilitates change for me is people's willingness to lean into what is uncomfortable, what is painful, what I don't want to look at."
"Reflection is critical. We've got to look back...to come to a place of gratitude."
"I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted level of their potential being."
"Watching a video, it's understanding what you're supposed to do and then go out and do it yourself."
"The more you understand the components of health, the easier it is to be healthy."
"Every man is trying to live up to his father's expectations or make up for his father's mistakes."
"Spiritual is about getting rid of that garbage because it liberates the soul."
"All winners understand that we only have so much energy, and if we apply that energy to things that don't actually affect us getting better, we're holding ourselves back."
"If there's one skill to master in the 21st century, it's our ability to learn faster."
"Limitless is not about being perfect; limitless is about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible."
"Changing how you think about yourself is probably one of the most worthwhile pursuits in life."
"We can change how we feel about ourselves by changing our behavior and being more aligned with the person we want to be with our values."
"If your goal is to climb the ladder of success, you have to avoid the common traps that devour most people: laziness, drugs and alcohol, porn, nihilism, and things like Doom scrolling that take your time but give nothing in return."
"You've got to be desperate. You've got to tell yourself, 'I've got to get out of this. I've got to change my life.'"
"Self-improvement, dopamine detox, detach away from technology...use technology in a pretty good way."
"By just completely giving up all the bad habits, every habit you give up makes the next one easier to give up."
"I've been trying to be a better version of myself and I've been limited by various things."
"It's really a rehabilitation of self-identity, self-worth, self-confidence, self-acceptance."
"The antidote to narcissism is humility, and humility means we're not perfect, we have flaws."
"You are capable of adapting to any situation."
"Your morning routine needs four aspects: Thankfulness, Insight, Meditation, and Exercise."
"Do not compare yourself to others. It's not a healthy thing to do."
"We don't see reality as it is; we're just immersed in a user interface."
"You can't change because someone else told you to change. You need to change because you actually want to."
"Extrinsic motivation means you're being motivated from the outside in... Intrinsic motivation is when it comes from the inside out."
"Through healthy parenting through healthy self-governance, we become hopefully better and good more than we are bad."
"It's time to start realizing that you can create abundance and you don't have to break your back in the process."
"The things that are really meant for us right now, the things that are serving us, are being amplified."
"We are in control of our thoughts and behaviors, understanding how to unlock the power of your brain is one of the most important things you can do for yourself."
"If you have the ability to judge something as not good enough, it's because you already have the ability within you to be better."
"It's time to write a new story and also to become the main character of your story."
"We might be really focused on like, oh, there's a lot of happiness in the present moment, but we do also need to be conscious and also focus on the long-term happiness of ourselves as well and of others."
"Choose your cup wisely. Start to really observe the cups that you have around you... Start to get rid of your toxic habits, your toxic behaviors, the toxic people, and start to only grab and keep the cups of the things that you actually want in your life."
"Step out of your history and into the new story you are willing to create."
"Make a promise to yourself to work on yourself every day."
"By seeing the world clearly, you could become happier and also become a better person."
"The idea in general is just the fact that our brains can make physical changes at any point in our lives, and therefore we should be able to actively work on treating mental illness."
"The best, most impactful way that you can make a difference for the world, is to focus on being the best version of yourself."
"Never allow a day to go by that you didn't do something that makes your life better."
"If you're not going to do it for yourself, do it for the people who need you."
"Never stop learning. Every time you learn, you make a new connection in your brain, which becomes the raw material for new experiences."
"There's something in me that's always gonna have a certain degree of self-loathing, but if I can do anything in my behavior to ameliorate that, then why don't I?"
"Nothing changes in your life until you change."
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
"You should believe that the most important thing in your life is not your family, it's not your business, it's not your money, it's how fast are you evolving and growing."
"Your business doesn't matter if your business makes a million billion dollars. Who cares if your business fails? Who cares? What matters is, did you grow?"
"If you're growing and you're becoming the best possible human being you can be, that is often the path to contribution."
"The goal of people in therapy should be eventually to not be in therapy anymore."
"The aspect of being a failure doesn't come from the success in the end; it comes from if you really quit on yourself or if you don't put in the effort you know you can put in."
"I'm all for trying to maximize your agency, make as much of the time that you have on this planet as you can, and balancing that desire to be better with acceptance, love, empathy for yourself, and the ability to just be grateful and present in the moment."
"A lot of young men do not know that they're affected... until they remove porn use."
"The focus seems to be more on your personal development, your personal growth this month."
"The only logical way to improve the world is through improving ourselves."
"When you reflect, accept, and act by progressing yourself in the form of movement, you become not only a competent man but an emotionally intelligent and mature man as well."
"I work my mind and body every day. Every day, I'm going to learn something that will help me contribute."
"These experiences grow us into the people we're meant to be."
"You're going to actively work on fixing those things about yourself you don't like, and the more you fix yourself... the less hard romance and dating is going to be."
"You'll only really have the capacity to make new, high-quality friends if you're not currently spending time with low-quality people who are bad influences on you."
"I moved back home to my family's house, no friends, no girlfriend, no nothing, and I literally just started meditating and reading books."
"I try to speak more and more about healthy relationships, although that's definitely an area that I need to learn more about myself as well."
"I am proud of where I have grown in my life, where I was to where I am."
"It's interesting what introspection can do. I need to meditate more too. I think that's another thing I need to pick up more. I'm really bad at that, as meditation."
"Self-improvement is extremely important to me. Out of all the personal values I stand by, it's the one I actively think about the most."
"It's hard to self-improve and make yourself better. Aspiring, keep on working to develop yourself, and you'll become a better person than you could ever dream up."
"Learn from your past, grow as a person, become a better person. This includes your personal finances."
"One final tip I'll give you that has really helped me to improve my brain is actually asking deep questions."
"The whole point of self-improvement is to actually improve."
"Self-improvement content is a great thing, it's an amazing thing. I'll keep pumping it out... but I do not want you to fall into a vicious cycle where you just watch it without any action."
"One of the biggest reasons you are getting better is because you've started consuming content that's elevating your skill and mindset."
"Relying primarily on motivation to change your behavior long-term is a losing strategy."
"It's possible to engineer systematically an awesome life for oneself."
"Self-improvement is not just a 20% improvement, or like a 50% improvement, but like a five thousand percent, twenty thousand percent, life altering, radically changing how you feel about life."
"Self-improvement, guys. When you are constantly bettering your lives, taking action every single day... you're moving towards making yourself more valuable."
"Imagine everything going well in your self-improvement journey. You've been exercising consistently, meditating, and journaling, making so much progress. And then, you relapse back to day zero. Jeffrey will criticize you for this... But Adonis will tell you that all of this is still part of the journey."
"You have to reframe your mind. You have to change your mentality and think, 'Nope, I am someone who's on self-improvement for the rest of my life. I am the guy who meditates for the rest of my life. I am the guy who consistently goes to the gym for the rest of my life.'"
"What happens after you mess up, make mistakes, have failures? The way that we process those failures, the way that we process those setbacks, that's so, so important."
"Let's get back on track. I was always on this journey. I didn't just fall off self-improvement. That's part of the progress. Life has these ebbs and flows."
"Start small and acquire those small victories... because momentum really is like the drug, the steroid for self-improvement."
"Start today. Start small. Get momentum again. Start with the three-minute meditation session, start with the 20 push-ups, start with one sentence journaled about gratitude. Start today."
"The person you're competing against is who you were yesterday."
"There is hope; it's just you have to put in the work."
"In that space, growth happens, and that's the space in which you get control over your life."
"All you need to do to keep on progressing is stop worrying about progressing."
"Be brave, be confident, work on yourself first. You are a great catch."
"It's been a really great support group and it really has helped me a lot to figure out how to manage this, why it's happening, how I can sort of use this discipline to improve my self-understanding and my life."
"Escapism is the worst thing for me because I'm just avoiding all my problems that I need to be facing in my life."
"Start self-improvement now... The time that you spend compounds exponentially."
"Learn to do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it... Discipline is the single most important thing that men need."
"If you can just slow down the emotional brain and train the rational brain to work a little bit faster, your whole relationship with fear completely changes."
"The only difference between you and your dream self is discipline."
"It's not about winning, it's about being the best version of yourself."
"Unlock the dopamine problems by getting rid of the things that give you short-term dopamine hits."
"You do those things, you're gonna be an extremely high-powered individual."
"It's like a game, like how healthy can I get?"
"Working on yourself is a good thing, right? I think we can all agree on that."
"You and I both know that God's gift to us is our potential and our gift back to him is what we do with our potential."
"It's all about consistency, and if you're consistent with your healthy habits, you will see a difference."
"This is a lifestyle where you're always progressing; it's never going to stop. Very simple changes can make the biggest impact."
"I just try and laugh at myself as many times a day as possible but then I lean back into effort as hard as I absolutely can."
"The time to fix your life is right now and prevent yourself from getting sick."
"Something, whether it be a thought, a belief, the actions you took consistently got you in a place of pain or challenge... We've got to change that action moving forward."
"You're not the same person you were last week; that's very powerful for somebody who's trying to change themselves in fundamental ways."
"You don't need to empty your cup, you just need to get a bigger cup."
"If there's anything that I could possibly share that even a tiny nugget of what I share helps them become more of who they want to be, then I feel I have done my job successfully."
"Neuroplasticity says the brain has the ability to be reprogrammed the way that you want your brain to be reprogrammed."
"Your brain can be wired to attract money, your brain can be wired to attract love, your brain can be wired to feel great."
"This is a great opportunity to use the time that you have to do the inner work and the thought processing about how things are shifting."
"It's not about beating them; it's about maximizing your own potential."
"You're working to enhance your natural gifts, taking your looks from good to outstanding."
"You are meant to step up into more of yourself."
"Whenever you challenge yourself... if you can push for one more, you're actually going to build your confidence."
"I love this because I have more confidence. I really struggled with confidence, especially a year ago."
"The secret to self-improvements, the real self-improvement... is to genuinely cut out all bad habits."
"Imagine if our whole generation of men were like us: quitting porn, quitting video games, getting into the gym, eating clean, meditating, journaling, leveling up."
"In just 3 years of being on this path of self-improvement, of becoming more like Adonis, the ultimate man, this is what my life looks like now."
"It's not about what you get, it's about who you become."
"Imagine if we found this concept of working hard, being productive, being on self-improvement, becoming masculine, and joining a community like this when we were young. Where would we be in life right now?"
"You inspired someone that searched up how to have a painless death at 17 years old to start with self-improvements. Best decision in my life."
"The most powerful mental tools you can use in your arsenal... it's a little strange but once you get the hang of it, this is one of the most powerful mental tools you can use."
"You're really only in life competing against yourself."
"Real growth is not about getting what you want externally, but about releasing your need for it internally."
"You change everything in your life, but very few of us change how we think."
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start in order to be great."
"Managing your mind can change your brain, can change your DNA, literally."
"Ingredients don't aspire to have the best ingredients, aspire to be the best chef."
"The best way to help other people is to first get centered and strong in yourself."
"You're the average of the five people you spend time with."
"Unfollow, unsubscribe, block, delete. This includes seemingly educational YouTubers who aren't actually posting valuable content."
"It's better to be by yourself than it is with people who are dragging you back and who are like negative influences."
"We have to want to be happy, we have to want that for ourselves."
"Allowing myself the freedom to be the best version of myself and also to evolve and be in the now."
"I'm not in competition with anybody else; I'm in competition with myself."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment. Yourself becoming the best version you can be."
"You can rewire your brain at any age... it definitely gets harder as we get older, but it does not ever get impossible."
"You can literally change the way that you think. You can re-wire your brain and develop a mindset that can lead you to achieving whatever it is that you set your mind to."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to other people."
"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
"Wake up an hour earlier and do the thing that you find hard."
"If we stay in a constant state of receiving help, that is the secret to growing spiritually."
"It's really important to see really how far you could push yourself."
"Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development."
"I love everything about me, but I know I have things I need to work on."
"What a noble pursuit it is to improve yourself so that you can take on the responsibility of caring for your loved ones."
"Self-improvement, especially the way that Adonis wants us to do the holistic self-improvement, we improve everything: our mental health, our physical health, we try and build an aesthetic body that makes us feel proud of ourselves and requires discipline, which then grows us into being more like men."
"The most important part, especially for young men, is discipline. It's willpower. It's presence and gratitude."
"Real self-improvement, the holistic self-improvement message that comes from Adonis himself, focuses on improving all of the pillars of your life."
"For things to get better, you got to get better. For things to change, you got to change."
"Americans seem to be fundamentally obsessed with the mission of improving ourselves."
"You aren't responsible for the model that you were handed... but you are responsible for the one you have now."
"Evolution is a process. Be patient with yourself, but be diligent about growing."
"Learning how to enjoy their own company is what men need to get back to."
"I just teach you to be the best version of yourself."
"Reading is very important; gain more wisdom, gain more understanding."