
Safety Quotes

There are 60138 quotes

"I love you. We're in a tough stage. I see this problem, and my number one job is to keep you safe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The home is the safe place from which you can go out and be a warrior."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think the most important one, in fact, I will go on record saying what I believe to be the most important variable for any endurance or cardiovascular training is that because it's a repetitive movement, that you are able to complete the movement safely."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Bitter receptors are there to make sure we don't ingest things that are poisonous."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cold water swims are something that you really need to do in groups, not alone, and you really have to know what you're doing."
"Understanding and respecting these differences ensures a safer and more enjoyable cannabis experience."
"This is not only super invasive but also unbelievably dangerous."
"I will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when I am in your presence."
"You have to help the world become a place where that kid like you needed a safety net."
"To minimize the chance of the infection spreading, those who will not be returning with us have been laid to rest beyond the lake."
"You're okay, don't be scared. I'm going to take you to a warm vehicle."
"In a world where people can take lives with only a flick of their finger, it is not enough to only take care of yourself."
"World of Warcraft gave me a safe and exploratory venue for social interaction."
"Expert-designed algorithms are crucial because you want to be safe in the environment."
"Even one biological male in a woman's prison or in any woman's space affects all of us, affects all women and girls."
"Why does the woman gravitate towards the biggest, scariest guy in the room? Often because he's the safest one."
"Your goal is to do multiple steps to make yourself safe. No one strategy is perfect; it's like a Swiss cheese model where there are holes in every strategy."
"We can't have a good community unless it's safe and civil."
"Significant standoff distance might prevent you from being targeted and engaged."
"You will never know the fear of what it is like to be a woman and walk around on the street or have a guy catcalling you."
"Don't forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive. Stay safe."
"It's never a bad thing to have a safety net."
"Black empowerment is also making sure and guaranteeing that no groups can come in and harm you."
"Your home is your sanctuary, and it should be a safe space."
"When we experience trauma, whether it is a natural disaster or victimization, doesn't really matter, we lose our sense of safety and personal empowerment."
"Learning how to set and maintain boundaries is also really important so people feel safe and empowered."
"Terrain relative navigation worked. We know where the surface is, we know where the hazards are, we're steering now toward the safe part."
"We want to catch ourselves rehearsing and reliving stress or worrying about the next thing, saying, 'Right now, I'm safe.'"
"Thank God, everybody was safe, because it's all material at the end of the day."
"It's been an absolutely fantastic day, you can see Dragon sitting there in the Atlantic, with shoots deployed and crew is comfortable, able, and safe and healthy."
"The Soyuz 11 disaster served as a grim reminder of the hazards of space travel, leading to crucial improvements in spacecraft design and safety protocols."
"The lesson of this video was always read the label and don't put glue in your hair."
"We need a strong border, a safe border, and a humane border."
"As the lunar economy opens up... you're going to see demand for these kind of sensors complimenting a suite of sensors that you use to guarantee safe landing."
"The tech needs to adapt to us, not the other way around, for safety."
"Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities."
"Whenever you're dealing with safety, it should never ever be rushed."
"When it comes to safety, you never cut corners."
"Once you take on the responsibility of safety for another person, you take on a responsibility of making sure that you do what's necessary, even if it's inconvenient, even if it's not in your best interest."
"We're living in a world that's becoming less safe."
"Take care of yourself, each other, and your loved ones. Respect your family, love your family, respect your teachers, and if you see a crime, don't intervene, call the Popo."
"Nuclear power is one of the safest forms of energy available."
"In Switzerland, it's federally mandated that every citizen has to have a protection bunker."
"Switzerland mandates if you want to build a house, you have to include a family shelter...and it's subject to inspection."
"Nobody deserves to be harassed for literally anything, whether they made a mistake, whether they did something intentionally bad. There is no reason to threaten someone's safety or their life."
"Mushrooms are different; we know what mushrooms are edible and poisonous from the experiences of people who've eaten them before us."
"Be safe so that you can protect yourself and your families."
"Safety isn't just the absence of a threat, safety is also the presence of connection."
"It was like a cult...the mainstream media were all marshaled to brainwash people into accepting any amount of negative consequence because it was all for our safety."
"In their dreams, they feel more safe to express and explore their emotions."
"Teaching robots to assist, to watch out for danger, and help save lives."
"We've saved about 60,000 lives taking you off the street."
"I hope this video was informative. I hope it makes a whole bunch of you safer."
"You don't have to die to be famous. You don't have to get hurt or get hurt because that's what a lot of people are doing now, too."
"You are safe and it is safe to move forward on this idea."
"If there's a negligent discharge on a movie set, ultimately, who's responsible for that? It would be the armorer's responsibility."
"A father's role includes pushing and correcting, guiding you away from danger."
"Happy New Year, guys. Be safe, walk home, don't drive and drunk."
"In about 0.78 seconds, he springs into action and pulls the children to safety."
"You are my safe place and you are my strong tower."
"A stranger is a stranger, and who do we never talk to? Strangers."
"The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life."
"Poor Aren breaks down crying while Aarono holds her and tells her it's going to be alright, she's safe now."
"We'll see you same time, same place next week. Stay safe until then."
"I think there's things around safety, around communication that can still be better."
"A comedy club is where we can safely have some laughs, in the dark, very drunk. It's also a bar, but it's safer than a bar."
"It's an invitation to actually be grateful for the safety that you have and the people that you have, and maybe carry that forward a little bit."
"Contributing to the loss of life was the vessel’s movement astern, which likely accelerated the flooding and caused the liferafts to swing out of reach of many crewmembers."
"Whenever I've heard a gunshot, I've always thought, go the other way."
"Be safe, be kind, and know that you are appreciated."
"Don't drink and drive if you're drinking don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle."
"We're going to learn how to live together in the context of equality and dignity. We're going to have Jewish safety, we're going to have Jewish security."
"It was for defense; it wasn't just a house, it was a home."
"These children deserve to smile, they deserve to love, and they deserve a safe home."
"Instagram recently announced that it's going to restrict all teenagers from access to eating disorder material, suicidal ideation themed material, self-harm content, and that's fantastic."
"Senator, our tools for identifying that kind of content are industry-leading."
"Our job is to make sure that we build tools to help keep people safe."
"We need to make sure that appropriate regulatory protections are in place."
"I'm really glad you're okay. I don't want to lose any more friends to this place."
"The missing children's incident is definitely worse than a spring lock failure."
"Nobody goes off trail and nobody walks alone."
"The better it's better to have a gun and don't need it than to need a gun and don't have it."
"By wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety." - Proverbs 24:6.
"Train derailments are well documented to be caused by an underpaid, overworked, and understaffed workforce."
"This is in part due to Precision Scheduled Railroading, a cost-cutting method used by railroad companies to send out longer and less safe trains at the risk of countless lives."
"Your commitment to ensuring the safety of gymnasts and all amateur athletes is appreciated, important, and necessary to ensure nothing like this ever happens again."
"Now all I have to do is get into my secret room because there's no way they're going to be able to find me."
"It gives people a safe haven to feel comfortable."
"Let go of your fear and know that you are safe and protected at all times."
"It's not getting any easier or safer out there, so being vigilant is extremely important."
"Being vigilant in making sure that you're on top of things when weird conversations start to happen that don't seem normal, that you're getting from people that you normally wouldn't get, is extremely important."
"Walter White's job as arrivals controller is to make sure incoming planes keep well clear of each other."
"You can't eradicate the last element of chaos, you can try to make things orderly and tidy and safe as safe as you can, but... you don't make your children safe, you make them strong."
"This car is no longer just an autopilot but it's also a co-pilot, a copilot that watches after you."
"Trust and trustworthiness are the keys to any solid, healthy relationships where we have safe environments and enduring relationships."
"China manufactured electric cars and bicycles have been prone to spontaneous combustion due to battery hazards, despite official efforts to conceal such incidents."
"This life is mine. I did all of this work and I unlearned all of this stuff and I showed up for myself and I made this life that feels safe and wonderful and authentic and validating, and like, I did that."
"I am a protector, keeping our data safe from criminals and helping the lost to find their way home."
"Heavy police presence in high crime areas tends to prevent crime."
"Don't forget; You're Important & Your Safety Matters."
"Breathability: Is it pleasant on your head, and could a home intruder suffocate me with it?"
"We did learn that there was some heroism involved in some of the officers who showed up to bring their comrades to safety."
"Knowing other people's core commitment can make people very predictable, which makes a relationship more safe."
"Nothing we do is so important that it is worth hurting someone."
"Your sense of danger does change in some areas. A good example would be parked cars and oncoming cars. New drivers are afraid of oncoming cars, but they're not afraid of parked cars."
"The Tesla cars are the safest cars ever designed... the lowest probability of injury of any cars ever tested by the US government."
"We want our kids to be safe. We want them to succeed."
"Because if we really admit it to ourselves, there is no way that we can make the world 100% safe for our kids. That's just not the nature of the world."
"There's nothing safe about being educated. If you want to be safe, stay home."
"We are the product of His knowledge of His beingness, and to know that we are in Him who is true, the safest place to find yourself located in Him who is true."
"Going home is not a privilege for a toddler, it is the standard, it is the norm, it is where they are supposed to feel safe."
"Civilians, dear colleagues, no matter where they live, deserve to enjoy music in safety and security."
"I'm angry at what happened today; the people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment."
"It's our main mission at Safari Land to save lives and protect officers from harm."
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."
"When the sensors are working well, autopilot AI systems are perfectly vigilant. They have AI that is always paying attention."
"If you're not prepared to lose, you're never going to win because you're always playing it safe."
"Boundaries keep us safe from internal and external intrusion."
"We're trying to find the medium in which women are safe to go to the police and make genuine complaints."
"We should lock our door before we say, 'By the way, this neighborhood is dangerous.'"
"While being a public figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone's safety."
"We'd be a much safer nation if our two-thirds of our military wasn't stationed around the world."
"There is safety in numbers. If more and more people start speaking up, then it's not as risky for any of us who are speaking up."
"The best time to get a lawyer, or a passport, or a locksmith, or a gun is before you need that lawyer, that passport, that locksmith, or that gun."
"The world was scary, and that barriers were put in place to protect him."
"We are confident that people will do what is necessary to keep themselves, their loved ones, and their neighborhood safe."
"We're working very closely with the president and outside business leaders to develop a plan."
"We want to be very, very safe at the same time we got to get our country open."
"This is just an appropriate step surely from a public health perspective."
"I want you to have a good education. I want you to be successful economically. I want you to live in a safe neighborhood."
"This is still a taboo topic that needs to come out... we need to create comfortable safe spaces for conversations to be had."
"If you're teaching a class on sex ed, you should probably cover common sexual practices and how to protect yourself."
"The Gambia is known for being warm, friendly, and safe, earning the country the reputation for being 'the smiling coast.'"
"North Dakota is the safest state in the nation because we respect life, because we value family as the cornerstone of our society."
"We are talking about a future that guarantees all of us safety, security, and dignity."
"I'm completely committed to get us back to the way life was before this pandemic began, as quickly but as safely as possible."
"You should never, ever in a relationship feel unsafe with your partner. Ever."
"Safety is a boring word, but the reason why some of the greatest leaders don't lose people is because they bring an element of safety in their environment... It's a very safe environment, and I know what to expect from you because you provide safety to me."
"Your word in Job 5 verse 11 says, 'He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.'"
"The ability to...embody different versions of themselves safely."
"We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again."
"It's great to have you in our First Lady, and I am pleased to welcome everybody to this wonderful place to discuss the vital importance of safety and reopening America's schools."
"For children with disabilities, without access to technology or whose homes are not a safe place, the situation can be even worse."
"The American people deserve to know that we're going to save lives as we reopen our country."
"We are very actively working to get our children back in school full time, all together, as safe as possible."
"If a man walks up to me and asks me for my number or asks me on a date, I'm thinking, I hope this interaction ends without this man getting angry, violent, or following me home."
"You can't take away people's rights and freedoms in order to keep them safe."
"It really felt quite freeing to me, it didn't feel dangerous, it felt like something that was very welcoming and affirming to me."
"Hopefully, you come back to visit sometime soon. Until next time, please stay safe, healthy, blessed, and keep conquering the world."
"Strange was prepared to die over and over again in a variety of extremely painful ways to ensure Earth's safety."
"It's warm... And cozy... And safe! Like somebody's whispering in your ear 'Everything's gonna be okay.'"
"Witness safety has always been recognized as a very compelling need."
"Everyone wants to feel safe, but that feeling is often out of reach for my community."
"Quebec is by far the safest province, has the second most diversified economy, second lowest unemployment rate, the highest average life expectancy, and third highest life satisfaction rate."
"People, including women, can comfortably walk the streets at night in the country."
"Usually when I talk about events, I talk about how most downsides or complaints can kind of be tolerated, understood, overlooked, even. So long as it's safe and no one got hurt."
"As long as you're taking care of yourself, you're being safe, and you're emotionally protecting yourself as well, and it's something that's making you feel good and happy, why should there be any shame or guilt around that?"
"Everyone deserves to be safe at work and to have workers' rights, regardless of what job you work."
"I felt vulnerable because I felt safe enough to be vulnerable."
"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. You're safe. I got you."
"The safe choice is almost always, if not always, the wrong choice."
"Women want to feel safe, they want to feel secure."
"If she says, 'I don't feel safe,' you have to understand how she feels. That's her emotion right now, and her emotion is reality to her."
"Being safe is the number one thing, or else you could end up in a place you don't want to end up."
"If it means saving people's lives, we're gonna have to put our pride on the side."
"The CDC states that COVID vaccines are safe, effective, and do reduce the risk of severe illness."
"The NFL hybrid kickoff that they're pitching this weekend could potentially save the kickoff play."
"Truth is the antidote to suffering, not safety."
"If you're in danger, do it. Yeah, if you're endangered, yes."
"I'm trying to hope for the best, but I'm just scared for her. I want her to be okay and I want her to be safe."
"Please, Maddie, if you see this, please come home. Please be safe. I love you very much."
"Rain petted her head, saying he's just glad she was safe and that she should be more careful next time."
"The goal is not self-sufficiency solely for self-sufficiency's sake; it's because systems that are self-sufficient tend to be safer."
"Vulnerability is a great connector. When I'm willing to be open myself, it then allows your guest the safety to open up themselves."
"Stay kind, stay beautiful, and stay safe, and we will see each other next time."
"He said, 'I'm here for you, I'm here. You know, I'm here. You know, I'm here. You are safe with me, and I'll be there for you.'"
"Our top priority will always remain safeguarding patients, the public, and providers."
"Time Square is safe... We are still the safest large city in the world."
"Out of this situation, only good will come, and I am safe."
"What is the point of freedom of expression if a Canadian family does not have the freedom to walk on a sidewalk in this country without getting murdered?"
"We demand a day when we can take our families to the park without looking over our shoulders."
"I'm a comfort girl. I like to feel nurtured. I like to feel safe."
"Addressing abandonment anxiety means first creating safety, then identifying and addressing the thoughts, feelings, and situations that trigger the anxiety."
"It's not about these cultural issues. It's about safety for my family."
"You are my safe place and my strong tower. You are my God, and I am trusting in You to be with me always and to be my defender."
"I think Bitcoin is the Apex property, so it's definitely the safest lease impaired property."
"Imagine a world where people can thrive, where we can feel safe and secure."
"What we're doing is we're doing multiple layers because the more layers we have, the better protection we're going to have in the end to avoid the undesired outcome at the end."
"Good news, we have the six-month safety and efficacy data for the Pfizer vaccine."
"You have to work to keep our loved ones safe and protect our communities."
"People have come up to me and said, 'You made me feel safe because I had no damn idea what was gonna happen.'"
"It is critical that we continue to keep the safety of our staff and our patients and the communities we serve at the forefront of everything we do."
"The world doesn't work if people aren't employed, don't have living wages, and don't feel safe and protected."
"In life, as our great friend Jazz Waters used to say, you can be great or safe, but you can't be both."
"Overall, I don't really see any high risk in reuse because we've gone through a methodical process."
"Justice matters, friends. As always, please stay safe, please stay tuned, and I look forward to talking with you all again tomorrow."
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"This business of human space flight is unforgiving. It's the vigilance from the teams that guarantee that continued safety."
"We ask ourselves all the time, would we be willing to fly our families on these vehicles?"
"Every flight we fly with people on board and every test that we do towards those flights is lessons and data that we use to make flights safer and more reliable."