
The Sudden Appearance Of Hope Quotes

The Sudden Appearance Of Hope by Claire North

The Sudden Appearance Of Hope Quotes
"They said, when they died, that all they could hear was the screaming."
"I write this to be remembered. Will you judge me, in reading this?"
"The world began to forget me when I was sixteen years old."
"First you forget my face, then my voice, and at last, slowly, you forget my consequences."
"If words on the page are the only part of me that can be remembered, it should matter."
"Types of theft: mugging, pickpocketing, smash-and-grab, auto theft, burglary, the long con, the quick graft, forgery, identity theft, shoplifting, fencing, embezzlement, larceny, looting, stealing, filching."
"Sometimes people are hurt in the fight for freedom."
"Choices for the lonely: to seek human company in all its forms, or to be content with the fact that you have no company at all."
"Just because you have forgotten me, does that mean I am not real?"
"When was the last time you fucking thought for yourself?"
"People who lead a lonely existence always have something on their minds they're eager to talk about."
"We exist in the present tense, and even our futures will one day be the past, and the past will be forgotten, and so only now remains."
"I have no words to express how wondrous this is."
"History is full of 'celebrities' – those who are celebrated for an act – but in the last century, we celebrated consumption."
"It’s easier to be perfect if you’re from a certain socio-economic background. Perfection takes time, effort, and if you’re poor, if you’re struggling then… and Perfection can help with that too, find a way to make the pennies work, learn to let go of things you don’t need, aesthetic lifestyle, simple lifestyle. It’s made for everyone of course, but easier, so much easier, if you’re already wealthy and as an anthropologist, surely you can see – Perfection as a product creates a digital aristocracy, and the imperfect of this world are little better than the serfs."
"The key to my success? I knew I’d succeed. That’s all I needed."
"I have to travel by helicopter now, because it’s not safe for someone like me to be in the streets."
"This isn’t prostitution. Prostitution is illegal. This is a mutual agreement between potential partners with realistic expectations."
"People – people and governments – try to punish people like us for being rich. Envy, that’s all it is. Why should I give up money that I earned, so someone else can live off the state? If they can’t pick themselves up, like I did, then I don’t see why I should give a damn."
"But I turn away, and push through the crowd, and feel like the queen of the universe."
"I am a machine. I am my smile. I am delight."
"I am okashi. I stand on a balcony overlooking the street."
"Private medicine. Easy to identify: public medicine doesn’t have as many potted plants or espresso machines."
"I thought learning how to use a gun would be hard, but in America it was forty bucks and a smile."
"My name is Hope. I want you to remember my words."
"My name is Hope. I am the queen of the fucking universe."
"I am the best thief ever to walk this fucking earth."
"I am… I am fine. I’m… fucking great, just, amazing, I’m… professional."
"In my dreams Luca Evard is dead, and I killed him."
"History is full of battles being won by the oppressed against the great."
"In a world where wealth is power, and power is the only freedom, what would desperate men not do to be heard?"
"Perfection kills. Perfection destroys the soul."
"Sometimes it’s hard to know what your life is worth."
"Worth is a concept almost as dangerous as perfect."
"To destroy Perfection, I must destroy Rafe’s ability to sell it."
"Once you start attempting to reprogram the human brain from without, there’s no stopping it."
"If the government says it’s ethical, then that’s good enough for me."
"You are beauty you are beauty you are beauty…"
"It’s just money," he replied. "It’s just paper."
"It’s time," I said. "It’s the means to purchase time."
"I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to like who I am."
"My work needs to be destroyed. It is an absolute necessity."
"Sometimes I look around and all I hear is screaming, screaming, screaming – what if you are the enlightened one?"
"I will call the police, tell them there’s a bomb."
"I am the rain. I am the cold. I am my breath."
"I am knowledge. I am beauty. I am perfection. I am… anything at all."
"I am a pilgrim, but looking at it, counting the swirl of white as the devout move round the sacred stone in Mecca, watching the fans scream at the movie premiere, listening to the old men sitting on their benches by the sea who report that everything changes, and that’s okay…"
"I am my feet in their black boots as I move through the hotel, I am justice, I am vengeance."
"I’m not sure I believe you," I said at last. "But I don’t think it really matters now, does it?"
"You were fine," I corrected. "I stole your journal: you were fine. I don’t mind telling you that now. It makes me happy to know you’ll forget it."
"I behaved badly, at the end," she sighed. "I was becoming paranoid, my own memory loss in your presence, I was… fearful, I tested things, pushed at boundaries, I have notes which say—"
"Perfection is dead," she said at last. "We killed it."
"You envy me?" "Yes." "You are wrong. You are wrong. Go away."
"The past is a very loose concept at the best of times. Do you understand?"
"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low."
"My work is all that matters. I would give my life to see it done."
"The past, living. Now. Here, in these words. I wrote to make myself real."