
Spare Room Quotes

Spare Room by Dreda Say Mitchell

Spare Room Quotes
"I’m not going to give my name because it’s not important and it may mean dragging the innocent into the decision that I have made."
"I’ve had cycles of bad dreams every so often since I was a kid, and I was at the end of one of those cycles of nightmares."
"I feel like a zombie. As soon as I reach ground level the smell of bacon hits me."
"Perhaps I should have mentioned I suffered from an eating disorder in my teens."
"Sometimes I just wish I wasn’t here, you know?"
"I don’t want to start now. I try to think of something to say but disloyalty seems to lie in every direction."
"You can’t betray anyone by honestly telling me what’s in your heart or in your head."
"It’s enough just to be alive on a day like today, isn’t it, John?"
"You’ll find your new girlfriend can be out on the window ledge a little sometimes; you know, slightly overemotional, a bit fragile. Lovely girl, of course."
"How else do you think it got there? It was awful."
"I don’t understand. How are we going to do this?"
"You don’t need to be doing all these hours really. I sometimes think you prefer working to us."
"We talk about all those safe topics: my work, the weather, the state of the nation."
"Since the day you came into our lives you have been our greatest joy."
"Life speeding so fast I found it hard to keep up. I wanted everything to slow down, stop even, but it wouldn’t."
"Breathe in her comfort and security, the type that has been missing from my life for so long."
"Honey, beauty is only skin deep. It’s on the inside where your true beauty lies."
"I have so many questions. They can help me. I’m not gone. I refuse to rest."
"Remember what happened that night we went back to yours?"
"I need you to tell me what really happened. What kind of accident can give me scars like this on the soles of my feet?"
"If you fall in love with a beautiful woman, you’re digging your own grave and the graves of the others who you love."
"I’m going to have to do a fingertip search of the whole house to make sure I found all the evidence of what had happened and eliminate the lot."
"If you’re a good girl, I might even be willing to let you pay the rent back, pack your bags and piss off tonight."
"We’re a family that speaks, eats, loves, but discuss our emotions? Never."
"You’re slowly killing me, your own daughter."
"I don’t care what’s over the cliff as long I land on the truth."
"I’ve been in and out of places like this ever since."
"You can’t just turn everything on its head in a day."
"I’m sorry, Lisa. You know I’d never hurt you."
"There’s only one way my parents could’ve found out I am living in the house."
"The secrets of this house must remain buried forever."
"He gave me the option of not getting involved because if the police found out I could end up in prison. But John hadn’t done a thing. It wasn’t fair."
"What’s her stake in this unfortunate business?"
"It’s just me and you here. No one else needs to know."
"All these years I’ve been to untold therapists who have given me all kinds of diagnoses – obsessive, a bully victim, PTSD, plain loopy – when, all this time, I’ve suffered with the most human ailment of all: a broken heart."
"The only way I can express my eternal gratitude to him is to lift my eyes and kiss him."
"No father should be late to celebrate his child’s new milestone in life."