
Daughter Of The Moon Goddess Quotes

Daughter Of The Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan

Daughter Of The Moon Goddess Quotes
"Some scars are carved into our bones—a part of who we are, shaping what we become."
"The most difficult things are often the most worthwhile."
"What we do is not a reflection of who we are."
"It’s not like I’m going to become a scribe or scholar."
"You’ll never grow if you only do what you’re good at."
"The only thing we can. You must leave this place."
"Despite these fleeting shadows, I was happy here."
"I am to blame, too. I told you not to reach for your magic, but I should have explained why."
"Each morning when I awaken, I don’t want to open my eyes."
"I had learned by now that nothing irked my tormentors as much as indifference."
"Her Celestial Majesty asked that I instruct you in your duties."
"Lost in this maze of winding paths, I recalled the simplicity of my home with a pang."
"I bowed—low. While I was unfamiliar with the nuances of palace hierarchy, the chief attendant evidently believed himself my superior."
"The serenity of this place, broken only by the rhythmic flow of water and the wind rustling through the trees, reminded me of home."
"There was an unfamiliar lightness in my spirit—the lack of dread, I realized."
""Tea," I blurted. "Do you want some tea, Your Highness?""
""Does Her Celestial Majesty approve of your companion?" he asked Liwei with mock incredulity."
""This is your room." The chief attendant stopped outside the closed doors of a small building."
"My heart filled with an inexplicable warmth as I turned away to stare into the sky above."
"I could never forget why I was here—that I had been torn from my home, and that I had come to the Jade Palace to find my way back."
"Better by far than my wild fantasies of soaring to the moon and shattering the enchantment which bound her there."
"What life would await us after that? An eternity of being hunted and living in fear."
"There are things I want which you know nothing of. I do have my own dreams."
"It was rare for immortals to surrender their position."
"I was my own person, separate from my parents—as was Liwei."
"I hated these lies, this fear and doubt. But all this paled at the threat of discovery."
"There are few weapons as powerful in existence."
"The most powerful warriors are proficient in both combat and magic."
"But terror sealed my throat shut; I could not even whimper."
"When someone stepped beside me, I gulped down the lump in my throat."
"But I had earned it through my own efforts and not by another’s grace."
"Yes," I lied baldly. "My training keeps me busy. Captain Wenzhi is a hard taskmaster."
"Her voice startled me, one I knew as well as my own."
"You don’t have to do that," he said in a strained voice.
"Not me, alone. If not for the others, I wouldn’t have made it out alive."
"The tears I had swallowed until they ran dry."
"My training keeps me busy. Captain Wenzhi is a hard taskmaster."
"You’re fortunate to have been attended to so well."
"I’m not going anywhere. If they want to give me a new title, though, I wouldn’t mind yours."
"Your Highness, I thank you for your visit, but I wish to rest."
"You didn’t even tell me of your engagement yourself. Was that fair?"
"The emperor was pleased. You would be in line for a promotion should you decide to make this a career."
"An assignment will lead a troop to the Eastern Sea, whose king has called for our aid to handle recent unrest."
"How could you not have noticed? After those months you’ve spent training with him, walking beside him, sleeping under the stars by the glowing campfire—"
"I recalled the countless sleepless nights since I had left him, the grief gnawing at my heart."
"The emperor’s icy gaze, the dread which had enveloped me at the sight of him."
"My heart recoiled, stabbed by regret. Would I ever see my mother and Ping’er again?"
"Backed against the tent walls, the governor deflected each blow until sweat poured from his brow and his breathing was as labored as mine."
"What do you mean? Explain yourself!" King Yanzheng demanded, his voice thick with outrage.
"The merfolk obey my every command, as do the sea creatures."
"I’m better with the bow," I told Prince Yanming, his brow still wrinkled in a frown.
"The moon rose higher. Its glow glinted on the water, the fragments of a thousand silver shards reflected on its surface."
"Fear clutched at me that it was not enough, that he did not hear me."
"I could not move, not even to twitch my finger; the venom had incapacitated me entirely."
"There was no pity in me for him, nor was there joy. Just a bone-deep relief that it was over, that we were alive."
"Pu'er. I inhaled its rich and earthy fragrance before taking a long sip, the liquid sliding down my throat with a reviving warmth."
"I understood his meaning and yet, I was glad to never see that accursed pendant again."
"Everyone has their own troubles; some lay them bare while others hide them better."
"Our spirits sharpened. How close we stood, speaking with the same ease we always had before."
"I had always thought Shuxiao thrived here; liked by commanders and soldiers alike."
"There is no sense in dying for principles alone."
"My heart ripped from me could not have hurt more."
"How wretched I was, cracked and ripped and gouged, yet I refused to shatter."
"My eyes were dry, though I had wept a river inside."
"The luminous glow of the moon cast a spell around the forest."
"My head darted up as I registered the soldier’s greeting, the serving girl’s earlier words. Was his father really the Demon King?"
"The soldiers bowed again to Wenzhi, acknowledging a command I had not heard."
"I clasped my hands, wishing I held a weapon in them."
"I could barely think through the rage which throttled me."
"His deceit made a mockery of our promises to each other."
"You’re one of them. You practice the forbidden arts."
"All this, just to take your brother’s position?"
"The Celestials would be defenseless against this, trapped as butterflies in a net."
"A nebulous, shifting thing, with a hunger nothing could sate."
"I could not lose control now, when a moment might make the difference between life and death."
"The Mind Talents cried out, pointing at me as torrents of their magic leapt my way."
"The mist lingered in their wake. Yet more Celestials were roused from their daze, more of them joining us now."
"Such a thing was impossible, unless … there was some way to fulfill my bargain without harming the dragons."
"Don’t tell them I didn’t go back. Spread the word that you lost sight of me in the battle."
"Everything about me is a challenge these days."
"I can’t surrender the dragons’ pearls to your father. I gave them my word."
"According to Teacher Daoming, no enchantment is unbreakable."
"Perhaps the enchantment could not be undone. Perhaps the emperor would not accept the pearls without the essence."
"I did not speak at first, his eyes so dark and solemn."
"The dragons are freed! I must inform my father."
"I can’t speak for His Celestial Majesty’s intentions."
"Why do you want to do this? Why not just return the pearls to the dragons?"
"First Archer Xingyin, was it to you alone that the dragons offered their pearls?"
"What if others believe they can trick you so and escape unscathed?"
"I fought for Liwei in the Eternal Spring Forest, just as he was fighting for me here."
"I will depart with my eyes open. I would see everything, from the face of my beloved to that of my killer."
"My heart caught in my throat as the pain in my body subsided."
"I will not plead or beg; it would do no good."
"I am no traitor. I fulfilled the terms of our bargain and I await your justice."
"I am so grateful to you for giving this book a chance, for allowing me to share my story with you."
"I will never be free of my sorrow. And yet, I would do it again, even knowing all which came after."
"I did not realize the minister harbored these aspirations."
"Unclouded by emotion, instinct can be a powerful guide."