
Rising Storm Quotes

Rising Storm by Erin Hunter

Rising Storm Quotes
"You are the only cat who dared oppose Tigerclaw."
"I should never have agreed to train as a medicine cat."
"Bluestar needs something to soothe her heart as well as to give her physical strength."
"I must speak with StarClan. Why are they so angry with my Clan?"
"Sometimes I think she’s getting better, but then she’ll say something or…"
"Don’t pretend you’re really angry with me. You felt just as sorry for them."
"I may be stuck with you as an apprentice, but I can keep you from becoming a warrior!"
"You’ve been a good friend. I’m sorry I made you think I don’t appreciate you."
"You can’t tell a cat what his heart should feel."
"I may not have been feeling well lately, but I’m not made of cobwebs."
"Put your energy into today. Stop worrying about the past."
"I think Tigerclaw has the strength of ambition to become whatever he wants to be."
"Every cat in the Clan trusts you to lead us through this."
"I killed him. I poisoned him. I wanted him to die."
"StarClan may judge me how they will. I am ready."
"I could not be prouder of you if you were my own son."
"I only regret that I will miss watching you become what StarClan has destined you to be."
"I wish you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you."
"It’s like being somewhere else," whispered Sandstorm.
"Cloudpaw." Fireheart slipped through the cats ahead of him and fell in step beside his apprentice. "Thank you for staying in the RiverClan camp as I asked."
"They’re going to take a while to get over Halftail’s and Patchpelt’s deaths."
"Well done. That was the right thing to do," Fireheart told him, proud of his apprentice’s unexpectedly wise compassion.
"I’ll grieve later," Cinderpelt told him. "I think Bluestar needs us now."
"How could StarClan do this? Have they no pity?" she spat.
"Eat these, Bluestar," she urged. "They will ease your pain."
"The more she rests, the quicker she’ll recover," Fireheart reassured them.
"Don’t grieve too much for the forest," murmured the gray cat beside him.
"We must rebuild the camp," he began once they had settled in front of him.
"If Bluestar doesn’t get better, I don’t know what will happen," he murmured.
"Go and rest," Fireheart ordered gently. "You’ve earned it."
"The Clan knows they are dead," Fireheart told them, feeling his fur prickle uncomfortably.
"The prey will come back," Fireheart assured her.
"We mustn’t betray any weakness, for Bluestar’s sake and for the sake of the whole Clan," Fireheart went on.
"ThunderClan will go to Fourtrees tonight," he meowed.
"You spoke well on the Highrock," she meowed, panting.
"So what are you going to tell the other Clans, then?"
"Are you okay?" Darkstripe asked as Fireheart caught up to him.
"Bluestar will not be coming to this Gathering," he announced.
"I’m sorry to hear about the fire. I know how bad it is for a Clan to be driven from its home."
"She’s not feeling well enough to travel yet," Fireheart answered lightly.
"Where is Bluestar?" asked Tallstar. "I can’t see her among your cats."
"Good luck." Fireheart felt Sandstorm’s breath ruffle his ear fur.
"We must show the other Clans that we are strong, despite the fire."
"With Tigerclaw loose in the forest, none of the Clans were safe."