
Wolf In White Van Quotes

Wolf In White Van by John Darnielle

Wolf In White Van Quotes
"I spent most of my teenage years in hospitals and physical therapy rehabs. It gets so lonely living inside your own head."
"I did not knowingly send any young people to their deaths. I would not. I couldn’t."
"The main thing is what happens to your vision, how you’re a little different after you’ve seen a few things."
"It was a place where I could have adventures, and when I grew up, I wanted to share those adventures with other people."
"I have taken pride in that service, and my work has brought me pleasure over the years."
"My grief sought out all parts of my body it hadn’t yet inhabited, and I felt like I might collapse in on myself right there."
"They said that Lance had always had problems; they didn’t think Lance’s problems had been anybody’s fault."
"The Trace is a good place. It is a place where people can go, in their imaginations. That is a good thing."
"I hardly know anything about the real world. What little I do know I got from books and movies."
"My capacity for vanishing into whatever shadows happen to be around is a hard-won and precious skill."
"The supermarket is for me what the beach is for other people: it’s eternal."
"I miss shopping not because it's shopping, but because it was shopping with Mom, when I was young, before anything happened."
"You want to spare their feelings. You don’t want them to feel ugly."
"Words like pretty and ugly exist in a different vocabulary from the one you might invent to describe a face that had to be put back together by a team of surgeons."
"Trying to explain the feeling I had is like trying to describe what you see when your eyes are bandaged."
"I felt so content to have forgotten: like I’d been touched by a blessing so obscure that almost no one would ever share in it."
"It is a terrible thing to feel trapped within a movie whose plot twists are senseless."
"It’s not so bad to be special. My journey, he said, was longer and slower."
"I wish now that I could have explained to her about the noise in my head and the music fixing it."
"Some lessons you learn gradually and some you learn in a sudden moment, like a flash going off in a dark room."
"I remember my anger at hearing my real dreams spoken out loud by someone else’s uncomprehending voice."
"People talk sometimes about standing up for what they believe in, but it seems like they might as well be talking about time travel."
"I sit silently defending them and I don’t sell them out, but I put on a face that lets people think I’m on the winning team."
"People want all kinds of things out of life, I knew early on."
"The secret is to believe it in your heart, which comes more naturally than you’d think."
"I kept my pace steady and didn’t make any gestures, but my heart leapt in my chest."
"The mosaic, too big and colorful to escape notice, tells no story to anyone and is seen by all."
"You weren’t supposed to step on it or something bad would happen to you."
"It was an empty turn, a turn where nothing happened, because it had a ghost in it."
"For reasons that seem obvious to me, I don’t believe in happy endings or even in endings at all."
"Sometimes I wonder if people suspect they’ve been sent the substitute move."
"There are only two stories: either you go forward or you die."
"I don’t save everything. It would be impossible to save everything."
"I kept my sites trained on Kansas; and I told my parents at dinner one night that I didn’t need the TV in my room anymore."
"I don’t lead a busy life. The externals of the world I’ve built are quiet and even."
"I felt like I already knew enough of the story to tell it to somebody else maybe better than either of its major players could."