
Mr. Nice Quotes

Mr. Nice by Howard Marks

Mr. Nice Quotes
"Every prisoner who is required to be moved from one US federal prison to another passes through El Reno."
"Expensive illogicalities and inefficiencies do not worry the monsters of American bureaucracy."
"Prison places cost the US taxpayer more than university places."
"Overcrowding is endemic. Conditions are appalling."
"The American belief that prisons are the best way to combat crime has led to an incarceration rate that is at least five times that of almost any other industrialised nation."
"A federal prisoner has to perform this series of indignities before and after each time he is visited by his family, friend, religious counsellor, or lawyer."
"Security reasons always prevent prisoners from knowing where (and sometimes when) they are going."
"Flying courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Prisons is a gruelling business."
"Processing is an irritating and lengthy process."
"Had they taken away my dignity, or was my dignity too formidable to be dented or diminished?"
"The weather in Louisiana comprises rain, light or heavy, and thunder, loud or very loud."
"Every long-term prisoner has to have a solid hustle."
"I suppose I must have had erections before, but I certainly hadn’t associated their onset with leering at women."
"I had stopped scrapping and fighting, partly because I had lost the knack."
"Most of the time could hold our own in schoolyard scraps."
"I stopped practising Für Elise and the ‘Moonlight’ Sonata in the early morning and directed my talents towards giving note-perfect renditions of Teddy Bear and Blue Suede Shoes to an imaginary audience."
"I was placed in an isolation ward in the nearest general hospital at Bridgend."
"I had no idea what to talk about and was very concerned about exhibiting bad table manners."
"I wandered around trying to figure out a way of getting into Dr Brink’s room, in which I was convinced the elusive collection papers would be found."
"I smoked marijuana with Them and Alan Price and drank whisky with Ray Davies."
"The best girl I knew was a St Anne’s English student, Ilze Kadegis. She was a beautiful, fiercely witty, golden-haired Latvian."
"Instead of trying to get up there with them, I decided to become a physics teacher."
"Reading provoked my sincere and lasting interest in the history and philosophy of science."
"It dawned on me that I’d wasted all the facilities available to me at Oxford, and I longed to return there to make use of them."
"We just wanted a good time, and we worked hard and took risks to get it by supplying a badly needed service."
"We didn’t pay tax because we didn’t want our money being used by the armed forces to kill innocent foreigners and by the police to bust us."
"My views on cannabis differed in some ways from those of Jarvis and the two Charlies."
"The preponderance of student revolutionaries dominating the quadrangles and bars, the lack of both fellow marijuana smokers and fellow philosophers of science, and the paucity of books on History and Philosophy of Science in the Balliol library led to my spending less and less time in College and becoming rather disaffected with it."
"I decided on the University of Sussex, which in those days was referred to as Balliol by the sea."
"I was comforted to discover that although I found reading mathematical physics more difficult when stoned, I found reading philosophy easier."
"Playing it well demands great skill, strategy, and patience."
"I had no direct way of getting hold of Jim by telephone."
"We were grateful to Mohammed Durrani’s Pakistani diplomats for smuggling hashish into Europe and giving it to us to sell, we were jealous of the amount of money they were making."
"We were true outlaws: we didn’t really break laws, not real ones; we just lived outside them."
"Money is the thing, and they always do things for a fair and honest price, I promise you."
"If a man does something for you, you give him a drink."
"Americans will always want more, and there is no end to their madness."
"When my visa ran out, the Immigration asked me why I wanted to extend it, and I said it was because I hadn’t run out of money."
"It’s very relevant, I promise you. They haven’t caught one yet."
"Well, the thing is there was this Englishman who told me he had nine talents. I told him I just had one: I could throw him out of the window."
"I only smoke Tom Thumb, but I know a man who has a knife."
"They don’t eat spaghetti here; they like to use chopsticks or they eat wurst or smorgasbord."
"You must decide whether he participated in this conspiracy or not. Either he had nothing to do with it, or he was into it up to his neck."
"We just didn’t want us nice guys to spend countless years in prison for transporting beneficial herbs from one part of the world to another."
"Life was good, but the money stash was dwindling."
"The air was charged with emotion, champagne, and the scent of hashish."
"You may remember the cases of those Russian spies, not only Kim Philby, but also Anthony Blunt."
"It is no surprise that a man of the defendant’s background and intelligence set up the UK side of the organisation just like a high-powered business."
"I was a spy all right. All the newspapers were unanimous in that opinion."
"I had beaten the system. I had triumphed and would walk the streets within a week."
"A jury can acquit a defendant for any reasons he or she wishes: a fact that is infrequently broadcast."
"Take up the White Man’s burden – Send forth the best ye breed – Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need."
"To wait in heavy harness On fluttered folk and wild – Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child."
"The Philippines is the only country I know of where being a half-caste is considered as a step-up from being indigenous."
"After a few centuries of that, America marched in and made it their one and only colony."
"The priests said, 'Yes, it's all right to dance and chant in the streets, but do remember it's called St Stephen’s Day, not Pisangpisang,' or some such name."
"Other than this insane desire to go to the United States, there is nothing else that appears to unite them: no common culture or national pride."
"Yet they are such lovely people. I love Kipling’s description of them: 'Half-devil and half-child'."
"Judging from what’s available, even at expensive restaurants, the local cuisine seems to have blended the worst elements of Spanish and Chinese fare into an inedible gruel."
"I merely wish to eat what I’m accustomed to. I’ll gladly pay for it."
"Beluga caviare and Stolichnaya vodka were followed by roast lamb."
"I only use real people who for some reason will not travel, usually London tramps."
"Legitimate business was beginning to get as hectic as the mother-business."
"A hundred years ago that would have guaranteed a trip to Australia; now it was enough to prevent it."
"The colony is glad to see all types of money flow in and enrich the economy."
"If the Chinese hadn’t liked getting hooked on opium and if the British hadn’t been ruthless exploiters, Hong Kong would have remained a small fishing harbour."
"I get paranoid about the smell in the hotel room."
"No one cares if you smoke a joint, but if you bring in a few kilos, they lock you away forever."
"It’s the best Californian skunk weed I’ve ever had in my life."
"By law of nature, I do not mean law of jungle, I mean like your Ten Commandments."
"The very best quality is too expensive, even in Khyber Pass."
"They notice things even if they got nothing to bust you for."
"Hong Kong was set up on dope money during the Opium Wars."
"Unexpectedly, I was called again for a visit."
"Gustavo said he was quite expensive but definitely the most experienced extradition lawyer in Madrid."
"‘Are you interested in escape, Marco Polo?’ asked Claude."
"Only if they do something very stupid. In time I will explain everything."
"The three of us have a plan to leave here at the end of this month."
"I was beginning to build up some anxiety about this when I was called for a visit."
"Keep your spirit. We’ve just talked to Masha, and Judy and the children are all right."
"No, Mam, of course not. I hate those businesses."
"Howard, you are to be placed under Artículo 10."
"Spain is now an American colony. The King of Spain has no balls."
"I could read lots of books. But what would be the point?"
"We will win. But I must admit, there’s an awful lot of pressure from the Americans."
"Spain already upset us by not extraditing Ochoa. Spain will not upset the United States Government in that way again. Rely on it."
"I don’t think Spain is going to extradite me."
"You will have to wait until we get to the airport. We are pressed for time."
"This is American territory. An American aircraft is on American territory wherever it is."
"You are being transferred to another facility."
"‘That’s not just a broads’ joint,’ said one of the prisoners. ‘It’s where they put stool-pigeons. You’re getting a break, Limey.’"
"‘They’re sending me to a women’s prison,’ I exclaimed."
"The American ‘War on Drugs’ was fulfilling some hidden and sinister agenda."
"Demand for confessions had been a characteristic of political repression in many countries at many times."
"Forget individual ethics and obey the laws and regulations."
"Everyone would have to become a snitch soon, there was no other way."
"Judy and I were able to talk to each other on the phone."
"She was very, very lonely and cried for her children."
"Soon they’d have to build very small special prisons just for stand-up guys."
"Judy’s choice was simple: admit to something she’d never done, get a sentence of time already served, and go home as a convicted felon."