
FantasticLand Quotes

FantasticLand by Mike Bockoven

FantasticLand Quotes
"With the sheer number of images and stories that defy belief and with the story occupying so dominant a place in the public consciousness, I feel it is a vital exercise to establish the facts."
"On some level, we all need to think that about ourselves."
"What if I had the entirety of human knowledge and experience at my fingertips and were suddenly plunged into the Dark Ages?"
"Nothing pisses off a historian more than seeing context thrown out the window because people were too lazy to ask questions."
"It’s not a stretch to speculate that it became somewhat normal for her, and that she was rewarded every time she spilled blood."
"Remember the victims. Remember those who are left alive."
"If there is anyone out there, we’ll be able to see them."
"It’s human nature to want to run in the event of an emergency."
"The absolute last thing you need in an enclosed space is panic."
"A bunch of employees crowded around the Command Center and a bunch of other employees sort of doing their own thing."
"For a short time there was even a game of old-fashioned charades going, if you can believe that."
"You see it on the Internet and on the news all the time, someone says something a little off-color and then you have a steady stream of professional victims and attention-grabbers demanding they apologize in the way they want you to apologize."
"I remember there was this one girl, something Flynn, I don’t remember her first name, but everyone called her Flynn, she was the one who would speak up whenever I went out to give more information to the crowds."
"If we’d lost lights, we’d lost everything in the Command Center and basically all contact with the outside world."
"I’m not accustomed to being beaten up, so I don’t know if this is true or not, but I think I actually felt the one side of my face swelling where I had been hit."
"I grabbed the head and hit it three or four more times, then I might have shouted a question, but you have to understand, it was still really loud outside."
"It wasn’t until later that I realized it wasn’t mine."
"I don’t really care that we never found out who it was. It’s pretty clear that there was nothing to it other than some kid being afraid of the dark."
"The lucky thing was the generators were in a utility closet just a hundred feet from where I was."
"I was able to get the weather computers back up and running, and we were able to leave en masse about twelve hours after we started the generator."
"There will be order here, and order involves clean spaces and everyone getting their fair share of food."
"I’d never seen a dead body before, much less five of them."
"I don’t want to say I’m the hero, but you could certainly read it that way."
"I am the only one who was able to keep order at the beginning, and I spent my entire time in the park fighting and scratching and bleeding to try to keep any amount of order that I could."
"Given all the violence that came later, I feel pretty safe in saying I’m the closest thing you’re going to find to a good guy in this clusterfuck."
"You can scream your lungs out in one section and they won’t hear you in another."
"I’m not the type to go looking for trouble, but I’ll take a good swing at it if it comes in my direction."
"At some point you make the calculation that it’s easier to play defense and stop folks from hurting you than it is to stop what’s already going on."
"We had light during the day, all the food and drink we wanted."
"I choose to believe she didn’t see it coming, and I didn’t either."
"If you fall down, I’m going to help you up, and if you’re thirsty and I have water, I’m going to give you some of mine."
"It’s not like those movies where people go to foreign countries and no one can communicate on basic stuff."
"It’s that I hate people. Some persons, individual persons, I like and love, but when you get eight or more together in a group, I hate that."
"Membership to the Pirates is something you earn. You get what you want by taking it."
"I remember focusing on one of the Pirates, just for a moment, and seeing a long line of spit dangle from his mouth as he screamed."
"She didn’t roll like I thought she would, but she did let out a scream."
"He said, 'She went into this knowing the stakes.'"
"I remember tears, but I don’t remember the sensation of crying."
"It wasn’t hard to kill when the person you’re killing has a knife to your brother’s throat."
"We were 'sewn together out of blood and love.'"
"The greats understood that. Hitchcock, Lynch, Craven."
"I wanted some scars on my skin and some dead bodies at my feet."
"I got all of that girl’s head, and she went down."
"Fear is a powerful thing. It takes Ivy League–educated dudes and turns them into scared little schoolgirls."
"Sometimes you have to fight, sir. There are times in life where unpleasant things are happening, and if you don’t fight you might as well be meat."
"The park was supposed to transport visitors to a different place, but in this case it seems the effect was only heightened."
"The events that transpired in FantasticLand were senseless. There was plenty of food. There was plenty of water."
"I wish I knew why Alice Barlow could hold and protect that baby duck and shoot arrows into her fellow employees two months later."
"I wish I could tie this up in a bow. I wish I knew, but I don’t."
"The park never reopened after the storm. Demolition began six months to the day after the first photos from the park leaked."
"I stood and looked at it for, like, ten minutes, and I was just thinking and thinking, 'How did that get there?'"
"I was mad at myself. Alice Barlow was not ready to talk to me. She would never be ready."