
The Enchantress Returns Quotes

The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer

The Enchantress Returns Quotes
"Each citizen smiled, proud of what they had recently accomplished."
"The most extraordinary ideas come from children."
"Today marks a very special day in our history and an even better day for our future."
"I believe the simplest solutions to the greatest problems are right under our noses."
"A good story should be enjoyed; sometimes simplicity can go a long way."
"Having something worth telling and a passion to tell it are what make you a good writer."
"We’ve come a long way from napping in my class."
"We’re not children anymore, Grandma! You have to tell us what’s going on!"
"The less you know, the better. Is that understood?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary at all," the dog said.
"We can’t even have a dog without it being a magical conspiracy!"
"I’m sorry I couldn’t reveal my identity to you."
"The situation recently reached a peak and I was worried it would affect you."
"We haven’t done anything wrong! Why are you punishing us like this—"
"You’re the only family I have left. You mean more to me than anything else in the world."
"How could their mother, a simple nurse, have gotten involved in all of this?"
"We’re here! We’re back in the Land of Stories!"
"To forgive would be to allow them to continue living their lives, free of consequence."
"Silly Rumpy, who said I only wanted this world?"
"Have you ever felt loneliness so strong that it hollowed your soul with every heartbeat?"
"I find taking away their life force to be much more appealing than simply forgiving."
"I didn’t think she would survive the Otherworld on her own so I brought her back to our world."
"I’m going to rest for a bit before continuing my attacks across the kingdoms."
"Not everything, Alex. We have each other—and we’ll figure out a way to get them back."
"The world had been counting on the Fairy Godmother for a solution, and now that she was gone, nothing seemed powerful enough to stand against the Enchantress."
"You’ve got too much baggage! You need to let it go or we’ll crash!"
"Jealousy is just a reminder of the frustrations you have with yourself."
"A life spent creating enemies isn’t worth leading. Having allies is the best advantage in the world."
"I’m not sitting around here and letting the five of you take credit for saving the world without me."
"The only C or B that belonged on my tests were my initials."
"Who has time to only concentrate on jealousy?"
"Remember that even the tamest of places will surprise you with what is lurking in its shadows."
"Every minute I remember spending here was a minute missing or worrying about Goldilocks."
"I figured it might get chilly flying around the sky, especially in the Northern Mountains."
"It’s important that our course isn’t predictable. We have to keep her guessing where we’ll be headed."
"Pain will drive you mad if it’s strong enough; it’ll change you into something you’re not. It’ll turn you evil."
"Forgiveness is what we all need to forget the past, even if we don’t deserve to."
"I deserve this fate. I deserve to be inside here."
"I spent my entire life trying to free him from this prison, and now I’m doomed to spend eternity in here without him."
"You must forgive me, children. Forgiveness is what we all need to forget the past, even if we don’t deserve to."
"I’m afraid I’ll never forgive myself, though."
"Ezmia’s most prized possession was always herself."
"I feel myself fading away more and more as every second passes."
"She said, ‘Of the four travelers, one will not return,’" Alex said. "I thought it was just nonsense—I mean, an avalanche had just fallen on the woman—but now I wonder if she was making a prophecy. I wonder if she was talking about Goldilocks."
"We were family," he said. "You abandoned this family a long time ago when you decided we weren’t good enough for you."
"I’m sorry for the embarrassment I brought to this family," he said. "And believe me, not a day goes by that I don’t wish to erase the past."
"I don’t think she speaks Spanish," Alex reprimanded.
"I’m sorry I could never be the brother you wanted," Rumpelstiltskin said. "But one day I’ll make things right between us. One day I’ll be a brother you can be proud of."
"She’s such a monster," Alex said under her breath. "I don’t think I’ve ever hated someone as much as I hate the Enchantress."
"I never thought one person was capable of so much damage," Conner said. "When are we going to have the answers we need to get rid of this wench? I’m so sick of asking questions!"
"Ezmia has spent a long time figuring it out, and unfortunately she’s very close to completing it," Hagatha said.
"Guess she didn’t like the name Beauty," Conner said with a shrug.
"No," Conner said. "But you can tell her yourself when you see her next."
"I would rather have nothing and a big heart than everything and no heart at all."
"Magic chose us to be the bridge between the two worlds—it’s the reason there are two of us."
"Every time you pen another story about our adventures in the Land of Stories, I’ll be right there with you."
"We’ll always be together, Conner. In our hearts and in your stories."
"As long as someone remains standing with a noble heart there will always be a way for good to triumph over evil."
"The cruelest thing you can do to someone is force them to hurt alone—and you left me hurting on my own many times."
"You’re the ones who renounced me long before I ever did."
"You can’t extinguish a fire by adding more flame."