
Lost Lake Quotes

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

Lost Lake Quotes
"The uneven sidewalk was buckled by old roots of lime trees long since gone."
"Paris was the perfect place to disappear, with its dark, sinewy streets."
"It’s not seemly, her mother wrote, to stay on a honeymoon this long."
"Her heart suddenly felt heavy. There was so much happiness in the world. It was everywhere. It was free."
"Money flowed through her family’s fingers like springwater."
"Rumored that young lovers weren’t able to cross if their love wasn’t real."
"Madam Goddell would have been horrified by how little French Eby remembered."
"Magic is what we invent when we want something we think we can’t have."
"It was the look of a man who has finally woken up."
"She had no armor against slow, invasive feelings."
"As crazy as her mother had been, there were times after Kate’s father died that she had seemed almost normal."
"Sometimes, her mother would braid Kate’s hair on weeknights, then put her in a nightcap."
"She sat back and considered not returning to Atlanta."
"Jack thought anyone who read couldn’t be all bad."
"Sometimes she would walk up to him while he was sitting in the dining room and just talk and talk."
"The world was not like him and was not going to change for him."
"The trick to getting through life, she’d told him, is not to resent it when it isn’t exactly how you think it should be."
"Being around her was unlike anything he’d ever known."
"She would set the food on the table in front of him, smile, then go back to the kitchen."
"Where else in the world could such a creature exist?"
"She was older, of course, with curves and angles that newly fascinated him."
"It was the honest truth, but he found that when he told people that story, most laughed."
"He liked that, after a while, the summer regulars got to know him."
"Most of all, he liked the quiet woman in the kitchen."
"This was the first time in almost a year that there was measurable distance between them, and the farther he was away from her, the stronger she felt the tension."
"Eby looked good, and Marilee hated her for it."
"It took three days of sleeping on the couch, wearing the same clothes, for Eby to finally look sufficiently bad enough for Marilee."
"The night of the memorial service, George was shocked to see Eby so bedraggled."
""We can’t live here. We’re going to have to sell this place," Eby said as George closed the door."
""A friend told me about some investment property down south—a lake and some cabins. I’m going to take you there for the weekend, just to get away for a while.""
""Lisette would like this," she said sadly. "Someplace warm.""
"Sitting there, nodding off, Eby wondered if there was a form of mental illness that wasn’t biological but learned."
""You can’t live on a single memory," he said as he walked away."
""The best things in life are like that. My husband has Alzheimer’s. You’d think that would be the end of that story, wouldn’t you? But it’s not."
""Just by saying that, darling, you already are." She blew into Selma face, her breath warm. "Eight charms. That’s all you get."
""Does she really know how much we appreciate her? What have we been doing? We’ve just been hanging around, like we were waiting for this to happen, for Eby to finally give up."
""Of course it is!" Bulahdeen said. "We’ve been coming back year after year, but have we ever truly let Eby know how much this place means to us?"
""No, it’s not," Bulahdeen said. "It’s a completely different goat when you put a tuxedo on it."
""And they’re single-minded, those alligators. They don’t focus on much except what’s right in front of them.""
"You can't change where you came from, but you can change where you go from here. Just like a book. If you don't like the ending, you make up a new one."
"When your cup is empty, you do not mourn what is gone. Because if you do, you will miss the opportunity to fill it again."
"Sometimes, all you need is something to believe in."
"I've made a decision... I’m fighting for you, Lisette. Against him, if necessary."
"I’m not leaving you. I’m fighting for you, Lisette. Against him, if necessary."
"It’s okay, Devin... We’re not going anywhere for a long while."
"I don’t have to say it, do I? You know, don’t you?"
"I was sad that you had to leave. You didn’t even say good-bye."
"It’s what people do when they go their separate ways. They say good-bye."