
Yes Please Quotes

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Yes Please Quotes
"I like hard work and I don't like pretending things are perfect."
"Once a book is published it can’t be changed, which is a stressful proposition for this improviser who relies on her charm."
"The truth is, writing is this: hard and boring and occasionally great but usually not."
"The first thing we do is take our brain out and put it in a drawer."
"I believe great people do things before they are ready."
"It’s called Yes Please because it is the constant struggle and often the right answer."
"We all have a tiny whispery voice inside of us, but the bad ones are usually at a lower register and come through a little clearer."
"I think we should stop asking people in their twenties what they "want to do" and start asking them what they don’t want to do."
"Decide what your currency is early. Let go of what you will never have."
"People are their most beautiful when they are laughing, crying, dancing, playing, telling the truth, and being chased in a fun way."
"It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to be sorry for. It takes years to find your voice and seize your real estate."
"I am getting to a place right in the middle where I feel good about exactly how much I apologize."
"When I yell at the dads drinking coffee and looking at their phones at the playground while their seven-year-olds play on the preschool monkey bars, I feel like I am fully alive."
"Who doesn’t love self-righteous anger? It’s great."
"But for the most part, I try not to yell 'fuck you.' I try to say 'yes please.' And 'thank you.' 'Yes please' and 'thank you' and 'sorry, sorry, sorry.'"
"I watched Robert De Niro wiggle into spandex pants as Siegfried. Or Roy."
"I witnessed Donald Trump stepping into a chicken suit."
"I engaged in small talk with Derek Jeter as he was buttoned into a dress. 'How are you doing?' I asked. 'Are you nervous?' He just laughed and said, 'No,' thus settling the long-standing debate about what is more nerve-racking: live comedy or the World Series."
"Anger and embarrassment are often neighbors. Sometimes we get defensive about what we feel guilty about."
"Your brain is not your friend when you need to apologize."
"Shame is difficult. It’s a weapon and a signal. It can paralyze or motivate."
"Getting older is awesome, not because you don’t care as much about what people think, but because you develop secret superpowers."
"Divorce is always good news because no good marriage has ever ended in divorce."
"I idle right in the middle. I am no spring chicken but I am not an old lady."
"Getting older helps you develop X-ray vision. The moment people start looking at you less is when you start being able to see through people more."
"I have work to do. I remain suspicious of men and women who don’t want to work with their peers."
"Life is crunchy and complicated and all the more delicious."
"It’s easier to be brave when you’re not alone."
"My only job was to surround myself with people who respected and supported that choice."
"I thought my mother was the most beautiful mother in the world and my father was a superhero who would always protect me."
"The streets and woods around my house were a perfect setting for fake mischief."
"When you have a comfortable and loving middle-class family, sometimes you yearn for a dance on the edge."
"We are lucky. Some people cannot afford this option and have little family support."
"The biggest lie and biggest crime is that we all do this alone and look down on people who don’t."
"Keep your virginity for as long as you can, until it starts to feel weird to you. Then just get it over with."
"Laugh a lot and try new things with someone you love."
"Let's all just agree that acting awards are strange."
"The first time I was nominated for an Emmy it was for Best On-Screen Orgasm in a Dramatic Civil War Reenactment."
"Sleep and I do not have a good relationship."
"I am constantly chasing sleep and then pushing it away."
"I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am."
"Our parents surround us with origin stories that create deep grooves in the vinyl records of our lives."
"I held a microphone at Luna Lounge and repeated instructions to the audience."
"Don’t think. Get out of your head. Stop planning and just go."
"Love your kids and hope they do better than you did."
"You can have a chaotic childhood and still provide a stable home."
"Care about your work but not about the result."
"You have to care about how good you are and how good you feel, but not about how good people think you are or how good people think you look."
"Depending on your career is like eating cake for breakfast and wondering why you start crying an hour later."
"When you're the actor, you have little control. You audition for parts and deal with constant rejection. On set, everyone sits behind a monitor and whispers when you don’t get it right."
"Writing can be thankless. People treat writing like it’s some elegant act but it’s usually lonely and isolating."
"Your ability to navigate and tolerate change and its painful uncomfortableness directly correlates to your happiness and general well-being."
"The more I time-travel the more I learn I am always just where I need to be."
"If you can surf your life rather than plant your feet, you will be happier."
"Time can be your bitch if you just let go of the 'next' and the 'before.'"
"The things you have done for me—to help me, support me, surprise me, and make me happy—go above and beyond what any person deserves."
"I realized that this whole time, that’s what I was doing—I was just wandering around, everywhere, looking for you."
"The cover could feature a picture of me on a giant wave wearing a wizard hat."
"I am ashamed of the few times I drove drunk. Drinking and driving is the absolute worst, because unlike doing coke in your basement while you teach yourself guitar, you could kill someone else."
"My town was good at supporting future drinking problems."
"I’ve tried most drugs but avoided the BIG BAD ONES."
"I love my boys so much I fear my heart will explode."
"When your children arrive, the best you can hope for is that they break open everything about you."
"Technology was creeping into my life in slow and manageable ways. The Future was Almost Now!"
"Now my phone sits in my pocket like a pack of cigarettes used to. I am obsessed and addicted and convinced that my phone is trying to kill me."
"I believe this to be true. By the way, when I say 'my phone' I mean my phone and my iPad and my laptop and all technological devices in general."
"So far the only good things I have seen to come out of this recent technological renaissance are video-chatting with your grandparents, online dating, and being able to attend traffic school on your computer. The rest is a disaster."