
Lock Every Door Quotes

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

Lock Every Door Quotes
"Every so often, life offers you a reset button. When it does, you need to press it as hard as you can."
"They don’t know what a fragile balancing act it is to stay afloat and that if, God forbid, you momentarily slip underwater, how hard it is to resurface."
"Sometimes good things happen to good people, right when they need it the most."
"Because here’s the thing about being poor—most people don’t understand it unless they’ve been there themselves."
"Never take anything you haven’t earned. You always end up paying for it one way or another."
"The pattern is even more oppressive up close."
"I now have only two hundred and five dollars to my name."
"I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle her every day."
"It sounds romantic through the soft gauze of time."
"The Bartholomew is fine. I think I’m just lonely, you know?"
"Sometimes it feels like solitary confinement."
"But something about that sound tells me I’m not overreacting."
"I can think of several bad reasons why a person would let out a single scream at this hour."
"Her voice is flat and reluctant—a far cry from the chatterbox she was in the park."
"Her face says otherwise... She looks, I realize, afraid."
"Because here’s something else no one understands unless they’ve been there: unemployment is boring. Soul-crushingly so."
"If she says she’s fine, then I need to believe her."
"I’m between jobs at the moment... I haven’t been able to find something else."
"The Bartholomew’s not for everyone. It can be unusual."
"Trust me, there's nothing here to fear. The Bartholomew is generally a pretty happy place."
"Yes, bad things have happened here. But bad things have occurred in every building in this neighborhood."
"If you get so creeped out that you feel the need to leave, at least come and talk to me first."
"The only person I talk to lately is Mr. Leonard."
"In the Bartholomew, it’s best to mind your own business."
"If I had been more forceful or nosier, then maybe she would have felt able to confide in me about what was going on."
"Something about this situation is very, very wrong."
"That’s why I avoid the internet. It’s a cesspool of misinformation."
"Once you know what they are, they’re less likely to bother you."
"We lived like that for six months. Then the final blow came."
"Smoke rose from the wreckage. It was an awful throat-coating smoke I hoped I’d never smell again."
"The storage units would have been enough to tip off investigators, if the insurance policies hadn’t already."
"I tried to be mad at them. I wanted to hate them for what they did. But I couldn’t."
"Thank you for entrusting me with your story."
"Now you know why I prefer fantasy over reality."
"I just can’t shake the feeling she’s in trouble."
"Every day, before I leave for work, I sit and stare at this poster, hoping that Eleanor is right."
"I always said you’re much prettier in person."
"Gotta say, I wouldn’t mind seeing that on an inspirational poster."
"Doing good deeds—makes this rotten world just a little bit better."
"I harbor no illusions that Nick and I are going to fall in love, get married, and live out our days on the top floor of the Bartholomew."
"Life hasn't touched them yet. Not real life."
"One time is an anomaly. Two times is a coincidence. Three times is proof."
"If this is a dream, don't wake me up. I never want to leave this place."
"It's just past midnight, and I swear I heard a noise."
"I see both at once and decide which is more important to focus on."
"Never confuse fiction with reality. No good ever comes of it."
"But today, I choose to focus on the flowers."
"I watch the dots come and go while hoping against hope that when an answer does appear, it will be the correct one."
"I collapse onto the crimson sofa, my heart dripping like hot candle wax into the pit of my stomach."
"The only thing she told me is that I could go fuck myself."
"I’m still kicking, still writhing. Bernard pins me against the bed, where I thrash beneath his weight. 'You have to believe me! Please!'"
"Sitting within my cupped hands is a human heart."
"Creation rising from destruction. Life rising from death."
"I stare at the page. Key words emerge from the pack, standing out as if they were bold red and underlined."
"I need to get out of here. I think I’m in danger."
"A bubble of anger rises in my chest, hot and bilious."
"I keep running, my pace quickening to a full sprint."
"I admire your survival instincts, Jules. I do."
"This doesn’t have to end violently, you know."
"Pain equals clarity. Clarity equals survival."
"I’m the kind of girl you don’t want to fuck with."
"I come from a long line of surgeons, beginning with my great-grandfather."
"Everything I lost has been replaced threefold."