
Hunger Quotes

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

Hunger Quotes
"A strange, delicate mood, a feeling of cheerful nonchalance, had taken possession of me."
"Every growing thing has received its distinctive mark, a gentle breath of the first frost."
"I felt I was myself a crawling insect doomed to perish, seized by destruction in the midst of a whole world ready to go to sleep."
"It's fall, the very carnival of transience; the roses have an inflamed flush, their blood-red color tinged with a wonderfully hectic hue."
"I was calm and felt at ease. The excitement I had just been through gradually subsided; I slumped over, grew limp, and began to feel sleepy."
"Everything considered, Mrs. Gundersen's notice was quite opportune. This wasn't really a room for me."
"I knew—oh yes, I knew that the exalted moment and the inspiration I had just experienced and written down was a wonderful work of heaven in my soul."
"A swarm of loose thoughts is fluttering about in my head. The mood of the dying day makes me despondent and sentimental."
"As was my wont, I stopped at every posted newspaper that I passed to study the notices of job openings."
"It was as though a vein had burst inside me—one word follows another, they connect with one another and turn into situations; scenes pile on top of other scenes."
"I felt on top of the world. I weigh the piece in my hand and appraise it on the spot at ten kroner."
"I knew that the exalted moment and the inspiration I had just experienced and written down was a wonderful work of heaven in my soul."
"I took out my bundle, a red handkerchief that contained a couple of clean collars and some crumpled newspapers I had carried my bread home in, rolled up my blanket and pocketed my stack of white writing paper."
"The streets were glistening with the rain that had fallen in the early morning, the sky hung raw and heavy over the city."
"Could I be absolutely certain that my story was truly inspired, a little artistic masterpiece?"
"My feeling of contentment had been shaken, I jumped up and stormed out of the cemetery."
"I felt warm from my walk and went back slowly, very depressed."
"At that instant I felt the flick of a whip against my ear, and my hat was twitched off."
"Past four! It was already past four o'clock!"
"Visions and dreams! I told myself that if I took some food now, my head would be confused again."
"Perhaps something would turn up in the way of shelter later in the evening."
"The sea out yonder swayed in a brooding repose."
"I was awakened by a couple of raps on my door."
"I say to you, you holy Baal of heaven, you do not exist, but if you did exist I would curse you until your heaven trembled with the fires of hell."
"From this moment on I shall renounce all your works and all your ways, I shall curse my thoughts if they ever think of you again and tear off my lips if they speak your name."
"I defy you to do as much! I said, looking out over the crowded marketplace, just you try!"
"Thank God, the money was now out of my hands."
"No, don’t say that," I mumbled, "it’s very sweet of you."
"I was good for nothing, I’d turned into a wet sock."
"It was only a matter of pushing on! And if it was only a matter of pushing on, then I was the right man."
"I had offered you my service and you turned it down, you pushed me away, and now I turn my back on you forever, because you did not know the time of your visitation."
"I say to you, my whole body and every drop of blood in me rejoice in mocking you and spitting on your grace."
"I say to you, if you exist, the last word in life and in death, I say goodbye."
"I was unrelenting and went on. I stood there jabbering away, having the unpleasant feeling that I was boring her, that not a single one of my words hit home, and yet I didn’t stop."
"The intelligent poor individual was a much finer observer than the intelligent rich one."
"I would’ve kneeled down on the carpet for a minute, right there, on that red spot near your feet."
"But you got scared, I could tell by your eyes right away that you got scared."
"May God never let me out of this place alive if I’m lying!"
"My money had been used up long ago, but I continued to come and go in the house, as if I were entitled to it and belonged there."
"I tried again to tackle this little sum, which I could have added up in a minute a few months ago."
"I was doing much better in every way, and I was actually beginning to wonder why I hadn’t yet finished my allegory."
"You can’t throw people out on the street at night, you know."
"It was as though something had snapped in my head."
"I stood just as motionless as I do now, showing you the place where I would’ve kneeled before you."
"I wasn’t hungry anymore, but the sweet food I had eaten was beginning to make me sick."