
A Thousand Letters Quotes

A Thousand Letters by Staci Hart

A Thousand Letters Quotes
"The ticking of the clock marring the deafening silence, Time's footsteps toward an end or a beginning."
"Even the one she uttered had power over me, the same power it always had. His name."
"There was nothing to say, no words of comfort to offer; it wouldn't be okay, time wouldn't heal her wounds."
"I didn't know what to do with myself. The boldest thing I'd done since Wade left for the Army was to go to school."
"What's not fair is you denying me the right to have her here. What's not fair is you denying her the right to see Dad."
"Wherever I go, you go. Forever. Because I'll love you forever, Elliot."
"I suppose I should say I'm happy to hear that her dying released you from your prison."
"Because you're not smart enough to make the decision yourself. I'm your father, and I know more about the world than you do. It's my job to protect you from that."
"But what he said hit me deep, not only because some of it struck a chord — being alone, lonely while he was deployed, praying he came home to me — but because I was afraid."
"The thought of choosing between my past and my future overwhelmed me."
"Time, time, time. The word pulsed around me, a chant that ticked up my heartbeat with every second that passed."
"I didn't know how we would survive this, didn't know how we'd ever get through the next few weeks with him or the rest of our lives without him."
"You keep saying that, but it's not. Nothing is easy. Nothing is simple."
"Thin soul, Stretched and pulled Left to bear the weight Of the world On its own."
"I carried the weight of my choices around with me always, and no one knew."
"I was not brave because I ran away, and today wasn't the first time."
"It's easier with Dad and Beth living in Miami. When we're all together, things are … harder."
"Because fighting with them is futile. There's no convincing them of anything."
"Their worlds are so small, and that's all they know."
"You're a better person than I could ever hope to be."
"He wasn't for me, the moment just another echo of Wade in my heart."
"Home is not a place, Not a smell, Not a face, But a space In your heart."
"Hurt is so easy, Loss so simple In its complexity, And to fall into The arms of the dark Is effortless."
"Here and Now: Here (Not there, not far) Now (Not then, not ago) You will find a way To love."
"The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave, The moon, their mistress, had expir'd before; The winds were wither'd in the stagnant air, And the clouds perish'd; Darkness had no need Of aid from them--She was the Universe."
"No longer mourn for me when I am dead Then you shall hear the surly sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell: Nay, if you read this line, remember not The hand that writ it; for I love you so That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot If thinking on me then should make you woe."
"Above they barely touch, but undermined Down to their deepest source, Admiring you shall find Their roots are intertwined Insep'rably."
"Stop running away so you don't spend the rest of your life wondering. Whittier knew this, and so do I. So should you."
"Braveness isn't always loud. Sometimes it's silent. There's braveness in sacrifice and kindness."
"Some of my most cherished childhood memories were made there."
"We can bring Italy to him. Fiji. Camping. We can get a tent, roast marshmallows. Recreate his memories. Make new ones."
"I hope he loves it. I hope it makes him happy."
"I wondered again over all the things that had changed him, hardened him, wondered just how bad it had been to erase him so completely."
"What a strange day it had been — I recounted the moments."
"Because there are reasons, valid reasons, and I'm not so self-important as to think that I'm above their feelings."
"The only way I could have her was to beg for her forgiveness, apologize for pushing her, for leaving, for disappearing."
"And all I had to do was reach out and touch her."
"We were so close, close enough that I could reach out and touch him, but still so far away."
"Today, the sun shone. Today, I saw him, saw the tenderness I'd longed for, dreamt of. Today, tonight, was magic."
"I'm sorry," he whispered so softly, I wondered if I'd heard him at all.
"Minutes passed, the clock on a shelf in the room ticking as we looked into each other's eyes and forgave and begged and hoped."
"I know," I answered, because I was scared too.
"You took me camping, Elliot," he said, reaching for her face to cup her cheek.
"I liked having you all here with me. Made the night less lonely, less foreign."
"I'm scared," he whispered, his breath stirring my hair where his cheek pressed, warm and alive.
"The wind That blows across the chasm Between us Pierces my soul."
"You are loved and cared for, with or without me."
"Because with her in my arms, I knew she was all that mattered."
"Wandering voices in the air And murmurs in the wold Speak what I cannot declare, Yet cannot all withhold."
"Like boiling water, Scalding, churning, Steam slipping silently Up and up, And when it vanishes I watch, wondrous, Disbelieving That it had ever been real."
"The page is blank Like new fallen snow, As is my heart, As is my soul."
"To live Is to feel So you know You are real."
"Because I could, and she might submit. But I didn't want her to submit. I wanted to earn her love."
"I would give her that precious time she needed, but I wouldn't give up. I wouldn't run away. Not this time."
"Letting yourself ride the surface instead of kicking and fighting or sinking to the bottom like a stone was the only way to survive intact."
"The brave aren't immune to fear. It's only that their fear doesn't stop them."
"I have nothing left to lose, which leaves you nothing to bargain with."
"Your hate has only strengthened my desire to be kind. Your anger has only made me more compassionate."
"Love is a line spanning the distance between two hearts."
"In life (Unlike death) there are few constants: The sun will rise; Your lungs will breathe; Your heart will love."
"Waves lap my feet, Eyes on the horizon, Love in my heart, As I wait for you."
"For time cannot stop, But moments, Seconds, A fleeting smile, A kiss in the sunlight, Can live forever."