
A House With Good Bones Quotes

A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher

A House With Good Bones Quotes
"As omens go, it doesn’t get much more obvious than that."
"I bet you have some amazing feather mites."
"Ah yes. That, at least, hadn’t changed."
"You are required by tradition to have the dilapidated trailer, which is generally owned by a grumpy survivalist who refuses to sell."
"Subdivisions can persist in this particular developmental stage for decades before they finally pupate into their adult form."
"Nobody ever thinks you’re a cat burglar."
"Trash heaps tell you how they actually lived."
"I study insects in archaeological remains."
"Don’t trust that guy. He’s got an alibi."
"You could be so pretty at your coming out."
"She’d always wanted everything to be normal."
"Let the living put their feet on the table if they feel like it."
"I’m an entomologist. I don’t think bugs are gross."
"We finished up our hashbrowns and left the alternate world of Waffle House."
"I would help you pick that up, but I’m not wearing pants."
"The Goldbergs are having a cookout tonight."
"Once a grad student, always a grad student."
"I kid you not, everyone says this. Everyone."
"I'm not going to be eaten by velociraptors at work, so that's something, right?"
"The air conditioner wasn’t even on. Maybe this was the sound of beige paint, this fraught absence of sound. 'I hear the souuuunds ... of ecru.'"
"You crave rational explanations like I crave carbs."
"The world is full of other people who want to talk about bugs with you, it’s a glorious revelation."
"Sometimes that’s the best that you can hope for in life."
"You’re a scientist. I realize that makes this hard for you."
"I’m sorry, Sam. I think being crazy would be a lot easier than being right about this."
"It’s so important to be normal, don’t you think?"
"Vultures are extremely sensitive to the dead. Particularly when the dead are doing things they shouldn’t be."
"I am fifty-nine," said Mom. "And I have been cooking for years and—and—I don’t care if you are my mother, you can’t make a ham cook in five minutes!"
"I don’t know much in life, but the one thing I did know was that nobody talked to my mother like that while I was around."
"All I ever wanted was for my family to be nice and normal," raged Gran Mae.
"You’re disgusting. When was the last time a man even looked twice at you?"
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I started laughing.
"I don’t believe in demons," I thought, and then I laughed at myself because I didn’t believe in ghosts either.
"You think you’re so smart," hissed Gran Mae. "Always did, didn’t you?"
"You unladylike little… little…" The rose doll struggled to find a word harsh enough. "You don’t use language like that in this house!"
"I’ll use any fucking language I please!"
"For twenty dollars, it would have to give me an orgasm every time I lit it."
"This is my house," spat Gran Mae. "You can’t order me in my own house!"
"I’m just a witch. This is completely beyond my experience."
"If you want a scientific explanation, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. I can’t give you a Latin name to pin to a card."
"He’s my friend," Gail said, looking at Hermes the vulture.
"Well, what the hell am I worried about? It’ll take centuries for the little bastards to get across Texas."