
Spiritual Impact Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"Encouragement could make the difference between somebody's eternal life and their eternal separation from God."
"I was one way and now I'm completely different and the thing that happened in between was Him."
"When people are negative, it actually has a very distinct effect spiritually and even psychologically."
"You think your praise on a Sunday is just for you, what would you do if I told you that your praise had the power to set somebody else free?"
"Prayer does something to a man that makes him able to speak God's Word with authority."
"The word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword."
"You live in their mind rent-free and awaken their spiritual side, which kind of makes them fall in love with you."
"My word will never return void. It will always serve a purpose first in the lives of those of us who digest it, who apply it, who memorize it, who meditate on it, who ponder it, and by God's grace, who declare it."
"Daily I am thankful for you and the impact you've had on me and so many, for the clarity of the true faith."
"I pray that you're not the same for the better after watching this."
"I can never thank God enough for the truth of God message and how the Holy Ghost has taken it viral."
"Lord, give us your authority so that when we speak, we will speak messages that can be not only heard with the physical ear but that will penetrate the heart of all who hear."
"Prayer is shifting things in the spiritual realm whether you see it or not."
"God's using you so thank you for having me back I gotta say man I feel very privileged just to have seen and witnessed what happened with the sound of freedom."
"Life change is the demonstration... People walking out of the house of God with the message they can't shake out of their head."
"Our prayers are changing things in the spiritual world."
"The gospel is being spread throughout the Nations, people are getting saved, delivered, and healed. The Lord Jesus Christ is being glorified."
"God totally changed everything...now they accepted Christ."
"This lunar eclipse in Pisces conjunct Neptune is an incredible pivot point."
"People are getting set free because of you serving."
"What a great way to end... super excited about what God is doing in and through your ministry and your testimony."
"If they can believe in this ministry a little, then maybe this whole Jesus thing is actually for real."
"Our small act is the thing that can tip the scale from a world that leads this universe into a Messianic age, a world of higher spiritual consciousness, and ultimately comes down to individuals like us."
"When will people realize that self-righteousness keeps more people away from God than anything else?"
"One sincere enlightened soul can change a continent."
"Do something different in the physical and watch what God is going to do in the spirit."
"There has never been a time since the Great Awakening that even begins to compare with the spiritual impact that God brought upon the people living in this land."
"The Bible is full of testimonies of how prayer and fasting change the trajectory of a nation, of a season, of a people, of a bloodline."
"The prayers of the saints will do mighty things."
"Ultimately Jesus has the victory. He's seated upon the throne."
"God is looking for some people that he can so manifest his goodness in, even with prosperity, that others will have..."
"It will cause the heavens to shake for your good and His name's glory."
"What matters is God's attitude, what He means by that term, and its effect upon all of us."
"One word from God can turn your life around."
"It is the will of God that every single one of His children live in such a fashion that you and I impact other people for good."
"The challenge of inimitability encompasses depth of meaning, coherence, and spiritual power."
"Everyone can be a beneficiary of his person and his ministry."
"It's amazing how the Creator that happens on earth, the law, oh, he's able to change hearts and then use that person like yourself and as an amazing example for others to really reflect and think over."
"Bottom line: souls are being saved, believers are being strengthened, the gospel is being preached, and the world is being changed by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"We as spiritual trees are planted in specific places to change and to impact the spiritual and the social landscape of the world."
"The ministry, this church, is about the salvation of people, not just getting them saved to get to heaven, but getting them saved so that heaven can get into them so that they can destroy hell."
"Behind the debris of the failings of our soul and Supermen and Imperial diplomatists lies a gigantic figure of one man because of whom, by whom, through whom, and in whom mankind may still survive: the person of Jesus Christ."
"God, I need to hear you clear. I need you to make me the best witness that I could be. Please God, make me a better witness so that people don't have to perish. They can know you now. God, please help me, help me step out in boldness."
"We know that it is under your anointing that Yokes are broken."
"What Richard is doing now and giving us testimony witnessing is far greater than anything he ever did in the world."
"Our prayer raises a sound that begins to instruct creation to respond in a certain way."
"It's not my job, the impact is God's, but I hope it matters."
"They demonstrate transformed lives... they bring light and life and peace and joy and salvation."
"Aligning our requests with God's will transforms our prayers into powerful petitions."
"People are gonna see the presence of God on us."
"We're each called to offer Christ's greatest miracle to our generation."
"The power of the gospel can change anything."
"You were delivered, healed, saved so that you can bring your generation to Jesus Christ."
"For every single person that vibrates in the energy of Love, they counterbalance the energy of 750,000 individuals."
"When the Holy Spirit comes, people get healed, people get restored."
"Simple thing but a simple thing that comes in contact with the presence and the power of God is no longer a simple thing."
"When you begin to lift your prayers up for somebody else, things begin to change in the spirit."
"It's actually notable that we are all affected by these events on a spiritual and energetic level."
"Our greatest need was His greatest deed."
"Bring this to bear upon our minds, we pray, on our hearts in a life-changing way."
"Wouldn't it be nice when you finally enter Heaven to bump into a thousand people that you helped move from purgatory into Heavenly Glory?"
"When Christ comes and washes us in his blood, it is actually efficacious ontologically, it works."
"What God is doing with you will create a whole movement for the kingdom."
"What God whispers to you may sound like thunder to those around you."
"Faith has a way of causing Jesus to respond to your critics when you don't have to."
"The 'yes' unto the Lord changes and confronts atmospheres."
"I believe this book gives you a blueprint of my story of how Christ has made the difference in my life."
"Those defining moments when you become a benefit to the kingdom of God are life-changing."
"The Holy Spirit is a game changer in your life, he's a game changer in every situation."
"Testimonies of salvations and lives changed continue to grow."
"When we engage in evil or sin, we build walls between us and our blessings."
"There's so much power in the gospel if you'll preach it raw."
"You have not because you ask not. That one verse should send shivers up and down every single one of our spiritual spines when it comes to prayer."
"Prophets train all their life for moments like this to do something that's gonna create a whole new era."
"God can still touch you and you can still be healed."
"The presence of God filled the temple to the point that the priests were not even able to minister."
"You give hope, you restore every heart that is broken."
"The word of God convicts the heart of them that are sincere."
"Venus making a strong spiritual combination... extremely strong results towards peace, harmony, and balance."
"This act, if we do it in faith, has the power to do supernatural work in our lives."
"God would bless you so much that when people are in need, you become the answer to somebody's prayer."
"Nothing good is going to happen if you don't pray. The breakthrough you want to see in your family's not going to happen if you don't pray."
"Jesus Christ was such a huge part...I am a product of the Lord."
"When we come together and worship God in spirit and in truth, He's able to do the impossible."
"Marriages are being healed. Kindness and compassion are coming upon people."
"The first one that really hit me hard and made me realize that this was bigger than I'm capable of, bigger than I would have expected, that this is something that God seems to be doing."
"Every pastor of a church should cause hearts to be troubled when he preaches the law so that the troubled heart will run to the cross and cling to it for protection."
"Merit can shift your whole world, even in times of deep suffering."
"With the stroke of a pen, the Holy Father may tear all of that away from us."
"Prepare for that. Your friends you have now are probably not gonna be the same friends you have 10 years down the road."
"Father, do something in this place today that changes us."
"What if our emotional health was tied into the Kingdom's performance?"
"Having God in our lives changes a seemingly hopeless situation into one filled with hope."
"The merging of human with machine dehumanizes and calcifies the etheric body, hindering spiritual evolution."
"Many have known me as a weeping prophet. When the glory of God comes upon me, many instances I cannot control what happens."
"I'd rather be in the wilderness with you than the promised land with an Angel."
"We want to see people saved we want to see eternal matters change for them."
"God specializes in stepping into what is broken and not ideal and doing something powerful in it."
"I see the good fruit being born by your ministry everywhere I go. I'm so very grateful."
"Yesterday's global revival was incredible, unbelievable."
"Many will gravitate to our ministry due to our love journey. They will witness a miraculous move of God through simply detailing our confirmation."
"Praying with fervency makes change in people's lives."
"Praying with fervency makes change in a nation."
"There's something about the power of prayer."
"If Benny Hinn can give people only one thing, I'm satisfied, and that's hope."
"I don't follow God just because he exists, but because of his message that has changed our world to a better world."
"When I say somebody has been set free listening, when I say that, it is so freaking powerful."
"Real faith can grab God's attention in heaven and move him into action on your situation."
"God takes ordinary lives and uses them for extraordinary impact."
"Can you imagine what's going to happen because these proclamations of his word, all in writing for you? Imagine what's going to happen in your life, in your home, in your family, in the people you work with."
"God takes an ordinary life and uses it for extraordinary impact."
"One word from God can change your life forever."
"Look what God can do when ordinary people make a one day their lifestyle."
"Near-death experiences are transformative journeys."
"I preach with love, but I come to hit you and cut you with the Word of God."
"Excommunication is sort of a formal psychic death penalty because it deals with the afterlife."
"Moldavite lives up to its reputation of shaking off the dead leaves of your life tree."
"God really is using pastor Jason and pastor Liz and Freedom Christian Center."
"The maker of all things loves and wants me and there is nothing more impactful to the human life than that moment where you realize that the creator of everything loves you as an individual..."
"The father heart connects generations and reverses curses."
"We've seen what the teachings of our church do for ourselves, for our souls, for our goals, for Society at large."
"Makes me appreciate Jesus Christ all the more."
"Share your personal testimony, because the person in front of you cannot debate what God has truly done in you and through you."
"The fruit of those prayers is extraordinary certainly beyond anything we imagined."
"Our mission is to see what god can do through us. See what god can do through you."
"When God shows a man mercy, it opens that man to blessings."
"Faith has to have material realities for my life."
"That little bit of faith that I had to keep her ended up being the catalyst for countless lives being saved through the Holy Spirit, through the messages, helping people to wake up to the deception. That's pretty amazing."
"When the whole church is praying and on her knees, this is biblical. This is when things change."
"It's just this word of mouth like, and obviously the spirit of God is doing something in those communities that people are finding joy in the word of God and they can't stop talking about it."
"Revolutionary perspective of the Tree of Life changes how people evangelize."
"Tithing doesn't make sense, giving over and beyond doesn't make sense, extravagance doesn't make sense, but it makes miracles."
"I knew that morning at school that my teacher had seen the change that Jesus made in my little life."
"I tell you that it's going to have an impact of revival like the world has never seen before."
"The physical act of violence is only the tip of the spear I plunge into the sea of souls."
"Look at the fruit of Jesus' ministry - people are being converted, healed, and delivered."
"He's gonna utilize it in a powerful way also he's gonna be sharing about a massive live of God millions of people are gonna be saved things are gonna be happening so powerfully and the church God's gonna bring in a harvest."
"Singing soothes the soul, but preaching frees the soul."
"It is precisely those who are most focused on the things of heaven that do most good here below."
"My family is blessed because of Christ and because someone was willing to come and share the gospel with us."
"The greatest danger to the kingdom of darkness is when a human spirit awakens."
"The resurrection of Christ redefines everything about life, relationships, giftings, purpose, dreams, visions."
"Whatever is cursed will wither, whatever is blessed will multiply."
"God moved in powerful ways, and we just found so many new ways to minister to people."
"The wealth Revival of 1904 1905 had incredible spiritual fruit with a very simple gospel message."
"God exalts humility and changes the world from it."
"That experience testifies personally of the reality and the need to tell this story."
"Atheism has never dreamed a dream, atheism has never lifted a burden." - Unknown
"The blood of Jesus cancels out the curse, sin, and what happened."
"The voice of God is expensive because when he does speak, no matter what stands before you, it must give way."
"It's His Presence that changes everything. It's His Glory that changes everything."
"God sees you, and it breaks you because it means that everything around you is important."
"The world is not looking for a new definition of God, they're looking for a new demonstration of God."
"Jesus Christ died for the world and laid the foundation of the love and Amazing Grace that we enjoy today."
"God is glorified and the world has changed when his truth is proclaimed."
"A great theology should look like your life looking different and being transformed."
"Your faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah will cause him to bring the Holy Spirit upon you."
"There is no more valuable thing that Christians can do than bring the gospel to people."
"It's healing and delivering without you saying a word because the presence and the power the glory the fire of God is going to radiate you in such a way that it's going to be tangible to People You Meet."
"The belief in the any moment appearance of Christ has a natural effect on God's people."
"Whatever its mistakes might have been, the Word Faith movement succeeded in dealing a significant blow to the spirit of poverty."
"I encourage every Jew here to go home and read Isaiah 53 and see what that speaks about."
"Christ's Incarnation represented a distinct change in the Earth."
"The traditional Mass 'reinforces with a power equal to its precision the faith of the celebrant and of the people.'"
"When we pray the rosary, we wound the devil. This is a combat multiplier."
"Our praise and our worship is not merely affecting the natural dimension, but as you praise and as you worship, something is changing in your mind."
"When you take finances and use it to release a testimony in the courts it creates a memorial that causes God to remember you and your household."
"Intercessory prayer is more powerful than any preacher that can stroll into your church."
"God can do something big with something very small."
"Your presence alone helps elevate humanity and the collective human soul."
"Fellowship should be a place where people hear the word of God which brings them under the conviction of the Holy Spirit where the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted where he's glorified."
"Last week we were in Jackson, Mississippi for the first time. We baptized 92 Souls in two days."
"God through His Holy Spirit looked on that man."
"When Christ died on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom."
"The Book of Mormon has been absolutely transformative to my soul."
"Prayer that shapes the course of history, that's our assignment."
"Let your light so shine before men, they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven."
"Once that presence has touched your life, you can't live without it."
"Your life is supposed to make people glorify God."
"The preaching of the gospel is not in vain, even if it's just one soul."
"I was one way and now I am completely different and the thing that happened in between was him."
"People are being set free, totally, live, being completely changed, so I don't think anybody could deny that something very special is happening."
"Dealing with creeps who can't take no for an answer can sometimes put women in extremely frightening situations."
"My prayer for this book has been that this will be the most fruitful sermon that I've ever preached."
"When you're truly a light of the world, people can't help but be attracted. God is pursuing them, and one of the big ways he pursues people is through you."
"His message is too important to ignore; it brings healing."
"The Holy Spirit is the one that changes everything."
"Your testimony is a seed for someone else's miracle."
"Accept his sincerity and to make this a legacy that we can benefit from." - Praying for acceptance of his efforts and legacy.
"One is to commit it to memory... it will do something to you if you really get these words of Jesus into your heart."
"God puts anointing in vessels, and when you're in the place where anointing is flowing, that anointing comes and breaks the yoke, destroys the yoke, casts out the demon of addiction."
"I cannot wait for the testimonies that you are about to see."
"You've changed this person on such a spiritual level."
"But I have never met one person who said, 'I wish I'd never met Jesus. Never.'"
"It's not about me or anything like that, it's just about Jesus living big in and through the everyday Joe Blow believer, amen."
"If all your dreams came true, how many more people would come to know Jesus?"
"It's something to see what God did in those years, where hundreds of thousands came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And there's nothing in the world like it."
"Maybe your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God is not something you do, but someone that you raise."
"You won't believe my words. Return to synagogue, search Torah, and listen to the word read aloud. Let it affect your heart."
"You cause these shifts within people spiritually while they're having sex with you."