
Genetics Quotes

There are 4669 quotes

"Brains are complicated. And the brains we have are the result of genetics and experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Let's capture their genetic code now, before they're gone. And could we use that information to resurrect the species at some future time, if not in my lifetime, in some time in the future and generations ahead of us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We create a database, we call the GenomeArk and no pun intended like Noah's Ark, meant to store the genetic code as complete genome assemblies as possible for all species on the planet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a name for that when it occurs and both are fertilized. It's called fraternal twins."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have outlived how we were genetically built, and so we're living longer and being forced to like deal with the consequences of that."
"You're not doomed by your genetics, you're not doomed by your brain. There's a ton of stuff that you can do."
"We have to understand how genes and environment interact and figure out how all that works."
"My boy David's findings remind us that while genetics play a role in aging, lifestyle choices have a significant impact."
"When it comes to insulin resistance and avoiding diabetes, the best things you can do are live an active, healthy lifestyle... maintain a good body composition, and then pick the right parents, because genetics play a big role there as well."
"I have little doubt that the primary causes of diabetes... are excess body fatness, physical inactivity, and genetics."
"80% of your future health is in your own hands, it's modifiable; 20% is genetic, which you can't do much about yet."
"All of this is aimed toward the goal of longevity through putting your longevity genes into... Or alerting your genes, your cells, to a state of adversity."
"We've actually known for about 20 years now, as geneticists, that chromosomally humans are designed to live about 120 years on average."
"Our genes are our predisposition, but our genes are not our fate."
"Our genes are a predisposition, but our genes are not our fate."
"You are all-powerful; you are not victims of genes."
"You can affect the genes in another human being by simply loving them, caring for them, sharing with them."
"DNA is the physical manifestation of who you are. It is your soul's physical aspect."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's the determination to walk through it."
"Genes can predispose but they don't predetermine."
"Handedness is not entirely but strongly genetic."
"The basic idea of natural selection is that if a gene does an above average job at helping its host creatures survive and reproduce, it will tend to become more common."
"Inclusive fitness involves copies of a gene in multiple different creatures helping each other rather than competing."
"Our genetic program rigidly constrains us, but the more important point is that the existence of that rigid constraint is what provides the basis for our freedom and creativity."
"Cancer cells carry the oncogenic and tumor suppressor mutations that define cancer as a genetic disease."
"Chao do in fact have hidden and recessive genes not expressed in their phenotype."
"Your genes are not your destiny. That's the good news."
"We actually have in-built defenses, we call them longevity genes, that we can activate in our daily lives by doing certain things."
"Environment is more important than genetics."
"By some estimates, only 25% is determined by your genetic makeup, and the rest is how you live and your epigenome control."
"We have genes in our body called longevity genes that slow the process down."
"A wonderful student, Wan Chang Lu did a few years ago in my lab was he found a set of genes that are Yamanaka factors that were able to reverse the age of cells and tissues in an animal and in human cells to a certain point, going back about 80% of age, but not to zero."
"Genes load the gun, it's what we do that pulls the trigger."
"We call these longevity genes, do not call them anti-aging genes. We don't talk about anti-aging, we talk about longevity and healthspan."
"What we're learning is that genes are not your destiny."
"Only 10 to 20 percent of our longevity has to do with our genetics."
"It's almost as if everyone ages at different rates depending on their genes and environment."
"Our personalities are to a significant degree a product of our genes."
"Genes are not deterministic; you are born with your stats, but you determine which feats to take."
"Cultural norms... may produce people with the same genotypes yet forward rather different phenotypic expression."
"Our multifaceted nature is clearly a product of both nature and nurture."
"Genes cannot turn on and off by themselves; they're controlled by the signals of the environment."
"Heritability interacting with experience filtered through the randomness of development."
"Mutations provide the variation that can also subserve adaptive traits. Genetic variation is at the heart of individuality."
"There is variation based on both genetics and circumstance in baseline levels of dopamine."
"You're signaling the gene ahead of the environment and what do genes do? Genes make proteins."
"If you, through the randomness of development, happen to have a particularly great liver, you're not going to pass that on to your children. That isn't in your germline."
"The DNA kit told her that she had a mutation in her gene called BRCA1 which put her at a large risk for breast and ovarian cancer."
"The genome does not contain the information that describes the brain; it contains the information to grow a brain."
"No one is born with a bone in their brain that means they're genetically predisposed to working in the oil or the fossil fuel industry."
"Nature and nurture, and gene and environment, and gene/environment interactions-- what is becoming increasingly clear in the field is there's a third leg to all of this. There's a third leg that could be extremely powerful and is going to be the basis for the chaos and complexity lectures down the line, which is chance."
"Whether or not you wear earrings in 1952 has 100% heritability."
"We have been programmed to believe that genes control our lives. The new biology says wait, you control your genetics by the way you respond to the world."
"The original dark-skinned Europeans: Several genetic studies on prehistoric human remains in Europe have revealed that several of the earliest Europeans looked very different."
"I'm telling you that genetics play such a huge component even more so than the PDs themselves."
"We privilege written histories and treat other histories as if they're suspect, but genetics can now confirm what Polynesians already knew."
"Intelligence itself is also not a unified genetic trait that we can even discuss as a single phenomenon."
"Not all mutations are deleterious... some mutations are beneficial, some are silent and have no observable effect at all."
"Genetics is not deterministic; it is probabilistic."
"Genetics is the study of families, and sex, and history, and everyone, without question, is part of that story."
"All humans are one race, Homo sapiens. There is absolutely no genetic or evolutionary justification for racial categories of humans."
"Genetics loads the gun, but environment pulls the trigger."
"Knowledge is power. So by telling me that when I get into 40, that this is going to happen, that when I'm in my 20s this is going to happen... it allows everyone to understand that what they're putting in their body can actually activate the gene that they're worried about."
"No matter where your genetics fall, no matter how horrendously awful they are, you can still improve."
"Hybrid vigor is the recognition that you take two purebred critters and breed them together, they often have extraordinary capacity."
"Rather than mope about how life hasn't blessed you with good genes, I think a better way to look at this is to realize it's possible to use this information to your own advantage."
"Genetic response to drugs plays a crucial role in how you're going to look as a natural as well as what you're going to respond like to drugs."
"Your thoughts are the primary control of your genes."
"Empowerment is you're not a victim of your heredity."
"There will be different diets that are better for different groups, based on what genes you harbor and have in your human genome."
"For a really long time, most people understood Alzheimer's disease as some kind of inevitable consequence of aging or bad genes in your DNA. But we now understand that no more than two percent of all Alzheimer's cases are genetically inherited."
"We can compare the DNA of one organism to another and, in doing so, see exactly how closely related they are."
"Nature selects which traits are passed on to subsequent generations."
"Find meaning in your life, definitely, but don't think you're going to get it from your chromosomes."
"Epigenetics... you're born with some genes but your environment, how you live your life, that shapes and that determines whether those genes are switched on or switched off."
"What becomes of the human condition when the genetic shackles have been taken off?"
"We have choices here; it's not our genes are not our destiny."
"Sexuality is a very complicated thing. You do not have a single gene that codes for your sexuality. It is the complex interaction of many genes that are also complexly affected by your environment."
"We've known for a long time that there is a genetic component to personality."
"Food is one of the most influential things in our reality that literally controls our genetic expression."
"We're not victims of the genes; we understand now that we actually control our genetic activity through our consciousness."
"We've all heard that disease travels in families...but think about this, the next time one of your listeners gets told that 'oh, you have genetically inherited hypertension'...stop your physician and say, 'Well, wait a minute, we've mapped the entire human genome...can you tell me what disease I inherited from my ancestor that's actually causing this condition?' and watch their face go blank."
"Our genes changed, seriously. Specifically, most human cultures, but not all, rather quickly in the timeline of evolution, at least developed lactase persistence, a fascinating genetic adaptation that allowed some human population groups to digest lactose into adulthood."
"Twins, even though they have the exact same DNA and are lying right next to each other in the womb, presumably have the same or very similar fetal environment. The reason for their differences is the random, or as we say, stochastic nature of neural development."
"What makes a nerve cell different from a muscle cell different from a fat cell? Well, it's not the genes, they have the same genes, but it's how these genes are used."
"Mental illness has a genetic and environmental component and it's exceedingly complex. It's nobody's fault."
"What exactly is a gene? A gene is a DNA segment that determines your individual traits, characteristics, or susceptibility to disease."
"Identical twins are technically nature's clones, but if you call one of them a clone to their face, they may not like it."
"Half of our advances are genetics and half of our advances are environment."
"If you grant that nobody picks their parents, nobody picks their genes, nobody picks the environmental influences, we are each a bag of particles governed by the laws of physics and that's all there is to it."
"The Silver Fox Experiment... ultimately the entire look of the animal was altered. They had like big floppy ears, curly tails, soft colorful coats; they didn't even look like the parent species after not too many generations."
"DNA functions like a software program, only more complex than any anyone has ever created or devised."
"With the CRISPR Cas9 system, a tool can effectively be used to edit DNA... heralded as the key to mastering humanity's genetic destiny."
"All of these extraordinary changes came about thanks to tiny differences in our genes."
"Sexual orientation is biological, it's genetic, and it can't be changed."
"Mendel's laws of genetics really help us understand how accumulated phenotypic changes can cause macroevolution."
"Without neotenous mutations in our DNA, we likely wouldn't have been able to evolve intelligence."
"The next time somebody tells you to grow up, tell them you can't because you are genetically imprisoned to be a baby for your entire life."
"The genetic side... was a strong signal... that made such an impact in the way we think."
"The genome of the Neanderthal... defines this point here, what changes have happened in the human genome since we diverged from Neanderthal."
"Graying is definitely a very normal part of life and a very genetic thing, but it can be hastened and exacerbated by free radical activity."
"Evolution is a demonstrable and measurably accurate understanding of how population genetics contributes to biodiversity."
"I call them twin engines of discovery because now we know what genes we can use to understand them and keep us safe, potentially we know which planets we could eventually go to."
"In real life, genetic experts in 1987 found that the genetic disorder of Catherine and Narissa and their cousins passed through the common maternal grandfather of Queen Mother and her brother, Baron Clinton, evidently not affecting the Queen or her heirs at all."
"The microbiome includes the microbiota plus their secretions, their local environment, and their genetics."
"The health of your microbiome is partly genetic, we think, but largely influenced by your diet as well."
"As we age, our genetic code starts to burn away... our telomeres are these protective caps at the end of our DNA that burn down slowly as we age."
"Your attitude changes genes in less than a second."
"Never be angry at how you are wired. Your genetics, how your face looks, because that is, I think, a huge contributor to your success."
"We can't change our DNA but we can optimize our DNA to serve us."
"You are not a victim of your genetics or environment; you have the capacity to experience reality and transform it."
"The taste of coriander is influenced by your genetics; if you have a receptor gene that lets you detect chemicals called aldehydes, eating coriander is like chewing a bar of soap."
"DNA is a type of code, much like the code that makes up computers."
"Genetics company Colossal raised over 15 million dollars to try and bring this thing back to life."
"Scientists plan on using genetic information extracted from their fossils or preserved organs."
"We have to become our own genetic engineers."
"I don't necessarily see a reason why evolution would lead to different racial groups having inherently different intelligences."
"Our ability to digest milk as adults is due to the expression of the enzyme lactase phlorizin hydrolase, or lactase for short."
"Your genes load the gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger."
"Three mutations in the FOXP2 gene cluster... allowed us to speak, that gave us speech. That was a transformational mutation that occurred once, a singularity in nature so far."
"The Irish DNA Atlas is a powerful genetic tool that researchers have built to untangle the origins of the peoples of modern Ireland."
"A recent genetic study of the UK expanded our understanding of population history of the islands using newly developed powerful techniques that harness the rich information embedded in chunks of genetic code called haplotypes."
"The landmark study provides the first fine-scale genetic map of the Isle of Ireland, revealing patterns of genetic similarity in 10 distinct clusters roughly aligned with the ancient provinces."
"Our work informs on Irish history; we have demonstrated that the structure emerging from genetic similarity within Ireland mirrors historical kingdoms of Ireland."
"This subtle genetic structure within such a small country has implications for medical genetic association studies."
"The long and complex history of population dynamics in Ireland has left an indelible mark on the genomes of modern inhabitants of the island."
"The chromosomal evidence alone...would be enough to support the idea of common descent."
"You as a person are an amalgamation of your life experiences and your genetics."
"Sharing your genetic blueprint with another human being is, well, complicated."
"If you eat a bad diet, it doesn't mutate any genes."
"We don't have to be selfish just because our genes are...selfishness at the level of the gene doesn't always correspond to selfishness at the level of the being."
"Wouldn't it be cool to be able to breed the dogs together and get some kind of mixed coat variant?"
"Your genetics loads the gun, but your lifestyle is what fires it."
"They don't preordain or determine you to be depressed. They raise a susceptibility."
"The human genome project... roughly 8% of your human DNA seems to be viral-derived."
"Our DNA is merely a language or a code that tells our body or our cells what kind of proteins can be made, but the DNA doesn’t define who we are."
"Your genes are not a death sentence; they should be a wake-up call."
"You are not doomed by your genes; you are your own genetic engineer."
"It makes sense then you're not doomed by your genes, that you are your own genetic engineer."
"This, my friends, is a wonderful example of natural selection. The process by which certain inherited traits make it easier for some individuals to thrive and multiply, changing the genetic makeup of populations over time."
"Society is desperately biased against evening types and wrongfully so because it's not your fault, it's genetically determined."
"Ultimately, people are a product of their genetics and their experiences—nature and nurture."
"All of us bear the DNA of our mothers and fathers... We are reflections of the life of our parents physically, and we give to our own children our DNA."
"Empirical evidence establishes the crucial role of non-random genetic content editors, such as viruses, to produce new genetic information."
"Some evolutionary processes are best described as probabilistic, but others, like natural selection and non-random mating, are... not random!"
"The study's findings also complicate the relationship between genetics and sexuality... there's no single biology of sexual behavior."
"My perspective has always been that, like most human activity, homosexuality is a combination of genetics and environment."
"You and I have a 95% chance of having the same common ancestor just 600 years ago."
"The genetic data was drawn from swabs taken in and around the Huanan seafood wholesale market starting in January of 2020."
"Humans have approximately 3 billion base pairs, and the precise order of all those As, Ts, Cs, and Gs, determines stuff like your hair colour, eye colour, how tall you are, whether cilantro tastes like soap."
"We are controlled at the genetic level by these subtle messages from other species."
"Stretch marks are mainly genetic, and therefore you can't really control whether or not you get them, but we're all going to try our way."
"Even on cellular and genetic level, individual human brains are totally unique."
"The science tells us that genes specify potentials but not outcomes. The realization of outcomes depends on support from the environment at every level."
"Viruses... what they contain in their little strip of RNA or DNA is a message that is built by selection to get this object deeply into the future."
"Ancient DNA has transformed our understanding of human history over the past decade."
"The more people that take the 23andMe test, the more accurate these results will get."
"You share maternal genetic ancestry with the Yoruba."
"Our DNA has memory, the ability to contain whispers of the past felt in the ricochet of inherited experiences of our ancestors."
"Only about 10% of how long the average person lives within certain biological limits is dictated by our genes; the other 90% is dictated by our lifestyle."
"If you have a genetic condition, you can be doing something about it. What can we do so we can start doing something about dementia?"
"It's genetic, but you don't need your genetics to hold you back. You can work harder, you can push more, you can do better than you're currently doing."
"The Chinese put on a database the entire genetic makeup of the virus... and we know that one of those genes codes for the protein that you want the body to make an immune response against."
"DNA. We can now see that all life does look the same at the molecular level."
"The study of evolution and genetics has never been more exciting."
"The distribution of fat is also genetically determined, which is why it's almost unanimously agreed that you can't perform spot reduction to remove fat from a certain region."
"Even your genetics can be changed, thanks to gene transcription. Training, diet, and lifestyle factors won't change the contents of your genetic code, but they can change which genes are active and which are switched off."
"People somehow don't realize that is genetic modification... the only difference is if I do it in a lab and edit one gene and get the feature I want, that is considered GMO."
"In a statement, archaeologist Betsy Bryant described the site as the most important discovery in Egypt since King Tut's tomb was found in 1922."
"One of the reasons people will take the mark of the beast is because they love darkness rather than light."
"Liberal eugenics would be based upon individual free choice, pluralist values, and up-to-date scientific understanding of genetics and epigenetics."
"Could the secrets of conquering disease like cancer be tucked away in the intricacies of our genetic makeup?"
"If you do everything right, anybody, I don't care how bad your genetics, can get remarkable results."
"Women want to get the best genetic material that they can get from a guy."
"Genetic engineering is appropriate when you are attempting to avoid disease, but not when you're attempting to better the child more than nature would."
"DNA is code, DNA is the instruction manual for how to build life."
"What distinguishes cells is not their genes but how these genes are switched on or off by epigenetics."
"Our genes load the gun while our choices pull the trigger."
"Helpful mutations are not a DNA upgrade. Getting a newer smartphone is an upgrade."
"Dogs produce dogs, I'm gonna say dogs produce dogs from now on, 'cause that's what dogs produce, dogs."
"Evolution involves generation after generation where beneficial mutations are kept and harmful changes die out."
"An array of coordinated genes... required to explain even the minutest human phenomenon."
"DNA has full modification and printing power over memes."
"The DNA doesn't lie oh my God it gives clarity to all of the confusion."
"These women who have trained every day to get to where they're at... who are doing something I know physically genetically I will never be able to do..."
"DNA as a molecule has some kind of tinker toys in it that make you who you are and you can change the tinker toys."
"Find a spouse that ideally, if you can, has genius to make super children."
"Could their illness be caused by something genetic or environmental?"
"That's what makes them demigods because the human being gene is recessive. It's not dominant."
"Genetics plays a huge role in this as we know Megumi is the son of Doji Zenin..."
"Good genetics and program integrity lead to social contribution."
"Now we have a lineage they won't take long before these rare replications lead to a population explosion of sorts."
"Not only can fragments be pieced together, DNA and genetic signatures can reveal even more information."
"The last piece of theoretical progress actually involves Dawkins Selfish Gene we essentially encapsulates a synthesis."
"I think there's such a thing as a performance gene. If it's in your DNA it needs to come out."
"If you're considering DNA is information then yes mutations can add information and they do."
"Your genes are sort of the keys of a piano, and your epigenome is the piano player."
"Your genes are not your destiny, they are part of your destiny but not your destiny."
"Your lifestyle is more of a factor in determining how you look rather than your actual genetics."
"Medieval myths of the origins of the Magyars seem to correspond to the recent genetic studies."