
Joy Quotes

There are 88041 quotes

"But to know that the form is in a sense the function, that the architecture of the connectivity is how the computation happens in the brain at some level, gives me great joy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If one has the opportunity, I believe, to further reinforce the things that bring us joy, why wouldn't we?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pleasure is really two things. It's a joy in pursuit but it's also the joy in what you have."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I still look for the feeling of delighting in Costello or the cuttlefish. That's what I'm looking for."
"Art is something that human beings do to relax, to express themselves, to bring joy and catharsis to themselves and others."
"Do not let the little kid in you die. You have to fight to keep that little child alive."
"Our first calling in life is to be happy, fulfilled, joyful human beings."
"The pleasure in the seeking and the striving develops its own form of joy."
"We are in a relationship with our food, and that should be a relationship that brings you great joy."
"Lord, I want to express my gratitude for being the source of my strength and the center of my joy."
"I'm so busy being content and full of joy with life, and watching life in my children's eyes, like starting it all over again and learning about my own, and navigating my way through it, to be thinking about the end of it. I just want to enjoy it."
"I'm so happy, I'm full of joy and gratitude."
"My heart is full of gratitude for the simple joys of life."
"We should live longer with the goal of joy and the goal of happiness and peace."
"Cooking for your community should be about maximizing joy."
"It's supposed to be absolutely overwhelmingly ecstatic every single second of your life."
"Practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives."
"It's not joy that makes us grateful; it's gratitude that makes us joyful."
"The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others."
"Find really small tiny pieces of joy throughout the day...little beautiful tiny bits of each day are always there no matter how bad they are." - Two Feet
"I think people have lost the art of joy and play."
"Life is so much more enjoyable when you're not doing enjoyable things because that forces you to be present."
"When you're alone doing things you're supposed to be doing, you're not doing super stimulating fun activities, when you actually go have fun, it's 10 times more enjoyable."
"For many respondents, reading aloud brought joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging."
"I will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when I am in your presence."
"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
"Human relationships are the best antidepressants, but we have joy systems in the brain."
"There's great joy in the grind. The great joy in the suffer. It totally cleanses your body out man of any kind of hate, makes you grow up."
"There's nothing better that you can do with your life. There's nothing that will bring you more joy or more satisfaction or more fulfillment."
"I pray that Allah fills all of our lives with real and true joy and makes us a source of real joy for others."
"Yogananda said, 'There is a river of joy flowing inside of you. Find it, go there, get in, and drown.'"
"The deepest joy comes from the appreciation of existence itself."
"Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy."
"I assure you, nothing would fill my heart with joy more than to be friends with the fine people of this town."
"Finding joy in the moment is what will help you from not feeling like you were robbed when you're nostalgic in the future for a time that you didn't appreciate in the present."
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."
"Life will never be joyous unless you bring the joy."
"Having more than one stream of income is genuinely life-changing. The fact that I had money coming in from my YouTube channel and my business meant that I could leave my day job or at least go part-time on it to focus on the thing that actually brought me joy and fulfillment."
"You cannot mute the anxiety without also muting the joy."
"There's going to be so many moments of pure exhilaration."
"Don't sweat the small stuff, sometimes forget the chores for a day and just sit in your children's love and laughter."
"A number three year is about expansion, expression, and enjoying life to its fullest."
"If we all showed more gratitude in our daily lives, our lives would become a lot more peaceful, more happy, and more joyful rather than being stressful and chaotic."
"You can make people feel enormously strong and powerful and joyous."
"I got so much love in my life, so much joy in my life."
"Doing things for others that you don't even know... gives people the most joy."
"The genuine smile lights up the whole face. You really feel joy."
"Most importantly of all, it taught me the joys of being a teacher."
"If you can take as many ingredients from over here and mash it up with many ingredients over there, bring them together, that's telling you to move in that direction because that's going to give you joy."
"One of the deepest joys you can get out of life is being creative because you are God, and God is creativity."
"I have become so happy and more happy than I've ever been in my entire life."
"No matter what happens, unless the Men in Black turn up with that little pen and flash it in front of me and clean my mind, I've had the best time of my life."
"You deserve this life that you are authentically living. You deserve this joy."
"I love that day when you do loot the boss and then you finally get that sick weapon. It makes your whole day."
"I found joy, yeah. There's always going to be criticism, you know, but then I always remember when I was young, I just wanted to be an NBA player. That's it. And now, to be where I am, it's just unbelievable."
"The real richness of life... is the depth of the joy, the peace, and the gratitude that I feel now on the other side of the darkness."
"The zero-waste lifestyle is about living more. It's about enjoying life. It's a lifestyle based on experiences instead of things."
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain."
"The more joyful moments you have throughout the day, the more joy you end up with every single day."
"You do not have to choose between food that makes you feel good and food that brings you joy; it can and should be both."
"You don't have to choose between food that makes you feel good and food that brings you joy; food can be both."
"I'm very, very lucky to say he's a happy, thriving nine-year-old boy today."
"Spirituality to me means all that uplifts the spirit, anything that brings up your joy, your enthusiasm, creates more compassion, and sense of belongingness with everybody."
"You are a spreader of joy...you make people laugh, you spread joy, you spread ideas, you uplift people."
"Order to be happy, you got to be doing things that bring you joy."
"Don't ever leave play, pleasure, joy, fun for the end. They are incredibly important experiences of life in the midst of crisis."
"This is like a dream come true. I mean, it's a real dream come true."
"Rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
"When you give to others, I guarantee you find more joy out of giving somebody something that they're desperately needing more than if I gave you something."
"There is unconditional love, which exists inside of every single one of us; there's unconditional happiness, unconditional joy."
"When life becomes too serious, find time for joy. Embrace the creative, talented, and enthusiastic side of your nature."
"Indulge in things that make you feel alive and young again. Things that make you laugh out loud."
"The most joyful thing in my life is my marriage, and therefore, I will treat it with the reverence it deserves."
"I was on my high like I have never felt this insane and proud of myself in my life."
"I think success is being surrounded by a lot of love and joy."
"You deserve to feel joyful. You can allow joy into your life, regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"The core idea of the book is really that the secret to productivity is not discipline, it's joy."
"What if the secret to productivity isn't discipline, what if the secret to productivity is joy instead?"
"The secret to productivity is not discipline, it's joy."
"And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory."
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time, and now and forever. Amen."
"Optimizing around fulfillment and joy, that's the punch line. There isn't anything else."
"Relax, look for joy, observe, let it come, let it be, let it go."
"When we're mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love."
"Your purpose is to live fully, to love fully, to be all that you are, to do the things that bring you joy, and to do the things you love."
"Sunshine on my face, nature, animals, all of these things are priceless and they're for you, every moment."
"You're going to finally find something where you feel so good."
"Everything is a delight, and I don't take it for granted."
"The real deep joy comes from the pure awareness, with no content whatsoever."
"Enjoy the hell out of it. Do things you've always wanted to do. Stop holding back the joy, be an expression of it."
"Something amazing happened. I hadn't even put the video out yet, and the next day, current fosters of the shelter came in, saw Star, and adopted her. She's adopted, how great is that?"
"What is life if you can't have a cookie and a piece of cheese?"
"Happy Appreciation Day, celebration. Just really landed and I got fireworks, dude, which is the best part of all of it."
"Would you say that winning 96,000 was a mood changer? Yes, very much a mood changer, better than Coke; it lasts longer."
"Leadership is not just something that's reserved for CEOs or some corporate bigwigs; in fact, the greatest joys in life come from leadership because the greatest joys in life can only come when you're contributing to the world."
"Living your life to the fullest means giving it your all and sucking every last ounce of beauty and joy out of life that was there for you."
"We finally went and saw them in person... it's been a very wonderful surreal experience."
"Imagine that your heart is now smiling. You can even physically smile with your mouth and your eyes, and imagine that your heart space and your heart is smiling as well."
"Close your eyes and tell yourself that you deserve to feel joyful. You can allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"Allowing yourself to love and be compassionate towards yourself is the key to overcoming negativity and embracing joy."
"Spread seeds of joy like a wildflower, and no doubt you will revel in the result."
"If you can make your mind get excited by little things, then every day is like Christmas."
"You're a great kid. Gosh, how lucky am I to be your parent? What a joy it is to raise you."
"I love to just make you guys feel good, and the fact that I can help in any way, it's just like the best feeling."
"We don't just need sustenance; we need quality of life, we need things that bring us joy."
"We're ultimately there to help provide the things that keep people human, the things that bring them joy, the things that really connect them to one another."
"The most sensitive you are, the more spontaneous, the more creative, the more joyful you're going to be when the circumstances are right."
"A sincere, happy laugh, like the joyous rippling of children’s laughter, relieves tension and restores good nature."
"Joyful energetic body, loving compassionate heart, reflective alert mind, lightness of being."
"So many moments that just bring the biggest smile to your face."
"Life with Jesus is fun. Jesus was turning water into wine."
"He that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him."
"It's important to celebrate that's what allows us to sustain."
"Art is not done for the sake of perfectionism, art is done for the sake of joy."
"Decorating just brings me a lot of joy. I love being creative."
"You're walking out of that gate and you're walking towards freedom, and you're going to be out in the open and completely shine and be in your bliss."
"The kind of glory that makes heaven rejoice."
"It's going to feel like the most bliss and the most freedom, and you're going to be able to run faster than ever."
"If you get good at something that the world values, that other people can't do, and you love it, you're optimizing for a life that fills you with joy."
"There's a childlike wonder in climbing things; it feeds into that idea of freedom."
"The joy of the Lord is our strength. Have you ever heard that one?"
"If you don't know these things, how can I help? How can you get to joy that energizes?"
"Joy is invigorating. Biblical joy is invigorating, not escapist."
"Joy disposes for action, fear and sorrow depress and overwhelm the soul."
"Obedience is energized by joy. Also, obedience is not a burden."
"Renewing our mind in the Word of God is the source of knowledge and faith that leads to joy and obedience."
"When the soul is joyous, afflictions appear light."
"Frugality... is a measure of joy per dollar spent."
"I think one of the fundamental joys of existing in life is appreciating art and what other humans have made."
"Financial minimalism is all about taking a very simple, uncomplicated, and bare-bones approach to your finances, learning to live on less while still getting the same amount of joy as if you had spent more."
"Financial minimalism is all about enjoying the most out of life in a way that matters the most to you."
"Sometimes you're just God's favorite, and I feel like that's me today."
"If you speak to people who have even scored goals in the World Cup, they'll still tell you that the best moment of their life is when their child is born."
"Integrating our meditation into daily life... brings joy, it brings real joy to your life because you're fully there."
"You create an abundant life with them, enriching their life and joy of experience."
"Comparison is the thief of joy, especially when it comes to that."
"Fulfillment and joy... that really is the key."
"You're attracting something that's extremely playful, something where you feel free and open to be yourself."
"There's nothing better than bringing my people joy. Our joy is bold, vivacious, and contagious."
"When Joy takes flight, it can't be contained. It is robust, more than a smile or a laugh; it's an infectious experience."
"It was a special moment doing one of my favorite things with two of my favorite people."
"I'm literally speechless with how happy I am."
"And here's the difference between women's sports and men's sports: girls know how to rejoice and are not at all ashamed of the victorious euphoria."
"I love having a kid and having a baby. It's awesome, but it's really hard."
"Joy is the highest energy of all; it's a magical sense that everything is possible."
"You want cheap thrills? Kindness is the cheapest thrill of all."
"Leap of faith: Believe in yourself, listen to your heart, do what gives you joy."
"You're learning how to have more fun and get lost in the moment and find more joy in life."
"Something that feels lovely and nourishing and loving and happy and filled with joy, that is what I see coming in for you."
"Suddenly your world is just blown open in like the most beautiful way, really expansive."
"Will you be my girlfriend? Yes, a million times yes."
"The joy that I have as a believer and a Christian comes from God. It's knowing that I am at peace with Him, I'm justified before Him, He walks with me, His spirit is upon me."
"Happiness is conditionally based. Happiness means that the external things around you are going well... Joy is never dependent upon my circumstances."
"I'm still goofy with my kids. I laugh with them, play with them."
"Fulfillment is one of the most important things. The very thing that you were trying to optimize for is very simply fulfillment done in a joyful manner."
"You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."
"In your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
"This Pooh Bear mug makes me very happy. It's very cute and brings me joy."
"If it's subtracting, maybe subtract it from your life so that you can have more joy."
"What's yours is waiting for you, it's joy, it's happiness, it's stability."
"The sheer fact that you're alive means that you deserve to feel joy."
"What needs you today? Make one soulful connection. Notice the joy you feel when you serve others."
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friends springs from his earnest counsel."
"Your love life is going to transform in a beautiful way over the next nine months to become more fun, more exciting, more flirtatious."
"I think you can learn just as much from joyful experiences as painful ones."
"You deserve to feel joy and feel love no matter how challenging life gets."
"Do not let anyone step on your joy, your spirituality, your magnificence."
"Have you laughed today? Find your joy, lift your soul."
"Sometimes you just make me laugh my head off."
"I love these; I don't know why I'm so happy."
"I'm so glad I kept going; like, you know, I find that cute stuff."
"He's skipping like a child, which is so kind of in the spirit of what friendship moves are."
"I've never seen something communicate joy so much as to that guy dancing and jumping rope at the same time."
"Will you let joy and laughter ignite your song into something so infectious that the next pandemic cannot be stopped? A pandemic of joy, a pandemic of possibility, a pandemic of laughter, a pandemic of hugs."
"You will be allowed the freedom to grow and find your passion and your own self-expression in your own joy."
"I love it. You've taken merry to a whole new level."
"Being creative is what brings you expansion and joy in this life."
"There's celebrations coming into your life really soon, something to celebrate."
"They find joy in moving others emotionally, perhaps moving them to action, to change, or to happiness."
"I release my fear so I may embrace freedom. I release my pain so I may embrace joy."
"Love is so much better than I ever could have imagined."
"The effortless way of life is the best. Do the thing you love to do and do it for the joy and thrill of it."
"It's like a magical surprise party where unexpected guests bring the fireworks."
"What gives a life its meaning if not a smile?"
"When we have unconflicted self-esteem, joy is our motor, not fear."
"Restore joy in our hearts, restore peace in our minds."
"When you change the frame from fear to joy, the dream gets way closer."
"When I laugh, it's really I'm laughing from the soul."
"Our approach leads with the creation of joy in marginalized players and seeks to be additive rather than strictly corrective."
"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh."
"Finally, a happy story for once: Outbursts of irrepressible joy erupted throughout the exclusive island community of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts last night."
"Being wealthy gives me joy, happiness, and peace of mind."
"This music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles."
"Kids are so much fun; there's a horrible amount of work, but it's so rewarding."
"I fell in love with this game when I was six years old, and it makes my life better."
"You cannot institutionalize joy or peace... The institutions are functional instruments in a given society."
"The only things that really matter are fulfillment and joy. Fulfillment is working hard to gain a set of skills that matter to you, that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"She exits Radio City Music Hall smiling ear to ear; she is on top of the world."
"It's just a joyful space. It makes me happy, it makes others happy."
"Play, have fun, celebrate; don't be so serious."