
Learning Quotes

There are 102860 quotes

"REM sleep and non-REM, as I'll refer to it, have distinctly different roles in learning and unlearning, and they are responsible for learning and unlearning of distinctly different types of information."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is the defining feature of the nervous system, which is its ability to change itself in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Inspiration and awe seem to me kind of rather high-level emotional experiences compared to say fear or happiness, and yet inspiration and awe just seem so fundamental to how we learn and navigate life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Kids were using these scientific ways of exploring the world and thinking about questions to try to understand their own sort of selves, their own origin story, their own place in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Difficulty, struggle, and frustration when you're learning something are not signs that you've reached your limits; they're signs that you're expanding your limits."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone in this class will struggle, no matter who you are. Questions are going to be flying at you that you cannot answer, and when that happens, you're going to experience stress. And if you don't understand that stress, you'll think it means 'Oh no, I don't belong here.' But in fact, that stress is an indicator that your understanding is deepening. It's not a sign that you're not learning; it's a sign that you are learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning is neuroplasticity... Neuroplasticity is simply the process by which our nervous system changes in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of childhood and school and becoming a functional adult is about learning how to focus even though you don't want to do something."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We are now learning how to tap into that system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've learned a ton, and much of what we've learned has us looking in the directions of possibility to alleviate these situations and even to optimize brain function and health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You will come away from today's episode with tremendous knowledge about how you function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity underlies all forms of learning, whether or not it's language learning or learning music or math or a physical skill, all forms of learning involve the reorganization of connections in the nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine both works on the reaction time systems of the brain and body but also stimulates certain neurotransmitters and so-called neuromodulators within the brain and body that give the neural circuits in the brain that are associated with learning and memory a lower threshold to activation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"So it makes perfect sense that using caffeine at the end of a learning bout would enhance our memory for the information that we are trying to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Memories are not just about learning. Memories are also about placing your entire life into a context."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Waking up app makes it extremely easy to learn how to meditate and to carry out your daily meditation practice in a way that's going to be most effective and efficient for you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The way to create plasticity is to send signals to the brain that something is wrong, something is different, and something isn't being achieved."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A single event is so traumatic that it activates the circuits in a way that it's a one trial learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In the olfactory system, meaning is imposed by learning and experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If there's anything that really captures the essence of Lex Fridman, it's his love of learning, his desire to share with us, the human experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think work-life balance is best learned the hard way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are certain things you can only learn the hard way, and so you should learn that the hard way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can remember things better if you increase your alertness, AKA your level of epinephrine and cortisol after, immediately after something that you want to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's great benefit to having a practice that perhaps you do every other day, but if you can't maybe every third day or every other day of deliberately increasing your adrenaline in your body while learning to stay calm in the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is arguably one of the most important aspects of our biology. It holds the promise for each and all of us to think differently, to learn new things, to forget painful experiences, and to essentially adapt to anything that life brings us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sniffing itself is a powerful modulator of our cognition and our ability to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Injecting rest within the learning episode is very important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you can, based on the scientific data, you would also want to take a 20-minute nap or a 20-minute decompress period after a period of learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The principle of errors queuing attention and opening the opportunity for plasticity, that's never going to change."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's an active learning process and if we can enhance that learning process, we can make exposure therapy and emotional learning work better."
"It's critical to enjoy the process of learning and growing, making the process the prize, not the end result."
"Imagine you're doing something important and you seem to be moving forward, that's a really good time to learn."
"Most human beings, what actually will get you feeling like you're not stuck is having something in the future that you're looking forward to or taking a class where you're learning something."
"If you're under 25 and you're watching this video, please make the most of this time. Seriously, give yourself the best education you can because you're never going to learn things more easily than you are right now."
Justin Sandercoe
"Failure is in fact one of the key ingredients for releasing those chemicals to create neuroplasticity and therefore learn faster."
Justin Sandercoe
"It's not the worst thing in the world to fail math class, but it's about learning from it and moving forward."
"If you want to learn faster, you want to retain that information, you are in for an absolute treat."
"There's no such thing as good or bad memory, there's a trained memory and there's an untrained memory."
"New learnings is big. Reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body."
"Stay adaptable...the important thing is learning how to learn, learning how to be live-wired and adaptable."
"The mental strain you feel when you're learning something is the trigger for neural plasticity."
"The data show... that 20-minute naps or things of the sort... allow the neural plasticity that was triggered during that learning bout to occur much more quickly, and so people learn faster."
"All of us are intelligent and have infinite potential to learn from our environments."
"When you have information connected to a context and real life, and especially when you are engaging with others about that information, you retain the information better. You actually learn better."
"If knowledge is power, learning is our superpower."
"We learn and get better through trial and error and hardship."
"Neuroplasticity...means that the brain changes in response to experience and training."
"To put your ego in check and say, 'Oh, that person might understand something that I don't,' is crucial."
"Life's greatest lessons come from our deepest challenges."
"Smart people learn from their own mistakes; wise people learn from the mistakes of others."
"Watching a video, it's understanding what you're supposed to do and then go out and do it yourself."
"No one ever teaches us these things: how do you learn how to concentrate? How do you focus your mind on one thing? What is the nature of procrastination?"
"Motivation is important for anything. Motivation is important to learn English, for exercise, to start your business, to become financially free."
"It allows your brain to start learning and accepting and being open in a new way."
"I believe if you give someone an idea, you enrich their life, but if you teach them how to learn, they can enrich their own lives."
"Almost everything we've ever thought of or wanted to know how to do has been figured out by someone else."
"Say thank you for your failure, setbacks, and pitfalls because they help you revise your plan and pointed out a lot of your flaws."
"The best ways of learning is actually teaching."
"I've learned and grown more from the people around me than the academics or the traveling experience."
"A kid will want to do that spontaneously because Mastery and learning are human hungers, human needs."
"The day-to-day and across the year, it accumulates, and then there's a third benefit, which is neuroplasticity."
"There's nothing wrong with making stupid mistakes; it's something we all do throughout our entire lives."
"How can we be much more diplomatic by entering the space, looking around with great humility, understanding we know so very little about the space, and going with an open mind wanting to learn?"
"Operant conditioning is a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behavior."
"I think we're here to live, we're gonna learn, you know, we're not here to be perfect. We're supposed to embrace all our imperfections."
"I am wise. I make wise decisions and I learn from my experiences."
"Not just appreciate but also to learn the lessons and take the L's on the way there. All of it is a part of where you're at now."
"Learning is mostly about patterns. You see something once, and it's like, 'Oh, it's the first time.'"
"Drawing is a skill that can be learned by anybody."
"Sometimes you're going to fail... and that's okay."
"You need your neurons to be activated. But as we know from what I've told you so far, that repetition is what drives memory."
"The first thing that you guys need to let yourselves do is fail."
"Each failure in your life is gaining XP. It's about learning, not about performance."
"Like it doesn't matter if it's to play studio, some mobile studio, you're gonna learn from any place and it's gonna be amazing stories over there, like badass stories I'm pretty sure."
"It's about time and work. It's nothing about, I don't know, this is not Matrix like plug something in my head and I'm gonna get it."
"Every time you play through a roguelike...you'll always come away from the experience with a new piece of knowledge or a new skill."
"The art of learning is the art of attention."
"Children are the fastest learners because they're curious. They have attention."
"Socrates says there is no learning without remembering."
"Your mind doesn't learn based on consumption; it learns through creation or co-creation."
"Learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else."
"Your mind's like a parachute, only works when it's open."
"When you teach something, you get to learn it twice."
"The ability to shift something and take something that maybe wasn't so good, learn from it, and totally shift it into something that is serving us."
"You're really open to learning around this time."
"The major reason that I was so attracted to the Ironman is because it's an ultra distance triathlon...for me, there's no better way to learn about something other than putting myself through it."
"Everything is interesting; it's just the more you learn about something, the more interesting it becomes."
"Embrace what you don't know, for it can become your greatest asset."
"Children are not blank slates... Newborns lock onto faces, they have already acquired the sound pattern of their language."
"A natural progression, you start with the easy and then work your way to the difficult."
"You're an adult. And you're responsible for letting you learn."
"There's no magic memory pill; there are magic memory processes."
"Never stop learning. Every time you learn, you make a new connection in your brain, which becomes the raw material for new experiences."
"Continue to pursue your passion, step outside the box, lay yourself out there, but never stop learning. As you continue to learn, you will evolve and grow."
"The memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom, and that's why we're here."
"Learning a foreign language the first time may be laborious and disorienting, but if you've learned two foreign languages, the third foreign language is obviously going to be much easier to pick up."
"You are complex, at least that should be your aim. The universe evolves toward complexity, and so do you as you learn, implement, and understand as you age."
"The brain is continually learning. It's not something we said, 'Oh, we can add that later.' That's something that was upfront, had to be there from the start."
"We should help people learn how to do relationships better."
"I work my mind and body every day. Every day, I'm going to learn something that will help me contribute."
"The most fascinating thing you can do in your life is to be growing and to be learning how to grow better."
"I try to speak more and more about healthy relationships, although that's definitely an area that I need to learn more about myself as well."
"Let this be what you've done permanently. Make the rest of your life better. Grow from this learning mistake that you've made and live an amazing life."
"One of the biggest reasons you are getting better is because you've started consuming content that's elevating your skill and mindset."
"Learn from the mistakes of others... A wise man learns from the mistakes of others."
"Anxiety keeps you alive, anxiety keeps you sharp, anxiety keeps you learning, it keeps you attentive. It's a good thing."
"To ensure you're constantly growing, you must always be willing to learn and unlearn as needed."
"The more I learn about you, the more I can adapt. I could be your perfect friend."
"Your mistakes are what give you wisdom. Your mistakes are what give you strength."
"If you're really serious about it, go ahead and check out the blueprint. It's free."
"Skill acquisition: once you have the right skills, you can apply that to accomplishing the things you want."
"Problem solving... You learn to solve problems. Overcome issues."
"I don't necessarily think that the purpose of life is to just be always happy. I think it's very possible that we're spiritual beings and we're here to learn."
"I think the best way to avoid mistakes actually is to read. Just read, read, read, read, and learn about life and history and the way things have been done right and wrong."
"We learn as we teach...by having to articulate it and explain it and distill it, you are understanding it better than if you were just learning it for yourself."
"I started to look for opportunities. Complaining ain't gonna get me nowhere, but if I start being observant around who can help me, who's doing better, who can I learn from, you'd be surprised what you see that's right around you."
"A master is somebody who was a beginner who kept beginning."
"The only identity I found that has served me is to be that of the learner."
"Humility is the skill of defying your ego and believing that there's so much more for you to learn."
"Neurons that fire together wire together, and they fire together because you're doing it; they wire together because you're doing it a lot. That's repetition."
"Failure is the most information-rich data stream on planet Earth."
"These stories should be told and heard and cherished and learned from."
"Humility is like the skill of knowing that there is more to learn, that you aren't there just yet, that there's someone who's in front of you and you could learn from them."
"This taught me how to never give up in the face of failure."
"I learned so much from Gordon Ramsay. The whole experience has been amazing. It's life-changing, really."
"I'm a lifelong student. I've already ingrained that in my personality."
"Thinking is a skill which can be learned, just as we learned skills such as typing and playing the piano."
"The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know."
"The equations become smarter than the genius who wrote them down, and that's another reason why we do these mathematical models of science."
"Once you've put it down there, then all of a sudden, you become a student; that thing that you've written down is going to teach you."
"We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience."
"Men learn from their mistakes, wise men learn from the mistakes of others."
"Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of Scripture, we might have hope."
"Times of change is the greatest opportunity to learn new concepts but more importantly unlearn outdated ones."
"Enjoy the process of learning and growing, no matter where you are in life."
"We are the creators with the universe and instead of saying 'why me, why did this happen to me', say 'what am I learning from this'."
"I think people will find at least a few stories, a few tidbits, in this that they can walk away with and ponder or use in some fashion."
"Mistakes are the best opportunities for learning and growth that we have."
"When you really think about it, we learn to read and then we read to learn."
"You have to accept risk. You have to take a tax for failure and treat it as an opportunity for learning."
"Successes are nowhere near as valuable as mistakes."
"Failure is part of the process to achieve success."
"I started to take an interest and started to study and read and ask questions to active practicing Muslims."
"You can't lose by an experience because either one of two things is gonna happen, I'm either gonna have success or I'm going to have an experience that's gonna teach me something."
"Don't be afraid to fail. I learned so much more from my failures than my successes."
"Learning is the ultimate lever to leveling up."
"If you're not learning new stuff, if you're not really using your brain every day, it's like not cleaning your house."
"You learn more effectively and your relationships improve when you understand how you uniquely think, feel, and choose."
"I am always striving to learn. I'm always trying to get better. I want to get better at being me."
"Every single thing served a purpose. Every mistake, every challenge, every obstacle."
"I'm okay with being called out if that means that I learn something from the process."
"Learning is from a place of unconditional love and acceptance and peace."
"At the end of the day, it's fantastic that people are learning how to communicate."
"Social interactions can be taught. You can understand and break down the formula of how to be socially adept."
"Life is a journey; we are all still learning. Anyone that tells you they've got it figured out is a liar."
"Part of leadership is to allow your team to essentially learn from and change their decisions, not stay stuck with them just because that's the decision that we took."
"Sometimes you have to make decisions without having all the facts and it's important to go back and learn from those decisions, whether they were right or wrong."
"Life is constantly teaching us; we just simply need to pay attention."
"Curiosity is wonderful, so let them tell you stuff. Ask questions because you're curious, and then you'll get more information."
"Spirituality can be a great way to learn and grow."
"Telling the truth feels amazing or gets you in a lot of actual trouble, but the kind of trouble that you learn from."
"We learn by failing first and then adjusting behavior and then growing."
"The truth is your willingness to make manifest the process that enables you to learn and progress."
"I might wish this change could have happened differently, but some of us don't learn from the heats; we need the fire."
"I appreciate the flops. You just gotta keep going."
"Boundaries. I had to learn boundaries for myself."
"We're all learning and growing, so please take this as helpful information instead of criticism."
"When you're curious about something or when I'm curious about something, I actually wanna lean in, I get energized."
"Why waste my time looking smart when I could be getting smarter?"
"Every time they do a really hard task and stick to it, the neurons in their brain form new connections and they can get smarter."
"All I know is that I don't know. The more I research, the more things I learn, the more I realize just how little we know."
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much we still have to discover."
"In the pursuit of knowledge, the realization of our own ignorance is the first step."
"I do want to talk about this story in a way that is very forwarding to see what we can take away from it, what we can learn from it as a community."
"You really need to understand history because history has a tendency to repeat itself."
"You have to reach a state where you've learned to let it go. That's what it's all about; it's all about letting go."
"I love living with my amazing parents in the wild and learning a lot about animals."
"Learn the rules to the game. The reason why so many people suck with money is because they don't understand the rules to the game."
"Be willing to make mistakes. Anything is possible, but you have to be willing to try and make mistakes and keep getting better each and every day."
"I act as if I just need to keep acquiring skills and I have yet to reach a point of diminishing returns. I still am learning so much so quickly that I'm encouraged that I could accomplish enough to be remembered."
"The only smart way to go about identity is to adopt the identity of the learner."
"We all come like this: infinitely curious, always experimenting, always learning, and addressing the most difficult tasks of a lifetime with tremendous gusto."
"Every time they pushed out of their comfort zone to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in their brains form new connections, and over time they could get smarter."
"Recently, I have fallen in love with a new word: 'yet.'"
"The best way to learn is from people that are actually doing it and getting results."
"Nature understands this concept. Study the honeybee."
"They are entertained watching me. Maybe you should take notes."
"You will never lose because when you don't win, you will learn."
"Bozosity is like the flu: you need to be exposed to Bozosity so that when you encounter big Bozosity, you have already built up the antigens."
"Supporting information is going to help you fast-track your results, stimulate new ideas, and help you stimulate a broader depth and dimension of understanding about yourself."
"Frame those failures and slips like a video game, and not only will you learn more and do it faster, but it will make all the successful jumps along the way that much sweeter."
"Failing is wonderful if you learn and share, because it's how we learn from mistakes and enjoy life."
"The more that I have learned, the more I've recognized it's become part of my purpose in life."
"Think a lot, read a lot, learn a lot, practice and experiment a lot."
"The best way to keep our home safe and protect our planet is to learn from the worlds around us."
"To truly learn something, it takes more than just watching; you have to experience it."
"The brain is resilient; the brain can adapt; you can learn new things."
"I think that you're just going to be balancing them out and learning how to balance them out in the most beautiful ways."
"Sport gives us so much, and at the same time, every craft can offer the same exact opportunities. Sport is just so tangible, physically observable, but every craft offers us the same."
"Our children are learning from what we do, not what we say."