
Self-regulation Quotes

There are 482 quotes

"Willpower and tenacity require that we intervene in our own default neural processes... and essentially govern ourselves to do or not do some particular thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Instead, you want to base your productivity on something you can control because when you base your productivity on something you can control, then you can control it."
"Allowing children to experience disappointment... because the incapacity to self-regulate is a real problem."
"ADHD as a disorder of inhibition that disrupts the executive system and leads to failures in self-regulation."
"We demonstrably cannot trust corporations to self-regulate."
"Self observing profoundly changes the way our brain works, activating self-regulating cortical regions, giving us an incredible amount of control over our feelings."
"An amygdala hijack occurs when we get an excessive amount of emotion, and the amygdala takes over, taking our executive function offline."
"Discipline is not telling everyone else what to do; it's having standards for yourself that you live up to."
"You don't have to act on every impulse or emotion."
"You don't need to be Amish to adopt many of these things, like thinking your cell phone is ruling your life, make the choice to turn it off and add structure to when and how you're allowed to use it."
"Guilt is a feeling that is not so bad; it keeps us on track."
"You cannot stop the angry army; only the angry army can stop the angry army."
"Raven is the epitome of that. She's someone who's so powerful, she can destroy everything, and so she has to have a vice grip on her emotions to not let that slip."
"If you can control your breath, you can control life."
"Society needs to police itself. It's not the job of the government to do that."
"We're taking fascinating care to tame nature within us."
"Your body instinctively knows how to run itself. It's a smart system, and sometimes when we just get out of the way, our bodies can balance themselves."
"It's about self-regulation...being able to hold oneself."
"I hit my 1 limit I'm afraid that's it for this year."
"If we're not careful and if the community doesn't put in the appropriate self-guidance, right, you know congress is going to legislate the hell out of it. If it moves, congress will attack it."
"Discipline. Like really understanding the word of discipline and sticking to it."
"You either have to have external governance or internal governance."
"Your body's self-healing and self-regulating. It's a totally different mindset."
"The goal of self-regulation is to pair the type of thinking that says 'I am safe right now' with a relaxed body, which keeps us calm, clear-headed, and focused."
"We are a mix of logic and emotion but crucially we are conscious about this activity that happens in our brain."
"All you can really do is try to enforce within ourselves that balance."
"One should not allow his feelings to swing too far to the right or the left."
"The earth is quite capable of taking care of itself, thank you very much."
"True freedom is setting yourself the right boundaries."
"With it comes great responsibility, and because the internet is barely regulated, it's up to us to make sure people know how they should be treating others and their audience."
"That's why there's an automatic error monitoring system in our heads that registers every mess-up before it occurs."
"Students who think they can succeed are also more likely to engage in self regulated learning strategies."
"The great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
"A society that's controlling itself in a democratized way."
"Procrastination is intentionally delaying a task that needs to be done even though you know it will come with a cost." - Adam Grant
"I did not need the lock... I'm just going to normalize putting my phone down somewhere where I'm not for a couple hours a day."
"Father, give us wisdom to know when to open our mouths and to know when to shut our mouths."
"When the players take it upon themselves to hold themselves accountable... that's what you want ultimately."
"Moderation is the key to not have too many limits on you."
"Don't do things that go to your state of mind."
"You knew post-nut clarity is gonna show up and still you continue to throw your salami down the gutter."
"You can learn to control autonomic activity." - Dr. David Spiegel
"I should not be approaching minors under any circumstances. And that's my fault. That's why I said, 'You know what? No, this is not okay.'"
"Just stop eating when you are full... you pretty much can have whatever you want, but you can't have it all at once."
"Step one, take deep breaths. Step two, repeat what I like about this person, what do they remind me of, why am I even in this conversation in the first place."
"You can control what you put in your mouth but you're not really in control of anything."
"Self-control is inherent within us; encourage true and accurate thinking patterns."
"I may not be able to control every situation nor its outcome, but I can definitely control my attitude."
"Managing triggers was essential, recognizing my trigger foods and situations allowed me to regulate my exposure accordingly."
"Knowing when to pump the brakes a little bit, when to switch up."
"These exchanges call themselves self-regulated, which basically means not regulated at all."
"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed and the next place oblige it to control itself."
"If pleasure becomes the norm, that's when you gotta start modifying yourself."
"As you're getting that grasp of CPTSD, you sort of feel more calm and more balanced."
"I knew if I stopped it would have been world war three."
"What is the institution in our country that is going to find that intolerable and that is going to see this as something that's happening on its patch?"
"Institutions policing themselves, upholding their values, holding their own representatives accountable."
"Humanity has dispensed with the sheepdog; humanity polices itself."
"You have to have boundaries, you have to have limits that you refuse to cross."
"When you can learn to identify the fight-flight-freeze response, you can learn techniques to calm yourself down."
"Human sexuality is something that the human being has to regulate according to reason."
"It is up to us to police these people ourselves, we have to gather intel on these white supremacists within law enforcement."
"I rather say nothing than something spectacularly stupid."
"It's better to teach a child restraint rather than restriction."
"Teach restraint over restriction. Teach your kids how to regulate themselves."
"Bitcoin blockchain works almost like it's alive, it almost self-heals itself and then it's able to evolve."
"Gamers are actively policing themselves and priding themselves on good works and fine deeds."
"This is all about your own justice, your own balance."
"Belief is like a thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life."
"Even when you're sleeping, your body knows what it needs to do."
"As long as you don't get off track and then stay off track and then you completely stay off track."
"Ultimately, Elden Ring puts the onus on the player to, essentially, balance the game themselves."
"Your emotions are very powerful, but you have it contained."
"Maybe I need to slightly reign this in a little bit health wise."
"You're only cheating yourself to some degree because golf is a game where you have to referee yourself."
"I'm not allowed to do that, that's just like the mindset that I put in my head."
"Nonetheless, did you notice something in the video? I did not use a single cuss word."
"The only thing that you can control is how you respond."
"I don't want to give the message that everybody should be policing everything they do and everyone around them and what they do because that gets so nauseous right."
"When you have self-control, you're taking your power back."
"Awareness channels emotions and determines your reaction to situations."
"The real solution is to learn to self-regulate so well that you change the field within you."
"You don't have to force-feed. If you're not hungry, stop and save it for later."
"That's why you gotta be able to know how to sort of calm down yourself if there is a heightened reaction to something."
"Is it possible that if you yourself demonetize videos like that, and then YouTube doesn't have to make the decision about whether advertisers are going to get snippy about whether their ads are running on it?"
"Emotional immaturity is the inability to be with, process, navigate, regulate our emotions."
"Tracking is a skill that you learn, that eventually you need to stop doing. The goal should be to no longer track."
"We're teaching people how to self-regulate because if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart, it better be open and activated."
"There are no rules except for the rules you put on yourself."
"I do not let the insults go to my heart... and I do not let the compliments go to my head."
"The paywall is good for me because it keeps me from getting mad."
"Manage our emotional responses and maintain our personal balance."
"Bitcoin is a self-correcting monetary system."
"Big Tech will decide if big Tech is behaving properly."
"Every misuse of energy is punished by that energy itself."
"Learning to regulate your nervous system can be really helpful."
"The philosophy: the body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"The Gaia hypothesis proposes that Earth's physical and biological processes form a self-regulating living system."
"Emotional regulation will support us in being healthier, happier human beings."
"Emotions are data, but they're not directives."
"Whenever I'm feeling down or dysregulated, I repeat this mantra to myself: I have a choice to make myself feel better."
"Do practice pause all the time. Slow down. Press pause."
"Do we create the panopticon ourselves? Which we are like sort of already doing."
"Take a minute to slow down, gather yourself, gather your senses."
"The body is self-healing and self-regulating... The body has an innate intelligence that guides its development."
"You have to have the arrogance and humility, the real trick is the regulated expression of both." - Eric
"Imposing laws on yourself because when you do that then you end up figuring out that you can't follow."
"Markets are beautiful self-correcting mechanisms."
"I think being able to trust that and, uh, and not, not taking many crazy shots. Like, I get yelled at a lot for not taking more shots but a lot of times I just let the game come to me."
"Being able to do that is an art form in itself."
"The only thing that can really put a check on you is not the rules."
"To be peaceful essentially means that you're not messing with your mind."
"Empowered to express yourself, empowered to move through your nervous system, empowered to regulate your nervous system."
"Following your curiosity because curiosity will guide you towards what you find enjoyable, and the joy leads to more regulation."
"The more regulated I am, the more it invites regulation into the co-created space between me and the other person."
"Self-regulation is the ability to regulate or control your internal state of how you're thinking and feeling in a condition in your environment that normally would create another feeling or another emotion."
"Don't react, regulate and respond."
"Self-regulation is the single best predictor of our success in life and even our life expectancy."
"If you can master re-regulation, you can then have all this space in your life and possibility."
"I kid you not, you can change the course of your life by using tools to catch yourself when you're triggered, get re-regulated, and then proceed."
"When that anxiety spikes, when that cortisol level pops up, that you have something you can tell yourself when that happens that'll help to kind of regulate you."
"If one is feeling that they're channelizing their fight or flight mode, they have to just get centered, calm themselves down."
"The ability to put the brakes on, the ability to inhibit a response, even though the person may have the impulse to do it, the ability to stop at least momentarily and think before carrying out an action."
"Balance is required in your life, self-regulation. Maybe there's too much of something that you are doing in your life, consuming, taking in... It's now time to create that balance and harmony in your life."
"Be your own inner parent, regulate your feelings and behaviors."
"Mindfulness allows for natural self-regulation to unfold."
"You have to create rules that keep you in line, or you're going to get severely hurt."
"The goal is to change our self-representation so we are not in a constant fight or flight state."
"...the scientists have been actually making so many groundbreaking discoveries in just the last few years and many of these discoveries are coming from our neighborhood right here from the Milky Way not so far from planet Earth."
"...but most scientists today don't really think biosphere is alive like a typical organism but they do think that the biosphere is a kind of a metaphor for an actual living being because here depending on the conditions everything sort of self-regulates."
"These types of self-regulations and these types of activities where a lot of organisms sort of collaborate and cooperate is extremely widespread on our planet."
"Self-regulation is your ability to control or manage your emotions, impulses, and behaviors, particularly in challenging situations."
"Take a breath, center yourself, and approach situations calmly."
"Recognize your own reactions, manage and regulate yourself."
"The best thing somebody can do when they're feeling dysregulated is to sit with the feelings for a short period of time and then get connected to their body and their breath."
"If I'm starting to get emotional or reactive, that's the time for me to walk away."
"When you learn to come to recognize when you're getting dysregulated, to know that it's a thing, to introduce a polite and considerate way to create a pause for yourself to get re-regulated before you continue, it doesn't matter what your life philosophy is."
"Intensity is always determined by you."
"Finding ways to put it away, put it in a drawer in your mind for now, so that you can stop trying to do that auto regulation alone thing every time."
"Shortening your emotional reactions is a level of intelligence that causes you to recalibrate."
"If you've never learned to intentionally get re-regulated, then getting the skills to do it is going to be life-changing."
"Freedom as autonomy means that I am going to regulate myself and I'm going to keep my drug use within the bounds of moderation."
"We need to be able to soothe our affect, start to regulate ourselves so these affirmations can take hold is essential and important."
"One of the bigger things is self-regulation is about a consciousness. What we have been taught is to just be quiet and not be quiet and listen. Because if we were teaching children to be quiet and be present with what is happening inside of them, completely different message."
"Self-regulation is what makes self-control possible."
"You make all these rules that behove you."
"No matter what they're eating, there's plant-based animals, there's carnivore animals, there's omnivorous animals, they don't get obese generally because the body knows how to self-regulate but only if it's eating minimally processed food."
"Control your temperature and control your heart rate."
"High-five your heart to regulate your nervous system and switch to a calm state."
"Regulating your nervous system first is the start."
"Starting by regulating your nervous system is key."
"I feel like I shouldn't be getting upset like I shouldn't be allowed to get upset."
"You always remain in control of your emotions."
"Each person can regulate his own affairs with integrity of his soul desires."
"Your body will heal itself. It's really amazing."
"So you're talking yourself through it instead of going, okay, I can't handle this right, you're driving me crazy, and now I'm going to explode, right? Yes, right. Watching what you're saying and staying in that moment."
"Encouraging people to develop their own distress tolerance skills so when they feel dysphoric they can choose behaviors that are helpful."
"Be more balanced in your emotions."
"It's best to keep control over your emotions."
"You shouldn't be at the mercy of it... you should be controlling your brain."
"Even if you were born with a poor self-regulation ability, you can still change. You can still achieve agency."
"Anger is an emotion, and the prefrontal cortex quickly says, 'Ah no, no, no.'"
"It's the intelligence of your nervous system, it's like, really helps, it's like turning off the fuse box when the house is ready to explode into fire, right?"
"Emotional control is basically what you're solving for when you're doing inner work."
"Emotional control is the biggest thing that you should be solving for."
"For me, as I look at how our world is moving right now, it becomes even more important for us to understand how to reach our own ventral state and anchor there."
"Master your emotions in a healthy, nurturing, caring way."
"You're going to break yeah and that's where you have to turn around and pump the brakes."
"We are experiencing a profound revolution in education, grounded in self-regulation."
"When we talk about the importance of self-regulation, you are every bit as aware of the kid who is chronically in stage three as the kid who is chronically in stage five."
"The longer the child pays attention, the more the child learns, the better the child self-regulates, the better the child's self-control."
"One of the most important things that people often overlook is this thermostat."
"Highly sensitive individuals tend to show in positive environments and if they've had good, stable childhoods, more self-regulation."
"You want to leave the economy to sort itself out because the economy is always going to be better than a few people in a conference room."
"You and I are the only form of life that we know of today that has the ability to self-regulate our biology in very precise ways."
"Learning to regulate your nervous system function in a healthy proactive way will give you a second wind."
"Everyone that has mental disorders probably has a list of things that they have to do to self-regulate."
"Just try your best to listen to it while using exclusively performance as your auto regulatory measures."
"You want to be able to train yourself to regulate your own nervous system."
"Safe people regulate their emotions. If I'm feeling a whole lot of anxiety, I don't go and spread it to everybody. So that they feel the same anxiety. If I'm angry, I don't lash out at everybody."
"Emotional intelligence enables us to understand, manage, and use our emotions effectively."
"Self-regulation is about seeing the bigger picture seeing patterns widening your lens this is the zooming backward seeing the big picture helps us to detach and get relief this reframing of what is going on is so crucial."
"Being able to self-regulate and make yourself feel better when you're feeling down is such an important skill."
"Rap beef is a part of the culture and the history of the medium... it's a way for the game to check itself... it's an interesting and lovely tradition."
"Nature will never permit anything to reach a condition in which it cannot correct itself."
"Mindfulness enables you to pause, realize, check in, and redirect if necessary."
"Managing emotion: how can you make yourself feel differently if you would like to?"
"In my every action, I will watch my mind and the moment destructive emotions arise, I will confront them strongly and avert them since they will hurt both me and others."
"I'm feeling really anxious so I'm trying to self-regulate and remind myself no matter what happens I'm okay."
"The goal is to get to a point where you can hold your own nervous system but it's a bit like taking a four-day-old child who's hungry cold and miserable and lost and alone and saying you can probably figure it out."
"I do daily grounding practices, these are like mindful practices that are very much so physical that helps regulate yourself."
"...for me, number one is people can begin to start regulating themselves, and therefore regulating better with others, and therefore building stronger, safer communities, and therefore so on and so forth."
"...when you learn how to regulate it you literally multiply your own impact."
"The internet is a major thing and why a lot of people going to jail, so I just try to like limit the [__] that they see or uh that I let people see."
"So if you get upset by these, maybe consider doing one of those four things to calm yourself down."
"Manage your emotions. When I do get mad, I get over it quickly."
"ADHD through its impact on self-regulation and impulsivity and conscientiousness is a very impairing disorder when it comes to health and lifestyle."
"Learn self-control, learn self-regulation, learn what it feels like to your body to tell you it wants something and you have the ability to deny it."
"Your body's relatively good at self-optimizing."
"I should not tweet after 3:00 a.m."