
Human Complexity Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The optimistic view of it is that by knowing that we have all things inside of us potentially and by embracing that fact, we can manage that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're talking about the human as a single species, but we're also thinking of the human as this complex, integrated ecosystem of hundreds to thousands of species, interacting in concert to do all the fantastic things that we know happen in the human body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It compels us to imagine other people complexly, to experience their lives as real and important."
"Building monuments or putting names on buildings is not an endorsement of every aspect of a human being's life."
"The entire purpose of the arts is to remind people of the complexity of the human experience."
"We need to recognize that all things human are complex, contradictory, and constantly in the gray."
"People are broader than the categories we try to fit them into."
"Sexuality is the most complex thing in human beings, period bar none."
"Because it is very difficult to look at people, because they are horrifying and profound creatures."
"Everyone is more than the worst thing that they have ever done."
"Human communication is insanely complex and kind of a fundamental part of the human experience."
"Our feelings and thoughts, the relationships that we create with each other, the ways that we communicate, our cultural backgrounds, our moods, our diets, our climate—everything makes us who we are."
"It's so freaking fascinating how complicated humans are, like our brains, we basically know nothing about what's going on inside our own heads."
"Humans are complicated beings, so it is impossible to evaluate them using a single criterion."
"People are nuanced; there's good with the bad. It's true of Trump, it's true of Thomas Jefferson, it's true of everybody."
"We're all moving away from the source and kind of basic, simple solutions that are actually taking into account the complexity of human beings."
"Human beings are complex, they have good things, they have bad things, but the part that we build statues to typically is the part of them that is good."
"Impact's most advanced and notable feature is Baritone, an AI pathfinder bot which can build automatically, find diamonds, and mine them automatically."
"You guys are not just a bunch of particles. Your brains are the most beautifully complex space-time patterns in our entire known universe."
"Every relationship is a mess in its own different ways because it's two human beings trying to relate to one another when they don't have the same perspective."
"Medicine is not an exact science. It's a science of human beings. Human beings are complex."
"The Enneagram is fluid and dynamic, which I think better suits us as the messy, complicated human beings we are."
"We are too sophisticated to evolve out of some primordial mud pit over billions of years."
"Women are human, we can be both irrational and rational."
"Everybody has reasons for why they do things, and I don't personally believe that any human being is 100 percent good or 100 percent evil."
"Discover that people are complex and your superficial prejudices will evaporate."
"Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters."
"People are super complicated and they have good days and bad days and virtuous qualities and very ugly qualities, and they're all mixed together in people, like that's who we are."
"We are whole people, three-dimensional people."
"There are no heroes so don't grow attached to personalities people have flaws people are complicated."
"Nobody's really a shallow person, everybody has depth to them."
"Everyone is complicated and nuanced... we're all good and bad."
"Steiner's teachings provide a framework for understanding the complexities of the human experience, offering insights into the interplay of spiritual forces that influence our lives."
"Pretty ironic for a series that's all about people having more to them than meets the eye."
"Even beneath his awful behavior, there is still love."
"I'm interested in the complexity of the man."
"People are messy, you're never going to find somebody who perfectly aligns with every one of your beliefs and values."
"Your life isn't summed up by the worst thing you ever did."
"People are complicated our decisions are nuanced."
"Human beings are a little bit too complex to have one answer to that question."
"Artifacts like this show that the Neanderthals were as skilled and complex as early humans were."
"This game did something revolutionary, depicted a character as human, despite his immoral actions."
"More than just embracing the Turing test, I think we should embrace the messiness of the human being in all the different domains of AI."
"We must be bold and brave, willing to look at the complexity that human life entails. Nobody's perfect."
"The spectrum of the human soul is not one size fits all. We are a panoply of keys and locks within an infinite range of doors all labeled love."
"Theon is the most human character on the show, a mixture of guilt and redemption."
"You're letting this define who you are as a human being, and it's not. There's so much more to a person."
"He's not just a two-dimensional person, he has thoughts and feelings."
"Nobody is just a hate figure, you know? Nobody is like that."
"People are complicated and a lot of times what we take to be true about human nature isn't as true as we think."
"Often times you'll find yourself not with villains and heroes but flawed people in a flawed and broken world looking to make the best of what they've been given."
"Good people can still do horrible things, and horrible people can do good things."
"Every aspect of our being reveals the signature of an intelligent and purposeful design."
"There's more to us than just a physical body and a physical brain."
"This phenomenon of enormous complexity, meaning, and value for understanding of ourselves."
"People are too complicated for this kind of [__]."
"We have to be honest about how complicated we are as human beings."
"People are complicated. People have many layers to them."
"You see how complex people are, and the way that they share their stories and are vulnerable."
"People cannot be defined by one specific tiny thing that happens to be a piece of who they are."
"We need to see another group as complex as ourselves."
"Humans are complex, life is about perspective."
"The human mind is so much more complicated than [the economic model of rational man], sadly simplistic if not outright false."
"Isn't it really astonish you that you are this fantastically complex thing and that you're doing all of this and you never had any education in how to do it?"
"Human beings are riddled with complications; be compassionate towards others and yourself."
"It’s hard to boil down a whole person to a quickfire list but every so often in life it’s good to stop and check in."
"We all are kind person we all are angry we all are crazy people we all him we all can do everything like both good and bad observer humans that what you can be God."
"We shouldn't paint someone as a saint when they die. They were complex humans."
"Numbers aren't enough to define an entire person."
"Fundamentally fascinating because he is beastly yet through his beastliness shines something that is far more human than we ourselves have ever known."
"We are all multi-dimensional, every single one of us."
"There's a certain group of people... that always want more. It's never going to be enough. Even if you have equal rights, they want special rights."
"Humans are multifaceted and deserving of respect."
"God is quite simple but it seems as if man makes understanding him hard."
"It felt like such a divine little tribute to a woman who, you know, had flaws and which she recognizes but also was really wonderful."
"Human beings are complex people and nobody is a flawless angel nor a completely heinous devil."
"Daenerys is not evil or mad, but nor is she good and pure. She is a human being capable of great good and great evil like we all are."
"People are pretty complex, haven't you noticed?"
"You are perfect and loving and peaceful and you're also crazy and loud and angry it's okay."
"Humans are very complicated. Nothing is black and white like that."
"The reality is we can have so many valuable resources within a person side by side with aspects that cause other people so much pain."
"Hazel eyes are the arresting canvas where Earth's variegated palette meets the enigma of the cosmos."
"People want interesting characters. Like, that's all there is. And someone being kind of [ __ ] up is interesting."
"People are complicated like that and I like it when games actually attempt to address that."
"Schizophrenia is the disease of the human condition; then polyphrenia, the orchestration of our many cells, is our expanded health and dance."
"People aren't defined by their worst moment."
"There is a beauty in stripping away our vanity to realize that we are actually far more complex than we ever imagined."
"Do you see there are people, they are people but there is so much more than that."
"Human beings are complex creatures... acting in such a way to make it likely, if not certain, that our grandchildren are going to face terrible disasters."
"Vaccination is the only way out—it's about personal responsibility."
"The human story is a lot deeper, a lot richer, and a lot more complicated and complex than it previously assumed."
"People are complicated and multi-dimensional."
"People do change and they are complicated emotionally."
"Human life is in reality made of well-balanced mixture of personal environmental factors that all need to work well together."
"Realizing they were part of all these problems too."
"People can act heroically and still hate every second of it."
"The only normal people you know are the people you don't know well."
"I truly believe that we are multifaceted individuals with herbs, with dowels, with goods, with bad, and I just, I truly don't believe that things are always so black and white."
"People are so complex, they're not one thing."
"We are more than our bodies, broken people have broken stories, broken perception."
"She's a human being, she's just complicated."
"Nothing's ever black and white, of course. We're all very complex humans."
"He had his demons, but that's how I remember him—how he treated me as a good, kind-hearted dude."
"People aren't fictional characters, they're contradictory, complicated, and understanding them on the terms of their eras is literally a full-time job."
"Everybody truly does have their own story, their own way of feeling about things, and humans are not data machines."
"We gotta understand who we are, you know, our multi-dimensional nature."
"Trillions of these very ordinary atoms conspire miraculously to organize themselves into thinking, breathing, living human beings."
"Human beings are more than just one or the other, but it's where we're physical beings or spiritual beings, we're mind, heart, soul - everything."
"There are at least 12 species of DNA within the human vehicle."
"We're simple in some ways but shockingly complex in others."
"Human relationships are messy and complicated."
"Sexuality is dark as well but with the understanding that people are quite delicate."
"Life is complicated, and people are messy. We are all going to make mistakes, and no one is perfect."
"It's through facing our fears and overcoming challenges, enduring things, that we become the marvelous complex human beings that we are."
"Everybody's a whole lot more than the worst thing they ever did."
"I guess I find it a little bit perplexing, this idea that you can't like a person whom you disagree with strenuously, even on important matters. I just don't understand why it is that agreement or disagreement-- there's more to people than what they think about issues."
"Everyone is different, every person carries different things, and it's really interesting."
"They're not Heroes, they're not villains, they're real people with real hopes, ambitions, beliefs."
"It's probably a good time to think about defining people by their gray areas, as opposed to their maddest edges."
"Isaac Asimov's story serves as a reminder of the complexities of human existence and the importance of transparency and accountability in medical care."
"Asimov's story serves as a reminder of the complexities of human existence and the importance of transparency and accountability in medical care."
"As human beings, we are all icebergs."
"My awe at the way in which human beings are put together only grows by the day."
"The scandalous lives of Vatican popes serve as a reminder of the complexity of human nature and the challenges that come with wielding power and authority."
"It's just amazing... we're like so complex, so perfectly designed."
"A man's flaws are interwoven into the traits that make him great."
"People aren't codes to be cracked."
"A human being is a whole in the sense that they're much more than the sum of all the observations you might make about them."
"We're very complex as humans, and tests like this are interesting because they almost just cut out all the waffle."
"The writing is just as good as classic Standalone complex; every character feels just as thought out and human as before."
"Everyone is more complex than the single moment of the worst thing that is happening."
"Man is the microcosm because not only are we made of every constituent part of the universe, but we alone can take in and apprehend all things created."
"We're multifaceted; we like a variety of different things."
"We're all much more different than we imagined."
"Turns out people contain multitudes." - Narrator
"People are messy, therefore relationships will be messy."
"I think of people as being much too profound, much too complex, much too open to the extremes of experience to simply live fourscore years and die."
"He's not a monster, he's just a guy with a lot of demons."
"Human beings are nuanced; people are going to have different experiences and they're more complicated than just this label or that label."
"He was a complex, contradictory, and conflicted human being, just like the rest of us."
"People didn't just fit into boxes of criminal or good person."
"Personhood being a human is inherently complex, filled with wonder and magic."
"We're complex creatures, multiple parts to us, different perspectives even within our one system here."
"The human condition is biopsychosocial, not reductively psychological."
"We're so complicated and sort of amazing creatures because of our ability to regulate genes."
"Consider for a moment the fact that each and every one of you is composed of billions of cells."
"A man is not truly one, but truly two."
"People are way more complex than just being bad and good."
"There's no such thing as single-issue struggles because we're not single-issue people."
"Your DNA is actually made up of four different units... and somehow a combination of those base pairs actually makes us who we are, which is kind of amazing."
"People are complicated, capable of being nurturing yet controlling and unhinged, loving yet abusive."
"The man should be viewed both as a set of molecules and as spirit or whatever you want, something else not material."
"We're more like walking, talking bags of self-contradictions."
"But at the same time, you got to also not only see their problems but you got to see their possibilities."
"People are complicated, this is a very complicated world."
"There's so many other things that make up individuals."
"We're intellectual creatures, emotional creatures, volitional creatures, relational creatures, creative beings."
"Life is complicated, humans are very complex."