
Human Potential Quotes

There are 1437 quotes

"Everything that we know, everything we can do, and our true potential is set by the limits of neuroplasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The beauty of being a human being is that knowledge of knowledge can allow you to make better decisions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a whole other area of science that we're really just barely touching...what's the difference between functioning normally and functioning above normally?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is a better definition I think; it's more accurate, it's more precise, and it's what we do as humans. We are intelligent; we have infinite potential to learn from our environments."
"It's not about what's going on in the outside, the ultimate resource we have on the planet is human potential."
"Science will continue to progress because we are not little three-pound brains; we are the infinite intelligence."
"The most infinite resource on planet Earth is human potential."
"The journey of self-actualization is a continuous exploration of what it means to be fully human."
"What struck me and really puzzled me was that I realized that we humans have the ultimate technology in our heads, a brain that is so sophisticated."
"Human potential is nearly limitless, but having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it."
"Thoughts are things. Man on this planet is the most powerful thinker."
"We are infinite beings but we are limited by our imagination."
"Each of us is born as an infinitely creative being."
"I will fight for Humanity and I pray that the masses stop living at the bottom of the mountain and take the journey to the top."
"The most encouraging fact is the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."
"I'm optimistic about what people can become."
"Human potential, you say, is nearly limitless."
"The human being has a has its own infinite capacity to grow into and embody what we realize, and there doesn't seem to be an end to that."
"Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 150 years has already been born. I believe I am that human being."
"Man's proper stature is not one of mediocrity, failure, frustration, or defeat, but one of achievement, strength, and nobility. In short, man can and ought to be a hero."
"Human beings are the sorts of creatures that could make things better if they chose to."
"Space exploration raises what we believe we can accomplish; it brings out the best in us and is an extraordinary value."
"Human beings are designed with the potential to love and nurture one another."
"The true muscle of a human is the intellect, the wisdom, and the knowledge."
"You're here because you believe that human potential is nearly limitless, but you know that having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it."
"You believe that human potential is nearly limitless, but you know that having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it."
"We all have the means of transcending that limitation. That is what human beings do: we transcend our limitations."
"We humans can solve anything if we just put our minds to it."
"I'm amazed at what a human being can actually do."
"Inside every human being there's a spark of divinity... and the ability to transform the terrible conditions of reality into something, not only acceptable but worthy of celebration, actually lies within our grasp."
"Humanity is capable of great things but also very horrible things. Any problem is solvable if we just work on it."
"One day the creator of the universe decided that he wanted to create humans... He asked these creatures, 'I have a gift that I want to give to humans but only when they're ready for it. It's the realization that they are the source of great power and can create their own reality. Where should I hide it?'"
"The body is amazing, the chemistry is amazing, and what we are able, capable of doing is amazing. Just do it."
"We've done the impossible; humans have done the impossible all the time."
"Human beings have tremendous capacity for transformation and depth and spiritual and emotional growth. They also have tremendous capacity for denial and forgetting."
"Human beings have a tremendous healing capacity."
"I think we're greater than we think, more powerful than we know, more unlimited than we could ever dream."
"A fully blossomed human being is a joy to see, no matter what the hell they're doing or what they're not doing."
"Human beings can rise to the occasion of our own survival."
"The capacity of a human being is spectacular; it is unrivaled."
"Viruses have never been against life; viruses are not even living life forms. They are the genetic memory of our potential."
"I see where I'm at today, but I know where I come from. I'm amazed at what a human being can actually do."
"We are not hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of our lives; we are marvels of adaptability and change."
"The highest form of human achievement is inspiration."
"The grandest, highest calling and purpose of the human being is we are the ones that with our technology can actually mitigate an extinction event."
"We have everything that we need to transcend, not to survive. We have the ability to choose, and so the new question is, will you change it?"
"What you call as human potential is not of any kind of measurable limit; it can go as far as you desire or as far as you have the courage to walk."
"Savants... are the post-human souls which have experienced the honor of being awarded a human body to dwell in."
"Tonight, we are going to focus on the promise and the perils of this young and evolving science which seeks to go beyond our all-too-human frailties and limitations by leveraging our brain's incredible plasticity."
"Do what you love, and I love what I do. I love working with people, empowering them, working on an environment in which I can see human potential thrive."
"For centuries, powerful forces have conspired to suppress the truth, locking away the knowledge that would awaken humanity's true potential."
"To liberate yourself and to get to the highest levels of human potential, you need to do the most counterintuitive thing possible, which is to face your own death and to go straight into it."
"There's an infinite amount of space between zero and one. Only human beings could tap into that."
"We humans have again and again underestimated not only the size of our cosmos but equally importantly we've repeatedly underestimated the power of our human minds to understand our cosmos."
"The capacity in each of us to love more than we hate, do more good than we do ill, help more than we harm, is such understanding really divine, or is it simply human?"
"I remind you that over the last every day that humans have been alive we have underestimated humans' ability and the brain's ability to adjust to the reality of the world."
"Every single human being and every sentient being in the universe has folded within them the ability to be awake, infinitely awake."
"Every human being on earth is already doing 100% of everything they can do, who they are right now."
"Everybody is here because you believe that human potential is nearly limitless."
"Research in the field of human potential and performance shows the amazing abilities every person has and how each is capable of tapping into these abilities."
"The human machine, what your mind is capable of doing, it's amazing."
"Most people, if they're walking around right now at about 55% of their true state of normal, there is an element missing from their body that would make the difference between them being an average person and being a superhuman."
"Human beings are absolutely incredible. We are capable of extraordinary."
"Nothing uplifts The Human Condition, unlocks the human potential, unleashes the human Spirit like freedom."
"It's during the darkest hour that mankind shows its true and most powerful potential."
"Respect people for what they were, for what they are called to be, for the purpose of their creation, and then we look at them with sorrow and compassion, as we look at ourselves who also mess up."
"Democracy remains the best tool we have to unleash our full human potential."
"We truly are powerful and amazing beings...so when you read all those stories from the greatest translators, it's so captivating that that alone will set you on a path for life."
"The human species is capable of an unimaginably larger set of abilities."
"We have shown we have an ability to tap into the immune system, endocrine system, to guarantee happiness, strength, and health."
"Human beings have the potential to do good, not the inevitability of doing good, and that virtues need to be cultivated to bring out the best in human beings."
"They say we were made in God's image. I believe it. Our achievements surpass imagination."
"We are powerful beings, but we take on so much negative programming that we actually suppress our inherent human abilities."
"We are truly highly intelligent, highly conscious beings that have unlimited capabilities, unlimited power capabilities."
"Every man-made problem has a man-made solution."
"Our species has an amazing promise to get off this rock and explore the stars."
"Humans have an unreal capacity to get great at things even if they don't have a natural talent for it if they're immersed in it."
"We should not accept that walking around in that state. Human beings were meant to thrive."
"The very endowment that confers richness and complexity also sets bounds on what can be attained."
"We posit instead that men and women of faith and decisiveness, made in the image of God, can arrange their affairs with care and attention so that abundance and opportunity could be available for all."
"We are not a class of folks that are beaten or downtrodden or are incapable... we as people are capable of so much more than we ourselves even realize."
"Everyone here is a perfect spiritual divine idea held in the mind of God that is forever and ever and ever unfolding to reflect and reveal the glory of the Living God."
"The greatest force, through time, is inventiveness, human inventiveness, adaptability."
"What's truly limitless is our creativity. There's no limit on our imagination."
"This is simply Josh Sheehan wanting to push the human spirit to push what's possible."
"I came to tell somebody that there is treasure hidden in these earthen vessels."
"I believe, ladies and gentlemen, through my experiences as a martial artist for the last 25 years, that martial arts is the greatest platform to unleash human potential."
"I believe that we were put on this earth to unleash our potentials as human beings so that we can give back more than we receive."
"Suppose everybody on the planet is fed... this is when human beings can do something absolutely fantastic. Right now, they're spending their life just to earn a living. When will they make a life out of themselves?"
"The most important lesson is, first of all, don't be less optimistic about people's ability to change."
"There is a hidden glory in every human being that must be revealed."
"After mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energy of love. And then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."
"Let's quit squabbling about where some little border should be drawn one mile to the left or right and realize, hey, we can do such incredible things."
"I believe that most human beings are only living at about 40% of their capability."
"My deepest hope is that we all humans get to become the fullest version of ourselves as human beings, to join in the mission and vision for our common good." - Oprah Winfrey
"Human beings can get incredibly great at anything they put their minds to. Total Immersion at any topic, most human beings can become great if they give themselves enough time."
"I'm optimistic because in the end, the energy of individual people to come up with crazy ideas that are going to sort things out is the most powerful force in the world."
"But experiments and innovations that will push the limits of human biology are happening now. Like, right now."
"Perhaps the greatest potential for change in the solar system lies with our own species and technological development."
"We hold, in principle, the eventual ability to colonize our star system and even terraform some of the worlds present within it."
"Human beings are not just consumers of resources; we're also creators of resources."
"It's hard not to admire someone who succeeded in life... but chooses to spend his time at the frontiers of human existence."
"We are literally made for times like these. We are wired not just to survive but to thrive in change."
"The first person to live to be 150 has already been born."
"This is what we can do when we come together as humans."
"We're not going to automate people out of the process; we will expand what's humanly possible."
"The reason why we have governments is to create conditions in which we can live life to our fullest potential."
"The power of human curiosity has no limits; it's the engine of progress."
"It's not our logical intelligence that makes us amazing; it's our intuitive intelligence that makes us amazing."
"There's a human potential that is so vast that if humans ever get there, if we ever become free from this guilt, from this shame, from this degradation, from this slavery, and we were able to think with our own minds, there's nothing that we can't do."
"The possibility of this evolution is, that, a human being is capable of rising beyond their survival process."
"Every newborn soul here on Earth is an opportunity for Humanity to change course in any direction; anything is possible."
"The beauty of humanity is that we're not inherently limited... humans are driven and powered by their imagination."
"The unfathomable value of our future potential depends on the relatively tiny number of humans now alive today."
"In the comic, Batman is often described as a peak human... he represents the pinnacle of what's possible for a human being in terms of their athletic performance, intelligence, knowledge, skill sets."
"There's no cap on the human mind. We cap it ourselves."
"We have great human beings all equipped to maintain in health, happiness, and strength."
"Even if you don't think you can do it, human beings are capable of some pretty amazing things."
"Every power that any human being has ever had here on Earth is in every single one of us waiting to be activated."
"We have the ability to reflect and change our behaviour."
"The human race has spiritual sources, in other words, humans are able to reach into the higher Dimensions."
"We're microscopic and relative to the potential potentials of consciousness."
"The human brain is capable of incredible things."
"All of us, every single one of us is capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe."
"We already are moving in that direction of like making ourselves something far beyond what we used to be, and I just think that we need to extrapolate from that and not hide from our potential but move towards the light, bro."
"It's my belief that once we come into contact with the true nature of the law of one then we're able to do these amazing things."
"Human potential is amazing. We've done nothing, man. Just scratched the surface."
"Humanity working together is a force for good."
"If any species could get us out of this mess it's us."
"We're made in the image of God, confronting potential with truth and courage."
"This document really has helped us and it's helped us prosper. It's led more people out of poverty than any government program ever could or ever will because it unlocks unlimited human potential by restraining government."
"Dna, the ultimate receptor and transmitter of consciousness, memory, benevolence, kindness, greatness, magnificence, or whatever it is you create in your life, are you hearing me?"
"Is he actually helping scientology's image at this point or is he hurting it?"
"Human beings are gonna figure it out man I'm on the optimistic side with this I think we're gonna find a better balance."
"Do we utilize AI as our Evolution to unlock the potential we have not unlocked yet with our minds?"
"If you want to bring out the best in a human being tell them that you love them support them make them feel safe surround them with other people it's impossible to be the best version of yourself by yourself."
"Humans are phenomenal. I don't care what skin color you got for where you're from, you have the ability to change the world."
"That process of head heart integration, Mind Body Spirit unification, I think is ultimately the evolution point of where we're headed as a human species."
"Whatever Humanity has created before, it can create again."
"What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet Immortal, with his powers fearful and Divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?"
"Can we shape our future into a more human-centered story, a story of human potential and freedom and fulfillment?"
"They can have redemption, because we're all capable of that as well."
"This is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind."
"They need to focus on showing what a successful human is, not just on test scores."
"We are on the precipice of something incredible for humankind."
"Welcome back, Explorer. Surely, you didn’t think it’d be that easy, did you?"
"The human being has the capacity to make order out of chaos, and that's what gives us intrinsic rights."
"When you think about it really, if we allow ourselves to succumb to all this mistrust and fear, we'll be stuck on this small ball of dirt and water we call home and deny ourselves all the wonder that goes with that."
"Child prodigies are very real - some people seem to be blessed with preternatural skills."
"We're only limited by our intelligence and curiosity."
"A new hope about the promise and possibility of... for all mankind."
"You're supposed to look at the capacity for human evil as clearly as you possibly can, because that maximally opens the door to your maximal potential."
"We have an unbelievable ability to create, to invent, to make life better, to constantly pursue progress."
"Humans have an amazing ability to adapt and to change."
"Humanity's future, whether inside the walls of Eden or not, looks bright."
"Our bodies contain way more strength than we actually think they do."
"The conversation now is, how can I now talk to people in a way they can understand the message that I have for so many people? That's the new conversation now, is that I see the possibilities of human potential. What are we capable of?"
"The purpose of humanity is for every person to achieve their highest potential," the speaker mused. "If everyone did that, the human race continues to move forward."
"Seemingly average people achieving feats of superhuman strength."
"Everybody's a masterpiece and yet a work in progress."
"We're being prepared for contact and also for direct abilities to go beyond the limitations that we've had for the last six thousand years."
"We are incredibly powerful beings with consciousness."
"You cannot deny the human creativity that comes out of that initial inspiration."
"What great things could a mere earthling hope to accomplish as one of its ten zillion temporary guests?"
"There will always be opportunities for people to live fulfilling lives."
"Motivated people are capable of things that are simply astonishing."
"Humans are the first species with the potential to block a doomsday Rock and switch off the evolutionary reset button."
"We are upgrading to a different level in our physicality than we've ever ever done before in any lifetime, and that's incredibly exciting."
"Our problems are man-made and therefore they can be solved by man."
"Through wisdom, we can all become better human beings."
"We actually have the potential to for the first time ever in history alter ourselves."
"People can grow, people can learn, I will value you based on your character today."
"We have this amazing gift, this brain inside our head which is an instrument with the ability to receive and send scalar waves."
"The brain can make you do anything you want."
"The last one standing is the human, and a human could rival a dragon in combat."
"None of us lack the capacity. We have far more capacity than we have time to take advantage of."
"We are unbelievably resilient and able creatures, and we do not have any conception of our upper limits."
"Psychedelics can develop unused potentials of the human mind."
"Once you realize you're made in the image and likeness of God, that your body is designed to be young and healthy forever, will that change our world? Yes."
"Your body is always capable of more than you think it is."
"We humans will continue to make magic happen."
"Everything is as it should be, although mankind is far from experiencing its potential."
"I want to as humans to expand instead of have a cap."
"The technology has caught up with the thinking process. Humanity has the quickest computer built into them than any man-made computer can ever approach."
"Was The Last of Us Part Two really that good? Yeah, I think it was."
"As long as human nature has the ability to keep growing and expanding we're going to be okay that's why I have this optimism for the future is because I just believe in humans."
"It's about helping people to understand that within them is this incredibly powerful computer far more powerful than we can even begin to imagine."
"Even the worst human being imaginable is capable of change, of growing up, of being better. It's not inevitable, but it's possible."
"The most important thing we can be doing is developing good humans."
"Humans are so much we're capable of so much more than we think."
"Human personality has far more abilities than those usually ascribed to it."
"The commodity of imagination is our great gift that all of the wonders of the world come via the human imagination."
"We are going to continue to do this for generation after generation of human beings that are not yet damaged. We do not have to damage them in the same way, even if we are not fully rescueable."
"Enlightenment is like a different form of human being where everything is boosted."
"The civilization of scholarship is the proof which comes about when human beings demonstrate in their own luminous lives the beauty of the prophetic example."
"Everyone is capable of heroism, of compassion under the right circumstances."
"Humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, one day we'll reach the stars."
"God can gift you with great strength... but all of us know examples of people who had great strengths but were limited by their great weaknesses."
"In life, the Emperor was the perfection of mankind, a manifestation of the ultimate potential of his species."
"Danganronpa was from the very beginning a game not just about the worst humanity was capable of, but also its undying capability to face those things head-on, to identify and acknowledge them, and to overcome them."