
Tenacity Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"Tenacity, that is the willingness to persist under pressure and resistance of different kinds, and willpower, which has to do with both the motivation to do things and the motivation to resist certain things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The anterior mid-singulate cortex is an anatomical and neural reflection of willpower and tenacity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being consistent is about work ethic. It's about tenacity."
"It argues that yes indeed it's hard to do a challenging thing right after another challenging thing, but there's no reason to think that you can't do both of those things while engaging the utmost tenacity and willpower."
"It's hard to do a challenging thing right after another challenging thing, but there's no reason to think that you can't do both of those things while engaging the utmost tenacity and willpower."
"Being passionate and having strength and tenacity shouldn't be a bad thing."
"The attractive traits of an ISTJ are stability and tenacity."
"Katniss becomes a well-known heroic figure in Panem, but at the heart of it, she was just a regular girl who only gained the importance she did via tenacity."
"Never doubt the tenacity of Eastern Europeans on potato PCs."
"Tenacity and willpower can be distinguished from habit execution... willpower and tenacity require effort, it requires energy."
"The regions of the brain that generate tenacity... get strong input from the so-called autonomic nervous system."
"I am relentless. I am resilient. I will not back down."
"Miyazaki's take on women and his work in general has always been founded in an especially deep admiration for tenacity and independence balanced by extreme empathy."
"It's all about tenacity, it's all about longevity. It's not just about life itself; it's about love, unity, and unity is definitely strength."
"Your bravery, your tenacity will bring you exactly to where you want to go."
"Just a guy, just a dude doing cool stuff and not taking no for an answer basically."
"Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy has dog in him and that's what a lot of these players don't have."
"His tenacity: the unbroken will to keep going no matter what."
"The tenacity and the pull, I mean it's police work, they're doing flat out police work."
"It's taken a lot of time, but I see that you never underestimate the tenacity of the British people."
"This whole life is a dream, whether you're aware of it or not."
"The Templars were resilient; the Templars were tenacious."
"An incredible fighter. Character-wise as well, really fighting like absolute fighters."
"I think his tenacity and grit and perseverance is inspiring."
"At the end of the day, it takes tenacity to hang with it, to stay, to want to continue."
"If she can do it it should be an inspiration to everybody that anything is possible with enough tenacity."
"I can't emphasize enough how much I admired her courage and her tenacity."
"To be successful at anything, you have to be a little bit crazy."
"You meet these kids that are so inspired in ways that you never could've anticipated. It's moving in a way."
"Be tenacious, no one's gonna give it to you, you need to go and get it yourself."
"When you look at a lot of courageous acts...there was this sort of tenacious refusal to surrender."
"He's in the business of doing that he wants you to bloom as a flower in the desert he wants you to be light in the darkness he wants you to be the Princess Bride that he's called you to be."
"That's what separates a champion from a mediocre fighter."
"The terrible ferocity of the fighting in the ruined city has become a byword for savagery and tenacity."
"You're still fighting and hanging on, and you refuse to give up."
"Listen, son, the boy who had the tenacity to find me doesn't need my help."
"Life is very very tenacious and it's very ingrained in the planet."
"There's a tenacity that you have to have of, I can do anything."
"I've never quit in 50 pro fights, it's never been a thought process of mine."
"I'm a fighter, I got to dig in deep."
"Her tenacity and quick thinking earn her Batman's grudge and respect."
"His tenacity, his will to win, he never gave up."
"Fighting is a whole emotional thing it's how mentally tough you are the tenacity you have physically and mentally."
"If you're going to be a bear, you might as well be a grizzly."
"You are someone who doesn't give up when they want something."
"Spider-Man 3 is still a damn respectable movie and I absolutely adore it for all of its tenacity."
"This is a story of tenacity, ingenuity, and survival."
"Arteaga, a junkyard dog. She's in there, nonstop with what she's trying to hit you with."
"The one thing he did have is tenacity, commitment."
"I don't know when to give up. It's that, you know, tenacity bit of it."
"You don't need a whole lot of paint to paint stuff. You just need a lot of will and tenacity."
"One of the most tenacious competitors we've ever seen."
"Persistence and tenacity... is the tenacity of not accepting defeat."
"Brandy's tenacity against adversity can motivate others."
"Tenacious employee stands up to director using a clever loophole to secure a lunch break for the entire team."
"No amount of tenacity or loyalty to a person can get you through that."
"I think tenacity is really the only thing. And then what happens with tenacity is that the more people that see your stuff, the greater the chances that you'll hook up with somebody who gets it and wants to do it."
"You are tenacious and you are enough."
"My hope is that you will continue with the same tenacity that you showed us to do the hard work of getting to the bottom of stories and getting them right."
"I just got in here, we gon' keep hold, we gon' hold on to it."
"Mikasa's overwhelming and frankly terrifying tenacity."
"Restriction makes you creative and it makes you tenacious."
"Her talent and tenacity eventually caught the attention of industry insiders."
"She had always thought that the best quality of the human race was their tenacity."
"His courage and tenacity in the allied cause during the dark years of the Second World War will never be forgotten."
"She understands what it means to have tenacity, temerity, and audacity to fight when the odds seem to be against her."
"When you're younger, you have that tenacity and no fear of anything."
"If you want your freedom you got to be more tenacious and more dedicated than the people trying to take it away."
"It takes a lot of tenacity to stay in this business and to stay married."
"To me, that just shows how tenacious of a person he is."
"Tenacity breaks down the barriers that stand between us and our dream."
"If you don't have talent, you gotta have tenacity."
"Their bravery, tenacity, and physical strength brought them through what some might consider the impossible."
"My, my, you’re certainly a tenacious one, aren’t you?"
"They think you are a hardworking individual and they respect the heck out of you for your tenacity."
"I'm tenacious. Be bold. Just as in the old west."
"In this fight, Prin and Mary Leona truly proved their prowess and unwavering tenacity."
"Inigo's tenacity is what in this case brings about our happily ever after. It's not true love which does so, it's the indefatigable Spaniard and his bloodlust for vengeance."
"Harriet was tenacious and unafraid when she knew her cause was just."
"The tenacity to stick with it and come back to the top... it's always so great to see."
"Moana does not just does not stop she's so tenacious."
"Be tenacious, bro. Persevere. Push. Bro, like really when the chips are down, when everything is against you, bro, like why not keep fighting? That's all I'm saying, bro."
"Once he gets a hold of something, he never lets go."
"She's very tenacious. I also think she's just very like, 'I'm too glam to give a damn.'"
"That's unteachable folks... that is talent and tenacity."
"I don't have many good qualities, but I think one of them is I'm pretty tenacious."
"I have shameless tenacity. I am not religious."
"You got to have something in you, you might call it tenacity, you've got to be determined."
"She is blessed with some real stick-to-itiveness."
"You can stop being a man because you have the fierce tenacity that no one can."
"I leave here energized by the tenacity, intelligence, and dignity of its inhabitants."
"I had a level of tenacity to break outside of the shackles of our own minds and go for my dream."
"He's a little bit of that hard hitter. 'It's my spot, I'm not gonna let you take it from me.'"
"How do we have that kind of tenacity? You gotta be rooted, you gotta be established. Come on, let's grab a root and growl."
"I feel like you have so much tenacity that people underestimate just how tough you are."
"Deku's tactical brilliance and harem-scarum tenacity definitely gave his opponent a run for his money."
"Bruce Wayne's strongest attribute is his sheer unstoppable tenacity."
"A very tenacious bunch in this race."
"He's a rat. He'll get in your face, do what it takes."
"I commend you for having the tenacity, thanks Alex, confidence in the spirit to do this. Like you are [__] beautiful looking."
"I have this gut feeling that he could have been preaching like on the power of tenacity, on the power of not giving up."
"I'm willing to admit that. I'm a fighter. I have to fight."
"Persistence, relentlessness, tenacity – do you have the stick-to-itiveness to win?"
"No one goes harder than Dale Earnhardt, the pugnacious super speedway stock car champ."
"Defended resolutely, doggedly, determinedly, and with great efficiency."
"Persistence overrules resistance."
"That which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
"You're not fast to give up on anything."
"Faith bites down on the Word of God, on the will of God, which is the Word of God. And it bites down and it will not let go. That bulldog is aggressive, that bulldog is tenacious, and that's exactly the way the force of faith works."
"Consistency makes great champions. She's consistently stubborn."
"You push forward. It's not your shoulder making you quit, it's not your knee. You push forward."
"The Wolves are young, they're feisty, and they are a really good defensive team."
"It is indeed astonishing how a man clings to life."
"That's what determination is. If you don't succeed, try, try, try again."
"You don't just give up. They're relentless."
"Don't save it. Don't save. Come on. Push through. Push past it. You're a fighter, not a quitter."
"He's policy smart, he's hard, he's aggressive. I just can't say enough good things about him."
"Perseverance and tenacity, that's required in life."
"What are the Pistons getting? They're gonna get a warrior."
"He's one of those players that just never gives up, never."
"It's like a terrier, it'll bite your ankles, it won't let go until he's finished."
"He's like Starks, he really does play with that grit."
"There's a certain tenacity that's required."
"She's a feisty player, a grinder."
"Resilience was etched in the creases of Emma's palms as she worked tirelessly at the bakery, her every move painted a picture of tenacity, of a spirit unyielding despite the trials life threw at her."
"Be tenacious, if you want to do it, do it. Don't listen to anybody who says can't, just go out there and do it."
"The one thing I do best is I don't give up."
"We have a tenacity of trying to get what we believe to be authentic."
"Dick Weber, one of the best grinders ever on tour."
"...they didn't know me and my tenacity when I put my mind and heart to something."
"The question is, can you persevere? Are you tenacious enough to do that day after day, or pitch after pitch?"
"When you're a savage businessman, you're there because of that."
"Persistence, perseverance, just never quit, never give up."
"That's what I love about a young guy like Blaney, he will fight you every lap of this race."
"Belligerent, persistent, tenacious, known as a cold-blooded killer, also known as the warrior dog or gladiator, that is the pitbull."
"Tenacity, because there is nothing easy in business."
"A man is not finished when he is defeated; he is finished when he quits."
"Memphis is all about a gritty, tough team; they're going to attack."
"It's just what Atletico do; they just stick at things, they got tenacity, they've got belief, they got great players."
"For all of his evil, Gateliff had died harder than any man I'd ever seen."
"It takes tenacity, it takes being persistent, it takes patience."
"The siege of Tyre, one of the most complex battles of the ancient world, well demonstrated the ingenuity, the tenacity, and the brutality of one of history's greatest generals."
"For pure scrappiness, they must make a mountain lion look like a pussycat."
"A heart-stopping team whose own heart never stopped beating."
"He's relentless, he won't give up."
"The 1989 Seminoles will be remembered as a team that refused to give up."
"I am the kind of person that's never going to give up."
"That's the epiphany of our story, we just never quit."
"I'm going to go forward like a honey badger."
"Consistency always wins, men. Always. Tenacity and persistence are underneath, so I'm out, always mine."
"This dog has a little bite in him, you know. He's not just barking, he shows his teeth as well, and he bites."
"Humans were not simply ambitious, nor were they reckless; they were tenacious, driven by an insatiable curiosity."
"The Jefferson character, in order to work, had to be a feisty guy who could get the better of Archie."
"There's a guy with absolutely no quit in him."
"It's just your pure tenacity that drives you to keep going."
"When it comes to football, that guy was a dog."
"I love a defensive oriented player and a point of attack Defender for his tenacity and his age."
"It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyways and you see it through no matter what."
"Perseverance... means that you never give up."
"I don't know how to quit, I just don't know how to stop."
"Dr. Williams' tenacity, genius, vision, and creative leadership has always been the glue at the heart of the group from the very beginning."
"The wolverine is fearless and difficult to catch."
"You never sing about the good stuff: hard work, being tenacious, stronger."
"Dennis Rodman was a dog. Dogs don't come every round."
"It's just something about that Aussie fight."
"Shared value system with what commitment meant, so being able to sit in the hot kitchen, that muscle of tenacity, family, and service through art were three pretty big ones to have in common with my husband."
"You're going to get a competitor that battles."
"No matter how many times you'll knock us down, we'll always get back up."
"He's a dog, dude, like he knows fighting."
"It's that Cooper Webb mindset of that just greediness to figure out how to do it."
"A man is not finished when he fails, but the man is finished when he quits."
"There's an element of tenacity you have to have as a filmmaker to will these into existence."
"People underestimate that component, that leadership, that tenacity, that influence."
"I was daydreaming about what my baseball career might have looked like if I had Antonio's tenacity."
"That's because you're tenacious, you know, and you don't let stumbling blocks stop you, you just keep going."
"The tenacity and creative spirit required to make something worthwhile is the same now as it will ever be."
"Venisha is nothing short of captivating; her tenacity, her zeal for life, she endeared herself to me in so many ways."
"Be tenacious, be curious, be assertive."
"Angora is an individual, Teeny, and a feisty one at that."
"Without their courage and tenacity, there wouldn't be a World Chocolate Masters final."
"This team doesn't quit, you know. This team doesn't quit. That's what stands out the most to me."
"Never yield ground. It is cheaper to hold what you have than to retake what you have lost."
"This is a story of hope. This is a story of tenacity and fighting hard for what you want."
"You got to be tenacious, you've got to ride to the very end."
"He was a fighter to the core, he would accept challenges."
"I think I'm just like a tenacious person."
"It takes somebody crazy to beat somebody like Wilder."
"The most important character trait I had was tenacity. I just chose not to give up."
"He's not a monster because of his size; he's a monster because of his tenacity to eat."
"Man, you don't ever relent, you don't ever give up."
"A beacon of talent and tenacity in the entertainment industry."
"Not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog."
"Tenacious means holding together and refusing to come loose."
"For daring heroism and great tenacity in holding his position on the Little Round Top against repeated assaults, and carrying the advanced position on the Great Round Top."
"Best cardio in the UFC, best pace in the UFC, most relentless fighter, just tenacious, just doesn't stop, never gets tired."
"To be a successful multi-camera director, you need tenacity, patience, some vision, but you'll also need some passion."
"Life is something of value; that's why we cling to it, even though we know we can't cling to it forever."
"Perseverance is a course of action taken in spite of difficulty or opposition."
"Perseverance, tenacity, I refuse to give up."
"The most important thing you can possess is tenacity."