
Health Quotes

There are 109070 quotes

"Having access to a tool or a protocol that can increase the size of one's anterior mid cingulate cortex is going to be extremely valuable."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A key thing we all need in order to get excellent sleep is to have an ideal sleep environment."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting sufficient amounts of quality sleep each night...literally restores your dopamine reserves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Movement and exercise...increase levels of dopamine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Seeking additional help is a sign of every single thing that's right with a family."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is an incredible system. Everyone has one. Everyone should know how it works, and everyone should know how to optimize it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We probably all would be better off with less of the carbs that we're typically served, but most of us, and probably the vast majority of us would be better off by consuming a lot more carbs that were complex, that were microbiota-accessible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's bi-directional: mind informs the body, body informs the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Spirituality is an important component of health, whatever your spirituality is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular exercise is known to be a protective behavior against depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Elimination of simple sugars has a dramatic and positive effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By focusing on the cellular and molecular pathways that exist in all cells of the body, we can slow or reverse the effects of aging."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"80% of our future longevity and health is controlled by the epigenetic information, the control systems."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's a fact that if you try to do a strict diet right out of the gates, they'll almost always fail."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The body has remarkable powers of healing and recovering from illness and injury."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can reset the system, and the body can really get rejuvenated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your gut is communicating to your brain both directly by way of neurons, nerve cells, and indirectly by changing the chemistry of your body, which permeates up to your brain and impacts various aspects of brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The simple translation of this is that getting into cold water for a total of 11 minutes per week can increase your overall core metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Feeding, fasting, activity, and sleep are kind of interlinked and we have to balance both of these."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Many of you have probably heard of hormesis, which is the subjecting of one's self, or others, I suppose, to enough stress to induce an adaptation of some kind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Quality, quantity, regularity, and timing are what you really need to think about when you think about your sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise independent of anything that happens with your body weight, you will be healthier." - LAYNE NORTON
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The good news is that if you abstain from drinking for some period of time, then, of course, these systems reset."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The way that your body manages its blood glucose levels is one of the most important factors impacting your immediate and long-term health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is one of the most important things you're going to do to ward off insulin resistance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The mind and the body are in this fascinating interplay."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular deliberate cold exposure, if done correctly, can in fact increase immune system markers and perhaps even make you much more robust to combating different types of infection through the release of adrenaline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The nasal passages represent a primary site of defense for viral infections like colds and flus but also bacterial infections and fungal infections."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every cell in our body, every organ in our body, and our brain is modulating or changes across the 24-hour day in a very regular and predictable rhythm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's beautiful that we can reset our bodies just by changing the temperature of our body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to be getting sufficient quality and duration of sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What they found was that people's testosterone and estrogen levels went up. Feelings of well-being went up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Blood and DNA are the way to analyze your health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The physiological sigh is the fastest, hardwired way for us to eliminate this stressful response in our body quickly in real time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are a lot of data now showing that vitamin D3 is important for immune function and a number of other important biological processes."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Simply moving a lot, being a fidgeter, bouncing your knee, standing up and pacing several times or many times throughout the day led to considerable amounts of fat loss and weight loss."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are things that you can do to leverage your nervous system in order to enhance the function of your immune system in very robust ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Heating up can actually help combat infection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome is important for various aspects of cognitive function, immune function, metabolic function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We want our bodies to be healthy because, of course, we want to be healthy today. But we also don't know what will happen in the future. Will there be an injury or an illness?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've made unhealthy foods cheap, that's a problem. We've made healthy foods expensive, that's a problem. We put health, from a dietary perspective, out of reach for millions of Americans. That is a fundamental problem."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are many natural treatments for headaches that, compared to over-the-counter drugs and even some prescription drugs, appear to be easily as effective and in many cases more effective."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creatine... has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and/or frequency of headaches."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've done multiple episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast: 'Master Your Sleep, Perfect Your Sleep'."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most important thing is those pillars of sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management, sunlight, and social connection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone should get outside and find a movement pastime to last a lifetime."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The balance between your sympathetic, which is your fight or flight nervous system, and your parasympathetic, which is your rest or digest nervous system, is crucial."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But what is clear, is that it's dose-limited in how high and strongly we can stimulate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And so you can go up just so far with the intensity, and then you have to stop."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cortisol, even though it's often discussed as a terrible thing, is essential for health and every day we get a rise in cortisol in the morning that is associated with enhanced immune function, enhanced alertness, enhanced ability to focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's the choices that you make every single day that are going to set you up to be your healthiest self or not."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a huge role for inflammation, the cause of inflammation in depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The sleep I get the next night is pretty amazing. I must say, it's the sleep of gods."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Basically everything in life gets better when we're sleeping well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Estrogen is one of the greatest predictors of protection from Alzheimer's disease."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All people, males and females, should really understand how the menstrual cycle works, how it impacts fertilization, but also how it impacts the brain and body, behavior, psychology, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Levels of progesterone in the second half of the ovulatory cycle are going to increase by 1,400 fold."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everybody should be getting approximately six to eight hours of sleep every night. That should be quality sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"During pregnancy, you need to talk to your doctor and make sure that you're eating in a way that's supportive both of you and of the developing fetus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can stress and focus as much as you want as long as you can still fall asleep at night and sleep well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Taking good care of our eyesight is essential."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nobody wants to start resembling a folded over envelope or a melted candle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The law of diminishing returns applies. So doing a little amount of what I call lifestyle interventions over a long period of time is going to be far more helpful or efficacious than doing a lot and then doing nothing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regenerative agriculture means it's climate positive and carbon negative, which translates to good for us and good for the planet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We hear so much and there's so many studies showing that great sleep, quality nutrition, good social interactions, avoiding chronic stress, and on and on and on are important for everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deep sleep, aka slow-wave sleep, is vitally important in particular for repair of bodily tissues."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serious health effects, both mental and physical, start to arise when we deviate too far from a diurnal schedule and try and become nocturnal."
"The best solution is going to be to use light and temperature, and exercise on either side of the temperature minimum to shift your clock both before your trip and when you land in your new location."
"In order to fall and stay deeply asleep, your body temperature actually has to drop by about 1 to 3 degrees, and in order to wake up feeling refreshed and energized, your body temperature actually has to increase by about 1 to 3 degrees."
"If men are going through puberty earlier, the earlier one goes through puberty, the longer length tends to be."
"Most of your heat escapes through your face, the palms of your hands, and the bottoms of your feet."
"Sleep is the fundamental layer of mental and physical health."
"Health is not not being afraid, it's being able to healthily flexibly move back and forth from a state of fear to non-fear."
"People are eating way too much salt and way too much sugar these days."
"Imagine a world where every sip you take holds the power to fight one of humanity's greatest adversaries: cancer."
"As you blend, brew, and sip these potent potions, remember that each one carries a promise of health, a testament to nature's incredible power."
"We have outlived how we were genetically built, and so we're living longer and being forced to like deal with the consequences of that."
"Eat a couple of sandwiches, take a nap, get up, do some push-ups, get out and move in a different way...move in a positive way."
"I have a strong immune system because I used to play in the dirt growing up."
"Grapes... let's uncork this discussion with resveratrol, the compound in grapes that's been stealing the health limelight. Resveratrol is a flavonoid that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow."
"Every time you eat a fruit, you're not just eating a snack; you're sipping Nature's finest beverage, giving your circulatory system a VIP pass to the express lane."
"So the next time you're out grocery shopping, think of it as casting for the blockbuster movie that is your circulatory system."
"Prioritizing your happiness and your health is always the best thing you can do."
"It looks like you're focusing more on self-care, possibly changing your diet or your fitness routine in order to become more healthy and more balanced."
"Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps protect the body against harmful free radicals."
"Green tea is a treasure trove of antioxidants and nutrients that have a profound impact on the body."
"Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has potent medicinal properties."
"Beetroots are high in compounds called betalains, which have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties."
"Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, plays a significant role in the body's detoxification process."
"Kale is nutrient-dense, loaded with antioxidants, and an excellent ally in the body's detoxification process."
"Remember, every bite you take is an opportunity to nourish and cleanse your body."
"80% of our longevity and our health in the future is in our own hands."
"Investing in sleep... it's an investment in something you care about so critically, which is your health span."
"I'm really proud that I've lost 200 pounds in the last five years and kept it off."
"In a world that's continually evolving, where the lines between food, fitness, and well-being are increasingly blurring, we all aspire for one thing: to live healthfully."
"My life mission is to help as many people as I can to regain their health."
"I will never sell any formula I wouldn't personally recommend to a loved one."
"Your grocery list is about to get a whole lot healthier, and your kidneys a whole lot happier."
"Your health is an investment, not an expense. But it will become an expense if you don't take care of it."
"My aim, Inshallah, is to combine the wisdom of prophetic nutrition and modern nutrition to bring you the best of both worlds."
"The best way to sustain and develop your cognitive function is through physical exercise."
"Our food, our lifestyle, our mental state—everything affects our health."
"Fasting is prescribed for us as a way to attain Taqwa but also serves as a form of healing."
"The single greatest aspect of longevity is social connection."
"What if I told you there's a hidden world of natural healing right in your kitchen garden or even at your local grocery store?"
"Let's make every meal a celebration of health, a tribute to our resilient nerves, and an investment in our overall well-being."
"Good sleep really important for this kind of learning. If you want to learn most effectively, make sure you're getting good kip."
Justin Sandercoe
"Remember, true health isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. Consistency is key."
"The Sunny Toilet has 1 million health and looks totally epic."
"The body is really good at healing itself; we just need to give it a chance. It knows what to do."
"It's powerful to look to these mechanics of the body-mind relationship."
"Behavioral or mental interventions can produce more specific biological changes than any currently known biological method."
"The journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step, or in our case, a single vitamin."
"Eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet plays a critical role in supporting optimal blood circulation."
"We used to think the brain was separate from the body and the immune system, and that all didn't affect the brain. Turns out that was all wrong."
"I feel like now is an opportunity to maybe go a little bit deeper and go to the next level spiritually because I am feeling already so healthy and happy."
"I made a conscious decision to prioritize self-care by working less, improving my diet, hitting the weights, and truly focusing on my health."
"I feel so refreshed. I feel like a newborn baby. My body feels so healthy. I feel calm. I feel all the things right now."
"Exercise, ensuring the body has the right micronutrients, and enjoying what you love doing are essential components of happiness and health."
"As the sun sets and the world turns quiet, a powerful secret lies hidden in a simple nighttime routine that could transform your health journey."
"Every sip you take could mean a healthier, happier tomorrow."
"I think you'll be hard-pressed to find an unhealthy fruit."
"Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any fruit."
"Kiwi fruit is almost always one of the best in every possible way that you could measure fruits."
"Stress is not necessarily the bad guy because you have to have it to turn on actually antioxidant systems and to turn on brain activity and physiological systems."
"Exercise is one of the best anti-inflammatory medicines you can get, period."
"The more diverse your gut bacteria microbiome is, the more immune regulation you have, the greater tolerance you have."
"I attract health; health is attractive to me."
"My grateful heart attracts health into my life."
"I am healthy; the universe blesses me with health."
"I have a strong body; I am thankful for a healthy body."
"My body heals quickly and easily; I am perfectly healthy."
"Everything I do leads to a healthy lifestyle."
"Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones and joints."
"The biggest thing we can do for Alzheimer's disease is prevention. If we can prevent or delay, we can save people happiness, improve their happiness, and we can save money and improve society."
"The best days of your life happen when you slept adequately."
"Understanding that you have an autonomic nervous system that has a seesaw-like architecture conceptually anyway, and that you have the ability to control it, opens up the opportunity to control other major pain points for most people."
"We are creatures that are supposed to live outside and... in tune with the rhythms of nature."
"Forgiving somebody is so healthy for your heart."
"Sunlight, food, water, air, sleep, exercise, and meditation are the seven things you should do to take care of yourself."
"The goal of yoga is not to become a human pretzel. The goal of yoga is to prepare your mind for meditation or even enter a premeditative state."
"Take your MEDS: meditation, exercise, diet, sleep."
"When you exercise daily, you actually get smarter."
"I would much rather you went for a walk in the cold every morning and reap the benefits contained therein, like getting out into nature, exercise, and the good stress of embracing a cold morning, rather than hand over your hard-earned money to a quack for some magic beans."
"Wild plant intake, legume intake, these are two of the characteristics that you see prevalent amongst all blue zones."
"Deep breathing is associated with increased levels of mindfulness and improved moods, as well as lower levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure."
"This idea of connective flow is a no-tech life hack that can potentially help us live longer, healthier lives."
"We know that the more strength you have going into your older years, the less likely you will be to die and have to have dependents care for you."
"I'm a huge advocate of cold exposure for the immune benefit. I just feel more alive."
"Health is something that we can use as a currency to realize our goals and aspirations in our life."
"Chronic stress is not natural, it's not to be glamorized, and it is not a sign of success."
"If we understand that the actual science of the unity of everything... then it also follows that illness and health are not individual attributes, they're actually manifestations of our relationships and our situation in the world."
"My happiness levels have gone much higher because I'm suddenly enjoying simple things that also are good for me."
"The power of the mind is to become just happy, strong, and healthy."
"We want to live a long life, and we want to live a healthy long life at that."
"Living the lifestyle of our ancestors in the 21st century is going to give us our best health outcomes."
"No matter what nutrition you follow, make it organic."
"The number one thing that we know that's free that raises both of those is exercise."
"Controlling learning to control your nervous system will indeed change everything. Your whole life gets better."
"So much of being functional is the ability to move from alert to asleep because sleep is so key for our health."
"Intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating is not totally focused on what we eat but when we eat."
"You have more power over your health than you've ever been told."
"If you don't have health, you don't have anything else."
"We are built to be happy, strong, and healthy. We've got all the tools, but they are not awakened."
"Exercise lowers your risk quite substantially for diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's dementia."
"Genuinely, I work so much, and I don't want to die young because I actually found a person that I love."
"The best way to prevent high blood pressure as you age is to not smoke, get some exercise, and cut down on sugar and foods high in sugar and low in fiber."
"Health first, family second, business third."
"If you start doing high-intensity exercise, we have bursts of effort followed by rest, you can get a metabolic boost up to 24 hours after a single session."
"Cold exposure is your friend if you want a better metabolism."
"80 percent of your longevity and your health in old age is controllable."
"It's not just what you eat; it's when you eat that's important."
"The only reason we age is that our repair systems become complacent."
"Whatever's good for your heart is good for your brain."
"We have the technology to control how fast we age."
"First, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, which helps your immune system to function properly."
"Edibles provide a smoke-free alternative, which, from a respiratory standpoint, feels like a healthier option."
"The more spikes you have, the faster you die."
"Health, you have to win on the molecular level."
"Controlling your food environment... is really, really important."
"Investing in good quality sleep is probably very important for aging, not just dementia and Alzheimer's, but also other sources of aging."
"70% of the global deaths today are caused by modifiable risk factors in nations where people have access to all of this abundance."
"Eating more plants is really like finding a fountain of youth."
"If we want to prevent obesity and disease, if we want to attain and maintain ideal weight management, and if we want to ultimately achieve true optimal health and long-term wellness, we're going to need to embrace our inner herbivore."
"Outside of an emergency medical condition... I have never seen anything come close to providing the breadth and depth of benefits that the plant-based lifestyle offers."
"The people that do the best managing and navigating perimenopause into menopause are the ones that dial in on the lifestyle stuff."
"We don't see reality as it is; we're just immersed in a user interface."
"As a surgeon and a celebrated nutritionist, I can tell you that the longer you wait to deal with problems, the worse they get."
"I want you to feel the vitality you know is inside you, just waiting to come out."
"My favorite thing about spices is they're great for gut health... every single study that I've come across says that they're good for us."
"Turmeric has profound anti-inflammatory properties... without the side effects, without the harm."
"A lot of the things that plague us are under our control."
"The body has unbelievable capacity to adapt, to repair, to regenerate."
"80% of your future health is in your own hands, it's modifiable; 20% is genetic, which you can't do much about yet."
"Our body is actually hardwired with all the processes we need to maintain our health from the day we're born until our very last breath."
"More sleep is key... because when we don't have a good amount of sleep, especially when we get older, our cortisol levels increase."
"Most people agree that eating more plants and fruits and vegetables is a good thing."
"Nutrition is probably the most important thing you can be educated in."
"Your microbiome is one of the most important organs in your body."
"Eat something sweet, eat sweet potatoes or cherries. Whole food sources of sweetness really are the best."