
Human Interaction Quotes

There are 1065 quotes

"Our biology is inherently a social one; we are directly dependent on other people for the formulation of our own sense of self."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To engage with other people by simulating on the substrate of our own self and then inferring the goals and the feelings and the outcomes and the experiences of those experiences that we've simulated, that's what is very essential to being a human."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Humans emit a specific body odor when in a state of fear, which can influence other humans."
"Reflecting on what a world without work looks like, we then have to figure out what to do not only with ourselves but with one another."
"Use technology as a bridge to human interaction; don't let it be a barrier to the very relationships that you need to survive."
"I believe nothing sells product and services more than another human being to another human being."
"It becomes a larger conversation on human interaction, the entertainment industry, social media, and individuals' personal responsibility, discipline, and self-awareness."
"We should learn to get along with each other, because we are all the life we are ever going to see."
"The machine will appreciate emotions. It will appreciate that we care for it, we love it, and it'll want us around."
"It's not normal for human beings to have so much access to devices and technology... you need to go outside and see things that were here that are meant for you to see like trees and dogs and leaves and grass."
"Kindness, be kind to each other. If you're kind to each other, everything else is going to melt away."
"Nothing can replace human beings hanging out with each other."
"Robert Green's books are both unique and important for several reasons, not the least of which is that they explore the interaction between the psychology of self, self-exploration, and the psychology of human interaction, all rooted in history and modern culture, and at the same time in a way that pertains to everybody."
"Games should be viewed as meaningful tools for understanding the world around us and the interplay between human beings."
"We're enabling human interaction in a 3D world that is critical and necessary for people around the world to be productive, to connect, and to share experiences together."
"Arguably, the most important feature of the human race is that we can communicate with each other. And by definition, words are things that are one thing and not another thing, so it can't be arbitrary. It has to have a strict definition."
"As steel is tested by steel, man is tested by man."
"Seeing faces is important. Ideally, faces in person, although I suppose these days, over Zoom or over other screen type medium would be a close second."
"If you're having a genuine connection with that person... it's a great moment where you are seeing each other as humans."
"Social media changed forever the way that human beings interact."
"In an interesting way, technology is humanizing us."
"The main point of this AI isn't actually for it to beat everyone all the time... ultimately the aim of it is eventually for it to have the capability to give a good and fun race to humans."
"Rooney explores the ways in which we interact with other people and what it means to keep trying after failing to understand one another."
"I believe robots that interact with humans will have to push back; they can't just be bullied."
"I still believe that driver-like sensing and the interaction with the driver and studying the human factors psychology problem is essential."
"So much of life is lost in the dating game instead of being a human game and meeting and learning and connecting."
"Facial beauty can be thought of as the key to all human interaction and so it is no surprise how tightly hinged beauty is to social power and success in all areas of life."
"I tell them the most important thing you could ever do is be kind. Be kind. Be kind to people, man. And no matter where."
"The basic human need for social gathering and contact, this will not change."
"We feel good when we're connected to a human being, to another human being, when we feel that we're heard or seen."
"On a person-to-person basis, the instinct that another human being is across from you, and you automatically empathize with them because they have eyes, and they have a nose, and they have a mouth, and they look like you, because they're a human, like that instinct kicks in."
"Your environment is you, and as human beings, we need to be more conscious of how we interact with the planet."
"I think everyone deserves like a basic level of human decency, but respect is earned."
"Just imagine a humanoid walking up to you with humanlike swagger and shaking your hand, all while remembering a conversation you had with it, say, a year ago."
"Humanizing dialogues...may be just as important, or in some cases more important, than debates."
"Social media has made us confused about how to approach people because we don't even view them as people anymore, just fodder for our own entertainment."
"Just give people the decency they deserve; they're people, they have feelings, be nice."
"There is simply no substitute yet for being there."
"Language is profoundly powerful and enables us to have the close ongoing social connections we have with other humans."
"What's cool about interacting with humans is that they are a new lens to see yourself and them and the world."
"Most people, even if politically they have very different views, when you're looking someone in the eyes, most people are going to be nice to you."
"Social skills are the key for social power among humans."
"This is the most beautiful interaction I have ever seen."
"We humans are social creatures; we can't just be isolated."
"As human beings, our ability to see each other face to face is really important. It's a basic aspect of human existence."
"Every interaction, every union said no two people are ever the same after they interact like chemistry. We're reagents."
"Robotics is getting closer and closer to the human. We are facing a lot of challenges in really making these machines work in the unstructured, messy environment of the human."
"A cobot is a collaborative robot, specifically designed to work with human beings."
"It requires an inhuman amount of evil to actually hate people once you've started to meet them."
"Remember, there's six and a half billion people on this planet, no matter what way you're interacting with them, whether in a friendship way, a romantic way, a business way, a career way, there's always somebody else, there's always another company, there's always another opportunity."
"Just be nice to people, dude. You don't know what people are going through."
"We've never had an intelligence like that to contend with as humans. It will really call into question what does it mean to be human."
"The people you meet are not problems to solve, they're people."
"We are always basically trying to fit each other into our boxes, our perceptual filters of how things should be, and it can be such a limiting way of communicating, of interacting, and definitely of connecting."
"Socializing with each other is really important... especially when we spend all of our time in front of our phones, on our computers."
"AI is a prompt. It doesn't do anything unless we ask it."
"We can at least be compassionate for one another; that's the very least we can do."
"Human interaction and human engagement is always a prerequisite for finding common ground."
"The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things but over men."
"Violence is using force to exert your will upon another human being without their consent."
"The color and flavor of human conversation, the stuff that makes it fun and interesting, just kind of fades away."
"I find it really interesting to hear what people have done in their life; it kind of gives you a backstory into maybe why they are the kind of person that they are today."
"And the people that I’m meeting had this calmness, this stillness, this sort of tranquility."
"Empathy is not sympathy, and empathy is not endorsement."
"I love smile lines on people because you know it's going to be a good encounter when you interact with these people."
"You absolutely cannot be mean to somebody that is continually being nice to you. It's actually impossible. You will feel like [expletive] unless you are actually an evil human being."
"Every interaction changes us like chemistry; we're reagents."
"Be nice to each other because this is all we got."
"Machines don't treat patients, people treat patients."
"That's how she looks at people, and you cannot fake it."
"The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives."
"You never get a second chance to make any number of impression. It's, you only get one chance with every number."
"Everyone at least on the surface level deserves respect and kindness, simple as that."
"I want to like initiate operation appear human."
"Every person I meet is an individual, and when I run into trouble is when I start thinking about myself as an expert."
"Narcissists regard other people as 2D contraptions, kind of animated functions."
"Don't underestimate the power of a handshake or a hello."
"This man doesn't want to live with a real person; he wants a Fleshlight attached to a Roomba."
"Suddenly, the man made a really silly sound and then another and another. Abigail and Joshua couldn't help but laugh."
"Our brain is a social brain and from the very beginning, I think it's one which is very much geared towards other people and influenced by other people."
"The more robots and AI become a part of our society, the more expensive the human interaction and experience is going to become."
"One of the most difficult things about being a veterinarian is not the medical part, it's not the animal part, it is, for me, it is for sure kind of the people."
"A moment of kindness can build bridges that last a lifetime."
"If you don't see beauty in the next person you meet, you're not looking hard enough."
"One of the main things that will kill you quickest is loneliness and lack of human touch and interaction."
"We are made because we need to be around other human beings that lift us up as well."
"It's easier to assume positive intent and it is just a much more human experience."
"AI art is Art because humans are using it, and because it is referencing humans. It is built by humans, it is examining and referencing humans, and it is in the hands of humans to use."
"Bull shark attacks tourists? Not such a far-fetched idea."
"When it really comes down to the core of being a human being, it's like, 'Hey man, you cool? I'm cool. Alright, have a good day.'"
"Respected each other as human beings without making the other into an enemy."
"Humans Inspire other humans not information."
"I'm always talking about the importance of being nice to each other."
"We're just talking about people helping people, and it's that simple."
"Major props to that random girl, she sounds like an awesome human being."
"Behind great moments of history lie human relationships and human failings."
"These are real people through emotions please have empathy."
"People are afraid to talk to each other and they're afraid to be human with one another."
"Using limitations and restrictions to shape your world and to make it more interesting and it doesn't have to mean that nobody can have any fun."
"Compassion. There is no anger, just compassion."
"I don't believe that sharks don't like human flesh. Maybe they're just vindictive."
"People want personalities, they want people they can trust."
"It's this irony that you're doing this because you want to feel accepted and connected to people but by doing this all the time you're actually feeling less connected and less accepted."
"What really matters in life are the kind moments that we have with one another."
"When you start, you see it's just two human beings trying to work this out."
"We live in a world where we should have some sort of basic [__] human decency towards each other."
"Some animals come to ask for help from people without knowing them at all."
"Be decent to one another, be decent to yourself."
"People will forget what you did to them, people will forget what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
"Bull sharks are so named because they are among the most aggressive sharks and the only large shark species that is not frightened of people."
"They couldn't even stare at each other without breaking into a laugh and a smile."
"Language is a vital part of the human experience."
"What matters most in any human communication is intention."
"Let's talk to people on a human level, use their name rather than their color."
"A lot of books will describe the breed as dog-like because they're very much into wanting to be with their humans."
"AI excels at plenty but only an absolute doofus would think it can replace the human touch."
"The more we treat each other with kindness the easier it will become to live on this very short time that we have on earth."
"I see the forms of making and unmaking each other as a continuous process."
"The quality of the human interaction...is about relationship and Trust and communication."
"While still conveying the essence of its original intent, the lengths we will go to to protect ourselves from being hurt by other people, but also how important and powerful those bonds can be."
"Your Alexa is a program, it has no feelings. But your reaction to Alexa is real. When you're grateful to her for telling you the weather, that is a real human emotion that you are feeling. You are what you put out into the world."
"The sandbox is all about maximizing human interaction in a meaningful way."
"People trust humans. I think you should do that."
"Real human beings are the best people to assess human dynamics."
"What we do know is that certain areas of the brain are responsible for our perception of the world and how we interact with it."
"Everyone just wants someone to talk to and hang out with."
"AI can't replace human connection but it does a decent enough job of it."
"The first touch was when he reached for him, that was a touch of compassion."
"Viruses don't achieve their goals in a human-centric manner."
"You just have to be a kind person, be nice because you never know what people are going through."
"There is something about that human connection."
"We have to be able to talk to each other as human beings."
"I'm talking about human beings too. I understand that you feel like Monday's the first day of the week. I understand that when you google it, both answers come up."
"There's just something about human touch that makes me feel happy."
"Often in the stories we read of gods they come down from heaven and fall in love with Earthly maidens."
"Human connection is the most important. The only thing that matters in the whole world."
"Humans already seem to have a bias towards authenticity from other humans, which we express culturally and commercially. And I hope that we keep that up, because I think that's a good thing."
"There is a difference, even if every word is the same and you're never able to find out which is which, because that person will never know if they're talking to a real human. Yeah, you understand?"
"We all have a part to play in the way that we treat other human beings."
"I don't think we've realized that objectively in the world human beings are facing a crisis of mating, a crisis of dating."
"When all this fails and it invariably fails in the absence of other people because we all need observers, we all need friends."
"Interacting with another person... they are equally deserving of respect as you are or as anyone else."
"Acts of kindness, both small and large, from strangers, giving them finally a reason to smile."
"The overall signal was generated by a human being."
"Video games interact with us as human beings and as a culture."
"Such misunderstandings seemed to be the root cause of most human conflict."
"The greatest lessons of life do not come from library, internet, or googling; they come by observing fellow human beings."
"We have to touch people's hearts, and that's the problem with the world. People don't look at each other as human beings, they don't treat each other like human beings."
"The most important thing is that the love doesn't change."
"That sweater feels like I've come to your house and you're ready, like you've opened your mind up to me. It seems like we're on a more human, you know, level rather than like an objective specimen level. Does that make sense?"
"Being kind to people who serve you is a wonderful way to act."
"You always have a right to know if you're interacting with a real person or with a machine."
"I think God cares about how we treat each other."
"Give him the nose because he's actually one of the best smelling humans I've ever been around."
"When it comes to technology, human beings have an excellent way of adapting and interfacing with the technology to make the results better."
"You may not ever collaborate with anyone or do business with anyone who has a certain opinion... it doesn't make the fact that they're another human being who you can interact with any different."
"SCP-1508 attempted to assist nearby humans with chores or activities."
"We don't really argue like you are correct we don't get into petty fights but we do have disagreements or we get annoyed with each other obviously."
"Human intercourse is the most powerful act on the earth."
"Communication is the most important ability that humans have."
"The functionality of the technology is changing everything about the way we interact as humans."
"God forbid that we start treating each other with love and respect and kindness."
"We're in it, we're affecting the food chain of all creatures, it's pretty remarkable."
"Physical touch, man. It's so simple but means a lot."
"The design of the universe is for you to interact with other people, and then to be triggered by them. That's catalyst."
"In a war zone, I was still comfortable enough to just talk to people because it takes people's mind off certain things."
"A human negotiator would have never done that."
"Robotic intelligence doesn't compete with human intelligence, it completes it."
"Why is it so important to have an expressive face, given that you're a robot?"
"This film spans decades... it's a real expression of humanity towards one another."
"We're trying to have authentic human interaction... it's always been about that."
"I think that in the talking then therefore essentially about essential womanhood, one of the key things about it is it is involved with people rather than things."
"The economy is not some machine with levers to pull and buttons to push but rather an incomprehensible complex network of human relationships and productive activity."
"Treat people right, treat people right, treat people."
"Lockdowns get people cut off from the essence of being human."
"I feel like we all have to practice being nicer to each other, not as judgmental to each other, just as people, as humans."
"The only shops which really seem to have immunity are the ones which require actual human-performed services such as tattooing or hairdressing."
"Contact with another person that's different than you is what takes away all that [ __ ]."
"Where's your empathy? Can't you look at another human being and see that they are genuinely in pain?"
"Just be freaking kind and come from a place of love."
"Every utterance that's produced is an experiment if you like, every reaction of a person to an utterance is an experiment."
"And you made me a bad guy, you know what I mean? It's like, there's no reason not to be nice and if you just continue to push people, you don't know what they're capable of."
"Every single person has a story, and the person standing in front of you... every single person has a story."
"AI is designed to take over the human mind and therefore replace it."
"Learning how to be a human by being around other humans and playing."
"Their means to bring people together, they're a way to have a shared experience that humans are meant to have, that seems so rare these days."
"If somehow we could just get these people to show a little compassion, I feel like it would make the world of difference."
"Rubbing shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow human beings close enough to smell what they had for breakfast."
"I don't know if guys want to play a hero. It's not easy to be in solitary confinement. I learned through that time, we weren't meant to be solo creatures. We were meant to be social creatures."
"You cannot fake anything, people recognize authenticity."
"As a final note, should this type of thing be used as a substitute for normal humans? Clearly not. And that's why I view this as more of a tool that can be used alongside of your own creativity, giving you a major head start."
"Each place, each patient you see come in is like a little jigsaw piece of what life is like in this new place."
"It's why if Max speaks further in DMs and gets his video reinstated, I would highly chalk it up to an actual human being."
"Hugging is actually really good thing it's so I don't know yeah and a good hugger when they grab they give you that one hard squeeze."
"Roboknight ends up developing beyond his programming, even going out of his way to learn things about humans that don't necessarily assist in his mission."
"The kindness, compassion they show is pretty remarkable."
"A conflict between good person and a good person gives rise to much more beautiful drama."
"Human beings have evolved for face-to-face contact."
"Actual socializing, actual freedom, actual normal human interactions."
"Many fans have wondered what it was like when humans first discovered living, breathing, talking aliens."