
Social Interaction Quotes

There are 11155 quotes

"The ability to transiently embody the personas of other people...allows for really thorough exploration of idea space."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're social animals. And we're probably generally happiest, even for natural contrarians among us, when we're part of a tribe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You take another mouse that's in pain, and you just let it hang out with the mouse that is no longer in pain, and the mouse that is in pain will show behaviors indicating it is experiencing analgesia."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having communication with anyone that you want to, unrestricted by this flapping air past meat on your face, is a means of communication that's ridiculously prone to being misunderstood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People are shaping each other's biology all the time by way of these chemicals that are being traded from one body to the next through air, and skin to skin contact, and tears."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Seeing faces in the morning and seeing faces at some point during the day once you're ready to face the day, very important for mental health."
"Interactions with other people are going to teach you a lot about your creativity as well as spirituality and who it is you really are."
"When you have information connected to a context and real life, and especially when you are engaging with others about that information, you retain the information better. You actually learn better."
"Eventually, though, if you play enough, you may start to get bored of that and branch out into playing other people, and this can be a very subtle but transformative experience."
"Being social is critically important... just a 10-minute stimulating conversation is better for your brain health than watching 10 minutes of the Seinfeld rerun."
"First impressions matter. You never get a second chance at a first impression."
"An interested person is an interesting person."
"If you really want to know what someone's like, see how they interact with service staff like waitresses, waiters, receptionists, taxi drivers."
"Curing loneliness comes from the value that you provide to others."
"Smiling can literally change your life. Smile at the bartender, you're going to get a drink faster. Smile at your co-worker, they're more likely going to take that shift trade request."
"We really don't know how much you have to concentrate on other people to be optimally situated in terms of your emotional regulation."
"People have a powerful drive for reciprocity. If you offer something to someone for free, it doesn't allow people to discharge their moral burden."
"Satisfaction in life begins with self-reflection and happiness, leading to a greater ability to meet and interact with people whose 'light is on' as well."
"Clock and manners is the best form of Dawa. It's not about the arguments, but how you relate to people over a simple cup of coffee."
"Doing something active, doing something together with other people, and doing something meaningful."
"Imagine watching comedy with friends or having sex or reading a sad book without empathy. It would be worse."
"World of Warcraft gave me a safe and exploratory venue for social interaction."
"The biggest principle: Be interested, not interesting."
"Role-playing is about building and expressing a character both through social interactions and through mechanics."
"Media is a very powerful medium but it's also very personal. Oftentimes, it gives us the chance to interact with people we may not ever encounter in real life."
"You never know who you might meet and be rude to in life that later on down the road, they might be the bridge to somebody else."
"Watching other people's drama is fun, sometimes, but ultimately it's only fun if it's not really a big deal, and both parties can walk away from it at the end of the day."
"It's all designed to encourage people to hang out and spend money."
"The first thing to understand if you want to have fun with people: you have to have fun yourself."
"What one person may consider a compliment may not be received as a compliment by the other party."
"Honestly, that was such a lovely evening, thank you."
"How do you let another human being have fun?"
"The better you treat others, the more they're going to treat you better and put you at a high value."
"In so much of life, we wear a mask on our real face, and we don't actually connect with people or show authenticity."
"Your smile at your brother is a form of charity."
"Thank you for even being willing to come here at 10 p.m. This was so fun, and you're my favorite person."
"You're choosing to hang out, and that's the ultimate compliment."
"I think it's a problem if you wake up and check your phone before you say good morning to somebody."
"They wish they had the balls to ask people for your number."
"Thanks for staring and just remind yourself that, in this world of so many gadgets, sometimes you don't need anything but to stare at your friends."
"This isn't fake. We've done loads of live shows. I've met loads of you. Like, this is a real community."
"Commander is for fun. It's a socially interactive, multiplayer Magic: The Gathering format full of wild interactions and epic plays, specifically designed as an alternative to tournament magic."
"Mike Tyson made the quote that being online has made people comfortable with saying things that would get them consequences in real life."
"I am very intrigued to know how you guys feel about some of the comments made by Ollie."
"Usado recommends that she get out of her wet clothes but she makes him promise not to peek."
"When you stimulate [certain dopamine neurons], animals don't like it... please stop it and yet they crave that social interaction that's missing."
"You will find acceptance; it just takes time for some people."
"It's really important to spread some positivity when you can."
"You don't know who you may be passing by who needs something that you might say."
"People are really looking for a human connection; they don't feel that connection anymore with all of these devices."
"At weekends, the open context of the park environment makes it possible for people to meet each other and create friendships."
"Political identities are standing in for a lot; they are very powerful on how we treat each other."
"I want to go back to a time where we talk to each other and I have to go to your house to see you."
"The more uplifted you feel, the more I feel you'll be so happy to talk to people and to communicate your ideas across."
"One of the delights of Pokémon GO is finding Pokémon in the real world, walking around, discovering new places, meeting up with groups of friends to raid or battle together."
"Wait, do you want to go to tea later? Yeah, that would be amazing."
"Sarcasm and cynicism... are often used to cut down what would otherwise be benevolence or bonding experiences."
"Our attention is focused. We're salient to one another because this is what we've chosen."
"One of the best days of the year, here we are going to do Hot Seat, Cool Throne, we are doing #mad online, correct Hank?"
"You have to engage more with the people in the city; it'll take you a long way."
"A kind person is a person who stands out in a crowd. They may not be the one who talks the most, but there's something about a kind person."
"What's valuable is the authenticity of just hanging out and chatting."
"Let's go, Chad, rate my performance out of 10."
"Be honest with your players. Saying, 'I really want to run a dungeon delving game and I know you won't enjoy that, so instead of forcing yourself to join something you won't like, I think it's better if we wait for the next campaign for you to play.'"
"Everywhere I go, people love me, but because I come correct. I treat them good."
"Your smile generously expressed can make the difference between a man across the room not noticing you or noticing you and wanting to go walk across to connect."
"The number one need that humans have... is to feel validated by other people."
"The key to success in life is people. We're a social animal... how we interact with people will determine how far we get."
"All the times in my life that I've been scared or put myself out of my comfort zone or met new people have always ended up benefiting me."
"Sometimes you piss people off and you just have to deal with the ramifications of that."
"Most of the 48 Laws of Power is about defense, how to defend yourself from the sharks out there."
"Seduction implies some sort of exchange...more often than not we're talking about an interaction between two or more people."
"It's better than... 'Hi, what's your name? So, what are your biggest regrets in life?'... You have to start somewhere, and I think starting with a resume is not the worst thing in the world."
"If you don't help each other out, you're left alone, and we don't live that way."
"You are absolutely stunning, so they are definitely attracted to you."
"People like people who like themselves, not in an egotistical way, but I enjoy someone who is comfortable in their skin, who really loves and values themselves."
"Honestly speaking, I don't know where to begin from here, aside from tackling it head-on by forcing myself into random conversations wherever I feel like it."
"Hi, I'm Evan Kelmp. (laughing) Nice to meet you."
"This is more social interaction than I've had in years."
"It's a short life, so be picky with the strangers you talk to at this metaphorical party."
"Instead of walking into a room and being like, 'I don't belong. I don't know anyone,' thinking about, 'Why do I belong? Who can I know?'"
"This is stupid. No, it would be funny because... they're not going to think I'm like a freak."
"Start by literally going outside. Have some solo acceptable activity and go to a neutral place where it's not awkward for you to be there."
"There's something really charming about a good board game or a good card game, just something that's tangible that you play with your friends."
"Communicating with people face to face is something we should be doing."
"Stop trying to make enemies out of everyone."
"The analysis is important... but I think in a review you're also going to be talking about... 'I was doing this with my friends and it was really fun.'"
"There's a massive lesson in karma... because I'm just genuinely pretty nice to people."
"Narcissistic supply is in fact the validation, the acknowledgment, the admiration, the recognition, the gratification, the reward, or whatever else it is that narcissists get from other people or from other sources such as social media."
"Our ability to relate to entities beyond our self, to conceptualize the idea of interactions with the things around us."
"Such a crazy night, and I still owe you money from then."
"This one is a little bit casual, in case you couldn't tell, used for close friends, maybe family members if you have kind of a silly relationship with them. Just quick, short, easy to do in a sentence: 'Yo, how's it going?'"
"We are dependent on each other for reality testing."
"The Vision Pro is the least-isolating VR headset I've ever tried. Not because I can see the world—other headsets do that—but because the world can see me."
"One of the biggest things I've learned from Vegas Mat is don't be afraid to make friends and meet people. You never know what's going to happen."
"Be good to each other. That's the right thing."
"If you're not living your life, if you're not showing up at work, if you're not going through the process of dating and being the real you, the people who are looking for you can't find you."
"Develop a pleasing personality, accepting responsibility being the kind of person that accepts responsibility for relationship or friendship or business connection and so forth is a vibe that you give off."
"Seeing your friends in real life is a necessity for human health, not a luxury."
"In person, you can read someone's energy a lot better."
"All you had to do was be polite and talk to me."
"You ever go to a party and then you meet a girl there, and y'all end up just being cool at the party?"
"Y'all ever go to a pool party, and then it be like a female that just like... you ever meet a girl at a party, and then y'all end up just being cool at the party?"
"Life happens in the world, not in your home, not your office. Life is about people."
"If a man walks up to me and asks me for my number or asks me on a date, I'm thinking, I hope this interaction ends without this man getting angry, violent, or following me home."
"I always love going to local places whenever I'm in unique cities like this because one, it gives me a taste of the culture a little bit and two, it gives me some social interaction, which is very much needed for me because I travel alone."
"Every real, red-blooded man needs feminine presence."
"Like the positive vibes tonight, good to see everyone having fun."
"The real question I think we should be asking ourselves is, what is it about interactions with others and with other animals that could potentially have this prosocial happiness enhancing effect?"
"If you feel this incredible soul-crushing loneliness... you got to go out there and find the people who can kill it for you."
"I just wish people would stop being rude to others."
"I'm just chilling. Can't we just be respectful of one another and have good conversations?"
"I think AI might help us be more human, actually give us more time to interact with each other."
"We develop a false self, a space suit self, that can help us get by and help us get some of the love we didn’t have through substitute means, get respect, stay safe, and that ego-self that we develop, you know, we keep on trying to shine it and buff it up and present it so that others... we will get the best we can in terms of what we need from others."
"My objective here is to be as respectful as possible to everyone whilst also challenging people's thinking."
"Life is a sequence of never-ending multiple games, and you're a winner if people want to play with you."
"We would watch Dawson's Creek together... We would literally sit there in silence until the commercial break and then we would talk during the commercials."
"Receiving and saying thank you is something we need to practice just receiving."
"It's fun to sometimes watch people put it on whilst we chat about other things."
"First thing I want to play hide and seek with all of my friends."
"I'm very excited that you were able to come here."
"Positive interactions with an out-group increase perceptions of equality and decrease the perception of the disadvantage and discrimination of an out-group."
"A lot of guys are just looking for people to talk to. Like older guys especially, they just kind of want some kind of companionship."
"Let's get into that room with all the live people."
"I am so glad that my friends didn't respond, 'Yes, Queen, yes girl,' but instead just heard me out and allowed me to label the event."
"His enormous Mana was indistinguishable... he told her his Mana was at level 2, and this made her apologize before running away in haste."
"I think the most important part of life is interaction with other humans."
"Focus on them and how you can serve, don't focus on yourself."
"Don't make it about you, make it about them."
"I love traveling alone because it forces you to meet people, and I think that's fun."
"Be around people that you're thinking about being with in an environment where they're just being themselves because chances are if you like them the way they are when they are with other people, then you're likely to love them when they're with you too."
"Not everybody's gonna articulate the way you... It's not going to be some like two smart people just sitting there being like, 'Well, I humbly disagree, sir.'"
"There is a very clear difference between constructive criticism and straight-up mean comments."
"Empathy is more difficult online, for that reason."
"Children need nurturing, structure, and time with their friends while they're growing up; it's how they understand the world and are able to deal with other people."
"It's a cool way for all the Yes Theory followers to meet each other and get to know each other."
"Sending good vibes into the atmosphere, people would just want to be around you if you are happy, positive, and enthusiastic."
"Let's give people a chance to express themselves in a meaningful way."
"People who feel lonely die 50% earlier than people who don't."
"Just go, make a connection with another human being; most of it's not going to work out, and that's fine."
"This really does feel like a community, as cheesy as that is, I know, but the fact that I go on here and I see the same people and I get to interact with you, it's so much fun."
"I've had a wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
"You gotta live with people. You got to let it go and people are in the world, and they're going to make you feel a certain way, and you got to just let it go."
"I think there is a deep hunger for human connectivity, direct disintermediated human to human connectivity."
"Everyone is friendly, but you have to be willing to go first."
"I'm not big on pickup lines, but I would ask you out to dinner."
"Playing a game online can go one of two ways: either you have friends and you get a stable lobby, or you join a lobby with people you've never met before and probably will never meet again in your life."
"Reciprocity is this idea that if we act first, that will create a reciprocal response from somebody else."
"A person like this can dry you out if you don't have good personal boundaries yourself."
"What happens if someone spends years or even decades without engaging meaningfully with another person? What sort of dark recesses and warped beliefs does their mind access if they feel nobody cares either way?"
"Have empathy for the fact that you feel these same aspects of your evolutionary psychology and be empathetic for other people. Work with them and meet them where they're at."
"Seven hugs a day correlated with a 35 reduction in flu syndrome."
"It turns out you don't have to agree with everybody in order to get along with everybody."
"What's helpful is to recognize one another, men and women, with mutual civility and respect, and even love has been known to happen."
"Are you going to invite me to your clan or what?"
"I love and appreciate you so, so much. Thank you so much for joining."
"Every interaction that I had with a human being since August 1st and today's September 4th was good."
"I think that's a clear through line, both between the social interactions that people have and the types of commerce."
"Sleep-deprived people not only feel lonelier, they make people who interact with them feel lonelier, even if those people are not sleep-deprived."
"Interacting with different types of people in real life... you can meet some people that are surprisingly different from you in so many ways and you can certainly get along with them."
"Magic nerds like a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"I'm kind of a slinky cat. I don't do like people in my life don't always know how to comfort me."
"It's encouraging you to be around the people that make you feel good."
"Negativity in the world, why don't we want to add more to it? We don't. Let's just have a good time, enjoy each other's company, enjoy some Pokémon."
"We can disagree on issues, sometimes forcefully so. That's how mature people do it."
"The reality is that you can approach a woman almost anywhere. You can flirt with a waitress, you can flirt with a dancer, you can flirt with a person at the gym...if you know when to back off and not be a creepy loser."
"When you go out in public or get around anybody, you are susceptible to picking up their energy."
"We just want to be connected with each other."
"If you want to hang out with me... I'm in VC (voice chat) very often. I would love to talk to you guys."
"I wish I could get tested so that I could just be like, 'Mom, I'm coming over. I'm gonna party.'"
"We don't take kindly to your types around here."
"It's always nice to hook people up; she had such a big smile."
"I like to give people the same amount of respect that I expect back."
"How do we get back to treating each other with dignity?"
"This is like the cute circle of dumbness because it's just them, chit-chatting away."
"That's the thing about the internet; you never know for sure if someone is being polite or if they really do want you to not die in a house fire."
"Sorry, um, are you free for dinner tonight? Yes? Alright then, it's a date."
"Your accent sounded impeccable to me, and flattery will get you everywhere."
"Your relationship with people is going to shape your entire life experience."
"The simple, fleeting connections we have with strangers can be really powerful for our well-being."
"MMOs were originally chat rooms with a bunch of people from all over the world, and you just had a game around it that you were playing as well."
"The world is much too large and life is much too short not to take the opportunity to connect with one another."
"Consume memories, not items. Get out of your house and go places and be with people."
"It's just much more disarming to people to laugh with them."
"Let's tell a funny story, talk about best-selling, a pick-up line, inside joke."
"Most of the rejections that you think you have experienced in life so far with women are actually just women testing you."
"Real-world face-to-face interactions are important because we pick up on little tiny physical cues, body language."
"We need sort of a mind shift back to where we were and the value in face-to-face experiences."
"People are attracted to positive people, people who are friendly, people who are cheerful."
"You could really kind of get over the effects of that trauma or reduce those effects of trauma by interacting with and being exposed to others and being social, but not others who had had trauma themselves."
"Being funny is inviting. It encourages people to come. It encourages people to stay."
"It's not just hearing the words... It's the interaction that is most important."
"You have the first four seconds of an encounter to make an impression."
"You've got to cater for all opinions; you don't have to agree with them."
"I just want to talk to some people. I just want some other words coming in to me than the ones that come out of my own mouth."
"No one remembers the awkward or embarrassing things that you did."
"Your warmth and competence tells the world how they should treat you."
"Smiling is one of the fastest ways to communicate friendly intentions and put other people at ease."
"Tease somebody on their strengths, not on their vulnerabilities."
"In order to achieve freedom, I believe we need to develop healthy relationships with those around us."