
Personal Growth Quotes

There are 109397 quotes

"Learning is there, but it's not the endpoint; it's just the means to something else, which we haven't been attending to enough, and that's the development of the person, who they become having learned that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Difficulty, struggle, and frustration when you're learning something are not signs that you've reached your limits; they're signs that you're expanding your limits."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everyone in this class will struggle, no matter who you are. Questions are going to be flying at you that you cannot answer, and when that happens, you're going to experience stress. And if you don't understand that stress, you'll think it means 'Oh no, I don't belong here.' But in fact, that stress is an indicator that your understanding is deepening. It's not a sign that you're not learning; it's a sign that you are learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can become role models for ourselves; we can learn from what brings the good to how to raise up the things that about us in our lives that aren't there yet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's no hacks, bro. It's you against you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It works, because you are going to go there. In a sense, you have to really make the therapeutic progress. You're going to have to go back there."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You don't want to be normal. If you don't get the weird looks, you're not moving in the right direction."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stress will diminish you, crush you, reduce you, or stress will grow you, bring out your best, and maybe even take you to heightened levels of performance that you've never experienced before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Self-doubt lives in all of us. And while we may wish it was gone, it is there to serve us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can't create a new version of yourself while dragging your old habits and behaviors behind you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The biggest lessons and the best things in my life have actually come out of the most challenging, worst things that have happened."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"These are essential things to understand about oneself if you want to guide yourself toward your aspirations."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The asking of better questions about oneself is really what leads to the understanding."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Traumas, if understood, can be transmuted into deep sources of knowledge that other people can benefit from."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Absolutely you can learn at 66 and way beyond."
"When you're chasing something... you're saying you don't have it. But when you become comfortable with where you are, things start to attract to you."
"I've never felt more alive ever. It feels like my consciousness has expanded. I can experience more, and feel more, and think more."
"A good life is a progressive expansion of the things that bring you pleasure."
"People can take themselves back from these relationships."
"It really made me want to be a much better person."
"Making sure that we are enjoying the journey along the way."
"It looks like you're moving more into your own authenticity by the end of the year, and you're kind of just being you."
"This desire to up level yourself and to rise higher, I really see you doing that."
"You're stepping further into the unknown, you're expanding your horizons and stepping outside of your comfort zone."
"A lot of what is good for us makes us suffer."
"Stay humble, stay open, keep doing the work."
"This is the place where we break down all of the things that make us break down."
"The only identity that's going to serve you long term is that of the learner. It's anti-fragile. The more you attack somebody with the mindset of the learner, the stronger you make them."
"Everything we go through is a lesson. As long as you learn and start making different choices, you're progressing."
"The essence of being transforms you, which is what happens when you pursue your interests deeply."
"You have to let go of the crabs when you're trying to climb out of the bucket and they're pulling you back in."
"Feeling stuck is a signal that you've stopped growing."
"I want to focus on how can I love my body more, and how can I finally, like, beat this once and for all?"
"If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them."
"There is always room for improvement, always, for everyone."
"Laughing at oneself is often the best way to move forward."
"What I needed to do is accept that the old Dan is gone and then start working on the new me, which has a future."
"You can't make your dreams come true relying on other people; rely on yourself."
"You just need to have the strength to let go of toxic draining people who do not share your drive, purpose, or can help you in some way in being in alignment with your highest path."
"It made me think that whatever life throws at me, I've got the tools and resources within me to deal with it."
"I'm on a journey of continual reinvention, and neuroplasticity underlies that."
"I've learned several languages... It's literally life-changing."
"You are not doing a tiny percentage of what your brain can do."
"The more that you energetically release and don't be controlling, the more things are going to flow to you."
"In life, you don't gain unless you gamble a little; in life, you don't gain unless you put yourself in uncomfortable situations."
"It's always a great time to work on yourself."
"Put your past to rest, understand and improve your present personality, design the future you want to live."
"You can't change what's happened to you, but you just change what happens in you."
"The process of overcoming is the process of becoming."
"Shining the light of appreciation on all of my experiences."
"Just walk towards the things that are scary. Because if you don't, they'll just expand. They become bigger. If you avoid the demons, they become bigger."
"Negative emotions have to be dealt with; they will deal with you and keep dealing with you until you deal with them."
"Sometimes going from zero to one feels so inconsequential and somewhat embarrassing that we just don't do it... but it can literally change your life."
"Greatness comes from us managing our mind, and greatness doesn't necessarily mean that you've got millions in the bank and you're this famous superstar. It means that do you have mental peace? Are you actually growing? Are you satisfied as a person?"
"The only way you can come out of unhappiness is if you choose."
"The process of change is unlearning and relearning. It is breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self."
"On the other side of this temporary pain you're going through, you get introduced to your other self, and this other self produces another life."
"I am grateful for the pleasure and pain, for they have shaped me."
"Life's greatest lessons come from our deepest challenges."
"It's about trying to thrive and reach our full potential."
"Just what an hour of deliberate practice can do."
"Self-awareness is a trait of emotional fitness."
"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it's going to live its whole life thinking it's stupid."
"Surviving failure is different from failing."
"The last two things to remember are: progress is not linear, and you need to spend within your limits."
"The observations that you make about yourself are not signs that you're broken; they're clues as to how you work."
"The evolution of your soul is literally you becoming a greater being because you can handle things."
"I've had some of the greatest conversations in my life with the people that I most respected."
"True motivation feels very natural; it actually feels effortless."
"It allows your brain to start learning and accepting and being open in a new way."
"Changing how you think about yourself is probably one of the most worthwhile pursuits in life."
"You are not what you are going through. Now is your time, now is the moment to capture the vision."
"Our biggest fears always carry with them the greatest opportunity for personal growth."
"I've learned and grown more from the people around me than the academics or the traveling experience."
"Building your levels of personal discipline is not easy, but let me tell you, it pays off."
"To me, God is cold, you could say that. I think of the cold as a noble force, it's just helping me, it's training me, it's bringing me back to the inner nature the way it was meant to be."
"Trauma, as I define it, is not about what happens to us; it's about what happens inside of us as a result of what happens to us."
"Awareness alone weakens it; it slackens the strings a bit."
"Change is really hard... there are steps to change... the most important step in the stages of change is maintenance."
"I've been trying to be a better version of myself and I've been limited by various things."
"A lot of people want to be more productive but they don't even take an inventory of their life because they just think of productivity as being just about work or just about hustle or grind."
"It's being in the moment, being aware of how you make the immediate environment and the environment of others better, that's the thing that makes you feel alive."
"Therapy isn't about what another person is going to tell you about yourself; it's about what you can learn about yourself, from yourself."
"What if there is a world of untapped potential in all of us, just waiting to be released?"
"Having it all figured out is overrated because not only is it impossible to know how you feel or who you are going into things, but the more certain you are about who you are and what your brand is and what your plan is... the less opportunity there is for happy accidents."
"If you ask me who my dream was at 17, I probably would have told you something stupid. And I'm glad I didn't chase that because I didn't know myself well enough to know what my dream should be."
"If you're a young man and you feel lost in life, go take on responsibilities... start to get to know yourself."
"Keep a dream journal because there's going to be a lot of signs in there for you."
"Let's just be grateful that we've got an apology. Let's not try and string the man up for making a mistake."
"Every action that you take is a vote for the type of person that you're going to become."
"If something upsets me, I now have the gap between stimulus and response to examine the emotion."
"Everyone, everyone has the key to their innovation engine. It’s up to them to turn it."
"I'm interested in doing the next thing because I like the process of it so much."
"Trust me, it's going to suck at first, but you will start to find appreciation in everything you do."
"True friendship is that, 'Oh, my gosh. I can expand. I can be more than this.'"
"Every single day I was minimized. I would shrink. My superpower growing up was making myself invisible."
"Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with."
"The first thing that you guys need to let yourselves do is fail."
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or cripples you for life."
"Make a habit out of putting yourself first and working on you."
"Invest into yourself, what you're passionate about, what you care about."
"Don't expect yourself to bloom all year round. Seasons change, and so do we."
"It's time for you to rise to your fullest potential."
"Your egg is like your life. If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. But if it's broken by an inside force, life begins. All great things begin on the inside."
"The ability to shift something and take something that maybe wasn't so good, learn from it, and totally shift it into something that is serving us."
"This is really about stepping outside of your comfort zone."
"What you're really doing is taking agency back of your life, and then you start to get to a place where, first of all, you have hope again."
"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."
"One must do something new in order to see something new."
"Through your struggles, you develop your strengths."
"If you do the easy things, life gets hard. But if you do the difficult things in life, life becomes easier."
"Consistency compounds. Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"Change is actually really good. Human growth is really good."
"You have to be brave enough to break through."
"Mindfulness meditation can, in this sense, make you a better citizen."
"I want people to know that that person that they think I am isn't me. I'm not a bad person. I'm just a young girl trying to live my life."
"If you make making sense your core value on a fundamental level, not only will it allow you to achieve anything you want more easily, but it will give you the ability to rise above any conflict you have experienced in your life."
"If I'm asking all the time, 'Why me? Why this happened to me? Why won't anybody help me?' my brain is just looking for a reason to affirm why my life sucks."
"It was the first time I ever looked at like what can I actually do because I've been like, 'Why won't somebody else help me?' and it changed everything."
"I'm all about people completing things and feeling confident."
"There's so much untapped potential in me, and I'm not this kind of fully formed, rigid lump of cells. I can change fundamentally."
"The way to heal yourself is to rewrite your brain like you did with your body in a gym."
"You must so impress others that they will feel that in associating with you they will get increase for themselves."
"Your personality creates your personal reality, and if you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, it means you're going to have to change your personality."
"Embarrassment is the cost of entry. If you're not willing to pay the price of embarrassment, you'll never do anything worthwhile in life."
"You are more than your current reality. It's time to embrace change and become the new version of you, the 2.0."
"I've been able to use all my experiences to my benefit and turn it around, proving that I'm not defined by my past."
"Continue to pursue your passion, step outside the box, lay yourself out there, but never stop learning. As you continue to learn, you will evolve and grow."
"Time will go by anyway; you might as well have it go by in your favor."
"Everything that's happened in your life has brought you to this point."
"Seek out real feedback and get yourself around people that are operating on a higher level."
"I have the same anger as every single one of you, but I don't use that energy for anger."
"That person who I was when I was younger is dead because the types of thoughts that I have, beliefs that I had, feelings in my body, and behavior is different."
"Nothing changes in your life until you change."
"What if being alone could be a source of strength, a catalyst for personal growth, a wellspring of creativity, and a path to inner peace?"
"The number one habit is actually not a habit at all. It is a belief that leads to a habit, and that belief is that the number one thing in your life is your rate of growth."
"You should believe that the most important thing in your life is not your family, it's not your business, it's not your money, it's how fast are you evolving and growing."
"Your business doesn't matter if your business makes a million billion dollars. Who cares if your business fails? Who cares? What matters is, did you grow?"
"We get stuck on this hamster wheel chasing the dollars, trying to grow in our career, when we forget that none of that matters. It's all about us as a multi-dimensional human being and are we growing."
"If you're growing and you're becoming the best possible human being you can be, that is often the path to contribution."
"Choose the higher path. There always is a path."
"Change your perspective, everything in the future changes."
"Sometimes certain characters are brought into our lives to teach us a valuable lesson, but they're not meant to stay."
"You were never the problem and nor will you ever be the problem."
"If somebody recently did you dirty, they left your life, they ghosted you, or they did all of the above, consider yourself lucky because that's divine intervention."
"If there's been a period of stagnation...when you least expect it, when you're least looking, I feel like there is a new energy coming in for you."
"Heal yourself, help your partner heal, and good things are on the horizon."
"The only logical way to improve the world is through improving ourselves."
"Gratitude cures narcissism; it cures entitlement."
"Vulnerability is not a weakness; it's a strength."
"You've gotta retrain kinda the way your brain works."
"How do we help human beings flourish? The more that you understand what is that impulse that makes you come alive and you can show up and do it, the better off you are as an individual."
"The only limitations that truly exist are the ones that we put on ourselves."
"For me to feel good about myself... is how do I contribute? And the way I contribute is to use my gifts, focus in areas that for which my capabilities can make the biggest contribution."
"The journey of self-actualization is a continuous exploration of what it means to be fully human."
"Self-actualization is not a destination but a process of becoming more authentically ourselves."
"The change that I see shifting for you, Virgo, is showing your authentic self to other people."
"These experiences grow us into the people we're meant to be."
"You're going to actively work on fixing those things about yourself you don't like, and the more you fix yourself... the less hard romance and dating is going to be."
"If you noticed that you can't feel satisfied in love... this is probably because there's something about yourself you're rejecting."
"Humility is kind of like the skill of being able to see your weaknesses...It's so important that you have this humility mindset."
"The most fascinating thing you can do in your life is to be growing and to be learning how to grow better."
"Personal growth is tricky, so the term growth implies millions of tiny thankless steps, which sucks. And the term personal implies that nobody can take them for you, which also sucks."
"Try to find the glory in each and every little victory, no matter how uneventful it may feel, because these are the building blocks that personal growth is made of."
"I am proud of where I have grown in my life, where I was to where I am."
"It's hard to self-improve and make yourself better. Aspiring, keep on working to develop yourself, and you'll become a better person than you could ever dream up."
"A temporary sacrifice for the remaining decades of your life is worth it. I promise."
"Let this be what you've done permanently. Make the rest of your life better. Grow from this learning mistake that you've made and live an amazing life."
"Learn from your past, grow as a person, become a better person. This includes your personal finances."
"You can't possibly know your limitations if you never pushed yourself to your limitations."
"You're finally stepping out of yourself...making room for love and connection in your life."
"The more that we program our brain and we're in control of our brain through affirmations, through healing, through self-reflection, through journaling, the more we have a more cohesive outer reality."
"A true failure on my part would have been if I didn't take what I learned from Leadville 100 and apply those lessons to Rocky Raccoon."
"The most power that we have is becoming the best versions of ourselves, is improving, is being more impactful and truthful with your voice, and having a closer connection to God."
"Every great philosopher that's ever come before us talks about how suffering and sacrifice lead to becoming good men."
"You can make a positive difference in your life."
"I got my longest streak back then, it was around 70 days, and in that time my life improved drastically in areas, especially like social anxiety, talking with girls, and just being in general. I wasn't depressed anymore, I had more motivation and stuff like that."
"Start self-improvement now... The time that you spend compounds exponentially."
"How can I grow? What can I give? What can I celebrate? These are heartsets and mindsets for you to discover that the answer is you."
"It's not about winning, it's about being the best version of yourself."
"The key is to figure out what are the rewards that you can acquire along the way, internally."
"If I can learn to love what I hate, oh my God. Imagine how free you would be."
"Working on yourself is a good thing, right? I think we can all agree on that."
"You can quit if you want. I will love you regardless, but I believe in you to get through this."
"It's not so much being a champion that I love, it's more about the person I've become in this journey."
"The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge. Everything is a pill that's worthwhile in life."
"Never settle for less in a relationship, your career, your friendships, and your personal growth journey."
"Fulfillment is not going to come from a relationship... Fulfillment comes when you live out your purpose for being."
"Perfection does not exist, so don't strive for it... Progress should always be the goal, not perfection."
"To ensure you're constantly growing, you must always be willing to learn and unlearn as needed."
"People should consume less information and spend more time reflecting and digesting what they already know."
"It is possible to grow old and not ever grow up."
"People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on the Word of God."
"I want the rest of your life, whether you got five or 50 years left, to be the best of your life."
"Does your anger actually help you? Does it serve where you want to go?"
"Do you like the path that you're on, or do you want to make something new? Break and/or make a new cycle."
"You don't want to try to be a completely different person tomorrow, you want to be 1% better 100 days in a row."
"There are no techniques to achieve God. There are techniques to remove the obstacles that you put in the way of God."
"The evolution of the soul is becoming stronger and stronger because it's able to let go of what was pulling it down."