
Learning Process Quotes

There are 1622 quotes

"Learning is there, but it's not the endpoint; it's just the means to something else, which we haven't been attending to enough, and that's the development of the person, who they become having learned that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more intense of an emotional state that you're in immediately following learning, the more likely you are to remember whatever it is that you're trying to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you are uncomfortable making errors and you get frustrated easily, if you leverage that frustration toward drilling deeper into the endeavor, you are setting yourself up for a terrific set of plasticity mechanisms to engage."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding that this repetition and making mistakes is okay, and that your brain is going to fire off that dopamine when you get it right, and your brain will sort out the right from the wrong later on, and while you sleep as well."
Justin Sandercoe
"You have to have a hypothesis, turn it into something actionable, run that action, learn from the partial failure, get a little bit smarter, come up with a new hypothesis that is more informed, and repeat."
"Mistakes, setbacks are natural parts of learning. It's what happens when you take on challenges."
"We live in a process of learning. There's nothing wrong with being wrong and correcting as long as you acknowledge your mistake and you correct yourself."
"There is a path towards that which takes the form of practice, but not just practice—practice where you're taking each problem... and trying to digest the deeper principles behind it."
"I'm trying to be practical. There's lots of ways to skin a cat, yes, there's lots of ways to find profitability, yes, but you cannot speed up proper learning."
"Six years to figure out that you don't like architecture is not a waste; that's the price of tuition."
"Wasted time is the price of figuring it out."
"You can never know everything; every time we learn one more thing, we may learn that there's a lot more we don't know."
"You will fail your way to success. Fail early, fail often, fail forward."
"When you read something, when you study something, and you go and apply it, and then go back and read it again, you will start to uncover deeper meanings, deeper understandings."
"You're short-circuiting the process and you have to be careful about that because the process teaches you things you wouldn't otherwise understand."
"You don't know how much you don't know. Then you know just how much you don't know. Then, you know that you know what little you do now. And then, you don't even know what you know."
"Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process."
"Learning should be a reward in and of itself."
"The unlearning process is as valuable as the relearning process."
"What you might notice is that you will miss chances to play winning moves. That's okay, the goal here is to focus on the fundamentals."
"Remember that you were once learning the thing that you're currently teaching someone."
"Drawing is not a talent; it's a skill that anyone can learn. It's about the process of seeing."
"Of course you're confused because you don't understand. Understanding is something that needs to be created."
"This is a learning process right but see what most people do is that as soon as they get started with the learning process they're starting to increase their understanding but then they encounter what they encounter confusion."
"Chalk it up as an integral step in your learning process and move forward to what matters, to what you care about."
"You cannot learn to juggle mistake-free, you can't learn to play guitar on the first try, and you can't learn to dodge all of this without a little bit of trial and error."
"In this game, dying is not a failure; it's the process."
"Practicing welding, taking breaks, and then coming back to it can make you more observant and improve your skills."
"Learning a language is all about making mistakes and learning from those mistakes."
"Go nice and slow, get them all right. This is about me and you. It's about you, actually. It's just about me helping you."
"Try out, say stupid stuff with the best of intention, trying our best to think through it, and then after saying it, think about it for a few days, and then change your mind and grow in this way."
"You don't become spiritual by reading books; you need training, a teacher, and a process to go through."
"To write is to learn; to write is to discover."
"Mistakes are a necessary part of the learning process."
"It's not about transitioning from consumer to creator; it's about transitioning from consumer to researcher first."
"Sobriety is a learning process which produces a new person living a new way of life."
"They were curious, they tried, failed, tried again, failed again, but they never gave up."
"You need to fail over and over again to then see and adapt and change and get the feedback necessary to improve."
"The actual learning is based on some simple components: first, the machine has to identify patterns."
"The struggle to get to an answer is just as important as the answer itself, as long as we're struggling to get to the answer."
"Learning is like a linear process where the first time I read it I get 20%, the second time I read it I'm up to 40%, the third time 60%, 80%, and then I have to read it five times before I understand it."
"Don't be too hard on yourself, and learn as you go."
"Don't be afraid to break things; that's part of learning."
"Real dog training doesn't always go smoothly and that's why I'm going to show you every success and mistake and how I work through all the most challenging parts of raising a new puppy."
"If you succeed, great, then you learned how to meditate. And even if you fail, I want you to just notice what is the part of you that is intending and what is the part of you that is failing."
"It seems to be in our nature to focus on how we were wrong over the fact that we're now smarter, as if we can't be works in progress."
"You have to be allowed to be wrong in order to learn how to be right."
"But the more problems I faced and overcame, the deeper the process sank into my mind, and the better I got at it. And so will you, just be prepared for tough times ahead."
"You learn and memorize things by processing the information and then recalling it at a later date."
"Don't be scared to make mistakes. Make them. They're going to be corrected by people, and you're going to learn from that."
"Embrace The Beginner's mindset...Someone who is a beginner is often much better at teaching other beginners than an expert."
"DIY even if it's for a short amount of time, it's not really about the end result, it's about the journey and what you learned through it."
"It's important to learn how to fish out of this journey."
"It's like if you learn how to cook, the first meal you make is not going to be freaking amazing."
"There is a tendency after things work to create a narrative fallacy because it feeds your ego and you want to have been the person that saw it coming."
"Spend time on the process of learning technique. Learn the technique first, and until that's developed and consistent, then don't worry about the numbers, the weight on the bar. Just worry about the movement first."
"Learning to program is not something you can do in a week, or a month, or even six months. It takes a long time to truly learn how to program well."
"Fail stands for 'First Attempt In Learning'."
"Don't worry at all about choosing the right move to upgrade as a beginner. You will learn over time what works best for each situation."
"Trust the process. Keep growing, learn four chords, learn five chords, learn six chords in the key."
"Some people seem to learn anything super fast...but I actually think that these people that learn so fast are not necessarily smarter than anyone else. It's just that they've learned how to learn."
"People learn and grow by doing, and sometimes that means making mistakes."
"The type of person that will actually sit down and confront those monsters in front of you and put in the work to actually learn, to actually DO a finished product, even if it's a bad finished product, it sets you apart from everybody else because you had to learn those lessons."
"It's all about trial and error, learning from mistakes, and improving each time."
"Deliberate practice makes perfect... it's okay to get help from someone else, it's okay to not finish it 100%, it's okay to even start over if it doesn't go anywhere."
"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I'll remember; involve me and I'll understand."
"It's time in Joe's story for him to actually learn that sometimes even he has to fall back and regroup."
"Anything that is worth doing is worth doing badly for the first time."
"When you learn a new fact, you make links, connections, synapses."
"Anyone can wander into a kitchen and, so long as they're willing to accept that it might take a few tries to get a dish right, anyone can be a damn fine cook in their own home."
"I firmly believe that if you have the right learning process in place, the results will take care of themselves."
"This is what learning looks like. It's slow and a clump clumsy and cumbersome at times."
"If you take your time, you have a higher chance of learning this gig."
"When somebody learns a little bit about a thing and they're really confident about it and then you Lear more you kind of C your opinion a little B more careful you know"
"Sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something."
"Learning is just Obsession and repetition if you have passion for something, the acceleration rate of the learning is like Second To None."
"Math is hard and you're going to get stuck. And that's normal and that's okay and that's expected."
"Challenges are made in groups of threes where one challenge is the introduction of a concept and then it gets progressively harder."
"Once you get the swing of it, it is really quite simple."
"The desire to not worry about failing forward."
"Be patient and you will definitely be able to do the astral project."
"The only way you learn is by doing it yourself and making mistakes yourself, struggling through it, and then persevering and finally succeeding with the effect you're trying to make."
"Wow, this is so interesting and I've never heard of a step-by-step process like this."
"First and foremost right about the time you think you know something you're going to find out you don't know anything."
"Failure is a necessary part of the process of improving."
"Remember guys, don't get discouraged... it's about experimenting and learning."
"Often times people need to see it in action before they can conceptualize what you're talking about."
"I'm a big believer in practice repetition; you don't just read one article or watch one video on a topic and then know it."
"It's not a failure, it's like okay, now we're going to learn something new."
"We learned a lot... step by step coming back."
"As more as you know and as more you think you know, you realize that you know nothing."
"Failure is a wonderful thing; if you don't like failure, you're in the wrong business."
"I might as well just go hard mode now because you're learning how to learn."
"The contrast... is like... exactly, it's just this... I'm optimistic about nick's growth because he's learning."
"Everything important has been first conversed about... that's the first step to learning and accepting change."
"Actively seek out as much feedback as possible on this power skill that you're trying to learn."
"There's a lot to learn with toddlers, you guys."
"It's very easy to get into but it's also very easy to like understand like what you did wrong in order to improve..."
"This is for beginners, but there still is a lot to go over."
"I think part of the mistakes come from lack of experience and lack of knowledge about the scene."
"Back propagation is the process of taking the error and basically like feeding backwards the error through the network..."
"You are seeing him trial and error... that's all things that most people are not going to be hyper aware of."
"Embracing change and learning from challenges is a reminder that our path is not linear, but a spiral of continuous evolution."
"You didn't know how to walk until you tried walking and falling down and making mistakes."
"Remember, you're a student; you're learning."
"Being a good coder means being good at learning."
"You may get this wrong, you may suck, and you might not know what you're doing. It's totally okay."
"I think the beauty of My Hero Academia is that they make being a hero a learning process."
"You know you're getting better when... you're not getting frustrated about it."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly first." - Joel
"I didn't know it was like levels to the [] like branches and []."
"If you practice this enough, it's going to get easier and easier."
"You cannot succeed at anything without first sucking at something sucking is the first step on a long potential path to success." - Fallout
"We're just going to go back and forth, we're going to learn things through the process."
"Knowledge is always a matter of degree, understanding is a matter of degree."
"My point is, there's going to be trial and error."
"Every movement it learns is through trial and error — essentially running off its own version of natural selection."
"You can learn just as much from right as wrong, absolutely."
"The fastest way to get good at something is to just get out there and show the world your ass until you don't suck anymore."
"Repetition is key. You want to study, that's what it's about."
"You mess up, you mess up... that's part of the process."
"I much rather be that ignorant kid that always asks questions and then, you know okay."
"I think that's the most important part about being an artist is growing and developing and learning."
"Lessons and practice are really the only way you're gonna improve."
"Experience is the bridge between knowledge and wisdom."
"Honestly, for me, it was trial and error and just making the mistakes a few times and then realizing like this isn't right or someone would point out something and then I would look it up and try and make it better for next time."
"Just experiment it's a little bit of a learning curve" - Encouraging exploration and learning
"It's impossible to know everything... It's not knowing the answer that's important. It's the process of thinking through how to handle something that you don't know that's more important."
"Just intentionally fail over and over and over again."
"It took me close to a year, man, to just figure it out."
"It's that dopamine release followed by the ability to go again and maybe not do it better but to do it differently."
"Remember, mistakes are by a wide margin the very best way of learning."
"Getting there is pretty simple now. We've learned the way."
"You're not gonna be born with some god-like ability to do sad thing. You have to be willing to embarrass yourself and be crap at the thing you want for quite a while."
"Learn to fail but also learn to recover after you fail."
"This is 'In Class with Carr' because I'm a student. I'm learning as you're teaching, and then it's sparking questions and then I'm asking, filling in some blanks for myself."
"It's nothing to be alarmed about if a test doesn't go off without a hitch the first try."
"The Vex may seem like this all-knowing species, but they're constantly learning and constantly going back and teaching themselves all the new things from the future to the past."
"It's not about giving them answers... it's about asking questions."
"It just takes repetition. You have to do it several times."
"Your brain needs multiple sources to create connections and triggers."
"The meter is the easiest tool to help improve yourself as a Pit Master and learn what worked well and what didn't work well so you can learn from that and move on to bigger and better things in future cooks."
"There's kind of this light bulb experience that my students have."
"When you first go into these situations, you feel discomfort. Your mind doesn't like that."
"That's what we call learning: your mind is here, you want to bring your mind there."
"It's frustrating relearning everything, correct? Anyway, that's how I found your videos, and I'm glad I did because it was loads of help and enjoyable to listen to."
"We're not here to receive answers but to learn something and engage in a discussion."
"Process over profits. The first years, you will learn habits that can set you up to either do great or... like me."
"Day number seven is also a very important day because it's the day you will review."
"Remember that these people are human, they're going to make mistakes, they're still learning." - Xavier
"Every time you try to learn something, you're going to make a mistake because what do you know? So you're going to make mistakes."
"When will I learn? Hang on, maybe I'll learn now."
"Just start stupidly and badly and you'll get good at it."
"The methodology of inquiry: hearing, reflecting, meditating."
"Making distinctions consciously and unconsciously, you think you understand, but you don't really understand until you actually do it."
"Science is not a set of facts and dictums, it's a method, it's a process."
"The more you learn in music, the more you realize how fundamental everything kind of goes back to..." - Discovering underlying principles in music.
"I feel like I've been drinking from an informational fire hose all day."
"I thought I was using suitability three wrong."
"This is all kind of an experiment, right? I mean, doing this whole solar and battery, I'd never done it before. I'm just doing it and I'm sharing with you what I learned."
"E shape connects to the D shape so then I hope you went to this shape and located these two roots on our fourth string and second string. Great job!"
"I hope what you did was go to your C shape because remember it's that circle. It goes back from our D-shaped roots, those connect to our C-shaped roots."
"Don't be afraid to suck because you're gonna suck often, you're gonna suck early, it's okay."
"Start by documenting your process... the whole key is... if you keep doing it, you'll suck less and less and eventually you actually become good."
"If you will learn in the 2d in the sketch mode to do position and dimension and then understand constraints, you're going to think that that fusion 360 is the greatest thing that ever happened."
"If you got lost at some point, maybe go over everything a second time, maybe even a third time, really worth it."
"I like how we're finally starting to recognize anomalies though like we're starting to catch on a little bit which is good."
"No question is stupid... Asking questions is the best way to get to the solution."
"Get the input, get the practice, and then when you're speaking, it will just come out naturally. That's the stage we want to get at."
"Being scared means you're trying something new, being embarrassed means you're learning."
"It's all making sense, kind of like canning, you know you do it a few times and it all starts to click."
"Learning to read level 2 is something that takes time, it takes practice."
"This garden is not looking super great, but it's okay. It's part of the process."
"Every time I learned something only testified to how much I didn't know."
"Shooting it over and over, you begin to figure that stuff out."
"Kids absorb more than they internalize just by listening."
"We're all still learning big green things out as we go along and that's okay so long as I continue to try my best."
"You need to just dive in as much as you can and figure out how it's gonna work for you, because how it worked for me isn't how it's gonna work for you, isn't how it's gonna work for someone else."
"Let them learn to be wrong, keep listening till you get it right."
"Failure is natural and the only way to learn."
"Involvement in the learning process is crucial."
"Practice makes perfect, okay? So even though you're on the phone with a motivated seller for your first time and you asked the wrong question or say the wrong thing and you lost a deal... move on to the next one, right?"
"To really understand something, you know if you hear something you learn a little bit if you do something you learn more, but to learn the best you have to teach somebody else something."
"Once your fundamentals are strong, you will automatically start picking up other skills."
"If it seems overwhelming, it gets much easier. Safety becomes second nature."
"Feedback is how we learn. We do something, we see that we're doing it wrong and then we improve the thing."
"Whenever I'm learning anything, I'm documenting my process while learning it. And that helps me learn better because I know that I'm possibly gonna be teaching this thing a few months or years from now."
"Each repetition, it's easier for you and you learn more deeply, and you remember more. That's why it's powerful."
"I think no matter how many times you read it and you hear it explain to you even if you understand."
"You will not be a pro at first and that's okay give yourself some grace to be able to learn and to be able to you know just soak up all this information and take it one day at a time."
"You're teaching yourself to see this pattern over and over and over again in price action."
"Be realistic about your learning process, take each process step-by-step and slowly and you will hit the finishing lines quicker than people who rush through the process and get frustrated with themselves."
"All of us made was trash but it had to be like you can't come into it being amazing at it like you have to be trash first."
"You're just pulling in the best pieces from all these inputs you've done through the different categories we've saw in the past few videos."
"Try the questions, check your answers, and verify you're actually getting it."
"Learning is constantly updating itself. It's constantly getting better and better over time, refining the approach, right, and doing this all in real time."
"Be patient in learning any of our methods. Nothing we do was learned in a day."
"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
"Don't expect to be right; expect to get more right over time."
"You never understand really things, you just get used to them."