
Dopamine Quotes

There are 492 quotes

"By understanding the neural circuits in the brain and body that release and use dopamine, we can leverage our dopamine to have maximum motivation to overcome sticking points."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding how those things relate to one another, I assure you that by the end of today's episode you will be in a far better position to understand why you become motivated, why you procrastinate, how to ensure motivation on an ongoing basis, and even how to leverage effort and the desire to become motivated as a way to do just that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's fascinating that dopamine is the single molecule that's causing the craving and pursuit and experience of all of these substances and behaviors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine creates a heightened state of focus. It tends to contract our visual world and tends to make us pay attention to things that are outside and beyond the confines of our skin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Bacillus and serratia can create dopamine in our gut that can get into our bloodstream and can generally change our baseline levels of dopamine within the brain and other areas of the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure has a very powerful effect on the release of dopamine in our brain and body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine acting in one network directly underlies divergent thinking. Whereas dopamine in another brain network underlies convergent thinking."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What they discovered is that people who did this deep relaxation observed a 65% increase in dopamine release."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you're feeling lonely, dopamine is released and it causes you to go out and seek social interactions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is released in the greatest amount and places us into a greater state of motivation, when something happens that's positive and novel."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not just the molecule of reward. It is the molecule of desire. It's about motivation and it's about wanting, not just having."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music can evoke the release of certain neurochemicals, these include dopamine but also norepinephrine and epinephrine, from centers in the brain and body glands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you remember nothing else from this episode, please remember this: when you experience something really desirable, really exciting to you, very pleasurable. What happens afterwards is your baseline level of dopamine drops."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"That showed that hearing something that reinforces one's prior beliefs actually can evoke dopamine release."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not about pleasure. Dopamine is about motivation, craving, and pursuit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is the reward feel good neuromodulator that stimulates action."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine, as I've said, is involved in anticipation of wanting, not of having; it's involved in motivation toward the thing that you want."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not about the ability to experience pleasure, it is about motivation for pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Intermittent reinforcement is the most powerful form of dopamine reward schedule to keep you doing something."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is a molecule of motivation and anticipation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is a molecule that's associated with novelty expectation, motivation, and reward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The currency of pleasure exists in multiple chemical systems but the primary ones are the dopamine system, which is the anticipation of pleasure and the serotonin system which is more closely related to the immediate experience of that pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is this currency. It's like these days you hear a lot about Bitcoin, and Ethereum, and Dogecoin, and US dollars, and Euros and other stuff. But the currency that you use in your body doesn't matter what external currency those are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is a molecule that's almost always associated with pleasure and with the accomplishment of a particular goal, but it's really also a molecule of motivation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not necessarily a molecule of reward. It's a molecule of motivation, pursuit, and drive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Light, dopamine, hormones have a very close-knit relationship, so much so that your light-viewing behavior can actually have a direct effect on hormone levels and fertility."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your capacity to tap into dopamine as a motivator... is infinite."
"There's only one biological currency, and that's dopamine."
"Dopamine is associated with reward, it's more about motivation and craving."
"If you can start to identify the craving as its own internally released drug... you realize that capturing the reward is wonderful, but attaching dopamine to the reward is actually a little bit dangerous."
"Understanding that pain and pleasure are in a dynamic balance can also help us... the more pain you experience, the more dopamine you can achieve if you get back on the avenue of pursuit."
"Dopamine is not just about reward; it's one of the biggest misconceptions. Dopamine is about motivation and drive."
"Dopamine amplifies our ability to think into the future to make additional plans that are unrelated to what you just did."
"If you implement a micro routine... you get a dopamine kick from that that transforms itself into adrenaline and energizes you."
"When you get something right, you get a little hit of a thing in your brain called dopamine. It's the happy drug."
Justin Sandercoe
"Understanding that this repetition and making mistakes is okay, and that your brain is going to fire off that dopamine when you get it right, and your brain will sort out the right from the wrong later on, and while you sleep as well."
Justin Sandercoe
"Dopamine is the molecule not just of reward but of motivation."
"When you adjust people's dopamine levels to healthy levels, they start becoming more forward-thinking and more present."
"Dopamine, when secreted in the brain, makes us pursue things, build things, create things, makes us want new things that we don't currently already have."
"The ability to tap into this dopamine reward system, which is activated anytime you're in pursuit of something, is crucial."
"Dopamine is the molecule of motivation... dopamine is mainly about craving and motivation and drive."
"Motivation and dopamine come AFTER taking action."
"When you exercise, dopamine is literally released. It makes you feel good."
"Dopamine isn’t the pleasure molecule, it’s the molecule that controls wanting - the seeking of pleasure."
"Addictions are basically chasing after dopamine."
"The dopamine system is there to motivate you to do the things that would help you survive. And of course, reproduction is the other very strong imperative."
"Dopamine is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter because it's strongly associated with feelings of pleasure and reward and positive mood."
"Removing everything from your life that triggers an excess amount of dopamine without giving you a severe reward."
"Your happiness levels aren't going to go down because these things aren't a part of your happiness levels; they're just connected to your dopamine."
"Dopamine is released when something good happens but it's also released in anticipation of things. It makes us excited when we reach a milestone en route to a goal."
"Intermittent fasting itself will stimulate the release of norepinephrine and slightly increase the amount of dopamine because it puts you in kind of anticipation of a goal."
"Dopamine's main role in the brain and body is craving, motivation, and pursuit."
"What I knew for a fact would work would be a long-term sustainable reduction in bad dopamines."
"Deep human connections are a really healthy and adaptive source of dopamine."
"Dopamine is not about pleasure, it's about the anticipation of pleasure. It's about the pursuit of happiness, rather than happiness itself."
"We need to stop looking for that dopamine hit and essentially try to find a way of being in the world that isn't primarily focused on rewards."
"Dopamine is an extremely poor predictor of what will make you happy."
"We're living in a dopamine overloaded world where everything has been made more accessible, more abundant, more potent, more reinforcing, more novel."
"Human connection itself is a potent and adaptive source of dopamine."
"Dopamine is released in play for a reason because it's a great way to expand one's experience of life."
"Dopamine... is really about the molecule of motivation."
"Gut bacteria can make dopamine and it's much more potent. It's giving you a hundred times more of that motivational chemical."
"It's been shown that after about 10 to 30 minutes of NSDR, your dopamine levels rise in the brain to a point where you're ready for action again."
"An opening is when your dopamine has hit such a low level that you realize you're not gonna get any more dopamine from your current set of beliefs."
"It's just a different flavor of the same thing, like video game addiction, internet addiction; it's just dopamine hijack."
"Unlock the dopamine problems by getting rid of the things that give you short-term dopamine hits."
"Dopamine is so powerful because it actually creates a reservoir of more energy, it's the desire to push on."
"The growth mindset is attached to the dopamine system, which Mother Nature installed in all organisms as a reward system so that when we're heading in the right direction towards something, there's a sense of reward."
"Dopamine isn't released on pleasure; it's released on the pursuit of pleasure."
"Hit every single one of these three targets, when you're doing this stuff, you will experience an insane amount of dopamine."
"Engagement is a brain that's making new connections; has lots of dopamine; is experiencing flow."
"Understanding the height of those peaks in dopamine and the rate to reach those peaks...you're really in a terrific position to understand how to leverage the dopamine system for the pursuit of healthy goals and behaviors."
"Understanding how to set your baseline levels of dopamine at the highest possible level."
"The key to the good life is a disciplined balance between meaningful dopamine sources and creating satisfaction when you achieve those goals."
"Social validation increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, allowing us to let go of emotional fixations and become self-aware more easily."
"If we are going to feel motivated at all...we are going to have to have a healthy level of baseline dopamine."
"I always talk about: You want to drip dopamine, don’t dump it."
"One of the beautiful things about dopamine is it can just make us feel so alive as we work to make the future better than the present."
"The benefits of cold water immersion are immense. You can get a dopamine increase that lasts for a very substantial amount of time, with far-reaching benefits beyond the gym."
"Dopamine is what's called a neuromodulator which simply refers to the fact that it's a chemical that modulates or changes the electrical activity of other cells."
"Sunlight, especially morning sunlight, increases...dopamine."
"The dopamine system is very good at subconsciously parsing what are the things that happen between wanting and getting."
"Caffeine has the property of not just causing the release of dopamine but increasing the amount of dopamine receptors over time."
"We create our own villains... we need dopamine organically, so we need those real problems coming in our way so that we can solve them and progress. That's a healthy brain."
"Having lived with undiagnosed ADHD for 47 years... there is a huge deficiency in it and your ability to... seek those dopamine dumps."
"Your visual system does it for you and one of the ways that it does that is through the neuromodulator dopamine."
"Dopamine is released in anticipation of what we want."
"Whether or not you've heard me or others talk about dopamine before, today's episode is really designed to give you the biological and practical knowledge so that you can leverage your dopamine circuitry and your dopamine levels."
"Most people know that dopamine is involved in pleasure to some extent or another and nowadays people are starting to appreciate that dopamine is also intimately involved with motivation, drive, and pursuit."
"You get hits of dopamine when you achieve things... if you're able to effectively create a reward system that means something to you, it can help you stay motivated."
"When we feel something, chances are that we're going to release dopamine in the brain, the feel-good neurochemical that activates the reward center of the brain."
"Dopamine is released. Dopamine just feels really good. That's all you need to know."
"As your dopamine levels increase, you're better able to concentrate, organize your thoughts better, and stay productive."
"Our brains release dopamine when we partake in hobbies which make us happy."
"Dopamine is often dubbed the feel-good neurotransmitter due to its key role in driving pleasure and motivation."
"Our economic system is based right now and reinforced everywhere we look on the dopamine we get from deciding to buy something."
"Dopamine is the reward system within our body; when dopamine binds to a dopamine receptor, we get a big sense of reward and an energy burst."
"Adrenaline is an effective way to increase dopamine, so high-risk occupations like racing, firefighting, and emergency response are all magnets for thrill-seekers with ADHD."
"You get a little jolt of dopamine every time you get an alert on your mobile phone...your conditioning is happening while you're wide awake."
"However, it's actually more diabolical than that... we literally achieve less dopamine release each subsequent time."
"You have an entire generation that has access to an addictive numbing chemical called dopamine through social media and cellphones as they're going through the high stress of adolescence."
"Whenever you get some kind of reward or even just expect it, your limbic system sends out a bunch of dopamine, one of the brain's main feel-good neurotransmitters."
"What's so interesting is that we are motivated by dopamine. Dopamine is a feel-good hormone, and it rewards us for the different things we do."
"We get more of a dopamine rush from watching social media and YouTube than from doing the productive things around us."
"The gym is literally the opposite of cheap dopamine. It is meaningful dopamine that you see through progress, effort, hard work, and you get results because of it."
"Laughter was one of the long-term dopamine boosts."
"Dopamine is about the anticipation of a reward."
"When you complete an activity with success, neurons communicating through neurotransmitters release dopamine into your brain circuits, resulting in euphoria."
"The dopamine here today, the thing that makes everything better."
"Laughter increases things like dopamine and can even help soothe physical pain."
"The bigger the dopamine increase, the bigger the crash, and the less likely it is that you'll ever continue to achieve pleasure from that thing."
"Our brains love dopamine. It turns out that solving problems is one of the biggest, if not the biggest source of dopamine for the brain."
"There are so many things vying for our attention and dopamine."
"Hitting the end credits provides that sweet satisfaction that comes from accomplishment, and seeing them roll gives me a nice final hit of dopamine."
"What would the world look like if everybody was contained? You know, a lot of people have heard about dopamine. It's about more. It's about the future."
"Let's make the world a better place, that's dopamine."
"The craving has to do with them wanting to feel good because their body has become dependent on excessive amount of dopamine stimulation and now they're not as emotionally stable without it."
"The ultimate dopamine signal actually... I experienced this the other day."
"Every possibility is 100% dopaminergically giving him a dopaminergic kick, and so it's complete positive emotion catastrophe on the manic side."
"Driven by the same sweet blast of dopamine every other content creator strives for."
"It induces the body to release spurts of dopamine, the neurochemical that gives you pleasurable feelings."
"Most people actually like to get those dopamine injections."
"Experience the dopamine-blasting highs we've seen whole generations of kids get absorbed in."
"Have you ever wondered why addiction seems to be perfectly logical to an addict? The answer lies in dopamine."
"Dopamine is always about what's possible, what's new, what's more, what we don't have now."
"Most people think of dopamine as the pleasure molecule, but it's really about anticipation."
"Dopamine is the neural transmitter of desire. We do things because we want something."
"Low dopamine can result in Parkinson's, cold hands or feet, restless leg syndrome..."
"The dopamine is what gives you that elation, the giddiness, euphoria, the sleeplessness, the loss of appetite, the focus, the motivation, the optimism of intense romantic love."
"The effect of a small, even half a percent increase in dopamine transmission in the brain is the difference between feeling like your life is bleak and you can completely attack the day in the positive sense."
"Dopamine isn't bad. Dopamine is simply understanding how we're wired."
"Join me now for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine, the other day, the thing that makes everything better."
"Join me now for the unparalleled pleasure. It's the dopamine hit of the day. It's the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip."
"The ability to access this pleasure from effort aspect of our dopaminergic circuitry is without question the most powerful aspect of dopamine."
"You get the little dopamine hit every time you scroll through and you see your name on there."
"I'm a dopamine addict. I can't break the habit."
"Those first touches especially when we like someone causes such a rush of dopamine in certain it's the best feeling in the world."
"Small measurable attainable chunks of behavior change create a dopamine surge that becomes habit."
"Occasional dopamine fasts help reset your dopamine baseline. It's about occasionally turning off things that bring you immense pleasure."
"We're weird because we've got to use the same dopamine system for incredibly different things."
"My sleep-deprived brain could really use the dopamine spike of seeing my sub count go up, please and thank you."
"Dopamine is the molecule of pursuit, craving, motivation, drive."
"Dopamine turnover... is beyond my pay grade but... dopamine is always happening."
"Dopamine, as most of you know at this point, is known as the happy hormone because of the role it plays in the reward system of our brains."
"Anticipation is often actually more enjoyable than the experience itself."
"High Achievers know to attach dopamine to the effort process."
"Dopamine is not just about reward... it's about motivation and drive."
"The unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine to the day, the simultaneous sip."
"But what we do know is that the final common pathway is always the same yeah it's always dopamine."
"I sit down and open Tick Tock and feel the relief of dopamine. It's not just subliminal I feel it."
"Exercise has been scientifically proven to help increase levels of dopamine in your brain."
"When you eat food, your dopamine increases by 150%."
"When you have sex, it increases by 200%."
"I promise you, you will feel that dopamine boost and you're gonna go suddenly everything that bothered me before, it doesn't bother me anymore."
"If you wake up in the morning and you do those dopamine-inducing tasks first thing... it kind of sets the tone for the day."
"It is really cool that we did succeed in making dopamine."
"When we feel something, we're going to release dopamine in the brain."
"While we move sideways, anything that stimulates dopamine wins, memes probably the biggest winners here."
"Casino meta on Rbert, internet memes, cult memes, trading bots, founders' pet Salana onchain run-ups, animal racing."
"They are all dopamine stimulators, they are all things that get us excited even in a sideways market."
"The real movement is going to be in any application or anything that increases the amount of dopamine that stimulates us."
"When you experience something or you crave something, really desirable, really exciting to you, very pleasurable, what happens afterwards is your baseline level of dopamine drops."
"That when you experience something or you crave something, really desirable, really exciting to you, very pleasurable, what happens afterwards is your baseline level of dopamine drops."
"Dopamine hits like there's all these things that are happening that get us in this junky cycle in our love life."
"So you can't just remove the desire of unhealthy foods and not replace that dopamine high you're going to want dopamine."
"Novelty drives up the dopamine system in the brain and can sustain feelings of intense romantic love."
"The right way to use dopamine is to find happiness already, to be calm and peaceful and contented, and then add fun in your life as a supplement."
"These calorically dense foods have a potent effect on stimulating dopamine."
"Most of the dopamine hit when you go shopping is from the anticipation of buying something and not the actual purchase itself."
"Dating apps have been proven that, like, they don't want you to meet someone. It's just like a game. Like you guys are saying, it's about, like, getting that dopamine hit of the swipe."
"If the food you're eating contains a high concentration of valuable nutrients... you're gonna get a higher level of dopamine release."
"If dopamine persists, it can really make people start having some disrupted cognitions."
"Most antidepressant treatments do not directly enhance dopamine which may contribute to residual symptoms."
"...dopamine plays a role in what's called the reward system in your mind. That's why dopamine is often referred to as the molecule of motivation."
"...what all drugs of abuse do is this this is sort of the central concept of addiction neuroscience that all intoxicants release dopamine the uppers down or strong weak doesn't seem to matter..."
"If dopamine is lacking in the nucleus accumbens and this is the basis for driving this behavior then augmentation of dopamine might make sense."
"Dating apps are this dopamine machine and it feels good to swipe and it feels good to get matches and it feels good to get messages and it feels good to get another one from a new person."
"Procrastinating because something's uncomfortable or stressful gives us a dopamine hit."
"What we're really talking about here is trying to reduce the dopamine signal that is the consequence of ingesting sweet foods."
"These dopamine pathways are not evil, they're not bad, but once you understand the way they work, you can leverage them to your advantage as opposed to them leveraging you to their advantage."
"When we engage in a behavior that increases dopamine, there is a subsequent increase in the neural circuits that control our sense of frustration, pain, and lack."
"Material things don't really bring us happiness, they give us a quick hit of dopamine that makes us think we're happy, but that chemical release quickly fades."
"It's lighting off the dopamine centers of my brain."
"There's a spike in dopamine whenever your partner goes beyond your expectation, does something new and different."
"Suspense not only heightens curiosity but sparks learning and releases dopamine to the brain."
"Makuna is quite a bit more powerful for boosting up dopamine."
"Forget about alcohol and drugs, most of us are full-blown addicted to our smart devices, living for a hit of dopamine."
"Symptoms come out when dopamine is low."
"Dopamine is most notably involved in helping us feel pleasure."
"Dopamine is that chemical that says 'oh that was fun, let's do that again'."
"We're all in a chronic dopamine deficit state, barely able to enjoy the modest rewards of life."
"What you're feeling in your brain is not energy, it is dopamine."
"What releases a lot of dopamine in your reward pathway may not release as much in my reward pathway and vice versa."
"How do we redesign or design tasks that provide a quicker dopamine hit? Inject that interest novelty and challenge."
"Every time you prove that to yourself, it gives your brain a spike of dopamine."
"Marijuana elevates levels of dopamine in the brain."
"Dopamine is about that motivation, that urge that compels you and urges you to do something."
"If you're anything like me and you get a little dopamine hit every time you can check something off your list, it just feels really good."
"It's not about the win at all and it's not even about the loss. The dopamine hit according to researchers actually comes from the anticipation."
"Dopamine reacts to new things... do something new instead of going to the gym."