
Personal Development Quotes

There are 38580 quotes

"The goal of education needs to not be learning as the outcome; it needs to be the development of the person."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Research from neuroscience tells us that through effort, our brain can change. It can form new connections that we call synapses."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mindsets are indeed powerful, they can have a real effect, and while they do take time to cultivate, they can be cultivated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All you can do is outwork the man or woman in you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"First of all, set goals that are challenging, but possible, those moderate goals, not super easy, not super difficult."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regularly trying to learn and keep our brain functioning well and acquire new knowledge is just a wonderful part of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deep work is a book that has had tremendous positive influence on my work life and indeed my life in general because it spells out how exactly to go about doing one's best possible work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Incremental learning as an adult is absolutely essential."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"True self-care is also about constructing a life narrative in which we frame our past, our present and future in a way that allows us to see what's gone wrong, what's gone right, and the best path to navigate forward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The beauty of it all is the complexity is within us, but it's not out of our reach to understand ourselves better and help ourselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Develop and embrace curiosity about yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Plasticity is your natural right early in life. But after about age 25 you have to do some work in order to access it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Plasticity is not the goal. Plasticity is simply a state, or a capacity, for our nervous system to change."
"The real question is what are you trying to change? And specifically, what end goal are you trying to achieve?"
"Growth mindset, in its purest form, is the attachment of these reward systems to the effort process, to the friction process, and not just to obtaining a reward."
"Our mind forms certain ideas about ourselves... that idea carries the maturity at which it was born."
"The most loving people are the most conscious people and vice versa."
"There's nothing more worthwhile than becoming more conscious."
"Our thinking defines our life, and when we can take hold of our thought and see it for what it is and change it, that, my friend, is how we change our lives."
"The faster you learn, the faster you can earn."
"Doing the work changes our story about the work."
"It's powerful to look to these mechanics of the body-mind relationship."
"Through mental exercise, we can voluntarily enhance compassion."
"This is about learning how to control your emotions and learning how to be strong emotionally."
"It's the little changes that often make the biggest difference."
"I take responsibility for my thoughts and my actions, and for choosing something different."
"I'm just trying to be a better version of myself every day."
"Become wealthy, but not in the way you think, not in terms of money, in terms of time."
"The biggest thing I want that young lady to understand: Until you change the way you see yourself, you will never change your behavior."
"You are sacrificing personal time to pursue something that is important to you."
"Most of the time, the person that you are is the result of those moments, it's not the result of the easy parts."
"His Holiness the Dalai Lama...challenged me...why can't you use those same tools to study kindness and compassion?"
"If you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, you're going to have to change your personality."
"I'm not finished yet. Masterpieces take time."
"No wonder you're not motivated; you haven't thought about what motivates you in three days."
"We're kind of going through life without understanding the mechanics or how to use the controller or the mouse and keyboard for who we are."
"Define what going forward in life is... because a lot of the reason that we stay stuck in life is because we set ourselves up with a goal that's impossible to achieve."
"Motivation is important for anything. Motivation is important to learn English, for exercise, to start your business, to become financially free."
"Change what you're putting into your brain. Every day you start feeding your brain positive, optimistic content."
"You can get pretty good, almost world class at almost anything in like five to seven years."
"You are at your absolute best when you get beyond yourself."
"It's not about what's going on in the outside, the ultimate resource we have on the planet is human potential."
"Don't shrink your dreams to meet your current reality, expand your mind, your motivation, and your methods to be able to fulfill your destiny, your dreams."
"If something doesn't scare us, if something doesn't challenge us, it doesn't change us."
"The mastery of self is the ultimate challenge for anyone to go after."
"When I started working out and started to build my body, I started to develop confidence and all these other positive things."
"The happiness that all of us seek as human beings doesn't come with the material goal; it comes with the progress and progress is a direct positive consequence of work, sacrifice, and consistency."
"Personal development is the most important work of your life because it teaches you how to become more effective with the work that you are doing."
"What you pay attention to is what defines you as a person."
"You're going to construct what you want your life to be. You're going to break it up into different hours and segments so you know when it's go time."
"Play to your strengths... in terms of the efficiency of the brain playing to your strengths is absolutely the best way to move forward."
"If you want to learn how to focus, what you've got to do is practice focusing."
"If you end up being an ultimate human, you're going to also make a lot of other people better."
"I am wise. I make wise decisions and I learn from my experiences."
"Dopamine detoxing changed my life forever, but not in the way that you might think."
"Eulogy virtues matter more than resume virtues."
"That little girl who had asked all those questions, who had approached life with curiosity and passion, was gone."
"Habits are really key. You need to develop successful habits."
"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete."
"It's not about perfection. It's about consistency."
"You're really open to learning around this time."
"Make a promise to yourself to work on yourself every day."
"The best, most impactful way that you can make a difference for the world, is to focus on being the best version of yourself."
"If you do things that are intense enough to force your brain to change, you will actually improve the highest functions of the brain."
"First you create your habits, and then your habits create you."
"You're literally changing your gene expression when you practice feeling gratitude or embracing the emotions of your future."
"You become who you surround yourself with. And when you surround yourself with people that are average or below average... you tend to take on their unconscious beliefs, their patterns, their level of energy."
"Every time you break a promise to yourself, every time that you're not in integrity with yourself, it just slowly chips away at you."
"If you grow, everything else in your life grows."
"We are the sum of the people we are closest to."
"The focus seems to be more on your personal development, your personal growth this month."
"It's not the strongest or the smartest who survive, it's the most adaptable."
"Reverence leads to humility, leads to gratitude."
"What would you say is the difference between a wealthy or rich mindset versus a poor mindset? It's a way of thinking, a way of acting and being and doing."
"The first job of every supervisor at every level, including me, is to help your people self-actualize."
"The pleasure in mentoring... there isn't anything that's more rewarding than that, all things considered."
"If we consistently interrupt our old thought patterns with new ones, and we resist the urge to judge ourselves for how long this process takes, we won't waste our lives waiting around for a eureka moment that might never come."
"But believe it or not, with a lot of time and figuring yourself out, it's very manageable and can become one of the strongest tools you can use to become a really balanced, awesome, humble, incredible, super cool person."
"If you don't have the ability to project your thoughts to other people, I don't know how you're going to be successful in life."
"Self-efficacy is your belief in yourself to accomplish a given task."
"Forgiveness will allow you to move forward and heal."
"You are going through a great time of healing and spiritual growth."
"The self-actualized life, the inspired life, is the kind of life that's available for you."
"The quality of relationships that you're going to make will actually help you towards those other goals even faster."
"Self-improvement, guys. When you are constantly bettering your lives, taking action every single day... you're moving towards making yourself more valuable."
"The person you're competing against is who you were yesterday."
"It's not about not having goals; it's about making sure that your goals are actually yours."
"This is something that's going to be quite emotionally fulfilling for you guys as well."
"You guys are unfolding a new story, a new chapter of your life."
"If you improve everything, everything improves."
"The mark of your success isn't going to be which mountain you climbed, the mark of your success is going to be how good you've become at climbing whatever mountain presents itself in front of you."
"God wants you to not stay as a baby in diapers; He wants you to be spiritually strong."
"When I was young, I made a crucial observation: I had to earn with my mind, not my time."
"My habits create my happiness. We shape our habits and then they shape us."
"Daily life is a form of spiritual weight training. You don't lift any weights, you don't get stronger."
"The most controversial thing I teach... I just encourage you to behave [with kindness, love, peace, happiness, confidence, courage] even if you don't feel it."
"You have to spend time daily for at least 63 days, which is nine weeks, in order to make it a habit."
"You are meant to step up into more of yourself."
"Your ability to focus and pay attention to just one thing will determine your success in life."
"The secret to self-improvements, the real self-improvement... is to genuinely cut out all bad habits."
"To make a million dollars, you have to become confident, creative, a hard worker, and a leader. You have to be someone that adds massive value to other people's lives."
"The thing is, 100%, the foundation is developing yourself as a man."
"Swap out some of your TV watching or social media scrolling time to something that actually fulfills you."
"Jose Silva... speaks with a soft, lost accent of a Mexican-American, a kind man who smiles easily whenever he hears 'Jose, you changed my life,' and he replies, 'No, I didn't do it; you did, with your own mind.'"
"Forgiving yourself is probably a bigger one that affects you more day-to-day."
"Motivation is all about the reason behind the motivation. You can't just say yes, I'm motivated to do it if you don't have a reason why you actually want to."
"You have to learn to own your ambition, speak of the ambition, chase the ambition, drive the ambition, and lead the ambition."
"Your life doesn't end up an accident. Your life is a series of actions that you initiate or don't initiate, and that your thoughts are going to control that roadmap."
"Self-love is the most empowering thing to do."
"Self-love is our capacity to feed our spirit, to fill our love cup, to find our inner peace. We just need to tap into it."
"Your whole entire life will get much better when you move from the mentality of more work to the mentality of better work."
"The standard answer in personal development is, 'Oh, do what you're passionate about,' right? But there's a ton of research out there saying people don't know what their passions are."
"All the psychologists always say, 'Well, follow your interests. What do you, what are you interested in? What are you fascinated by? What do you admire?' and keep researching, learning, following that, observing that, practicing that, and then that grows into a little bit more of a passion or a hobby, or maybe even a career."
"Success must be a byproduct of purpose. If you're making great money, you have an awesome relationship, you are fit, but you feel like you are not living your call and your purpose, shouldn't you start developing what that purpose is?"
"Self-reflection, introspection, and a lot of humility will go a long way for every human, journalist or not."
"Practicing self-compassion is a great way to boost self-esteem."
"What can I do that would make my future self grateful for me?"
"Investing in yourself is the best investment. Yourself becoming the best version you can be."
"Self-esteem is just how much you've impressed yourself."
"You become what you repeat. So you're going to start repeating things that move you towards your goals."
"Mindset is everything. The reason that mindset is so important is at the end of the day, only execution matters."
"A growth mindset is that you believe that your talent and intelligence are not fixed traits."
"You become what you repeat. So people that are high achievers do not allow themselves to repeat anything that diminishes their sense of self."
"My biggest takeaway so far is to just lead with gratitude. I've been saying this phrase over the past couple of months: It's lead with love, live with gratitude."
"One of my New Year's resolutions is just working on me, my happiness, and my mental health."
"You now have all the tools to manifest the life of your dreams."
"You will have what you need to be, do, or have anything you want in this life."
"Twelve rules for life: an antidote to chaos."
"You can have anything you want, but not everything you want."
"It's totally okay to leave breathing room in your life."
"There is value in focusing on just one thing at a time."
"As one expert in the science of happiness put it, 'It is the holy grail of life. Everyone wants happiness.'"
"Life requires virtue... following whatever it is in your life that manifests itself to you as meaningful and right."
"Most people give up their dreams and they give up all of the things that they think they want for themselves because they're afraid to step out and do things in front of people who are never going to try."
"If you are ready to start creating the life of your dreams, let us begin."
"You are working with a universe of infinite possibilities and infinite resources."
"For me, it's all about helping people lead a rich life."
"Don't worry about your handwriting or using the right words or not making it look messy... The perfectionism is something that can delay a lot of things in life such as journaling or starting a channel or whatever it is that you want to do."
"Taking 100% responsibility for your life is the foundation of all personal development."
"The foundation of all personal development is to believe that you have the power and ability to respond and to create any kind of life that you choose."
"Personal development is your life. You get to construct whatever kind of life you want."
"These ultra-challenging experiences are paradoxically the main advantage of studying overseas because they make you grow as a person."
"Becoming a good human being is about learning to take great pleasure in contributing to the flourishing of others than your own."
"Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development."
"If I dedicate time every day to personal development, I will gradually become the person that I need to be."
"You're gonna start seeing transformation; you're gonna start seeing a lot of growth."
"To be able to follow through on this strategy, you're going to have to turn yourself into a leader, not a sheep."
"One of the biggest problems that newbies face when they get into personal development or self-actualization is that you read and hear about various techniques and then you get so engrossed in those techniques that you don't have a big picture understanding of really what you're doing."
"Self-actualization is the summit of human growth."
"Self-healing is the starting point for personal development and self-discovery."
"I'm such a reactive person and being able to create a bit of distance from your reactions is crucial."
"Rather than focus on a lot of my negative stuff, I would just find ways to make it productive and focus on how to enrich my life."
"Whether it's Tim Ferriss telling you that nine-tenths of your work week is unnecessary, or any slew of productivity bloggers promising to somehow quintuple your productivity overnight with nootropics."
"Personal development is personal. It's personal. I'm taking it personal because now it's on me. It's on me. It's personal development. I got to hold this [__] accountable."
"You aren't responsible for the model that you were handed... but you are responsible for the one you have now."
"I just teach you to be the best version of yourself."
"Use negative people to fuel you to become a better person. It doesn't hurt them and it massively improves you."
"The only way to reach our best version of ourselves is to require sacrifice."
"This is actually one of the single most powerful personal development techniques that I've ever found."
"I remember the first thing I started with was like education and getting my grades up."
"Cutting out TV might be the single biggest personal development gain that you can make in your life."
"We're going to achieve work-life integration."
"The first time I felt somebody people being proud of me is when I joined the military."
"I personally think that this is the most important topic that I have ever covered...the mother topic for me."
"The critical part that all of you need to do is to take action."
"Your most satisfying personal development and most important achievements will come as your goals open new horizons, as you explore new interests and skills beyond your comfort zone."
"The more passive income you get, the more you should balance it out with personal development work."
"If you minus all the stuff you shouldn't be doing and put all your energy towards what you know you should, you'll be at such a high level, you'll look around and in four, five, six, seven years, you'll be better than everybody at what you do."
"Success is a byproduct of personal development. Your success will never exceed the level of personal development you have."
"Mindset, skill set, habits. If you can master those, you're done."
"Everything you wish to exchange outside of your body has to be created and cultivated first inside."
"Your behavior is ultimately all that matters."
"You have to earn your self-respect every day."
"The only person you're destined to become is the person you decide to be."
"People just didn't calculate how much I could change and that I would so grasp on to the ability to change as an emotional life raft."
"Every great leader that has ever lived has told us that you and I become what we think about."
"This distinction between being and doing is such an important distinction."
"Waste no time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
"Our genes are our predisposition, but our genes are not our fate."
"My definition of greatness would be becoming all that God created you to be. It's reaching your full potential."
"Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change."
"True power is discipline. But how you get disciplined is you have to make yourself a disciple of something that you want to be like."
"The most fulfilling aspect of life is who you're going to become by working your ass off to evolve and to grow yourself."
"Every single day for the rest of your life, undertake a deliberate learning process; that will quickly add a lot of meaning to your life."
"This untapped reservoir of potential that we all have within us."
"We are the creators with the universe and instead of saying 'why me, why did this happen to me', say 'what am I learning from this'."
"Be the change you want to see, you have to and change takes time, you can't just say I've changed, you have to prove it."
"I don't know, it feels like now I have opened up the world for me to go in a million different directions."
"There's three categories for me: sporting, business, and cultural. I think if you're ticking all three boxes, you're the best."
"If you're not clear on your worth, the world will always take you and put you in the bargain basement."
"Every decision you make should help you become the best version of yourself."
"We have a responsibility to those we love and those we lead to become the best version of ourselves."
"The purpose of life is to become the best version of yourself."
"These six practices saved my life, they saved me from missing out on what was possible, and they can do that for anybody."
"The difference between reacting and responding, that's huge."
"The magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding."
"Discipline underpins everything we do; it even underpins love."
"Pressure is a privilege...you look at any aspect of Our Lives where we experience growth, it's under pressure."
"Try not to overestimate what you can do in a given week or month because you'll just end up beating the shit out of yourself and that does not tend to help you in the long term."
"Focus on fulfillment because it's really making sure that you are personally and professionally fulfilled in all aspects of your life."