
Educational Philosophy Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"Learning is there, but it's not the endpoint; it's just the means to something else, which we haven't been attending to enough, and that's the development of the person, who they become having learned that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you just say, learn at your own pace, and do what you need to do to learn, a lot of this peer-to-peer starts emerging."
"We do have the capacity to learn a language by using it, and I do think we shouldn't give up on that just because it's difficult to manage."
"Putting in place that bedrock principle, let's just do what's best for learners, then forget about everything else."
"And also as important as the classroom is to get out of the classroom into the field, into the real world."
"Keeping the magic alive in raising our children through homeschooling and unschooling and life schooling is such a beautiful way for your children to grow and learn."
"Children are like sponges; they absorb everything around them, especially when it's presented with passion and enthusiasm."
"Teaching an entire generation that they cannot rise because of a brutal history is not only false but backwards."
"You don't teach somebody something by doing the same thing they're doing."
"We're teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and we teach them a trade, is that wrong?"
"I feel weird about propagandizing kids I don't think that I should be giving them the one true truth about reality you know I think they should be presented with a variety of viewpoints."
"I think teachers just are directors; they should give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness instead of taking their rights away from speaking."
"We want to help you think in computational modes of thought."
"In learning, there are no mistakes, there are iterations."
"Without a doubt, the easiest way to learn is by example."
"Teaching withheld and giving: an opportunity to learn and teach, to receive and give."
"If we could all come together and teach the 'whys' instead of just the 'do's and 'don'ts', it would be better."
"Michael Faraday had a different value proposition. For him, it was all about how do we make physics, the natural world, seeable to everyone?"
"The world is our classroom because we never stop learning."
"In the world of Montessori, you don't need a ton of toys. The emphasis is actually on quality over quantity."
"It's about why children should be our load stars for how we learn together and grow together, and it's also a homage to my parents."
"NEP 2020 emphasizes the teacher's crucial role in not just imparting information, but also shaping individuals capable of navigating a rapidly evolving world."
"Original source documents is the only way to teach history."
"Now more than ever, we need to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"I pride myself on always being able to get a fire going."
"It's more fun to have fun, and in order to stay motivated throughout your learning, because if you're not having fun then learning basically sucks."
"Ignorance therefore is the essential starting place for our work, from a place that allows us to embrace a lifelong journey of learning."
"Digital learning is not bringing some digital tools in the classroom it's a method it is a philosophy that you bring into the entire educational setup."
"The real purpose of education is to convert your kids."
"A third grade classroom is not a free marketplace of ideas."
"Children are learning organisms... children don't need to be helped to learn for the most part."
"Your proper role if you have a loving relationship with education is not to try and command and control it but to recognize your place in climate control."
"Public schooling has never been solely about the transmission of academic content."
"Failure is an option, matter of fact, it's encouraged. You really want to fail, you want to learn why it fails."
"Learning from mistakes, the best way to learn is through mistakes."
"The key thing is to understand. Screw memorization."
"Academic freedom is not about 'no', it's about 'why not'."
"I'm telling you, we learn. That's how you learn. Tuition is the cost that you have to pay basically to learn."
"That's called presentism... rewriting history instead of letting people learn from the mistakes."
"We need to reshape the thinking, reshape the mind, starting with young people."
"If you exclude theology from the university, you're not actually a university."
"Theology is necessary to the idea of a university."
"If you get the process right, then the marks or the grades or the results at school are going to take care of themselves."
"I don't want to indoctrinate. I want people to think for themselves, to think critically, to think skeptically."
"Personally, I believe that people learn better by taking concepts that they can then apply to their own ideas rather than just flat out copying somebody else's ideas."
"Place the child alone somewhere with a problem to solve. Independent study is the very best way of learning."
"As long as you keep learning, you'll be fine."
"Your theory must inform your practice, and vice versa."
"Secret number one is to not memorize, apply them to real world situations."
"The best kind of learning is learning by doing."
"There's no better education than hands-on education, in my opinion."
"Education is relational; it's about leading people out of ignorance."
"CRC is a mindset, a way of being that permeates all aspects of the way a teacher thinks about what they do and how they do it."
"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."
"Children are being told what to think as opposed to how to think."
"Here's the thing: you cannot teach anybody anything if they have the actual will and desire to learn and achieve something."
"We're not trying to do anything about telling the students what to think, we're trying to teach them how to think."
"It's always about the process and if you could leave the course understanding that then when you get home your homework is to continue working on the process."
"I'd much rather prefer the struggle of learning over the shackles of study."
"Unschooling fundamentally is driven by a profound trust in the human capacity to be curious. The challenge we face is finding a way to extend this trust outwards beyond the home and into the public sphere where it is so desperately needed."
"If you allow a child to just express their true instincts, they move towards curiosity."
"Let's learn how to critically think, not what to think."
"Education is not putting stuff in but pulling stuff out of your brain."
"Teach them how to get past that challenge, not to just sit there and go, okay then I give up."
"A teacher does not teach you to be a follower."
"This idea that kids should be thought of as experts is so insanely dangerous."
"It gives the learner the autonomy of learning."
"There is no paideia without yearning for freedom."
"Education doesn't necessarily mean worse education, just different, and different can sometimes be good."
"Children love consistency and they love predictability. People think that stops children from being creative when actually the opposite is true."
"In order to study something, you don't have to get bored... it should be fun."
"There's never a point where you can say okay I have learned this language now."
"Teachers have to be able to challenge their students with new and possibly threatening ideas and they can't be expected simply to tow political line either on the extreme right or the extreme left or to try to do both at once."
"It's very important to teach children and it's all in how you look at things."
"Intelligence is reading between the lines, not just accepting what's written."
"By combining the dynamics of critique and collective struggle with a philosophy of hope, Freire has created a language of possibility."
"For Freire, 'there is no theoretical context if it is not in a dialectical unity with the concrete context.'"
"Learning by doing is the best, it's the most fun."
"Curriculum is not a marketplace of ideas; it's a very important thing."
"The importance of exposure over education, because education is about retention."
"Doing less, going in greater depth... less is more."
"Critical thinking isn't a belief system...it's a framework and a set of tools."
"Learning is a process of asking questions and building solutions."
"We need curiosity-driven education." - Passionate pursuit
"Teaching people how to think, not what to think."
"More is caught than taught; transfer passion with excitement and a smile."
"Education is a lot deeper than what we're taught on a regular basis."
"Effective teaching is about facilitating learning, not just lecturing."
"Science should be simple. Anyone can make things complicated, but it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Teaching is a performative act, it is that aspect of our work that offers the space for change."
"The people who are good self-learners in general will be much happier and bigger winners in adulthood."
"Teaching is an act of love. Pedagogy is an act of love. If that is replaced by robots, then our culture is going to be an increasingly robotic, decreasingly human culture."
"Life is study if he's not learning something new he's wasting his life."
"Students should be given an opportunity to assert themselves, to be actively involved, and to invest themselves in the learning experience."
"If a theory cannot be explained to a child, then the theory is probably worthless." - Albert Einstein
"Science should be simple... it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Because they taught me, it's our job to keep teaching and pass it on."
"Teach what you learn; the best way to solidify knowledge."
"Teaching for conceptual understanding over test scores."
"Understanding the 'why' makes all the difference in learning."
"I just personally feel like teaching to the test does a disservice."
"Education should be about the kids learning. It shouldn't be about politics."
"All students can learn, and when I say all, I really mean all students."
"The learning is in the doing. Theory means nothing unless you're actually doing the thing."
"Our goal is not... to graduate people and send them down the road. No, we feel like we want them to be... for as long as they want to be able to come here."
"Isn't the true essence of learning not about comparison but about personal evolution?"
"Are you born innovative or is it something that can be taught?"
"Knowledge is unshakable and will never desert you."
"Life doesn't end after school, nor should your education."
"Isn't this really the way that people learn?"
"It's all about learning. It's, we just did, we just tried it. We tried it and it's all about learning."
"Experience is the best teacher. Making mistakes is one of the best things that you can do."
"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance. It's the illusion of knowledge."
"Talent certainly plays a role. People who say there's no such thing as Talent, I think talking nonsense."
"Education should be free, not just Khan Academy, but anything that is going to be really useful for students."
"This is what real scholarship does. It teaches you tolerance."
"Education should focus on strengths, not weaknesses."
"Advanced work is subtractive, not just additive."
"Mistakes are part of learning, and if you don't have mistakes, you just aren't going to get it right."
"It's not about shoving information into you, it is about forcing it out and that's how you learn."
"We want to teach people how to think, not what to think."
"Education cannot be totally neutral. You need to teach that some things are true and other things are false, some things are good and other things are bad, and some things are right and other things are wrong."
"The most important thing to do with children is to let them run with that curiosity."
"Education is the process in which you teach someone to love the things that they ought to love and to hate the things that they ought to hate."
"Critical Consciousness is about changing the parameters the kids will accept for the world that they're going to live in."
"Failure is a better teacher than success. Trial and error, reverse engineering stuff in your mind... all of these ways that kids interact with games, that's the kind of thinking that schools should be teaching."
"The truth is that critical race theory affirms the most fundamental of American values."
"Learn from everything, not just teacher and student learning, but learn from doing."
"The definition of an educated person is knowing how little they know."
"Teaching people how to think clearly is a better strategy for the long-term health of the country."
"If learning is all about failing, who fails faster?"
"There's no shame in looking up a how-to. Learning to find new answers is so much more important than memorizing old ones."
"Math is about the journey of adding to your toolkit of problem-solving and thinking techniques."
"It is necessary for the teacher of God to realize not that he should not judge, but that he cannot."
"You can't teach what you know you can only teach what you are."
"I'm not proprietary about what I know; I want the human race to share it."
"Learning doesn't have to be uncomfortable, it should be fun."
"You have to become a student of everything. You can't lock your mind in one way."
"I'm a teacher of teachers is kind of how I describe it but then I'm also a student of the universe."
"So I'm teaching you how I think and giving you a method of how you might consider thinking among other methodologies."
"If you teach a man principles, he can create his own methods. I want to create an army of experts, not followers."
"We need a holistic education teaching the holism of the universe."
"It's not about information, it's about transformation."
"Critical pedagogy exists specifically so that it can raise up through what looks like education... conscious subjects made to believe that it is their lot in the world to transform the world."
"Education is the basis of anything and we're going to make more conscious, empathetic, and gender equitable children."
"Education should not serve a pragmatic goal but should instead be an intrinsic end in itself."
"Sometimes understanding is way more important than memorizing."
"The only argument for school should include campfires."
"Montessori respects babies as we would respect any other adult, and adapts the world to meet them, rather than expecting them to always be the ones to adapt."
"A lesson without pain is meaningless because gaining anything worthwhile requires sacrifice."
"The mark of an educated mind is to entertain a thought without accepting it."
"One of the things that we were really, really strong on is not telling the boys what to think but teach them how to think."
"Each one, teach one. That's how you move it forward."
"Learning is so much more than studying for exams."
"We came to Howard with the idea of teaching students to climb the ladder but also to look back and lift as they climb." - Dr. Andrew Billingsley
"Black colleges are the best examples of that mantra."
"The secret to teaching is having answers that lead to more questions."
"You're never too old to learn, you're never too young to teach."
"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."
"We want to see the entire world learn how to think, not what to think. And we're starting with crypto. That's what we're doing here, but that's our goal for everyone: to learn how to think for themselves."
"Choosing to homeschool your children with Charlotte Mason as your guide is more than just a plan to follow a curriculum to order or a schedule to set up. It's so much more. It's about an atmosphere, a discipline, a life."
"Teach people how to think, not what to think."
"We have to be great teachers but we have to be students first."
"Integration and differentiation are essential to human development."
"Knowledge is always power. Good teachers show kids how to think, not what to think."
"Addressing the whole child not just what they can do but all of them is essential."
"We're pro-teacher, pro-parent, pro-student, which was the original golden triangle of education."
"Educate the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."
"The key point to understand is math is not equal to calculating; it's a much bigger subject, a means to an end."
"Learning is not just pure consumption of new information."
"The whole course of a city-state and the whole course of a life depends upon education."
"I believe that the main goal of universities should be to give students access to knowledge even without thinking about the job."
"A liberal philosophy exercises a point of view about education in which you try to sift the facts and take a look at what exists."
"True education is freedom, creativity, and expansion."
"Children are incredibly capable when given the appropriate environment and the freedom within limits to do so."
"Focus on the student's gifts and their faults will disappear."
"Montessori is great because you're teaching your child independence."
"Teaching is more of an art than a science."
"Education is listening to what the kids have to say."
"Education is not about filling a pail, it's about lighting a fire."
"I enjoy working with students in the college counseling process; it gives me a chance to think broadly about the purpose of school, the purpose of college, what students might want to get out of college."
"If you have a learner that can take off, let them take off. Why are we slowing them down?"
"Good teaching and good learning has all of those elements in it; we consider ourselves learners as much as we do teachers."
"Our culture sort of indoctrinates us to accept that there's an institution where children can go and there are people in that institution who are going to do a better job of teaching your child than you could, and we don't believe that."
"The University of Austin is based upon Free Speech, open inquiry, classical texts, debate, free exchange of ideas."
"The educational philosophy here is to pair strengths with strengths; this way, there's pressure to improve."
"Pedagogy for students of privilege should seek to liberate the advantaged children in the world from their bondage, perhaps also heal them from the sickness of their isolation, and empower them to be able to connect with others."
"Many independent school educators are justice-minded and see liberation as the primary purpose of their work."
"When you educate the heart, it doesn't interfere with academic achievement; it actually helps students do better."
"Every child should be challenged and taught to love challenge, not allowed to be bored in school."
"Never lose your voice as an educator."
"We try to see education as three H's: head, hands, and most importantly, a kind heart."
"They are not supposed to be taught what is to learn but they have to be taught how to learn for themselves."
"We've got to continue the emphasis on excellence without elitism."
"Education is learning from everything."
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."
"High expectations and a culture of genuine affection for the kids are the two common elements I think to great cultures."
"Every time we give kids control, it gives them power, and empowered children learn more."
"The importance of living a balanced life and creating a balanced education."
"Whoever does the work does the learning."