
Self-awareness Quotes

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"The optimistic view of it is that by knowing that we have all things inside of us potentially and by embracing that fact, we can manage that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Intelligence is the ability to look inside of yourself and see your own biases."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most people are missing something because they don't know who they are. They never examined themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's something really attractive about the idea that because certain things about our experience of life and our emotions is happening in our body. That maybe we have a little more control."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"That feeling is the feeling of a moderate behavioral addiction."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being able to take a step back, detach, and see the bigger picture to me is the true superpower of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have learned in my adult life to anchor my identity to why I do the things I do rather than what I do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"These are essential things to understand about oneself if you want to guide yourself toward your aspirations."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're complex, but the beauty of it all is the complexity is within us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's very hard to control the mind with the mind."
"There's actually a part of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which has to do with our sense of self and time and place. So when you're in these flow states, it feels as if it's coming through them from some place else because they lose their sense of agency, but they also lose their sense of time."
"I'm very self-aware. It's just getting to do things to do anything about it is the next step."
"What distinguishes us... is that we have a conscious knowledge of our existence and of ourselves in space and time."
"If you want to avoid anxiety for the next 18 months, it's really important for you to consciously think of and be aware of your anxiety and how you can get rid of your anxiety by acting in a way that you know in your heart and soul is right."
"Neuroplasticity is the ability to change our own structure of our brain in our head by being aware."
"Your external world is a reflection of your internal world."
"Just learning to separate your emotions from you is so powerful."
"The only time you really truly get to be yourself is when you're by yourself."
"An identity check is critical because the only way you're going to bounce back from what is going to happen in life is to have a strong sense of self."
"Recognize what your strengths are and play to your motivational strengths."
"Know your game, play within yourself... Believe in yourself."
"You've got to stand back and observe your own thinking, feeling, and choosing."
"To put your ego in check and say, 'Oh, that person might understand something that I don't,' is crucial."
"Understanding why you're doing what you're doing is absolutely critical."
"Self-awareness is a trait of emotional fitness."
"It's not about that we can just avoid it...it's about being able to separate out and see this is often about something that is being projected."
"No wonder you're not motivated; you haven't thought about what motivates you in three days."
"The observations that you make about yourself are not signs that you're broken; they're clues as to how you work."
"Building lasting motivation is all about bringing to mind over and over what is most important to you, what matters to you the most."
"The true nature of ours is higher consciousness."
"Each one of us is the deepest reality, the deepest truth, and the deepest love that is possible. Most of us are spending our lives completely ignorant of who we really are."
"Love real love is recognizing the other as yourself."
"Always question conventional wisdom, including our own."
"Self-awareness, knowing what you're feeling, why you feel it, how it affects what you do."
"If you ask me who my dream was at 17, I probably would have told you something stupid. And I'm glad I didn't chase that because I didn't know myself well enough to know what my dream should be."
"My life mission is to help fix the gut health of as many people as I can."
"Awareness of one's thinking seems immensely powerful in this context."
"Consciousness, self-awareness, I think this might be the single greatest moment in evolution ever, and maybe this is the true beginning of life."
"The sun represents our soul, the moon represents our emotions. Our emotions are coming to the forefront and being highlighted by the sun."
"Don't believe every stupid thing you think. Know what you want, and ask yourself every day, does my behavior fit what I want?"
"You don't have to believe every stupid thing you think."
"Mindfulness...when you learn to redirect your focus from your thoughts onto your body and how you're feeling in that moment, is huge."
"You guys need to listen to your intuition. I feel like your intuitions been telling you something for a little while now."
"Your emotions just are, and being able to understand that brings in a relationship with your core self that is much more in line with what you are."
"We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are."
"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely."
"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people."
"Self-respect isn't about feeling better; self-respect is about knowing your own value."
"If you show me I'm wrong, I'm gonna change my tune, right? Because I don't wanna be the delusional person who's still running around saying the same thing."
"If you're right about everything, you can't improve. There's no room for improvement."
"Greatness is...owning the doing the work to really understand who you are, what matters to you in the world, and how you need to express yourself."
"Humility is kind of like the skill of being able to see your weaknesses...It's so important that you have this humility mindset."
"When you're constantly looking for the next bar to hit, you can blind yourself to how far you've come."
"The delightful laughter at the end of your sentence probably tells you the answer that you know."
"The enemy is also the victim; you're at war with yourself. The source of the problem is also the only solution."
"Real spiritual growth happens when there is only one of you inside."
"Own your power. You are more powerful than you think."
"Find a way to know in yourself what it is that you want and focus on that."
"We really don't know how much you have to concentrate on other people to be optimally situated in terms of your emotional regulation."
"You do live out a story, and it's a good idea to know what story you've been living out and know where you want to go in the future."
"Recognize that you are on a path to being in a position where you've been able to control to some level where you are. You've been successful in your business, in your work, in your interaction with others, with the family that you're in."
"The number one sign of humility is being able to laugh at yourself."
"Sometimes we just wake up in a bad mood for no reason, and it's important not to let it govern us."
"Self-esteem is just how much you've impressed yourself."
"Self-talk is really important. You need to be very thoughtful about what you repeat."
"I thought everyone was looking at me. What is this loner doing here? It was an irrational fear, but we all have it."
"Maybe there's something that'll you know dramatically shake my subjective interpretation of myself in the future, but I'd rather be more open to it than more closed off to it."
"A lot of us don't know what life we're wanting to live. A lot of us are living unintentional lives where we're essentially asleep."
"There’s only one of us. That has to be the greatest realization of anything you could ever have."
"Emotions are renewed every 90 seconds and if it lasts for longer than that it's because you're choosing to tell yourself a story that's causing the emotion to be renewed."
"If you can observe your mind from your Consciousness, you're proving to yourself that you aren't your mind. Your mind is something that's doing that's working for you."
"I'm the captain of petty, but when you call me out, I will sit and think and do some self-reflection."
"Inner peace is a signal you're on the right path, and a disturbance of the heart is a signal that you're not on the right path."
"It's a great equalizer; it just keeps me in check, keeps me in alignment."
"I think it's a very important thing to be aware of yourself."
"The greatest self-deception is that you are real, important, and must survive."
"Don't resist the phases, lean into them, acknowledge which phase you're in, and then kind of just go with it."
"The Untethered Soul: You're not the voice; you're the one who hears it."
"Your number one concern in life should be curing yourself of self-deception. That's basically it. Almost nothing else matters."
"If you truly believe that billions of people around the world are self-deceived... you should be very concerned that your own mind is doing the same thing to you."
"If you were fully 100% self-honest with yourself right now... you would actually faint and collapse to the floor with a panic attack."
"Problems of perception involve how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive others, how we perceive the chain of events and situations in the present."
"The only real knowledge you can get is knowledge of self. This is the highest level."
"In order to have concentrated thinking, you have to have the ability to hear yourself."
"You have to connect with the idea that if you remain where you are, you will never be happy and you will never be at peace."
"Awareness is the first step towards healing from narcissistic abuse and breaking the cycle of such behavior."
"The experience of being me or being you is a kind of controlled hallucination designed to keep the body going, designed to keep us alive."
"Self-awareness is really an awareness of your personal vision."
"Was 2019 the year comic book movies became mature? Well, 2019 was the year that these superhero movies became self-aware."
"Every painful emotion that we experience is self-created by our resistance to our reality."
"Imposter syndrome largely is a very realistic assessment of wow, I've never done this before, I have no proof that I can do the thing that I'm trying to do."
"Try not to overestimate what you can do in a given week or month because you'll just end up beating the shit out of yourself and that does not tend to help you in the long term."
"The way that people treat you is not a reflection of you; it's a reflection of them."
"Your soul knows your truth, and the more you are aware of how you can let your soul come through, the more you'll recognize that you've had all the answers within you all along."
"You know how to be you more than you realize. Wherever you're headed on your journey... you're not behind, you're not doing the wrong thing, you can't mess this up."
"To live a wise and good life, we need to 'know thyself'. And we've traditionally thought that this means looking inside yourself, gazing at your own navel. But I believe to know thyself, we need to balance introspection, with what I call, outrospection."
"You are not just a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in the drop itself."
"Every human being has a dark side, has a shadow."
"Self-awareness is the number one ingredient that you need to be a successful adult."
"The only way that consciousness can be known is by consciousness."
"I would have believed him too. Listen, I'm a bald white guy. I look like a villain from an Austin Powers movie. I 100% get it."
"Self-awareness comes first because if you aren't aware, you won't care."
"The development of the texture of your own mind... you can only ever experience your past experience through the experience you have now."
"The key to being non-reactive is not to try and be non-reactive. No, no, no, no. The key to be non-reactive is to first observe your reactions."
"Having the experience is more important than consuming ourselves with other people's view of us."
"Being honest with yourself is crucial; if you're not being honest about what you want and what you care about, you're not being your true self."
"Truth is self-awareness, self-illuminating, self-knowing, and self-evident."
"Once you know who you are as a person, nobody can take that away from you. When you believe in yourself and you know you're that girl or that dude, nobody can say [__] to you."
"If success changes your identity, it wasn't strong."
"You learn more effectively and your relationships improve when you understand how you uniquely think, feel, and choose."
"If we were connected to our gut feelings, there's a lot of things we wouldn't be choosing."
"Love yourself, appreciate yourself, get to know yourself, your wants, your desires, and then really, you know, push that out there into the world, and bring that love in that you actually want."
"The importance of stillness, the importance of silence, the ability to... have the awareness of your own emotional, your internal emotional states, so that you can really begin to suss out what you respond to."
"Our bodies are suggesting that we are separate, and that's where the body's lying to us."
"Life is a process of becoming, and the most crucial element in becoming is insight. Insight into who you are, insight into other people, and what makes them tick."
"Every single one of us knows what we do. Some of us know how we do it, but very, very few of us can clearly articulate why we do what we do."
"I've realized that while we can all feel these things... it's important that our voices are not always the loudest."
"Anytime I was bitter or miserable or annoying to be around is because the way I was living didn't match my values and principles."
"Self-awareness is not just about knowing our strengths and weaknesses but also understanding our stories."
"You know your experience is up to you and the choices you make."
"Self-awareness is the ability to look at yourself and how you're behaving right in that moment in a completely impartial state."
"Narcissists will fear the healed empath because the healed empath can see through the narcissist."
"Success doesn't come from doing some specific formula externally; it comes from understanding how you work as a person."
"There's no self-development without self-awareness."
"We are all walking mirrors of the energy we put out."
"Self-awareness is merely cognitive... Insight must include an emotional component which motivates to action or motivates to internal transformation."
"Be aware of what you are not, and rest in what you are. What you are, you cannot be aware of that; you can't objectify it."
"You care about what everybody thinks, man, that's draining."
"Follow your passions. At the end of the day, you know who you are."
"I've still not found a better solution for self-awareness than solitude."
"Sitting in solitude is the only place you get to hear your own voice and make sense of other people's opinions."
"To really decode their own sexuality, people have to become super conscious about what causes them to feel turned on and aroused, and most especially why."
"The ego, the self, is an illusion created by the mind, and recognizing this is the essence of spiritual awakening."
"The purpose of this video is simply just to point out the things about yourself that you may not see because you're too busy comparing yourself to someone else, while meanwhile, people are actually comparing themselves to you."
"It's better to know what you think, to say you know as much as you can honestly, so you don't get confused by your own lies, and just to be yourself."
"I think there's enough space for one attention ho in this relationship, and it's going to be me."
"I realized that creativity was just in me. If anything, the drugs and alcohol were messing me up more, taking me out of who I was."
"The line between confidence and arrogance is obviously completely arbitrary."
"The more time we spend getting to know who we are, what we like, and then the people around us, it improves our relationships in the immediate."
"We are human doings rather than human beings."
"The real completion comes through actually knowing oneself."
"You only know yourself through your interactions with others. The way I speak is influenced by the way you listen, the way I see myself is influenced by the way you see me."
"Self-awareness can change your life and how quickly it can change your life."
"If you don't have self-awareness, you don't understand that the things that are going on around you are because of you."
"As soon as you become more interested in the thought patterns you have over the thoughts that you have, that is when your life will change forever."
"Acknowledging the gaps between the ideal and the real is part of everyone's journey, not just an enlightenment thing."
"The very ground of the most expansive understanding of the psyche you could get to become self-aware."
"Just being able to differentiate between system one and system two... is the first level of self-awareness."
"Just starting there and being able to reflect and observe the different voices inside of us is a great place to start your self-awareness."
"What it came down to is a lack of self-awareness, a lack of understanding of what am I good at, what am I passionate about, what am I bringing to the table."
"You are neither the molecule nor the thought; you are the source of both."
"The only way to realize love is to be love, is to realize you are the source of love."
"You gotta figure out your own personal equation, and once you figure out that equation, you now become a mathematical genius about yourself."
"God, I thank you for breaking chains, God, I thank you for seeing what I was anchored to even when I didn't see it myself."
"High levels of self-awareness allow guys to experience you without the countertransference of your own pain."
"The moments that make us cringe are when we're yanked out of our own perspective, and we can suddenly see ourselves from somebody else's point of view."
"You can't know yourself unless you know your history."
"Whatever that you see that you are attracted to in another person, you actually already have that within. This is about awakening that."
"Understand your behavior and understand yourself."
"Success comes from understanding how you work as a person."
"Let yourself feel all of the emotions... your entire rainbow spectrum of feelings is sending you important messages and guidance."
"It's a real-life example of how our need to feel important can really control our lives."
"Just because you call someone fat doesn't make you skinny. Just because you call someone stupid doesn't make you smart."
"The answers are always within each and every one of us."
"What is working against you is your own mind."
"You need to know what you care about in rank order, which I find people have a very hard time doing."
"Love itself means to acknowledge that there is a self there, there's a physical body perhaps with needs that change in a moment, there's emotions that are happening for you in any given moment that might be different than someone else's."
"Always tell the truth to other people and to yourself."
"I genuinely believe the reason I can take the feedback is because when I go into my Instagram post...one will say that I'm walking on water and the next will say that I'm a snake oil salesman charlatan; the fact that neither penetrate my psyche is absolutely where I'm at."
"You are alive by design, and the moment that you understand that design, your future awaits you."
"When you start feeling what it feels like to be you instead of what you'd become, that's very important."
"By flipping the switch, by learning about who you are, understanding yourself on a deeper level... will make your life at work and everything so much easier."
"The first step to success requires more than just being around the right people or doing the right thing; it requires you to understand yourself."
"Knowing your strengths helps you in your own life but also in all of your relationships."
"One of the most important things that we could learn is the importance of the words that we say to ourselves, how we communicate to ourselves."
"We've got to get to the mindset of understanding who we are first and then who we align with."
"You're going through huge spiritual awakenings, starting to become aware of yourself, being authentic."
"The way that you start to develop consciousness is by starting to be more mindful, starting to just notice what you're doing."
"We humans have to face our own vulnerabilities."
"You don't really live authentically until you face the possibility of non-being."
"Therapy for me is sometimes about unwinding parts about myself and once you're aware of something, that's when you can really take a hard look at it and start to change."
"Understanding how to read your body may be even more important than understanding what you're good at."
"Meditation is not about getting somewhere else; it's about being exactly where you are and knowing it more deeply."
"You can't give the world 100 percent when you yourself don't know what that looks like for you."
"It's as important to know what you don't want to do or where you shouldn't be as is to know what you want to do."
"The real value of books is to sort of trigger an introspection."
"We are our best coach or our worst coach. We are our best friend or worst friend. We are an asset to ourselves or a debilitator to our future."
"Mindfulness is the tool by which you can break that spell."
"It's about how you want to show up to the world, what values are important to you, what relationships you have, how you want to feel within yourself, how much integrity you have."
"Your truest nature, that thing that's sitting there right now conscious of this very moment...that thing is infinite imagination, or what is otherwise known as God."
"Your feelings... always reflect the real you with perfect accuracy."
"Listen to what I say in two ways: one is carefully listening to the words, attending to what I am saying, and the second, listen with your own existence, with the whole being, that notice that it is true."
"All perceptions arise in consciousness, play around in consciousness, and disappear back into consciousness. That I am."
"Consciousness is the intimate presence of self-awareness - aware of yourself being yourself."
"You are the awareness that is aware of all experiences."
"I am the witness consciousness; everything else—mind, body, external universe—all of them are objects."
"You are that perfection which religion and spirituality promise."
"What really moved me was this call back to nature and...it could help me come back to my own nature, which is true for all of us."
"You think of yourself as a person now, but when you step back into your real nature, you are free of the person."
"May we all get to say that in this very life itself, you realize the truth which is already ours."