
Management Quotes

There are 8396 quotes

"The optimistic view of it is that by knowing that we have all things inside of us potentially and by embracing that fact, we can manage that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's always good to catch things early, financially."
"You have to try and grow your population, make your people happy, and make as much gold as possible, all at the same time."
"Every company should be doing this: Appreciation in the workplace."
"When you face adversity over a consistent period of time, you know how to manage it, how to withstand it. It makes you stronger, makes you more resilient."
"It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep."
"We've had no football structure and five managers for a decade."
"The business case presents the optimum mix of information used to judge whether the project is and remains desirable, viable, and achievable."
"A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."
"It's very easy to drive people crazy as a manager, and you may have experienced that with your managers when they don't let you have autonomy."
"Being proactive about the emotions is about deactivating the negative emotions that either are taking place or highly predictable."
"Setting expectations is crucial in setting everyone up for success. Literally, all other steps rely on this one happening first and happening well."
"The way Klopp balances a pathway to the first team for youth, developing new signings while also maintaining a title race this season, is incredible."
"Part of being a brand owner, part of being a boss, is knowing how to delegate."
"Emotions can either cloud our judgment or guide us to smarter decisions, depending on how we manage them."
"This is really satisfying though, it's like playing those Tycoon games."
"My job is just to get out of the way and let people be themselves because most people are looking for the funny."
"This wasn't like last time; management was helping me. Management wanted me to leave."
"Treat your people well, people are the greatest resource."
"We can manage that to function so much better."
"What God wants you to do in this life is not be attached to a tool; He wants you to manage that tool but not love it."
"Vassal opinion is one of the most important things to constantly be influencing when playing Crusader Kings 3."
"It's still the best people, but it is not run well."
"If you're analyzing this from a management perspective...there is no wrong option each one has their pros and their cons."
"This DLC is absolutely one of my favorite DLCs... They all add such an interesting management mechanic to the game."
"If you've ever been a supervisor or a manager, I want you to think about dating in the very same way."
"You can't manage something you can't measure."
"Managing people well isn't just a formula; it's about creating a work environment that allows others to do their best."
"The logic of risk-taking is about understanding and managing risks in a dynamic framework."
"My depression is a symptom, it's a condition. It's not who I am. It's something over here that I can manage appropriately so I can still live my life."
"That's what he needs. That's the job of a leader."
"You don't only build the city, but you also actively manage it."
"Every manager will look at the team they're playing, work out strengths, weaknesses for both yours and your opponents, and then set up to make sure you get the best of your best players."
"You can't always expect a normal response. You got to give players their space to be themselves."
"I love having a well-trained and competent staff. It just really does make my life better."
"We need somebody in charge who's got the best interest of the club... too many cooks spoil the broth."
"We've had 17 years of the glazes and for the last 10 years, it's been a joke."
"Feelings are real but they are a bad manager."
"The most important qualities needed to be an effective manager include strong communication and interpersonal skills, decisive decision-making skills, and an innovative approach to solving problems."
"If you cannot follow my rules, then get the [expletive] out." - Abby, laying down the law at her restaurant.
"You cannot have responsibility for something you do not have authority over."
"You always say like, 'Oh, if you want, I can put you through to the manager,' or 'You have to come in and find her; we can't give out a schedule over the phone.'"
"This is super useful for just, you know, accounting, understanding what's going on."
"Managing expectation is absolutely essential."
"I don't even think a prime Sir Alex Ferguson could win the Premier League with this team."
"The control room is a crucial facility featured on many Forerunner installations, used to manage the entirety of the installation systems."
"What moved me in the first instance to attempt a work like this was the discomfort and suffering which I had seen brought upon men and women by household mismanagement."
"Early rising is one of the most essential qualities which enter into good household management, as it is not only the parent of health but of innumerable other advantages."
"How about the workers choose their managers rather than the other way around? How about when management is coming up with policies that directly affect the worker, why don't the workers have a say in creating those policies?"
"I think Ralph Rangnick has spoken a lot of sense since he's come to Manchester United."
"It takes right decisions and where you want to go, what kind of players you want, what kind of manager you want, and then in every transfer window try to get the best possible."
"You should hire people that are better than you at their specific disciplines."
"There's either a decision then to decide it's a mismatch or to decide it's still a match and it was an honest mistake. Neither of those involve ripping someone to shreds."
"This might be a month to let people be accountable for the work they're supposed to be doing."
"A great leader is not arrogant, is not overbearing, is flexible with the way that they lead."
"Cool, everything falls on you, but when you start needing to answer questions and you're being checked by people, it's good to be able to say, 'Nope, this is the rules, this is what we said, this is what we agreed on.'"
"The day you become a leader, it becomes about them. You no longer do the nitty-gritty little stuff. You build them into great people."
"One of the hardest things to see is when one keeps winning over and over again, how do you manage blind spots to make sure you don't think you're untouchable?"
"It's beautiful to see a manager who has complete understanding of what is being asked of him."
"The four primary management functions are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling."
"The single most important thing when having consistent success: hire good people and let them do their job."
"My first season back at Chelsea in management has been an unexpected crazy season for many reasons."
"Change has become a constant. Managing it has become an expanding discipline. The way we embrace it defines our future."
"I urge the mayor to abandon this counterproductive and cruel tactic and instead pursue more sound management."
"Building a team, it's tough. If it was easy everyone would do it."
"No single man or even a single institution can oversee the operations of 1.4 billion people in one of the largest countries in the world by basically every metric."
"The Toyota way is a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the company's approach to management and production."
"Let's go with the Corporate Culture Site... more managers, more unity, tried value, and society. That is really cool."
"The thing is, a reality exists where this stuff is better managed. It's not our current reality, but it very well could be."
"Higher slow, do 3-hour interviews... the higher the position, the slower you should hire."
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. What gets measured gets managed."
"I think there's a lot of push to have the government manage things and not enough focus on the community level."
"These players are like your Instagram playboys; they need a lot of mollycoddling."
"The best managers are the best man-managers."
"I think trust is a two-way thing. I don't think it's the manager can purely trust his players, and I think there has to be a two-way thing."
"You have to treat one person differently from the next to get the best out of them and for them to feel safe in the environment that you're trying to create."
"On a single day, multiple people were seen leaving Payette's office with tears in their eyes after private meetings with her."
"Management is not just about doing things right; it's about doing the right things."
"It'll take a lot of boxes for you if you like these link-building management tycoon games."
"Manchester United were once the most feared team in England when they were under the management of Sir Alex Ferguson."
"It's all because of our manager Corbin. He made this team."
"I love this stock so much long-term potential there, such a great management team, there's so many things to be bullish on for a long-term investor like myself."
"Feeling jealousy is normal, but it's how you deal with that that makes you different."
"One way to make your business better is to get better at hiring."
"We learned a lot in 2015 when it comes to team structure, management, coaching, and analysis. We're fairly advanced but respectfully acknowledge we have so much more to learn."
"As a manager, I'd do everything in my power to limit social media exposure around games. It's about maintaining focus and professionalism."
"If you're hypothetically sacking a manager, then you hypothetically should have an alternative plan."
"Conflict is just a natural part of life. How you handle conflict is key."
"What gets measured gets managed and it's about measuring the things that are key."
"Management and workers ate together, and solved problems together."
"For those of you that don't know, My Team is basically you're a manager and a driver. You are the 11th team on the grid."
"It's not just about trusting you as a driver; it's about trusting the entire team, the facilities, and everyone behind it."
"This is the game you don't want to miss, two fantastic clubs with two fantastic managers."
"In pep we trust, and however he sends them out there, you know he's probably going to have had a little trick up his sleeve today."
"We really want our government to measure things and we want to be able to manage what we measure."
"We're trying to replace the need for more people with automation, because it's hard enough to manage the company as is, and I don't want to sacrifice quality."
"Part of the value of managing a team of people is that I constantly adapt my personality to their personality."
"We need to fix this state. We need to get away from the mismanagement. These aren't political issues; these are management issues, and they can be solved."
"You need to get a structure in place and have it for a considerable period of time so that people get used to it and can follow it, and it's predictable and coherent."
"The reason why most CEOs never actually create Leverage: they refuse to give up control."
"The only thing that I am good at... is picking the right people."
"Aging and shrinking societies can improve prosperity if managed mindfully."
"Your health outcomes can be dramatically superior with proper management."
"Ryan is a game Runner right but he also has to run the show and at the end of the day like running a game and running the show you don't always have aligned interests."
"Leadership is about getting people to do things they wouldn't do on their own."
"It becomes clear that there are at least two older flood myths that appear in both Akkadian and Sumerian texts."
"I don't think removing people and like firing people was necessarily a bad thing but the way Blizzard won about it was kind of bad."
"Management consulting is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance."
"Treat yourself like a good boss would treat a valued employee."
"Leadership is a lot about asking people to do things at times that are difficult for them..."
"AIDS is no longer a death sentence. It is now viewed as a chronic, but manageable disease."
"A key part of problem solving is making sure the problem doesn't get worse."
"Inflation expectations are an important part of driving actual inflation, and we want them to be at levels that are consistent with 2% inflation over time."
"Under Daniel's leadership, we'll make this work."
"Eric Ten Hag wants things done quicker because he knows that this club is a long way off where he was at Ajax."
"Ten Hag has had a year to assess the problems within the football club, and obviously there are huge problems around players."
"United fans need to trust the progress and back their manager."
"A director of football should be taken away from the manager and doing so the manager can concentrate on what he needs to do with the team and the players to win games."
"It's not about being in charge; it's about taking care of those in your charge."
"Let them not talk through process, let's listen to them."
"Hiring is guessing, firing is knowing. Like you gotta go fast. That's how you get shit done, that's how you figure shit out."
"Every time one of Brighton star players leaves as they inevitably keep doing there seems to be an even younger and more capable replacement waiting in the wings."
"This is the first time since post Fergie that there are signs of meaningful changes behind the scenes."
"Seasons cannot be avoided, they must be managed."
"The elite managers find solutions for problems."
"Effective leaders and companies... they're usually pretty empathetic leaders."
"If the board don't back this manager, it's a big message to the players that we don't support this regime."
"People rarely quit jobs, they quit managers."
"He completely just bungled the entire thing."
"Building a great team is the most important thing you do."
"It's very reminiscent of 2005 when the glazers took over the club."
"Meet your new replacements, you've changed nothing."
"Shu Yoshida's plan included fostering inter-team collaboration to increase the quality of titles and reduce development costs."
"Putting all these new systems in place is an incredible task."
"If you treat your employees well, they will produce good work for you."
"Let's not only have the most loved healthcare service but let's make it the best managed, the most efficient healthcare service in the world."
"Thanks guys for joining on that flight...become a better pilot just by being able to lower your workload and increase your threat their management."
"Changing the manager takes all the pressure off and changes the narrative."
"You gotta have some level of ability to manage the conversation."
"Homer signs on to be her manager/agent, making her famous overnight."
"Homer becomes manager of the power plant when it's outsourced to India."
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it."
"I do think that this statement was handled pretty well and merits more credit in this situation."
"Props to you and your management for enforcing it and not letting people slide."
"Keep your debt low and keep your income High absolutely if you can do that you'll be very successful absolutely."
"Know when to let go and trust in the process of succession."
"Companies, teams, they're all run by humans, humans who have their own self-interest, who have their own insecurities. So the sooner you understand this, the sooner you achieve success."
"I'm gonna pick the biggest one, and maybe click and drag just a little bit, and because I'm moving one of them, all of them are exactly the same size."
"Admin has pressure on them from people that's above them for sure. When they're saying stuff to us they're not necessarily trying to be hateful they're not necessarily trying to micromanage it's usually not their choice."
"Each game is like put out your workers pull your workers back or whatever it's not like you how many of your workers are you going to basically budget for each season."
"Commissioner tools: the ability to undo transactions, control over player movements and contracts, approve trades, and reset a game in case of a disconnect. Huge W."
"The best way to make your business better is hiring correctly."
"You have to get your best people in charge and keep politics out of it."
"I pulled every employee out of this bar I put about 22 customers in the bar they're not being served and Brad is sitting on his butt in a booth oblivious to all of this."
"It's actually quite valuable to have the technical background as a manager."
"Even though this looks like a builder right, this looks like Sim City, it is more of a kind of a puzzle game management game."
"There's no good way to stop this promotion, so cool."
"The dark truth is that the average actively managed fund returns two percent less a year than the market in general."
"There's a difference between persuasion and edict, and it isn't one-size-fits-all."
"Whether or not you made the right decision is actually a consequence of how well you manage the aftermath of the decision."
"Body out management however is a massive skill and it shouldn't be ignored."
"Not everyone's needs are the same; some people need more time off, some need more money."
"You might think well isn't that a good thing but you actually need people who know how to keep the lights on."
"The truth matters, we think there's an eagerness in the less experienced employees coupled with a lack of disciplined and experienced management to steer them in the right direction and check for mistakes."
"You want to see a manager that isn't afraid of any any different type of name but also respects the players that are playing well."
"The master tells the worker nodes what to do, keeping everything in line."
"A good line manager coaches the employee to see their potential."
"One day everything's fine, the next day your admin gives the one person you don't want in the server the power to ban everybody."
"It's not a problem to be solved, it's a tension to be managed."
"He's out of his depth he knows it bro there's no way he believes he can save this season."
"There's no bad employees, there's just bad employee-job matches."
"Alabama's poor management is leading to homicides, rapes, and serious injuries in its prisons."
"Manchester United needs new owners, we're nowhere near that happening."
"I think Ollie is a man manager, and a man manager is about making your players happy."
"We have come to believe that we have not only been able to maintain upkeep but to develop and perhaps sell off a number of protective entities."
"I thought the whole thing was handled, particularly when I found out."
"Managing your armies when it comes to sieges is substantially easier."
"There's a lot of talent all over the Premier League. What it's really about is having a manager that can get the team to be unified."
"Managers make everyone else's work much more efficient."
"I think it's up to you guys... management... work together... strong as steel... if they bark, they should be able to block out the sound."
"I love when people come with radical candor with me for two reasons, one, 25% of the time they're right. 75% of the time I can tell them what's actually happening that they're confused by, right."
"When everything becomes about data and management... there is one piece of data that matters above all else: 26 billion dollars."
"When managers come into clubs, you may look from a distance and form an opinion of them."
"I always want you guys to be comfortable sharing your concerns with me."
"It's not about spending. It's about how they run the football club."
"Specialize your countries, acquire each one with the plan as to how you're going to use them."
"We will never be where we need to be if a manager isn't allowed to be ruthless."
"If you continue to win, they're going to eventually move you to their A book of business."
"You can't just treat people like they're numbers, Sacks."
"Let's just go through the facts, and by the way, when you watch this, sometimes we forget how much and how badly Donald Trump mismanaged the pandemic."
"Once he lost him once he has a good full pre-season and then a full season and gets the players that he gets rid of the Dead wood and gets brings in his own players they're going to be good."
"Microsoft describes the handover as akin to rebuilding the foundation of a house while still living in it."
"You can't be friends with your talent, you can be cordial with your talent."
"Managing the expectations of your players... is a really delicate process."
"It's been madness, you know what's funny last week when we spoke we thought um that Lampard had been given three more games and it was yeah so Eunice what's been your take on all of this?"
"You want to hold on to that power and work with it."
"It's a very simple recipe that all of these GMS are neglecting to use."
"We're gonna have a few more people leaving us."
"What I love about Kevin is he had a point of view and then he stepped back."
"This game is nothing more than a tactical glimpse of what we've recruited as a manager and our players' ability to adapt to that system."