
Education Quotes

There are 94481 quotes

"For the kid who really hates it, like what is it that you do find interesting, kid? Start there."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is an incredible system. Everyone has one. Everyone should know how it works, and everyone should know how to optimize it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By the end of today's episode, you are going to have a clear understanding of what placebo, nocebo, and belief effects are, their biological underpinnings, and the way that you can leverage them toward your mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You make this complicated neuroscience and kind of brain-body science accessible, you know, in a way that few have a gift to do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Indeed, Dr. Crawford provides us with a master class on female hormones and fertility, one that I know that all women ought to benefit from, and that men would benefit from listening to as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All people, males and females, should really understand how the menstrual cycle works, how it impacts fertilization, but also how it impacts the brain and body, behavior, psychology, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Injecting rest within the learning episode is very important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Teaching kids creativity means teaching them how to consume lots of data and then remix and do their own versions of it."
"There are only two subjects really worth studying, physics and neuroscience."
Demis Hassabis
"My kids don't learn computer programming; that's for computers. My kids [learn] creativity, painting, movement, human connection."
"I hope it helps, entertains, and educates people."
"Kindness is the greatest gift we can teach our children."
"Our education system is appalling...with the computer technology we have now, every child should be an expert word and letter recognizer."
"The most important thing we never taught our children is how to deal with the emotions inside us."
"If you're under 25 and you're watching this video, please make the most of this time. Seriously, give yourself the best education you can because you're never going to learn things more easily than you are right now."
Justin Sandercoe
"Hope still does exist, as the teacher continues to meet with the feral children, with Melanie keeping them in line in hopes of teaching them."
"If you want to learn faster, you want to retain that information, you are in for an absolute treat."
"It's not how smart you are, it's how are you smart."
"When you have information connected to a context and real life, and especially when you are engaging with others about that information, you retain the information better. You actually learn better."
"Social and emotional learning should be on our priority list at the top. We would have better learning throughout the whole entire education career of a human being in this country."
"Having equalizing our environments as our main priority, and then having the social and emotional learning part of it being our second priority, I think that those are the two things that I want to see us do."
"Women are being empowered more and more to pursue higher education, which they're now exceeding men by a scary amount."
"I think the fate of empires rests in the education of youth."
"Education plus opportunity equals empowerment."
"We need to be ongoing lifelong learners. There's two times in life when there's a measurable cognitive decline. One is graduation from college and the other is retirement."
"There's no better education than facing every demon, and it's all gonna come out and it's not gonna be pretty."
"Chess courses are not a waste of money if you ensure the material you are learning is applicable, if you choose quality over quantity, and if you understand that spending money does not equal results."
"Schools are not just engines of social mobility, they're also engines of social cohesion."
"I believe if you give someone an idea, you enrich their life, but if you teach them how to learn, they can enrich their own lives."
"The best ways of learning is actually teaching."
"It seemed like a lot of what Minerva became is a response to how traditional universities are."
"Being in class, it's very easy to feel like you're engaged in a meaningful way."
"The most important job of the schools is not to cram the kids full of information but to help them develop healthy brains."
"Prevention is really about education and access to good quality food."
"When she got to school, she did the same thing with her teachers, but she found that they didn't like it very much when she asked too many questions."
"Everything was a calculation, everything was a decision, everything was based on what is my teacher looking for, what is the right answer, and what is the path of least resistance that will get me there."
"That little girl who had asked all those questions, who had approached life with curiosity and passion, was gone."
"Education is our main hope. We need to be teaching our children about real and fake foods with the same zeal that we teach them how to walk, read, and write."
"The art of learning is the art of attention."
"I've always believed that the study of psychology is the study of everything because every other subject is the human understanding of said subject."
"Laptops are useful for note-taking and also for non-class activities. Each student should be able to choose for themselves what's good."
"The fastest way to end hunger in the world is to educate young girls in rural villages."
"What's missing in sex education is education about neuroplasticity."
"I care about finding the greatest potentiality within each and every one of you in this class."
"Just read this book. It's like the bible of social skills."
"I've implemented everything you teach. My whole life has changed. I'm seeing progress in my YouTube channel and I've lost 34 pounds."
"I went through primary school, high school, and university without even once getting told how to check myself for men's health problems like this."
"I graduated from the University of Cambridge with a 2:1 in Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. This is my baby, and I did it."
"The great equalizer meaning you don't have to be a Vanderbilt, not a Kennedy, not a Clinton, not a Trump, not a Jordan to read books."
"You don't have to be a millionaire to read books. You don't have to be a billionaire to read books. You don't have to have a special last name to read books."
"How is it that you can have people calling into question whether or not you should study 'The Diary of Anne Frank' or read the books of Toni Morrison?"
"We can't expect students to be successful in school if they're hungry while they're here."
"Swing voters are more educated. Believe it or not, many of them are suburban people in their 30s with young kids."
"Thanks to the ad-supported internet, people can read news about their hometown that's 4,000 miles away or teach themselves the marimba, all free of charge."
"Reading is very important; gain more wisdom, gain more understanding."
"I've always liked telling stories; they're interesting, they're memorable, and they are the single most effective way to pass down lessons to the next generation."
"I remember the first thing I started with was like education and getting my grades up."
"Most courses, most books, most paid membership communities... you aren't really buying information, what you're buying is implementation."
"I think my...either my college or medical school application...essay title was 'Why Am I Always Hungry?' and it was hungry for knowledge."
"Parents could make sure that their kids know that they're available, so they don't have to rely on the internet for information about their own bodies."
"The world is our classroom, and you're welcome to sit in and join the seminar."
"Social emotional learning takes the emotional intelligence component — self-awareness, managing your inner life, empathy, handling relationships — and makes it part of the curriculum."
"The more you can manage those upsets, the more attentional capacity you have to hear what the teacher is saying."
"Why not have the fourth R be reflection, that if we can build up this, you know, anterior insula strength, that we can build up reflective skills which basically no one is doing, we have an opportunity now to shift the compassion in our culture in a very different way and to boot, we'll probably get better academic performance, why not?"
"Education is the weapon that we could use to change the world."
"We must teach empathy and love for one another if we do not want brutality to continue any further."
"What I am going to do... is make calculus look like one plus one."
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
"I always tell people what they can do...be involved in their kids' education."
"Do not disrespect people that go to trade school."
"Please do not end up in debt to go into society already having debts that you need to pay off to make $25,000 a year in a career path that you didn't even know you wanted to take."
"I am so right. Please go to trade school and don't listen to this."
"Philosophy is very, very interesting. I think it should be a required class for everybody, just the idea behind like critical thinking and everything is so, so important."
"We don't teach leaders how to have uncomfortable conversations. We don't teach students how to have uncomfortable conversations. You tell me which is going to be more valuable for the rest of your life: how to have a difficult conversation or trigonometry?"
"We weren't taught how to gain meaning and purpose in life. We weren't taught how we as human beings work."
"The visualization the elite athletes use is crucial; they run their races a thousand times in their mind."
"We're living in a world really not of particles, we're living in a symphony, in a sense, different fundamentals and harmonics of this ocean of existence, ocean of intelligence, that give the appearance of a material universe but only from the most superficial perspective."
"If we manage to get seven-year-olds absorbing content that is empowering, that is creating new evidence in their mind."
"Educate not only investors but parents and grandparents about how the world is changing."
"These short 10-minute interactive lessons worked perfectly to keep my Spanish up. Within three weeks of doing these daily, I already noticed that my speaking ability and comprehension improved significantly."
"You have to educate your parents, no matter if they don't want to hear it. You have to be consistent with it, inshallah one day Allah will open their heart."
"We should have free college so that everyone has an equal opportunity to educate themselves to build better lives for themselves."
"The impact I want to have on the world is to transform and revolutionize the entertainment industry so that it becomes educational without anyone knowing."
"Critical thinking is a skill, and it should be honed and practiced."
"Here, we believe history does not have to be boring."
"Europe and the United States achieved universal literacy by the middle of the 20th century, and the rest of the world is catching up."
"And the more I learned, the more I realized I was lied to. We're taught to go to school to get a degree, to get a job, so we can then get a job and climb the corporate ladder. But wealthy people don't do that."
"Growth mindset environments allow students to embrace learning and growth instead of worrying all the time will they look clever or not."
"I think that uneducated people that have to work really hard aren't respected, but educated people that do have to work really hard are respected."
"I would double the teacher salary for every single teacher in the US instantly."
"Space is the future, and kids are the future. Learning about space and watching the story of humanity spread to the stars happen is watching the future happen and seeing history unfold."
"Everything is a lesson, life, everything that happens to you, man. You better treat that [stuff] like a college course."
"Black folks, y'all better learn the game here. See, this is all about learning the game."
"If you raise your kids with kindness, they'll be kind."
"We're Black people. We care about schools for our kids, a fair justice system that stops mass incarceration, and we want economic opportunity like everybody else."
"What a fabulous way to educate and inspire the next generation of explorers."
"We're going now to inspire a whole new generation of students, the Artemis generation."
"Hundreds of people have to come together and build the spacecraft. We have to put them together and make sure they work... Children will read about this in their science books."
"Learn business. It's going to help you so much more in life and it will help you with your investing and your net worth."
"Mr. Rogers... knew a lot of kids around him were going through trauma, and it was his ministry to hang out with us for half an hour each day and show us ordinary things done in a slow and ordinary way."
"Football is for everyone. Football can educate, entertain, and be a force for good."
"It's better if kids go to school. It's better if we don't go to war. It's better if we have a clean environment."
"Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to offer high quality educational resources for free."
"Explaining a concept is like dissecting a frog: you understand it better, but it dies in the process."
"We need a better job at educating people... about why liberalism is good, democracies are good, our country is good."
"This is all about education, promoting understanding not only among law enforcement and government employees but among we the people as a whole."
"Whether a human being lives or dies depends on how hard I study."
"Public schools... are the only guaranteed space for all young people in America."
"If you spend one hour a day every day on one subject for five years, you could become an expert on that subject."
"The revolution has to be done with education."
"The revolution has to be done with education. True anarchists know that."
"Our children are our future, so why don't we start educating our children."
"If you're gonna give something for Teacher Appreciation Week, have your student make something; it'll mean so much more."
"Love watching y'all and teaching my littles about Starship and the positive achievements they may see in their lifetime."
"We're excited to announce we've done a massive update adding all brand new courses for season 14 on our website."
"There's no shame in like trade school and stuff like that."
"We have been lying to young people about their futures, saying you only have one path, and it's college."
"The more educated you become, the more you develop that rational faculty which enables you to find excuses why not to do anything when others are suffering."
"Appreciation is to be grateful, is to say 'This is awesome, I have the best teachers in the world, I have access to everything I need.'"
"What Sydney chose to do is exactly what I'm trying to get all of you to do with this assignment: to help someone in need even when it doesn't benefit you at all."
"Educate yes, be smart but get started. Like go invest in an education course, go invest in learning."
"We need to re-inculcate in our kids a feeling that they have obligations and responsibilities, and that this is what makes us human."
"Philosophy was anything you could study; everything in the realm of study was a type of philosophy."
"The basic table stakes of your duty to this country should be to know the bare minimums about this country and the Constitution."
"It's educational philosophy, is why I do it."
"Nintendo's content into a unique report that ultimately intends to educate people on a piece of gaming history."
"Getting to see my students so engaged in the content and seeing them so excited to come to school, to me, was completely worth it."
"It's my personal belief that if I'm not excited to go to school in the morning and teach a lesson, I can't expect my students to be excited to learn it."
"Yes, it was expensive, it was a lot of time and at times it was a lot of stress; however, at the end of the week, getting to see my students so engaged in the content and seeing them so excited to come to school, to me, was completely worth it."
"Russell is exceptionally clear, and the topics he discusses in that book are very interesting, and there is one chapter at the end about the value of studying philosophy that I think is a masterpiece."
"Schools need to ask themselves: In what conditions do children need for healthy brain development, and how can we provide them?"
"What I want to do is to create that type of content with consciousness, so it's almost like you're tricking people into becoming conscious."
"As Americans, we need to not fall for the trap of free college, free this, free that."
"Education, because with the knowledge you can go get water, you can go get food, you can get shelter, and you can get medication."
"Human beings are social animals; either teach them or put up with them."
"My goal for everybody is watching and listening to this is that they're smarter than they think; it's just we weren't taught how to do these things."
"Once you understand why, now you have a scientific method to reproduce it and to teach that method."
"Our goal is to share good ideas for teaching with teachers, students, parents in maths, and to help erase maths anxiety."
"One of the recommendations I give is to not have kids just do lots of questions for homework but to actually ask them to reflect on what they've learned."
"Amazing things happen when you put yourself in the position of trying to figure out what a kid is struggling with and how you can help."
"The very last principle I have for problem-solving... is to learn at least a little bit of programming."
"Sometimes you just get the book from the children's library and you learn it much quicker because it's essentially a summary."
"Every child should start by providing access to preschool for four-year-olds."
"Let's continue increasing the Pell grants to working and middle-class families."
"This was an educational journey as well as mesmerizing. I'm at a loss for words. It's the ultimate dichotomy, like complete education and just complete chaos, synchronized chaos."
"Trust your abilities, your skill, your education, the time, the effort, and the experience that you've gained."
"We're really more so focused on helping these kids learn how to become content creators, learn how to code their own video games."
"Your kids are on the game, but they could be the ones making the game."
"Philosophy isn't to instill hardcore ideological concepts into the brains of impressionable young people; it's to help people learn how to think more critically about themselves and the world around them."
"The goal of academic philosophy is to help people learn how to think more critically about themselves and the world around them."
"I want to make topics that people are going to watch, enjoy, and learn from."
"I am honored to be a counselor educator. I like it; I'm happy with it. I wouldn't go back and change anything with my education whatsoever."
"This is hopefully going to show you how you can approach problems you've never seen before and immediately make them a lot easier for yourself."
"My purpose in teaching these courses was to try to teach what I call the theoretical minimum—the minimum amount of stuff that you really need if you truly want to technically be able to go on to the next step."
"Education is the most important part. If you can give somebody the information and help them to succeed, that's empowerment."
"People who read '12 Rules', who watch your lectures... experience rapid personal growth. Their emotional state, their health, and their relationships change."
"The money will come; you need that education to make sure you get on the pitch in the first place."
"Welcome to the Whiskey Tribe. Really, we're gonna get into the ancient whiskey myth."
"Public goods are goods that are what we call non-excludable and non-rivalrous...like sunshine."
"My job is to tell you what the theory says and why people believe it, so that whatever you decide to do, you do it with your eyes open."
"Through chemistry, you'll soon discover what's in store for the kingdom and its citizenry."
"History does not have to be boring; it can be fun and exciting."
"To study history, all you need is an interest in history."
"Parents determine the education of their children."
"As difficult as these cases are to hear, we always say the reason we talk about them is to not only give these families, these victims, these children a voice but also to educate and make people more aware."
"Every educator and parent needs to know about the motivational power of a high five."
"Reading was my favorite subject in school, especially Elementary school."
"The truth is, I have a 98% in the class and I kind of need a super smart scientist so I can get a 101."
"I believe the children are our future; teach them well and let them lead the way."
"I'm a huge advocate for alternative education and paying for skills as fast as you can."
"Every student plays a crucial part of the high school experience."
"You don't have to go to college to be the social media intern."
"The best way to achieve economic mobility is through knowledge and information."
"This is a generation that will insist on learning how to think rather than what to think."
"The Power Disc Golf Academy is the premier online disc golf academy with over 150 on-demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now."
"Education is not to fill a bucket, education is to kindle a fire."
"You also do have teaching and learning... this is gonna be a really big week where you are going to learn a lot, but you're also going to be taught a lot."
"J.Lo's rule: No technology until all homework is done."
"If we really want a better tomorrow for our kids, we have to be really serious on how we educate our kids and how we bring them up."
"The most important aspects of the longevity of any civilization... include you into our inner thoughts, our conversations, and our journey so far on how to educate our kids."
"This has been an incredible thing for our family that has made our boys have opportunities and develop in ways that they would not have if they might have been in traditional mainline schooling."
"Knowledge and information are not at hand; you have to seek it."
"I feel like, as a father, you have to teach whatever you learn. If you don't do that, you aren't a good father."
"Education can enhance [intelligence], but doesn't guarantee it."
"I really like computer ethics, so I'm going to take it again."
"Educate yourself before you act on anything."
"It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation... because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation."
"Being a parent is on-the-job training; there's no manual for parenting."
"I really just tried to teach the things that can't be bought."
"You have to understand how the process of court works."
"You tried hard, you applied early, you put in the work and you got accepted into one of the most prestigious acting schools in the country."
"Take the time to do the homework, take the time to believe in yourself."
"Stories inform. They illuminate. They inspire."
"It's essential that we do everything we can to keep children at school and keep children learning."
"The book is available to everyone, from Shakespeare to modern education and medicine and science to civilization itself. It is the most influential book in all history."
"You can teach children to be basically anything; they'll believe you because they're sponges that absorb information and are trying to figure out how to live in this world."
"To be black and educated in a country that didn't want you to be educated at all is amazing."
"ISC² is the global not-for-profit leader in educating and certifying information security professionals."
"Information took me out of the slum where I was born and into the big bright shining world."
"Knowledge is collectively acquired and transmitted."