
Perspective Quotes

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"I don't really understand my own position unless I also understand your opposition to my position even if I still disagree with you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's so much beauty to life as well, but that's the reality."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Remember, how long a minute is depends on what side of the door you're on."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being able to take a step back, detach, and see the bigger picture to me is the true superpower of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The idea that if there's a beautiful tapestry that's the size of the wall, that you can see that only standing back from it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It doesn't matter what you look at, it matters what you see."
"Press accept, no, you want to know what's worth more than 10,000 gems? Love."
"Anxiety isn't even that unpleasant; it's so close to excitement in its actual physiology that really the difference between excitement and anxiety is more or less just the story you're telling yourself."
"Hardship can be taken as an amazing opportunity."
"There has to be an opportunity that comes out of it; otherwise, it was for nothing."
"Focus on your blessings, not on your hassles."
"If you live in the UK, by definition, you're one of the luckiest 10% alive."
"Addiction is not a disease; addiction is a response."
"It's not about that we can just avoid it...it's about being able to separate out and see this is often about something that is being projected."
"You don't have to be defined by that feeling even though that feeling is strong; it's just a feeling, it's not truth."
"If you start thinking the world is full of idiots, you lose motivation. When judgment goes up, motivation goes down."
"If you lost motivation, you didn't lose motivation, you lost your touch with the future."
"We gain a greater perspective when we zoom out."
"Therapy is like getting a really good second opinion on your life from someone who isn't already in your life."
"If you look for love in anything, you'll find it."
"You take a certain path in your life... maybe that'll change your perspective on things, maybe that'll change what your dreams actually really are down the road."
"We look at creativity in much too narrow a way. We really need to open the aperture and look at creativity in a very different light."
"I think there's a gift in this, like whether there's a gift of what's going on right now. True or false, I choose to believe it because then I'll operate from that point of view."
"Motivation, for a long time, I thought motivation was a feeling... but recently, I have realized that motivation is indeed a feeling like happiness and sadness and anger, but also a reason for you to do things."
"Once she actually started seeing the world... all of a sudden her baseline for what is unacceptable shifted and it shifted a lot."
"Eagle spirit usually comes in when we are needing to look at our life from a new perspective and from a very high perspective."
"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two." - Quote from Miyazaki, director of Armored Core 2.
"We carry everything with us and have to acknowledge that the way we see things, the way we view the world, and what we believe is not just our own experience."
"We are, and we now know, risen apes, not fallen angels."
"When you start to meditate regularly, you change; the way that you view the world changes."
"Even in saying that, once you start seeing the world through this lens, you're gonna see an entire society of people doing this, and it's one of the funniest things in the world."
"When you're happy, you don't mind the thought that everything has no purpose."
"You cannot control the things around you, you can't control what's going to happen... but you can always choose what you do next and what you make it mean."
"We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are."
"Control your perception. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."
"Whatever you're stressed about, if somebody walked through that door with a gun right now, you would not be stressed about it."
"I practice unconditional regard... I want to see someone with my own eyes freshly."
"Asking a human being what it's going to be like to live in The Singularity is a bit like asking a mouse what it would be like to evolve to become like a human."
"The worst thing about the bus isn't the bus; it's the time you wait for the bus. Time is money."
"Look at your battle scar, your pain, your discomfort. Honor that feeling... and then try to find the blessing in it."
"Gratitude shifts your perspective, gratitude shifts your energy, and it raises your vibration."
"Manipulation has value, but the other side of the same coin is motivation. If you can get people to do what they want to do, then you have motivated them, and that is worth just as much as getting people to do what you want them to do, which is manipulating them."
"You could win but didn't do your best and you really failed, and you could lose and do your best and you were truly successful."
"What if life was always happening for us, not to us, and we realized that was true, that even the pain was just a lesson so we could grow and experience and give more?"
"Life is always going to have ups and downs, so there's no need to feel like you're failing at it whenever you find yourself in one of the down paths."
"You come to life a billionaire... you start your life with a credit of two billion [heartbeats]... every second that passes, you're spending from your credit, exchanging it for other things in life."
"If I had been born in space, I would long to go to Earth much more than I long to go to space."
"Successful people aren't happy; happy people are successful."
"There is a very real difference between being a victim and making victimhood an identity."
"Don't be afraid of the rising tide; it will soon recede."
"Maybe you don't get what it is that you wanted in life... but there's so much that can be garnered."
"Gratitude gives you perspective. Perspective allows you to find the light, the love, and the lessons in everything."
"You need to be able to write an unlimited amount of things that you're grateful for."
"And remember, you'll both be dead before long. How can you quarrel, knowing that you'll both be dead before long?"
"Everything is perfect all the time, there's no such thing as imperfection."
"It's not the event; it's the story you tell yourself about it that makes you unhappy."
"You think these things are going to be baggage; it's more like ballast. It balances you out."
"Your current situation is not your final destination."
"People who are unhappy generally look at what they don't have, and people who are happy look at what Allah has bestowed upon them."
"If you're feeling troubled, think of yourself as sitting in a movie cinema watching your own life story. It's going to get better."
"When you dream big, your problems become small."
"When you understand that every single situation in life has multiple perspectives and you can train yourself to choose what I call the happiness perspective, you don't create emotional stress in your body."
"It doesn't matter what happens, it matters how you think of it."
"Whatever situation you're in, whether it's good or bad, it's not permanent."
"I think I was definitely born happy, and then life happens."
"We're not waiting for the situation to straighten out...we're waiting for new glasses, and then we'll be able to see things as if it were a play."
"I can't change what's already happened, so there's no value in wishing it were different."
"Clarity is like a sword slicing through a foggy situation."
"Releasing control, because we're really never in control."
"I promised I'll be the happiest person you've ever seen in a wheelchair because I'm in a wheelchair either way."
"Everything happens for a reason, but it's 100% our responsibility to choose the reason."
"I know that I am loved, and when you really know that in your fiber and on a cellular level, then what people think about you is secondary."
"When you go to heaven and you meet Jesus face to face, who cares about a president?"
"The darker things are getting in the world, the brighter the light shines."
"Just ask yourself that question: How can I be grateful for this situation?"
"Capitalism for what it is, is the greatest thing, and guess what, it's not everything."
"Not everybody has to go to Mars. If a hundred people go to Mars, we all go to Mars."
"To believe in fear is to believe in something you can't see. To believe in faith is to believe in something you can't see. Well, if you have a choice, I think I'd choose faith."
"The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"Your life will always be a struggle, and you will always have problems, but today you have the chance to see things differently."
"Don't be sad it's gone, be happy it happened."
"The saddest part about all of this is that, regardless of who we think did it or who you think did it, HRJ is kind of a double victim in this."
"As long as the truth is on your side, there is no such thing as the truth; it's only what you can prove."
"The problem is not that the problems we face can't be solved. The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective."
"You overcame them because you saw things from every angle, you understood them for what they really were, because you kept moving forward, no matter how uncertain the path you were on or how unexpected it became. You found your way."
"You want to listen to their viewpoint, hear where they're coming from... they were extremely valuable in how we built this stuff."
"Failure is not final. If you can see failure differently, then the whole game changes."
"We are the creators with the universe and instead of saying 'why me, why did this happen to me', say 'what am I learning from this'."
"We assume that the problem isn't the problem; it's your limited perspective of the possible solutions."
"Arthur believes he is part of a larger story. 'I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.'"
"Empathy is the ultimate art form for the age of outrospection."
"Traditions are really just dead people peer pressuring us."
"We have it the best and all I see is people sitting around and dwelling around dumb shit around what they don't have instead of focusing on what they do have."
"If we think it's the end of the world, we'll spend everything. If we realize it's one problem among many, we will start prioritizing just like we do with all other problems."
"Climate change is real...but doesn't pose an existential crisis."
"Regret can lead us in one of two directions: it can be a way of self-flagellating and living in the past, or it can be an engine for change."
"95% of all worries don't materialize anyway."
"When we keep focusing on the pains and fears, we get more pains and fears."
"Change is not happening to you; it's happening for you."
"I think there's a different lens through which we can look at historical events that is less us versus them, less good versus evil."
"Don't look at it as something happening to you; see it as happening for you."
"What if the worst day of your life became the best day of your life?"
"A relationship is not a place to go get; it's a place to go give."
"A bad day is still a day and like, above the ground."
"Practice meditation so that you can have that higher perspective."
"I think disadvantages are the ultimate advantage."
"Good stories are never straightforward moral lectures; good stories always contain the other perspective."
"Twitter is not real life, but it's also not real life. And it's important to remind yourself of the ways in which it's not true."
"The volatility is normal, but then again when you look back historically, that volatility which feels so awful at the time turns into looks like a blip if you look backward."
"If you fear nothing but the Lord, then everything else is just literally a game. Life is a game."
"I want to emphasize that although I feel it fair to offer my perspective, this person's feelings are completely valid."
"Taxi Driver is a character study. We get glimpses of Travis's perspective but Scorsese takes the appropriate approach in never letting us romanticize Travis's worldview."
"Rejection is not rejection; rejection is just redirection towards where you truly belong."
"Challenge the idea that mental illness is a disability."
"Lift your eyes... lift your eyes out of your life for a minute, get a different view, change things up."
"Maintaining an infinite mindset is the recognition that whatever is happening today is not the end."
"The problem is rarely the problem; the problem is our attitude about the problem."
"You have more options than you thought you did."
"I always try to watch everything without an agenda going into it...to be open to potentially hearing something that could change your mind."
"The moments that make us cringe are when we're yanked out of our own perspective, and we can suddenly see ourselves from somebody else's point of view."
"When you meet a new woman that you're really into and then for whatever reason it doesn't work out, express gratitude for the situation, for her."
"Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience."
"Be grateful for what you have in America...it could be a lot worse."
"Being able to spot those dark lenses, pop them out, and put in something brighter, rosier, more luminous is going to change everything."
"Things always usually feel better in the morning."
"Just because you call someone fat doesn't make you skinny. Just because you call someone stupid doesn't make you smart."
"You're only seeing a small point of what's happening, maybe that's why we need a wider perspective."
"400 trillion to one was one way for me to get people to be like, 'Do you understand there's nothing any of us in this room will accomplish that is even in the galaxy of that?' We have a chance to do something."
"Life is one big game of perspective, and if you've been raised by parents in an environment and have natural DNA that makes you look at something upside down, I've got to flip it."
"I have no problem listening to other people's perspectives."
"Everybody's personal experience informs how they view society."
"You're going to come to a place where you are grateful, you are thankful for how everything worked out."
"This is such a perspective to us. We have cool jobs, that we can all agree on that."
"If it's not gonna matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes thinking about it."
"Better days are coming. Right now, there's still a little bit of volatility, but you got to zoom out. When in doubt, zoom out."
"Just being able to see the same problem from a different mental perspective in and of itself helps enhance your coping ability."
"Reality is deeply perspectival. Reality is made out of different perspectives, and to understand reality, you need to be flexible enough with your mind to be able to look at it from different perspectives."
"Isn't it obvious to you that no one perspective can be correct? Isn't that obvious?"
"You're literally missing out on infinity by choosing to look at reality from one particular partial angle."
"What if you made a commitment to actually appreciate every perspective that you encounter in life?"
"God is all perspectives at once without any bias towards any particular one."
"Things that seem eternal, such as the divine right of kings, turned out not to be so in the end."
"Joseph's story teaches us that what others meant for harm, God meant for good."
"Every moment of pain and confusion could be obscuring moments of immense growth, and it's so hard to see until you're out of it."
"Life is unfair to many, many people. And I think, well, this is a special kind of unfairness and it probably is, but you know, that's not rare. Special unfairness is not rare."
"It's time for us to step up and see things from a higher perspective."
"Hell is the cage you build for yourself in your own mind."
"Increase you in what? A lot of people think, 'If I'm grateful for the money I have, I will be increased.' But it's not specified what you are increased in; it can be that you're increased in more gratitude, and the more grateful you are, the happier you are."
"There are actual problems in the world, true. But isn't this also a common sense way of looking at it, that there are actual problems in the world... but the same actual problems, don't different people deal with it differently?"
"The Anshar, they see us as where they were at one time, and they have a loving, nurturing energy towards us."
"The Bible says in Proverbs 18:17, 'The man who pleads his case first seems to be in the right until his opponent comes and puts him to the test.'"
"For many centuries, humanity considered the Earth as the center of the universe. Now we know that it's very far from the truth."
"If we're finding ourselves not enjoying stuff, we just need to change our mindset from 'I have to' to 'I get to.'"
"We have the tendency of taking ourselves too seriously, and life is much simpler than that."
"None of it feels like suffering. None of it feels like a grind. None of it feels like work."
"Everything is a part of your life for a reason, and there's nothing that's good or bad; it's the way that we view things that ultimately determines what it is."
"We must honor science; it's a new way of looking at spirituality."
"Every single one of us is drowning in abundance."
"This life, it goes by fast, and sometimes you just got to kick back and enjoy the ride."
"History is often shades of gray, and rarely black and white."
"I believe that you are making a huge mistake of historic proportions."
"I think it's actually good to get negative feedback."
"From the tyranid's perspective, in the Grim darkness of the far future, there is only food."
"Gratitude. That's all I got for you. I ain't got no hate for nobody."
"The man who says I can and the person who says I can't are both right."
"Just because you don't have hope doesn't mean that things can't get better."
"Over the course of a week, going from like 0 to 100 or maybe 10 to 90, taking into account that there were products that existed before last week."
"Open-mindedness means that you're willing to consider other perspectives, alternative scenarios, and ideas."
"Stop telling God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is."
"There are way, way, way worse things that could happen."
"We are all more blind to what we have than what we have not."
"Art is reality through the lens of someone with imagination, which upon being shared with you, allows you to see the world not only with fresh eyes but with a perspective that can enhance the beauty of your life and the life of others."
"This isn't going to be forever and I love that quote, 'If it's not going to matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes thinking about it.'"
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
"The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason."
"You might have all the watches, but we have all the time."
"It's interesting where people choose to start the history."
"It's a great day to have a good day, you know what I mean?"
"Your life is merely reflections of your thoughts and perspective."
"Have a bigger perspective of what's going on in your own life."
"Snoop Dogg came on my radio show one day... 'You ain't selling out; you're looking out.'"
"What if the setback is a setup for what God is about to do?"
"The essence of serenity is when good things happen to you, don’t get over exuberant about what happened, and when bad things happened to you, don’t get down in the dumps."
"People overestimate what they can do in a short amount of time and underestimate what they can do in the long term."
"If you can make your mind get excited by little things, then every day is like Christmas."
"You're meant to learn to see other people's point of views."
"Every situation is teaching you something; there's no losing, there's no winning when it comes to spiritual development."
"Show me the money," he says. And I heard God say back to us, "Show me the motive."
"Everything you've been through was all rehearsal. Now we get ready to play the game."
"It's not what happens to you; it's what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you."
"I've seen great good and great evil. I hope the good outweighs the evil."
"If you have a deck of cards, the king is a more valuable card, or an ace is more valuable."
"God works in weird ways because looking back, I can see the blessing."
"The specifics of what you do might be less important than you think."
"I hated history before. All the characters and all the people involved are just like super fascinating."
"Life is the best show ever if you're willing to watch."
"Problems are only problems if you interpret them as such from your narrow perspective."
"If you can solve things in more than one way, you have two perspectives and there's quite often a moment of profound insight."
"This is a serious point, if you can solve things in more than one way you have two perspectives and there's quite often a moment of profound insight."
"Your parents, unless they were actually terribly abusive, were doing the best they could."